Home arcade tour OVER 25 classic arcade games

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today I thought I'd do things a little bit different and take you guys on a tour of my arcade I'll show you around show you some updates that are coming so grab your Dramamine and let's take some shaky VHS camcorder footage of my arcade [Music] all right guys we are going to start out here in the Overflow SLG garage it's uh getting quite crowded in here with recent pickups that I've had you can see in my last video here's the Frogger and burger time that I picked up here is my free Tron this was listed on Facebook Marketplace free video game come get it lucky me I was the first one in line to go grab it I picked up this and a buddy of mine picked up one of those like uh shuffleboard bowling games that thing was so freaking big we ended up pretzeling this and that bowling game in the bed of my F-150 pickup truck and had like 4et of that bowling game hanging out back behind it but when a free Tron lists up for sale you do what you can to uh make it happen it is a working game but when I went to turn it on earlier for this video it is now having some monitor issues let's see if it even comes up now and I don't see anything on the screen lights are lit up our keys lit up she's totally dead I think it's should still nope we got nothing dead in the water so I'm going to have to dig into that not looking forward to uh working on this out in this hot garage so it is actually the next day back out here in the garage and I just wanted to show that my Tron does in fact work uh I think what the issue was why it wasn't uh coming on yesterday and why I was having some issues with it uh before recording is by the time that I was done recording out here in the garage it was over 100° in my garage and the manual States for this game specifically the maximum operating temperature is 100° and that is also not taking into account uh 40 Years of degradation on this PCB so it's uh it was probably uh sweating it's inard out but we're going to uh keep an eye on it and keep it off until it uh is restored and down in the basement and in a more friendly environment but just wanted to uh insert this in here to show you that the Tron does in fact work at least right now when it's not 100° outside so back to the rest of the video so let's move on down to the centipede cocktail this was a local find I found in town actually I think I gave like 50 bucks for this went through a full restore on it new cpos glasses really nice but it was missing a lot of the uh edging around here was flaking off so I found some nice foam tape to stick under there and I think it works pretty good you can see it's still a little little weird there and there but for the most part this is a really nice looking centipede cocktail and I really like the uh Atari cocktails that you can set to standing height that is such a cool feature on these I really wish like all cocktails would do that cuz I just picked up this Pit Boss Merit uh poker cocktail and it's it's really cool like shapewise and everything but not a big cocktail fan but that's going to be a fun conversion once I once I get the space to work on all of that and there'll be more on that topic here in just a second so let's go through this row this is my Kung Fu Master I did a full restoration on this I got this in on trade and honestly I never really thought Kung Fu Master would be a game that I really even cared anything about and I got it and I felt obligated to restore it it had some water damage and I ended up having to cut the cabinet just below the control panel about right there and both sides from there down were replaced fresh laminate new art on both sides I found a uh really nice used original Marque bezel still really nice and that is still the original CPO you can still see it has a little bit of cracking in there little bit there and the top Edge is a little wonky but man that CPO cleaned up really nice it's not the original joystick I know I have the original joystick I actually paid a lot of money to have the original joystick for it man I absolutely hate that thing if you've never played one of those original joysticks on this kungu master they are awful Beyond awful and this I'm going to have to do some research on this cuz I don't know what's what's up with this one of the very few CRTs that I actually have an issue with filming with this VHS camera most of the time fact that it's analog and analog I don't really see scan lines like that I guess scan Line's not the proper word it'd be a refresh issue I guess uh for some reason the monitor in this doesn't play well with being on camera I'd really like to uh get some gameplay footage of this cuz this is Man Kung Fu Master is such a fun game but I'll I'll get it worked out next is my Space Invaders this cabinet is super duper nice I picked this up about an hour away from here I've been wanting a Space Invaders Deluxe cabinet for years and just never could seem to make one happen and then this regular Space Invaders one popped up and it's so nice and I think I gave like 200 bucks for this it was really cheap for what it was all original all clean all original Hardware original control panel All That Jazz it still has the black lights it's really bright out here in the garage so you probably can't see all of the black light and all that jazz in there but it's super sweet inside and I've got the uh bra multi game kit on there and man that is an awesome little kit if you've if you've