Is this the best Arcade cabinet I have ever made? FULL video #arcade #sekiro_cabinet

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Hi, I'm Daniel and if you are new to the channel I design and build arcade cabinets and every build I make is unique There's no production line. This is not a factory and besides building the cabinets I also make tutorial videos for Ultimarc for all the parts I did a tutorial video series for Fusion 360 and in this series I teach you how to design your own arcade cabinet in AutoCAD So if you are into retro gaming and arcade cabinets, this is a great channel for you Enjoy and please take the time to subscribe to the channel ring the little bell and you will not miss one video And in this video I'm going to show you my latest creation the 'Sekiro' build I'm really excited. So without further ado, let's get started! So This build was a commission built for a client in Austria Actually the guy lives in Vienna, which I think is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe I've been there a few times and it's gorgeous and the client was a pleasure to work with as well he was so polite and he had so much patience I worked several months on this on this build and I So excited to show you the result it turned out absolutely beautiful So and my client had some special requests he wanted in this crazy build and One of them was he wanted to use these special Arcooda 32 inch monitors and these are made in Australia I think in they have a company in Australia and in Hong Kong So I ordered one of these screens and they are absolutely beautiful it traveled all the way from Australia to the Netherlands and I Absolutely love it. And the fun thing about these screens is that it has VGA input and HDMI input and it supports both 15 kilohertz video signals as 31 kilohertz video signals, which is great if you are using old arcade how do you say old arcade emulation through FPGA or for any other system and It has ultra low latency Just over one millisecond, which is not as fast as a CRT monitor But ultra ultra ultra fast another thing the client wanted was a special Drawer in which the guns are laid in and he showed me some examples And I loved it and I made my own version of it. So let me show you Let me get the cabinet a little bit to the back There is a hidden drawer here And as you can see the drawer is not straight, but I made it in an incline So you have more visibility on the guns and as you can see here The control panel is not blocking any of the view and it looks amazing. I built a custom LED strip underneath the control panel, which is operated by a switch in the back so if the panel if the drawer is pulled out a small latch will turn will switch and it will Activate the LED light. I made a separate video how I did the inlay in this special shadow foam material For that I used the Shaper Origin and the Origin 'Trace' Which is a new tool and you can find this video here. So the drawer has a locking mechanism. You can see that here and That way it's fixed fully fixed in place. It cannot fall out of the cabinet by accident and these guns are good for IR guns and they are absolutely amazing they Do have recoil built-in. So there's an actual solenoid inside That gives you a kickback when you fire a target and they also have built-in rumble they are beautifully made by I Think it's called rpeg electronics I'll put a link down in the description and if you like I will make a separate video of these of these guns And in a few minutes, I will show you how they how they work, but they feel absolutely great. Let me Get it in focus for you They have this special lens so you can be very close Next to the screen and it still sees all the sensors and it's well hand modded by Raymond from rpeg electronics in New York. I think it's New York Beautiful guns. They are expensive But I think in my opinion worth every every euro so we have two of them one red and one blue and to operate them you just Get them out of the drawer, of course, and there's a small USB plug and a small 9 volt plug you just insert it here and you are ready to go So and another fun thing is the actual working coin door and let me show it It is at the lower front of the cabinet and this is an actual real metal Coin door it's fully operational. This is made by Data East let me open it for you Here you can see some spare Light bulbs, so I actually made it fully functional with the lights These are the coin acceptors and these accept 50 euro cent coins And of course you can buy these acceptors for all currencies and for all coins, of course, and I have some Somewhere I have some Dutch coins here Let me show you And now close the box Let's start up the game It says insert coin and let us insert a coin 50 cents inserted in coin one There we are. So the credit one and now we can start the game So it it really works very efficiently and let's test what happens if we insert a wrong coin like a euro Nothing is happening. There's no credit and I can just push the reject button and it rejects the coin So actually nothing too special, but I never built one and I love them. It's really nice to Instead of just pressing a coin button just to insert a a coin. It's lovely So now let's go over some details a little bit So first, let me show you the artwork and this is done by Sahaj Joshi. Of course, it's beautiful It's Sekiro style an absolute fantastic game really difficult game, but I spent so many hours Figuring figuring out how to play it. It's lovely. So here you can see the beautiful orange teal Coloring it's done really well as you can see the T molding we chose black T molding At the back you can hit the switch to turn on and off the spotlights if you hold it You can dim them actually Turn them off or on again Make them brighter and this will lit up your play field This is the amplifier. The sound is absolutely amazing You can see And the sub is so heavy you can really feel it So I love the sound system, so let's go over the control panel Of course full RGB ultimark gold leaf buttons with continuous artwork, so I cut out the artwork for each and every individual button and as you can see it's beautiful and I love doing that For the player coin and start buttons. I chose white backgrounds with logos and the joysticks are all bolt-up LED RGB bolt-ups Which is amazing, of course, and of