My Tesla Cybertruck is Getting DAMAGED!

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like check this out somebody legit hit my cyber truck how do you hit a cyber truck first of all and how do you hit it while you're backing up parallel parking like you drove past it you saw it there and then you hit it going like 2 m an hour so a lot has been happening with my cyber Tru as you can see here and I want to go over everything with you I don't know if this thing is cursed or I'm just using it to the fullest or what is going on but I'm happy it's tough because it's gone through a lot since I got it a few months ago and nothing has stopped it so far so that's the good news is cyber Tru is holding on it's getting me everywhere I need to go but now I need to get a few things uh worked on and fixed which is annoying um but it's got a part of the fun and you know good for content and everything uh I wish none of this happened but it's been happening so let's go through it so let's go and order if you've been watching you know that this a pillar trim piece here uh did come off and right here there's a nut and I've seen some other people now on X where this is happening to them uh this nut comes off and then this whole piece it's flapping around um and Tesla replaced that under warranty so we're good there that was totally like Tesla's fault and the Cyber truck had something dumb going on and that's what that was well shortly after that somebody backed into my cyber truck when they were par parking it's like how do you I don't know how do you back into this thing how do you miss it like obviously you see it how do you hit this this video is brought to you by joah my choice for premium Tesla and vehicle accessories claim your exclusive discount with the link in the description below but let me show it to you here it is can you tell can you tell where it is anything that happened no not really so if you look over here this panel now you can kind of see it from here right here bent up uh so I have a picture of before so uh it's little bit of a story but I had a friend who wanted to rent the Cyber truck and I was like yeah for sure you know he gave me his Model S in the meantime cuz I needed to get to work um and he wanted to use a cyber truck and he rented it for me and that was awesome and I'm I'm happy you know that he got to do that well he was parked somewhere and he had parked way far away from everybody and somebody found him just happened to park by him even though he tried to park far away and you're looking at the video right now but basically they went to parallel park behind the Cyber truck and they hit it and I think if they would have just stopped there it nothing would have happened but then they tried to drive forward and they pulled this back panel up and bent it out just a little bit and so as of now you can't see it because my buddy took it to um a place near him an exotic car shop and they did bend it back so as it is it's definitely sticking out the metal will never be the same if this doesn't get replaced by Tesla and so I've been really conflicted on whether or not I actually want to fix this cuz I mean come on it's a truck it's going to get dinged up it's going to have you know little stuff happening here and there but for a couple of reasons number one because this thing is brand new I want it to be brand new and nice and number two Michigan when you are dealing with insurance is a no fault state so if somebody crashes into you you're driving and someone crashes into you uh it doesn't matter matter if it's 100% their fault your insurance takes care of your car their insurance takes care of their car that's no fault it's kind of sucky but that's the way it is but there is one scenario where that's not true and it's where if the the vehicle is parked and I don't know if nobody is in it or it's just that it's parked and because the Cyber truck was parked and nobody was in it at the time of this accident the other person's insurance is 100% responsible my insurance will not even be involved uh so we're doing that we're definitely going to go through now what do you think this costs I was a little worried because I knew that Tesla's basically just going to this is a big panel they can just take it off and put another run on I knew that's what they were going to do and I did get the quote for it what do you think this cost cuz I was worried this was going to be super expensive again it's a really expensive vehicle expensive vehicles have expensive repairs that can be timec consuming and the other part thing is Parts like are they going to have parts for this just like I was worried about before well here is the quote it's actually they're assuming it's going to be about $2,700 uh to do this work and take less than one day and that I think is great new news uh I think it's a a quick turnaround and I think that the price is more than reasonable for such an expensive vehicle and it's like the biggest uh stainless steel panel on the vehicle as well they can just pop it off and put another one on which is great news now the bad news for me is the service center here can't do this work yet they are opening a new service center but they wouldn't be able to get me in until August it's currently uh May if you're paying attention and that kind of sucks now I could go down to Ohio and get this done sooner which is probably what I'll do but if I didn't want to do that or I wasn't in any time crunch or anything I would just wait and I could have it done in a few months it'll all be paid for anyway so it's not that big of a deal but I want to get the cyber truck wrapped there's a local company here that'll be another video so I'm going to do this okay so that's that now the other interesting thing I'm finding about this is look at this panel right where he damaged it if we get close what do you see there is some Rust here so where this was damaged it is Rusty so with you I haven't I didn't want to touch it but with you I want to try to clean this off and see what it looks like um when I clean that and if the rust will be gone if it'll come back later or what will happen but overall looking at this damage definitely if this was you know