got a Space Invaders and you can find one of these it is sweet because that lunar rescue man I I'll sit here and play this lunar rescue for hours I absolutely love it I actually wanted to get a Space Invaders just so I could put that braze kit in a cabinet and actually play lunar rescue on a cabinet that is such a that's probably one of my top five all-time favorite games right there is lunar rescue it's it's so fun and now we've got my Sega turbo let me get to a better spot here this this is overall pretty good shape it's missing that bottom coin door like most of them are and I haven't made one or sourced one because it's just hasn't been a high priority I've gone through most of this I cleaned up all the control panel stuff and found an original shift knob cuz that shift knob is almost always missing on these things bezel is really nice I redid the uh art and I guess you wouldn't really call it art text I guess for the uh instruction card there so that was missing when I got it all of the I don't know if you can see that all of the segmented LED scores work which that's such a cool feature on this um but this game is starting to have some graphics glitches you can see right there on the edges I probably can pull it out and uh reat all the ROMs and all that and hopefully that would clean that up but again when it's let's see when it is 98° out here working on this crap out here is not not on my top 10 list of things I want to do right now and then of course the final appp that you saw in my other video this cabinet so it's a funny story I never planned on keeping or liking this game I picked this double cabinet up for 50 bucks and I thought you know what if nothing else it's two good monitors but I got it home and one side worked the other side didn't I got the board fixed on it and started playing it and man there's just something about having a racer that you can compete with somebody with it is so fun the artwork was completely totally trashed on the front of this thing so I just found this like uh checkerboard almost like a vinyl like cabinet uh shelving material or something I put that on there and put a kick flate along the bottom and man that really really jazzed this cabinet up quite a bit and it is a it's a keeper for sure now it is it is so much fun especially like have a party this gets played a ton and of course I've got all of my extra junk up here my monitor storage extra parts and stuff but that's pretty much it for the garage games let's head down into the basement and I will show you the rest of what's going on down there so here we are down in the basement this is the room you guys have seen the most of over here let's start in my workbench area coming through the back door with my bench where all the frustration and Madness happens I've got junk and parts over here I've got my jukebox set up back here man that's that has been such a great hit that's probably one of the best things that I have added to the arcade is an actual jukebox that plays 45s full of 80s music it is man I love it got my 70s RC Cola vending machine I went through and restored this dude and I just put these I guess you'd call them like synthwave uh labels in here flavor strips for the uh buttons still torn on whether or not I like that it's not it's fitting for the arcade but it's not fitting for the '70s RC Cola machine let me know in the comments down below what you guys think of those buttons if you'd rather see a regular Dr Pepper and root beer buttons and I did have for the ice cold beer I used to have the um font for the T ice cold beer game in there and that was pretty sweet here is my pole position cockpit the best thing about cockpits is they're great for stacking crap up on I've got boards and video games and schematics and all kinds of crap I got a bunch of laser d discs in there but this cockpit is really nice I drove about probably 6 hours round trip to go pick this up it's probably one of my longest drives to go pick up a game but it was worth it to me I knew when I soon as I started collecting I knew I had to have a pole position cockpit and this has the topper on it um I'm running a pole position two board set in there now I love the uh plexiglass back so you can stand behind here and watch other people play while you're uh uh somebody else's inside the cockpit so that's pretty sweet got my uh Creature from the Black Lagoon if anybody gets this movie reference right here let me know in the comments down below that's pretty sweet got my art coin operated breathalyzer kind of a funny little novelty that I picked up local it doesn't ever get used but it's kind of neat to see it's definitely a conversation starter my Atari keychain board right there now let's go into The Games first let's check out this dude right here see if he goes off so this is a little robot dude that I put together get him in the light here so you can see him and I put a little motion sens right here in his chest and uh put some uh arcade related uh sound Clips on there and it is uh motion detected kind of jacked up there it kind of gets annoying after a while and I turn him around backwards but it's kind of kind of cool having that dude uh greet you when you come into the arcade like that just like that I'm going to turn him around for the rest of this video CU he's going to get on my nerves so starting on this row right here joust this is the game that started it all for me I wanted an arcade game this popped up local in my town and I was like you know what I'm going