course the trackball is also full RGB You can buy this small PCB with some LEDs on it and then it will light up your trackball. It's really awesome It has a 3 millimeter plexiglass top panel protective panel and I did the artwork and the laser engraving on it. So as you can see, it's really nice It's Japanese style and these are the Kanjis, I think it's called Kanjis. This is the ultimark fight stick of course or flight stick I must say this is wired directly to player one. So it's always working No problems with USB or IDs or anything. It's just it just works. There are two buttons here. So the The button for your first finger is player one, player one, button one and player one, button two. So it's really easy To work with that This is a spinner also the ultimark spinner. There's a counterweight This is the light counterweight and it's really fluent and of course I chose the black Cap and it's beautifully made So let's continue. So this is a 5-inch screen and this displays the box art So for every game you can see that you can see the original box So the joysticks for players one and two they are servo sticks. I Love them. This means that you can Choose if you want them to be four-way or eight-way Indirection which is really important if you want to play old games like pac-man or burger time or zookeeper etc These are games that actually do need a four-way joystick a joystick that can only go up down left right If you are playing a game with an eight-way joystick an old game you do a diagonal move The game will not pick it up and you might lose a life Fully automatically. So if you start a game that needs four-way you will hear the joystick Mechanism underneath move and it will set it in four-way or eight-way But you can also do it manually by pressing one of the stream deck buttons Speaking of the Stream Deck. This is also built in the control panel. This is the brand new Stream Deck MK 2 And this is the 15 button one There's also an inlay keyboard here with a mouse Completely it is wireless and you can take it out to change the batteries. So this is also built in Let's turn the cabinet around So this is the back of the cabinet and I think it's really important to make the back as Beautiful as the front. So of course you have some holdouts here. You have some air vents here Airflow is really important. So let me open everything up for you So you can see the two PCBs these are for the hyper marquee screen This is the power for the hyper marquee screen. It's a 28 inch version. These are the Visotone speakers these are the spotlights and This small thing here is one of the Infra red sensors. There are four sets of them at the sides and the top and the bottom of the Arcooda monitor and This is the Arcooda monitor It's mounted Several ways it's mounted by some metal angle brackets at both sides It is laying on top of a piece of wood here and it's also restricted by this piece of wood here So it cannot move an inch but it's still pretty easy to get it out if it needs maintenance or or so So this is the Arcuda monitor These are the USB hubs I always label them this is for the IPAC's and the Servo sticks and These are the USB hubs that are in front of the control panel. So here are all the transformers This one is for the lights the marquee of course 12-volt for the marquee and the amp the amplifier and the guns of course So and this is the subwoofer right here Close it So this is the back of the drawer and here you can see that all the cables run neatly at the side of the drawer at the backside normally the cables will be in one big bunch Running through the cabinet through the center of the cabinet But because of the drawer this was not not possible anymore. So the bottom panel right here Let me open it up Is where the computer is at.. So this is the PC and the wiring of course Not much to see here. The coin door is at the back. You can see it a little bit over there Now, let me place the cabinet back Where it was so now let's play Some games for the very first time on the cabinet. So let's play some Metal slug And I really love metal slug I Might even build a metal slug themed cabinet one day. I love it. Let's insert some coins I can use the coin door, but because I'm lazy. I just go for the credit button here Let me turn the volume on a little bit Let's go And there we are And this is so much fun, I really love the metal slug games Oh, where's my grenade? There are my grenades I'm not really good at it So let's kill the helicopter Let's see if I can free some prisoners here Let's get my gifts. I Really need a machine gun I This is the pause key and it goes to the pause menu as you can see this metal slug version has blood in it And let me show you how that works if you're not familiar with it. Let's get back to the game If you press f2 and because I have a keyboard here, it's really easy you are going to the soft dip settings So let me see which button I need to do One of these buttons here setting up the cabinet metal slug X and here is the blood on off So he can turn the blood feature off. You can also Change the difficulty. So I set my difficulty to 2 which is not that difficult But you can choose the difficulty and demo sounds and play time etc, etc, etc So this is how you do that if you press f2 again, no Sorry Go to next Back watch the back key. This is the back key and then exit. I Always forget which button it is. Yeah, this is exit. It will restart the game and Now your blood is enabled. So this is how you do that So this was it I want to thank you so much for watching and I really hope that you enjoyed this video and this arcade cabinet build So subscribe to the channel give the video a thumbs up and share it with your friends This will help out the channel a lot so I can make more content for you And now I will take some time off I think and play a little bit with the arcade Cabinets because I need to test it and this is the the best part of my job, of course So thank you again, and I will see you in the next video Bye
Channel: TheDanielSpies_Arcades
Views: 13,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade cabninet, sekiro cabinet, sekiro style arcade, retro arcade, danielspies, game imagineering, gun4ir, rpegelectronics
Id: BjIVCSQ0ea8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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