My Streamdeck settings REVEALED

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So it's December already. And it's that time of  year when you might be thinking about getting   gifts for your loved ones or your favourite  colorist or editors. And I think I've found   the perfect gift for DaVinci Resolve users. It's  the Elgato stream deck. This is a fantastic little   device that I've been playing with for a couple  of months now. So in this episode, I'm going to   show you how I use it. I'm going to show you  how to configure it. And I'm going to show you   other uses for it as well. It's not just for  DaVinci Resolve, I'm using it for all sorts of   stuff I've got I've got Spotify on there, Premiere,  I've got websites, I've also stuff just to make my   everyday things much quicker with just a single  hit of a button. So let's go and take a look.   So what is the Elgato stream deck? It's basically  a small box that's a USB connected device with a   series of buttons on it and you can basically  programme those buttons to do whatever you want   you don't need to be a programmer to operate  it. I'm certainly not a programmer. I'm going   to show you how I work with it. But it basically  comes in four different configurations that is a   six button device, there are two 15 button  devices. One of them has a customizable front   and that is a 32 button version. Which is one that  I'm using here. So this has traditionally been used   by gamers so when they're doing their live streams,  they can just literally press a button and it will   change the camera angle or it will give a shout  out or something like that. But over time I've   seen a lot more DaVinci Resolve users using it  and that is because it is so flexible you can   literally programme this to be any shortcut you've  got in DaVinci Resolve and you've got to at the   press of a button. So even though I'm working on  the advanced control surface, the advanced panel,   I still find this really useful. So let's  have a look at how it works. So to access   the configuration you need to go up to here this  little icon here configure stream deck and it   opens up and this is now an emulation of what  I'm looking at on my actual unit. So obviously   these are nice little LCD displays, but the it looks  exactly the same as this. So what we've got here   is my default profile. This is the profile that  will load when I first launch my computer. So   instantly on my front page, I've got access  to Resolve here obviously, Premier Photoshop,   have access to my email, and I'll take you through  this in a little while. First I want to show you   how we actually configure this ourselves.  So I'm going to make a brand new profile.   And by making profiles, it allows  us to do a single button action   and move through different parts of the software.  So for example, when I launch DaVinci Resolve,   it automatically triggers a new profile, which is  my DaVinci Resolve profile. So I'll show you that   in a moment. But first of all, let's have a look  at what happens. You've got this welcome button.   If you press that it's going to take you straight  to the Elgato website, so we can get rid of that   for a start. Down on the right hand side. We've  got all the sort of function keys that these are   doing the programming for us if you like I'm not a  programmer. I'm gonna show you how simple it is to   do. So at the top here we've got OBS Studio This  is dedicated to working with OBS, which is what I   use for my live streams. But down here where we've  got stream deck, this is what we're interested in.   Okay, so these functions down here and these here  are basic functions for getting the stream deck   to do something. So the easiest one probably  is this one called 'Open'. If you just literally   drag and drop it on. You can then choose the app  that you want it to open. So let's just choose it.   Go to our applications. Just choose whatever  you whatever you want. It might be VLC player,   for example, Or I want to launch my Nobe Omniscopes. So press enter and that button now will   launch Omniscope. It's as simple as that.  That's programme done is as simple as that.   Other simple ones is here we've got website  for example. So you can just drag and drop   and type in a URL for your favourite websites. So  I've got one that connects straight to radio six   music which is what I listened to generally when  I'm colour grading. This text one here is really   straightforward as well. What it does is  every time you press it literally types text.   So I've got one button here that does my  email signature. So it literally if I'm   logging into something, I can just press that  button and types out my full email address.   I've got one that's a signature that I use on  emails. So again, you just looking at the text.   And every time I press that button, it's going to  write "a stream deck for Christmas". So it's really   that simple. If you want more than 32 buttons or  let's say for example, you've bought the 15 button   version and you want more than 15 buttons. What  you can do is create a folder. Okay and this will   allow you to go to the next tier down. The other  way looking at it is building profiles. Okay,   so I was mentioning that when I press DaVinci  Resolve button, it launches a new profile which   has all my DaVinci Resolve settings and starts to  get to the next level when you start doing multi   actions. So I've got my multi action. I just drag  and drop it on. The first action would be to open   and that would be linked to DaVinci Resolve.  And my second action would be to switch profile   and change it to be the DaVinci Resolve  profile. And you can assign multi actions   to be many different things. It might be it  might be a six step function that you need to do   and I could put the DaVinci Resolve icon on  here. In fact, let me show you how to do that.   