to get an arcade game and it's going to be awesome and then I got this and I was like well I've got one I mean what else could you uh what else could you have I mean I have an arcade game and then like suddenly I was like you know you know what what if I got two arcade games and then it is grown into the collection that I have now it's uh getting a little out of hand but this is all original I have not restored this game it's got some it's got some dings and dents and bruises when I got this it was running a raspberry pie with an LCD ripped all that out I sourced all original boards it's even down to the linear power supply I put everything all in there found a harness all of it got it all back to original but I never went through the cabinet the artwork is actually still pretty decent on side it's got some patina on it and man I really kind of like it it's just it just looks the way it should look for being 40 something years old and then next to that we've got Robotron probably if I had to pick a single game that I would never get rid of it's probably Robotron again another bring back from the grave type deals this was running a 19 in1 with an LCD I sourced uh original boards power supply harness All That Jazz aside from that everything is uh orig origal minus that Marquee that Marquees aftermarket this CPO is aftermarket this was replaced before I got it it's uh it's really nice it looks looks good enough um the sad thing is there you can see here there is no art on the side of this cabinet when I got it it was painted black when I went to go take the black off you can really see on this Edge right here where it's down to Wood somebody sanded this cabinet down before they painted it black and you can see little hints of the blue and red from the art on there and it's it's sad the thing is is I have I've got the stuff to put the art back on the side but if any of you have ever ordered arcade art you know how that goes and I ordered it while I was getting this going back original and then got it running and all of that stuff and moved down here and then 68 year month whatever however long it was before I got the stencil kit back in it was already in here and shoved in a row and I have not pulled it back out to do the art I will just not today and probably not tomorrow but someday going on in the robot theme here this is my bers zerk I did fully restore this one this one was also I think it had I think this was a Wonder Boy in Monsterland when I got this uh this cabinet had been repainted so many different colors it was ridiculous the paint felt like it was 3 in thick on this thing I stripped the entire thing down all the way to be wood none of the berserk art was salvageable so I actually I may link to my uh restore thread in in clo on this one I put man I put a lot of work into this I stripped it down I even recreated the uh the texture that Stern used in their in their paint and uh renil the sides and everything that's an original bezel original Marquee that I was able to find original bezel uh this is an aftermarket CPO because if you've ever had to deal with cpos on these they're garbage and they're screen printed right onto the metal uh there was a run of re Repro Repro control panels that went out a while back uh but I haven't had one and so what I did I don't know if you can really see zooming in here I took one of those cheap uh basically Repro CPO sticker deals and cuz on the original one all of this was metal on on the aftermarket ones you see it's all white so I took a razor blade and a ruler and I cut out all of these sections so it's all bare metal it looks correct you can feel it uh definitely feel it like you uh shouldn't be able to but it looks good enough I think and it's um until I can find an original that's in perfect condition or one of those Repros pops up for sale somewhere this is just going to have to be as good as it gets moving on we've got Street Fighter 2 this was something I gabbed later on in my collecting days uh my son who was he was probably 12 or 13 at the time he wanted a fighting game and I'm not big on fighting games I remember them back in the day but was never my jam and I basically told him I was like you know what if you want a fighting game the only fighting game that I'm going to allow to come into a bar arcade is Street Fighter 2 is the one I have the most memories of and I really like that 80s like neon looking art on these it looks pretty sweet this is actually running uh hyper fighting in it which is the best version of Street Fighter 2 as everyone knows and what's cool on this is I actually have a jam of board board switcher in this and because this thing has six buttons on each side you can play every freaking game ever ever uh you would want to on a Jamma game so like this is what I play my golden ax in this is what I play Double Dragon in pretty much any Jamma game that I need more than one or two buttons it gets to go in here and this is where we play it so that's how you add some good value to it but I uh cleaned it up new side art it's still uh still all the original sides I didn't I didn't refinish or do any of that and it's it's pretty clean cabinet pretty solid Dynamo let's move on to my custom arted Donkey Kong let's see if I can get on the other side and see if it cuts down some of that glare so I commissioned an artist to make this art actually let me rephrase that there was a thread on clav a while back where this guy in California he uh commissions a different artist every year to