Will Tesla FSD V12 HIT These Obstacles?

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next we've got a rabbit what is going on everybody I'm here with Stephanie and we're going to do some testing with our Hardware 4 Tesla Model Y and seeing if it can avoid a bunch of this stuff behind us now I've done this before with version 11 now what's interesting about version 12 versus version 11 is version 11 had an occupancy Network which I'll show you an example of here but basically any objects on the road were shown as a little Shadow and that's still present in version 12 but it seems the doesn't actually use that information for anything if I'm understanding the lead of Tesla's autopilot team correctly so we're going to see if version 12 can avoid some of these different objects and it's going to be pretty interesting some of them I can hit some of them I can't leave suggestions down below of things you'd like to see and and Hot Wheels guy I got you on this one now first up if you've been watching you know Jo has been sponsoring the video and help me with my cyber Tru and everything so there first we're taking one of their sun shades we're just going to toss it on the ground and try to run it over let's see what happens first test here I will aim for a fast speed but the car really has a mind of its own so probably what I'll do is I'll push it up to around 30 m hour and then let off the accelerator I'll let you know what I'm doing right now the system's engaged and the car simply does not want to drive so I'm going to press the accelerator get us up to whatever I can and then I will let off and let the car fully take over so right about there I've let off the car is fully driving and in control here it is slowing down it doesn't visualize anything on the road for the joa sun shade and runs it right over uh that's probably an appropriate response to be honest and don't forget use the link below to save 5% on high quality joa accessories next up the route show you have been asking me to do this type of test with a Hot Wheels like little car for literally years and I am so happy to finally do it for you and thank you so much for that dedication send me an email I'll uh I'll hook you up with a a gift card or something because it's just so much fun to see that I'm sad that you won't have to comment that anymore after this test so we have a little Hot Wheels type car and now I've let off the accelerator and a roadster we want to see if the car sees these and it is displaying something with the occupancy Network and it's driving around them wow that is pretty wild I cannot believe it actually detected that Roadster and drove around it and I want to see if you hold it up like in the air if the car will if FSD will show a car visualization yeah so try to hold it like this there you go nice so nothing I'm going displ can you continually bring it closer to this camera up here because as it gets closer it'll look more and more like a car right so nothing there it's visualizing you can you uh face the back of that car to us no I can't see a car can you try that same thing with the Roadster please all right so there's the Roadster that's so funny so nothing on the car it's just showing Stephanie and then can again can you face the back of it to us nope it doesn't show any car Vis visualization on that pretty interesting all right very impressive stuff seeing it go around the Roadster but we got to try just the little car as well I am sure this will not be dodged but here we go and letting off so the car is driving completely on its own now I actually don't even see it I have no oh there it is I see it now the car does not see it and drives right over it [Applause] all right next up we're going for a cardboard box here so I'll turn that on I'm still pushing it and I let off right there we'll see what the car does for this it is slowing and definitely displaying something there with the occupancy Network and driving around it so actually very nice that was handled really [Applause] well now of course we got to make it a little harder we'll do the Box laying down so I'm pushing it up to speed and let off right there car is in complete control it is deciding to slow down a lot this time and it's definitely displaying things on there it is easily able to see this box and this time it decides to just stop for it that's pretty interesting oh it sees two people off to the right too I mean they're well past the curb okay and it's just pushing the box down the road H maybe something like a front bumper camera like we have on the Cyber truck could help out in this situation I I wonder that's weird so it displayed it and then decided to just run it over all right time for the exercise ball and this is not going to be static Stephanie's going to throw it out in front of us at some point so I'm pushing it up here and letting off so the car is in complete control it's kind of up to Stephanie whatever she wants to do wow she's waiting and oh emergency it displayed a dog but it did kind of avoid it very interesting we'll have to do that a couple more [Applause] times all right Stephanie's on the other side of the road now just eliminating variables I told her it's up to her she's going to try to roll it a little slower but at about the same time so the car is