If I click on here, if you press this button  here, you can say set from file so you can   create your own icons. You can say create new  icon which takes you into this icon builder, which I'm not a huge fan of To be honest, but it  does work or you can open the stream deck icon   library. And in here, there's loads of pre made  icons now, you can actually install extra packs.   So I've installed the DaVinci Resolve package  also installed the Premier Pack. And they're   just down here so they'd give you a load of  these are absolutely free icons that relate   to DaVinci Resolve. So there is the actual DaVinci  Resolve logo. And you can now see that that's been   assigned. Now if you want to install new PACs,  you need to click on here... and you go to icons. And   down here you'll see lots of different programmes  have made their own icons that you can literally   install so you just press instal. So if you want  illustrator, for example, just press install.   And that's now installed in the icons. The other thing you can do is look at these plugins. So there are   various plugins that you can get. So for example,  I've got this analogue clock which I've installed   which I'll show you in a moment, but you can go  down here and there's loads of things in fact,   you've even got here their lighting, so  if I install this, you can actually control   your, if you've got the Philips Hue lights, you  can actually control them from your stream deck.   You see that's now installed itself at the  bottom, so I can switch my Philips lights on   and off. I can change the colour of them.  We can change the brightness of them. And   that's done all it needs to do is link that  to the Philips Hue system itself. And we're   controlling all that off our stream deck, so it's fantastic. So now you've got the idea of how   easy it is to actually programme this thing. I'm  going to show you what I've done so far. So let's   have a look at my default profile. So across  the top here, I've got all my OBS buttons now,   if you ever see me do a YouTube Live you'll know  that I messed up quite a bit because I normally   get confused with my keyboard shortcuts. This is  helping me alleviate that problem because these   buttons here are talking directly to OBS all  these buttons have come from the presets up here   from OBS Studio, okay, so my source here is the  so each of these is a source and I literally   have changed it to be wherever I needed to  be. So these are all for my live streaming.   This will launch OBS itself. I will be doing a  new live soon so this is probably a good opportunity   to subscribe and hit the notification bell and  you'll know when that is. This one here opens my   Spotify premiere Photoshop. This is my email,  BBC six music. This is my DaVinci Resolve. So   let me just show you what the other ones are and  then I can show you resolve specifically. There's   my little analogue clock which I love having down  there this one here is switch profiles. So I can   literally cycle through all my different profiles  really easily. This is when I'm on Zoom, so I can   mute and mute my camera. Just literally pressing a  button on here. And this starts my stream and this   mutes my microphone. So these are all things  that I use a lot. These ones are to do my   YouTube channel so this will take me directly to  make comments. As you know, I still do answer all   the comments where possible. We even got a little  button to get me there super quick so I can answer   your comments. So these are the things I'm using  all the time. But the main thing I'm using this   for is when I'm working with DaVinci Resolve.  So let's have a look at this icon. If I click   on this one, okay, you can see that it's a multi  action and are two actions. Let's click on that.   The first action is to open DaVinci Resolve.  And the second action is to switch the profile.   So let's have a look. Let's actually do it and  see what happens and obviously DaVinci Resolve   is already open in the background. I'm going to  press the switch anyway. So what's happened now   is I've switched to the DaVinci Resolve profile,  and I'm going to show you what that looks like in   my configurator and basically I've got always  down the bottom here I've got switch profile   and main page I can always go back to that front  page. But up here I've now got the media page Cut   Page Edit Page Fusion Colour Fairlight and Deliver  page. Alright, so just by pressing any one of   these takes me to that section. So if I'm in the  colour page at the moment, If I want to go to the Edit   page and let's just press the Edit button. Okay,  and what that does is loads up my editing profile   so Ive now got the Edit page profile. So my profile so far ... I've not completely configured this at all yet;   you can buy preset configurations, by the way as  other companies out there doing DaVinci Resolve   packs where it's fully featured and loaded, but  I'm going to add a new one for you now actually   exactly how easy it is to do that. So this is  my Edit page profile. So when I press the Edit   button, it goes to my Edit page profile. And you  can see I've got insert, overwrite all that sort of   stuff down here are the markers. I'm going to go  to add the blade tool that is basically a Hotkey. Hotkey is like a shortcut. So all I have to  do here is assign the DaVinci Resolve keyboard   shortcut for blade which is Command B and that is  now assigned. Now that icon doesn't look great.   It's not very easy for me to see what that is.  So let's change the icon as we did before. I'm   going to open the stream deck icon library and see  if there's anything suitable. And in the DaVinci   Resolve icon pack which is free as part of Elgato.  I'm going to take this razor blade icon here So, double click that, close it down and that is a far more suitable icon. Now if you want to assign your own   things, and there isn't a keyboard shortcut for it in Resolve, all you need to do is go to your keyboard   customization and look for key that's not taken.  