do a custom Marquee Halloween themed Marquee for his uh arcade and he posted a few of them that he's done and I thought this Donkey Kong was Super Rad so I tracked down the artist that did this art and talked to him and got paid him to basically finished doing the art and uh he did a bezel for me he did control panel and man that it's just Super Rad and it's so cool because it's 100% reversible you know I can have this back to I didn't do side art because it's in a row and you're not going to see it anyway has the original DK side art on it um but this is uh completely reversible I have a second I have a second complete control panel so if I want to throw this back to original looking Donkey Kong I can have this back to an original looking DK in less than 5 minutes about the only issue is right there there's a chip in the blue on the speaker cut out there and it's missing one of the shoots on the coin door but that's one of those I'll get to it one day type deals you can see my other Nintendo cabinet next to it is uh basically doing the same thing missing the both coin shoots I think I think it had one on there and I just took the other one off so that matched but speaking of this is my versus cabinet that I custom built into a Castlevania Castlevania is my number one alltime favorite video game see we're watching some starcade episodes up there right there so that's pretty sweet um castlevania's number one video game of all time original Castlevania I man I don't think you can beat it it's got I've got a switcher on here so I can swap uh swap boards to uh either I could play both sides of my versus Board in here I don't typically have the uh Castlevania in slot in the in the a slide this the number one side because Castlevania you can't turn the freaking attract sounds off of and that uh that gets annoying after a while but side art side art is super cool on this it basically looks like the NES cover but like kind of rustic looking really sweet um it's hard to see but you can kind of see there there is Art on this bezel kind of got to get to where you can see behind it so there's like some tombstones and all that stuff up here in the top somewhere one side the yeah there's a bunch of bats flying across up there super cool I love subtle stuff like that that you don't notice at first but the more you look at something the more you notice and that's definitely this right here that's uh that's never going to leave my collection I love this game super breakout I picked this up local for 50 bucks uh I love bronze aged games with all that custom or I guess not custom but screen printed side art on the sides loved how they basically just printed the art right on the cabinets picked this up for 50 bucks dude said it didn't work he didn't know how to work on any of it it's got that owy coin door I got it home and the uh test switch was flipped on it I flipped the test switch and cleaned it up and I have had to do nothing to this game it's been in my collection for a few years now and it's always ran like a champ it's uh pretty clean cabin it all in all it's uh doesn't get played as much as it should but every once in a while I will go on a kick and just play the crap out of this thing I really want to get a good score on it but there's just so something about it being so simplistic like that it's a just a sit and chill kind of game tucked way over here in the corner underneath my Slimer coming out of the ceiling is my Pac-Man this was the second game that I ever bought right after joust uh we had joust for I don't know four or five months and then this popped up not too far away and I was like man let's get a Pac-Man this this cabinet has kind of been a Workhorse for me I at one point had it packed full of pcbs I had the gym riddle eight-way board switcher in here and I had eight different original pcbs in here Burger Time Mappy Phoenix Galaga galaxian Pac-Man Miss Pac-Man I had eyes in here and I know at Frogger I know I'm probably missing something else I lost track but if you've ever run one of those board switchers man you know how frustrating it can be going from game to game and having to adjust the Monitor and all that crap and then the bit kit came out and pretty much every game that I had in there was on the bit kit and I'm a purist I really am a strong believer in running nothing but original hardware and I just uh I couldn't justify it I put the a bit kit in there and took all those Boards out and sold them it still has all the original stuff inside there there's a Pac-Man board screwed to the side in there with everything but right now it's uh got the bit kit hooked up but I can unplug that and uh pop the fuses back in the bottom and have this running original AC powered Pac-Man in less than five minutes so got some sweet Frankenstein art here some game flyers and then I'm going to turn this row off because that Castlevania is going to get annoying after a while and Seawolf Seawolf is such a rad game I need to do I could do an entire video on just showing how this game works it is a mix between like em mechanical Game and video game uh it does have the foldout step or pull out step I don't know if you can see it it's back behind the cabinet right there because I kick this thing all the time um I did a hodgepodge restoration on this I basically had to rebuild the uh Riser that the cabinet sits on it was water damaged but the cabinet itself was solid uh found an original uh bezel it's got a little bit of scratches and stuff on it but still