already slowing down it does display her oh she waited late that time and it basically ignored it so she uh waited late enough that the car was able to ignore [Applause] it all right I'm really getting us up to speed here and now I let off and the car just chooses to go slower than that very nice oh oh it tried to avoid it and then it hit it oh man here I'm going to try to stop it that was crazy and now it's telling me this is probably take control immediately vehicle departing Lane yeah next we've got a rabbit a real live rabbit all right I've let off the accelerator obviously it's not real but we'll see how the car does it's like a small animal test we did this last year or last time a few months ago oh right over it wow you just don't even care about that little rabbit did it hurt it it knocked it over but I mean it went under the car this next item is super dangerous imagine some idiot cyber truck owner got a hitch and he didn't know how to put it on correctly and it fell off in the middle of the road this thing is wicked and I tested it this does not fit under the car so I cannot hit this but will FSD see a trailer hitch in the road so I'm letting off the accelerator right now and it's already slowing why are you slowing so much and don't tell me it's the person she's way off the side of the road it hasn't done that every time and yeah it's not really reacting to that at all it looks like the tire was going to hit it maybe not I mean it definitely was not reacting to it yeah so this is where I stopped FSD whatever picture you're looking at right now all right we got trailer hitch one more time I had Stephanie back up a little bit more just to make sure she's not influencing the car and now I've let off the accelerator so the car is just choosing to go slower and that's just it's up to the car it can kind of do whatever it wants and wow it was hitting the brake and it is wow it's displaying something there look how little um that it's displaying it hold on a second can you get another picture like you did before it actually did was slowing um and it was displaying something but it wasn't going to stop in [Applause] time so yeah it definitely was slowing for that object and displayed something on there but it wasn't going to stop in time and like right now it thinks something is there so and now now it knows it's not that's pretty interesting and again front bumper camera front bumper camera front bumper camera cuz it had a little thing displayed there a tiny little blob but it just it was slowing but it just wasn't going to stop in time all right what do we got next starlink satellite dish baby this is so random but why not all right I'm pushing it and let off right there car is in complete control it's slowing yeah it sees that one from far away wow I would say its perception of these objects does seem to be a lot farther back than I remember it being and it's just creeping right next to it oh it's so close it's going so slow and then it still has that object there and it continues very interesting I mean it did it did great that was that was fine and the finale we have the child mannequin test we're going to do our best here we have a better system than last time and we'll try to go for this at least three times if not more so let me blast up here hit drive and I'm off the car is fully in control Stephanie is ducking back there and here comes the kid and and it sees it and it stops for the kid and the kid dies the kid had a heart attack from seeing this deadly Tesla come after it but we're stopped I've not interfered I've not done anything and FSD has decided I'm not going to run over that body which has been a problem in the past so all right let's let's try to do this again and I'll have Stephanie wait a little longer this time all right another go with this kid I'm going to try to go faster Stephanie's going to try to go faster turn this on and I'm letting off right there so we're going 31 she's going to wait a little longer and very easy the car actually didn't pick the mannequin up until it was in the road it stops and then it continues okay I'll take it I'll take it all right here we go last moving mannequin test I do got to say the car is doing a lot better than it did uh last time and I let off the pedal right there and Stephanie's going to wait a lot longer this time to pull that kit out and she can see the car is slowing down and yeah it stopped we were going very fast it's not that dramatic but it did the right thing what do you want I don't have a p road so the car only wants to go a certain speed but success [Music]
Channel: Dirty Tesla
Views: 85,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model, elon, musk, electric, car, ev, phev, truck, review, autopilot, auto, pilot, self, driving, selfdriving, enhanced, eap, full, fsd, accident, super, charger, supercharger, service, center, dealer, battery, degredation, uber, lyft, rideshare, rural, off, road, offroad, awd, all, wheel, drive, performance, dirty, dirtytesla, regen, regenerative, brake, braking, tech, update, accessories, cyber, cybertruck, pickup, software, sentry, rivian, smart, summon, model y, ai, chat-gpt, chatgpt, chatgpt-4, beta
Id: GbiQ_uopCXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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