So to do that if you want to proceed let's say for   example Ctrl Shift, you can start pressing buttons  and see if everything's assigned. So ctrl shift G   is not assigned to anything. Okay, Ctrl Shift S  isn't. So shift S is audio scrubbing, okay, so you   can easily see what's assigned and what's not. And  then all you got to do is add your own keyboard   shortcut to that, and then assign that as your  hotkey. So let me show you an example of that.   Let's go back to our stream deck. And what I'm  going to do now is go to the colour page. So   if I click on this button here, it takes me to  the colour page. So let's just click on here I'm   going to click colour that's changed my profile  to be the colour page profile which looks like   this. Okay, and now you can see what buttons I'm  using on my stream deck even though I've got the advanced   panel. So the main thing I've got going on here  is the most obvious thing I've got going on here   is these printer light buttons. So the printer  lights refer to what's going on down here. Okay,   so it's these red, green and blue here in the  offsets and I use this a lot is one of my first   primary parts of my grading. And now whichever  one of these I press is a quarter point change in   printer lights. If I want to bring red up slightly  by one quarter point five just press that once.   That means a quarter point I want to move blue  down , so it moves it down one quarter point and let's   add a bit of yellow. So there we go. So that's  made it really easy for me to do that. Now I   can also do that on the advanced panel but it's  actually much clearer for me to see what's going   on on the stream deck than it is on the panel  itself to some functionality is better on the   stream deck. If you haven't got advanced panel and  you're working with the other panels, this becomes   even more valuable because things like here  you can see just bring up the interface again.   I've added these memories so I've got four  memories on here. You could have 32 memories on   it or 16 memories on here. I've just put those  into show you what would be what I think would   be a good idea to do if you had the mini or the  micro panel, obviously on the advanced panel It's   really easy for me to do that. So that's kind of  excessive buttons. However, what I have done is   add down here my playhead so I've got A, B, C and  D. Now I've got playhead on the advanced panel but   annoyingly now, since the version 17 button  change. I now I have to do this... So to change my playhead as my playheads are down here, I  have to shift down, press playhead and then select   the playhead which is actually a three button  press. So on my stream deck, I can do that with   one button, press A on here, and that's updated  Goto D and that is a one button press so   it's much much easier for me to do that on the  stream deck that is on the advanced panel itself.   And I just want to show you how easy it is to make  your own icons. So I'm going to open the software   and for my playheads - lets go to my colour page  profile, the play heads, I wanted these actual   icons from the interface. They didn't really have  them in the pack looking any good so all you've got   to do is go down here. Here's my actual play heads  and all I did was separate them out a little bit.   And let's take A and I just press Command +Shift+4 on my Mac, keyboard and literally,   screen grabs that so what that does is screen  grab just the portion that's highlighted. Okay,   that gave me this little PNG  file, go to my software again.   And it can literally take that icon there and I'm  going to replace it. So when I say set from file, Im going to go to my desktop. And it's the last  screenshot that I just grabbed. Open it up.   And there it is. So you can literally just screen  grab so I think it says somewhere you need it to   be a certain pixel size and whatever you don't you  just literally screengrab like that I don't have   to do that in Windows, I'm afraid but I'm sure  someone can put that in the comments. The beauty   of the stream deck is you can have multiple stream  decks working together so they actually work in   harmony. So if you were thinking of gifting one  to someone and they've already got a stream deck,   they're still going to be really happy with it  because you can just gang them together. And   if you don't get one as a gift and you're  expecting I'm just getting by yourself one   because it's a fantastic bit of kit. I've also  put in my descriptions, they are affiliate links,   so I might get a bit of a kickback but it will  be exactly the same price to you. And it links   directly to where you can buy the stream links  from so I still got a lot of programming to do on   this but I think you get the general idea of how  just how easy it is to use and have functional it is,   and it works with any programme you can think  of ... well to the best of my knowledge anyway.   There are people writing some serious macros for  this as well. So if you have a look on GitHub,   for example, there are tonnes of stuff for Stream  Deck on there. I know some of my friends in the   industry have got some very deep knowledge on how  these work and how their macros work, but I'm just   a simple colorist. That is how I've configured  mine so far. I absolutely love it. It sits   beautifully next to my advanced panel here. Just  it's just a real nice complement to the suite. So   I hope that's been helpful for you and look after  yourselves and I'll see you in the next episode.
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 28,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my best gadget for xmas, stream deck review, stream deck xl, elgato stream deck, twitch, davinci resolve, colour grading, xmas ideas 2021, resolve 17, resolve17, how to use resolve, tips for resolve, OFX, christmas gifts for editors, resolve accesories, configure stream deck, my stream deck, Grading with stream deck, how to use stream deck with Resolve, elgato, gaming, learning resolve, Best gadget for resolve users, edit in resolve with stream deck, Streamdeck
Id: e6Za7TyGBoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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