super nice it's got the Black Light Art in there and all of that see if we can see through the Periscope here yeah you can kind of see that there there you go got the Periscope you can it's got the the uh I guess that you'd call that the aiming on there and then during gameplay it has different things like how many shots you have and all that stuff maybe I'll see if I can play this thing through the viewfinder on this camera and maybe uh maybe be able to show you guys what it's like from the viewer's point of view because when you're looking at it outside the Periscope it just doesn't look quite the same but Seawolf is man it's such a gigantic cabinet and it was uh quite the feat to be able to get this down here the problem was being able to tip it back up once we got it in here because there's less than less than a hand width of this between the uh ceiling in the top of that cabinet so you can you can slide a Coke can up there just barely and that's about it but this is another game that will probably never leave my collection this is such a sweet game let's go on to gyrus gyrus was another one I got super lucky on this was painted black on both sides and I actually learned a new trick from uh Charlie at overtime arcade and if you haven't checked out his channel be sure to do so if you want to watch some sweet Restorations and learn some stuff about fixing these games up go check him out at overtime arcade I'll put a link to his channel in the comment or in the description below this but he had a video where he showed how to you can see there's still the Arts under here showed a video where he showed how to basically lay a cabinet on its side and uh cover it paper towels and then cover the paper towels in alcohol and then cover that mixture with Saran Wrap so the alcohol doesn't evaporate and then you let that sit for however many hours it takes akes I think I let it sit for 5 or 6 hours checking it periodically and it basically bubbled up all of that black paint that was on there and it just wiped right off and had amazing gyrus art still underneath it this has got the century raised letter cast door on there which is super sweet I had to find a new uh CPO for this but it's got the Monroe joystick cuz can't play gyrus without the Monroe joystick in there that's a super sweet game right there and the last game in this room is gravitar this is one of my most recent pickups uh I've wanted a gravitar for quite a while I ended up trading a wizard of War for this and I'm still on the fence of whether or not that was a good idea or not man as far as game sounds go wizard of war is the best there is I I can't think of another single another single arcade game out there that has better arcade sounds than wizard of War but that side art on that gravitar is rocking this is all original has not been restored original uh CPO everything this is a super nice gravitar monitor looks great Vector monitors aren't real friendly with uh recording as you can see it's got some flicker to it there but gravitar is a super hard game but it's a super fun game and that is probably the coolest uh attract animation right there yeah gravitar is one of those games where I just like to uh sit down and chill and it's a kind of a slower paced game but it can get kind of hairy at times too but I really like this it's uh it's been a great addition I still still kind of torn on Losing My Wizard of War but the thing with wizard of war is Wizard of war is so much more fun as a two-player game but if any of you have arcades in your house you know what it's like trying to get somebody else to come down and play with you when you want to play and play the game that you want to play but maybe someday I'll get a wizard of War back so let's carry on into the next room let's stop off here and show small portion of my VHS collection what kind of respecting uh VHS arcade channel would I be if I didn't actually have a VHS collection this is a very small portion of it this is kind of my my top tier go-to movies that I like to watch I got more down there I've got more in boxes got some Atari 2600 games saved here or a display play here and on into the last room so this room was my music studio for years and years you can see my semi rad Productions uh I have pretty much given up the idea of ever being a rock star and this is now got pinballs in it got GF stream this is a 197 72 Williams single player EMP pin uh let me turn this overhead light back off to C down some of this glare this thing I can't wait to do some uh gameplay footage of this this pen is so fun most EMS are slow as Christmas but man Williams knew how to design a pen back there they have this thing set up right it will get ripping it is so fun especially when once you learn how to make some of the shots on this thing and you can actually feel like you're playing the game man I can I can sit and play this game forever it's set up uh I like my penss for set up for coin play still so and it's set up where you can get a dime for a single play or a quarter for three plays and this is a this is probably one pen that I don't see myself getting rid of I'm not a huge pinball fan but I really like this one and then we've got Middle Earth Earth and Airborne Avengers these are the two games that I got in place of that totem that I had in my previous video and traded both of these for that totem both of these were in nonworking condition when I got them and went through both of them they both still have some minor issues left I've got to fix