five or 10year old truck you could just uh ignore that all right so I think you can see that okay all I have on me right now is Windex I'm sure you'd want to do soap and water on this first but what do I care so there's a bunch of Windex and let's clean off just this one little area I got to get all the dirt off and nothing else yeah look at that so this is what will happen if your stainless steel gets damaged and this is just life this is the way this works is if there's damage you can get some superficial rust now since I mean I'm not paying for it but since the insurance is paying for it I'm going to see if Tesla will let me take this panel home and we can play with this over time and see if this rust progresses or what happens but now seeing this as um kind of dramatic as that is I'm there's no chance I wouldn't get this fixed before I was thinking it was really superficial but seeing that in there at the minimum you you'd at least have to like buff this out and get all that rust out so that it doesn't spread and doesn't continue uh moving through the stainless steel but now that that's clean so let's check this out you saw me clean it you saw everything and that is what it looks like so there is definitely I mean is that rust it's really it's hard to tell I'm pretty sure it is I'm pretty sure that that is some surface level rust contamination now would this continue to spread throughout the panel man that is really hard to say um it's impossible for me to say but if they let me take this home haha then we will uh be able to check this out over time I'll just leave it outside and see how it ages that'll be fun but overall if you have damage if if this first superficial layer um does get damaged you will get this intrusion so it's kind of disappointing to see honestly it was a really low-level impact um and you get this much damage on the Cyber truck you can see obviously that that's um still bent but I will say it did hold up better than the other vehicle the other vehicle has a lot more damage I tried to get some estimates online and people were kind of guessing uh ranging anywhere between 2500 all the way up to 5,000 or even more uh for the repair on that person's vehicle so this repair is less expensive and um overall I don't think this damage would affect the vehicle in any way maybe in 5 years from now that rust will spread a lot through this panel maybe maybe not um and at that time maybe you could find an aftermarket panel for super cheap um but an interesting scenario nonetheless there you go a cyber truck collision and the cybertruck is having no problems from that uh slow Collision completely drivable and it's an easy fix all right next up let's talk about our solar panels because I know you want some solar panels and that's where today's sponsor drone quote comes in guess what I love my solar panels but they are not for everyone it's true and drone quote is not afraid to tell you that you can use their free services they will come out to you they'll take pictures of your home they will to all the solar installers in the area including Tesla they will talk to those installers and get you all the prices and kind of tell you hey these guys have a good track record here's the best prices here's what you need or they will let you know you know what right now your kind of electricity use and cost and everything don't make sense with solar so maybe check back with us in a year or two and see if it makes sense at that time but right now it does not drone quote is seriously looking out for you their number one priority is helping people get solar that actually will benefit from it so definitely check out the link below take advantage of drone quote their services are awesome and then when your solar's installed they'll come back they'll check it out make sure everything was done right they're great so let's talk about something now on the Cyber truck that broke and it's not my fault and it's not anybody's fault but Tesla's and that is right here this piece of glass so I came out of work and I don't have 100% proof here besides basically Tesla admitting fault but I came out of work sit in the Cyber truck and you know I don't really notice at first cuz this is on the passenger side and then I look over I'm like whoa my glass is shattered what is going on so here's what it looks like it actually looks pretty cool but there's a big hole down here um so I've been parking it in the garage cuz I'm worried Raiden is going to get in there um but it's it's actually pretty solid up here but so I took pictures of this I I sent it to Tesla and this is right after I was talking to them about getting that panel fixed we just looked at and I go you're not going to believe this but I walked out of work and this is what it looks like there was nothing on Sentry mode it just looked like this there were no videos my parking lot at work is really quiet there's nobody around I can actually see my truck um outside not from my desk but from where I'm walking often I didn't see anybody out there there was no Landscaping going on so whatever so I sent Tesla some pictures and long story short they said that this is going to be replaced under warranty because they didn't see any point of impact now I haven't seen anyone else have this problem and I think that my tint being in here helped it stay in place so I'm really glad I got the tint or else this would just be a giant hole in my cyber truck but super annoying and um I'm surprised it happened it's not unheard of if there's imperfections in glass it can um break you know over time or with temperature changes a lot of people asked if it was like a hot day I'm in Michigan and most of the Cyber trucks are in like Florida and Texas and I haven't heard of this happening so maybe the temperature was involved but I would guess we would see this more in places where it gets much hotter than it is in Michigan at least right now um also of note is this is the same as we talked about earlier a pillar piece that they replaced so maybe they nicked this while they were working on it I have no idea it doesn't really matter exactly how it happened but it seems to be some type of manufactur defect in this piece of glass it