the uh ball and credit uh display on this one but went through the whole Playfield and the Man People dog on atari's pens but the one whether you like it or not you cannot deny that this art is phenomenal I love the Atari pinball art it is so rad I've shopped this out with new rubbers new everything and it's really good looking pin this one actually with the two dual flipper setup like this and the way they're offset man it is fun it's basically like having two different playfields to play on because you've got the upper field and then this lower field down here and it can get ripping pretty good even though it's a widebody it uh it's a lot of fun and I really like how both of these have that alye coind door on them uh the Airborne Avengers it is having some issues that I need to sort out still it uh it it was my own fault I screwed up and shorted something out on the CPU and basically it's the game's running it's in a track as you can see but I can't I can't coin it up I can't credit it up it's not seeing any switch inputs you can see my manual and uh schematics and all that crap down there where I'm trying to figure this out um basically when I so I can't even put it in test mode but if I go on the board and trip it into test mode and get to the switch selection it basically clicks through all the switches and shows that every switch is on even if you unplug the uh switches from the CPU so I am uh scratching my head desperately trying to figure this out but it is another one man it's got wicked good art on it and I uh I've fully gone through this one too uh new rubbers all that stuff stripped the Playfield on both of these and waxed them and all of that crap and it is man they're both so fun to look at and last game black tiger let me shut this off over here so it's not screaming in the microphone black tiger this is such a rad game I love it and black tiger never came in a dedicated cabinet and I've had a black tiger board set that I would play in my Street Fighter cabinet for years but I've always wanted a dedicated black tiger and there have been several instances where I've picked up cabinets and I'm like yep I'm making this cabinet a black tiger but then I would get it and I'm like no this needs to be restored back to what it was I I can't take this insert game here and uh turn it into a black tiger so a guy local here had a storage unit full of poker games and this is one of those Midway I think they were xinity or Infinity uh basically touchscreen poker games and I'm like the Run ran on a PC PC was literally fried in there it had literally caught on fire uh let the magic smoke out and I'm like you know what this is a neat little cabinet and uh I bought some art made some stuff happen and now I have a dedicated black tiger and I love playing through this game I want to uh my plan here now I'm working with some hardware and software setups to figure out how to live stream with a VHS camera and I've just about got it worked out I just need to sit down and do some testing and make sure that I don't have any snafus but I want to live stream uh playing through this black tiger I think that would be pretty cool and uh still got some music studio stuff in here my desk and all that crap and this actually Loops back around into the arcade on the other side but here's here's the Fantastic part about all of this after I realized that I've Let's uh enjoy some of this Frankenstein art right there right there Frankie is pretty cool um so after I gave up on my hopes and dreams of never becoming a rock star like this dude over here um I have uh decided that this wall right here and this closet right here all of that is going to come down because there's another room on the other side of this over here that is just full of junk it's got my supply of uh backup cameras uh my tribike monitors CRTs RC cars arcade Parts just random junk this is the junk room in our house um I want to take this wall down between the two rooms right here and I'm going to remove this section of wall from here to there that wall will stay so basically from my workbench area uh this room will stay as it is but all of this you'd be basically be able to look in through right here and all of this will be wide open and I'm going to take the remaining music gear that I have and put it in here all of these games are going to line from that corner over there all along this back wall over there around the corner and back there and then all of this will be here I'll be able to fit all of my garage games down here and all of my arcade games all in one room and aside from the amount of ridiculous work that it's going to take to do all of this man I cannot wait to have that done there's my uh He-Man original cell from the original cartoon that's super red but what do you guys think got any ideas on improvements things games you want to see played games you want tricks on tips on something you want to see more of that is is that is the VHS arcade Vault let me know what you guys think if you like this uh give me a like that would be Super Rad and if you want to see more of these games played on VHS then go ahead and subscribe but until next time we will catch you on the flip side
Channel: VHS Arcade Vault
Views: 3,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade, video games, gaming, high score, VHS, classic arcade, arcade games, retro gaming, vhs gaming, arcade gaming
Id: 9vWe98zntYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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