shattered randomly actually looks like it shattered from right here and kind of radiated out but hard to know for sure and Tesla's going to replace it under warranty again what do you think this would cost of course I'm not paying cuz it's a warranty repair but I got the quote right around $264 for this piece of glass again I feel like for an expensive car this big I mean relatively big piece of of Side Glass I don't think that's that bad of a price Tesla's prices on their parts are usually pretty good and I'm seeing that with everything I wish I didn't know any of this stuff but uh what I'm having to deal with with the Cyber Tru I'm kind of seeing that their their um pricing is really not bad on these parts so this can be repaired by my local uh place and it's going to be done in less than a week so it was like 11 days I think from me requesting the service to them being able to um repair it for me so again it'd be nice to do it same day but with a brand new vehicle I'm not surprised that they don't have the parts really ready to go any sooner than that um I think the timing is really good again I knew what I was getting into buying a foundation series paying the extra uh missing autopilot and all that stuff so I'm kind of taking it in stride and obviously I can make videos about it but if you don't want to deal with these things and you know a lot of people like oh I'm waiting till Foundation is is done or I'm going to wait a year or two years or whatever to get my first cyber truck I think that's also a great decision because something like this or something like this you know pillar coming off way less chance of any of that stuff happening all right final issue you ready uh my serber truck is getting its butt kicked you ready for the last thing that happened you can't really see it and this one was I I'll call it my fault although I didn't see the stick so there's a stick up under here oh you can't see it cuz it's covered in dirt now okay well I'll show you the pictures but under this mud flap right here uh this huge stick which you think I would see in the road but I didn't went up and stabbed into that mud flap now I'm glad the mud flap did its job because if it wasn't there I think it would have went right into the tire I don't know how how it happened but yeah I think that would have went right into my tire and gave me a flat tire as it was I was driving just me and and my older daughter and we hear a and she's like what is that sound I'm like oh my gosh you know this is after the window shattered after the the Cyber truck got hit by somebody I'm like what is happening now like why am I dealing with all these things and I get out and I just see this huge stick um sticking out of there I just ripped it off and it was just the stick hitting the ground as we were driving that's what the sound was um and the stick is still in there there's still part of a stick in there I couldn't really get it out and to be honest I don't care this is one of the things you know I'm talking about with the truck kind of being tough and being good for the roads I drive on and everything I'm just going to leave it in there you can replace these flaps but from talking with people online you actually have to buy this entire rocker to replace just that little piece even though just that little piece comes off and it's like again $240 or something quick Interruption after recording this it looks like that part that back mud flap may actually be available directly from Tesla for only $15 that is ridiculous and for that price I'm going to buy it and I'm going to replace this thing myself cuz these things are relatively easy to uh take on and off uh you know for this whole piece again I feel like that price is not too bad and if you needed to replace it or wanted to you could you had the option I could do it myself or I could have Tesla Do It um this I'm just going to leave you can't even see it it's just a little hole in this mud flap it did not go all the way through so if you look at the back here there's nothing on this side at all absolutely nothing I can zoom in a little bit for you uh but yeah so there's absolutely nothing there that's just kind of what it is and I'm going to leave that as is and that's the Cyber truck so next up in the next week or so I'm going off-roading with this thing finally just have not had time to do it I'm going to get uh I need some permits and a flag and stuff and I'm going to get that stuff and then we're going to take it off-roading and I hope I don't break anything there I really hope that nothing breaks I am not an experienced off-roader but I'm going to bring some people with me who are um and we can really push this thing and test the off-road modes and see how it will do but overall I'll give you an update uh once all this is done the insurance portion for the hit is already like in motion so it's been fairly easy I think we should be all good there but I'll give you a final update once all of these things are repaired um and I will have to get my tint redone which is kind of annoying and this this part that probably won't happen for a while just because I have to find time um but overall I don't know if I'm cursed hopefully that's it no more damage I think I've made enough videos about the Cyber truck getting fixed and repaired and damaged that's good you know let's not make any more uh content about that at least for a long time so if you have any questions leave those down below you'll see me in the next video
Channel: Dirty Tesla
Views: 83,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model, elon, musk, electric, car, ev, phev, truck, review, autopilot, auto, pilot, self, driving, selfdriving, enhanced, eap, full, fsd, accident, super, charger, supercharger, service, center, dealer, battery, degredation, uber, lyft, rideshare, rural, off, road, offroad, awd, all, wheel, drive, performance, dirty, dirtytesla, regen, regenerative, brake, braking, tech, update, accessories, cyber, cybertruck, pickup, software, sentry, rivian, smart, summon, model y, ai, chat-gpt, chatgpt, chatgpt-4, beta
Id: 8Ai0cno-lco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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