Elgato Stream Deck + vs Razer Stream Controller - which has better knobs

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hello this is the provoke prawn and in this video I'm going to be talking to you about the Razer stream controller and the Elgato stream deck plus I've been using both these devices recently and I noticed some differences between them that are worth discussing so here I'm going to show off the various different things and talk about the features and highlights of each the frustrations with them perhaps and some of the things that I find really cool obviously both devices have stream in their name so employ a design for streamers and you'll see that a number of different buttons to activate things like twitch and OBS and basically to get into settings in there that allow you to optimize your stream and improve your production quality and therefore make life a little bit fancier and hopefully get those subscribers and followers to get you more views but it's not just for that purpose I think it's worth talking about the productivity uses and more now Elgato stream deck plus offers an upgrade to the usual stream deck lineup that includes this touch screen in the middle allows you to swipe between various different profiles you can see a number of different ones that I've set up here it also has four dials at the bottom which can be used to control various different things including lighting obviously for elgato's key lights for example but also it will work with Philips Hue lighting and also you can adjust the screen brightness you can also use them for volume control and those are interesting things that you can do with wavelink now so there's wavelink integration that'll allow you to adjust volumes independently and a lot of other things now when you first get the Elgato stream deck plus out of the box and plug it in one of the things that's worth knowing is the sort of frustrations around the fact that it basically comes with nothing set up so you get out of the box and none of the buttons are programmed so all the things that you just saw were stuff that I programmed in and it took quite a bit of time to put that together I covered a lot of this in my review and go into a lot more depth on it but essentially going to the stream deck software and you have to set up all the buttons all the dials and all the pages the logic for it is fairly straightforward and there's a lot of drag and drop customization so you can do all sorts of things by dragging in OBS Studio commands voice mod settings and a lot more if you dive into the marketplace you can download icon packs plugins and a lot of other things to make it look really nice and there's a lot of customization in there for tweaking all sorts of things and basically setting it up the way you want to so not only looks good but also obviously makes you more efficient and works with a variety of different things and that's one of the highlights of the stream deck and it always has been and the stream deck plus is interesting because it adds in the dial capabilities ability to dial things in and up in a much more granular way which has a variety of uses but you can see all the different plugins that you can access here includes everything from IQ to Nvidia shallow play to Philips Hue lighting to stream elements to OBS to stream Labs there's all sorts of different customization in here that you can do you install these plugins and then you you go through the various settings in the Stream deck in order to assign buttons create multi-actions create folders do all sorts of things obviously grab an icon pack to make it look nice customize it personalize it into your own thing you can add in gifs sound effects you can see there's lots of different things it has royalty-free music it has royalty three sound effects so basically you've got copyright free stuff that you can throw in there in your stream you can press a button however activate when you're playing games and obviously then improve the quality of a stream and make it look really nice stream deck's really powerful but it requires a lot of setup process and I've found that really frustrating and if you're like me and you get impatient with things and you get annoyed at having to do all this this took a long time to get into this state for example took a few hours just to get a few pages set up with a variety of controls here but once you do you get some really nice controls out of it I've got two different key lights that I'm controlling independently from these wheels you can also turn them on and off with the touch dial with a strip across the middle you can also customize a variety of other things in there so as I said volume controls and one of the other Pages I've got controls for separate audio resources for things like Chrome Discord and Spotify all separated out and you can use multi-actions which is essentially pressing one button and multiple things will happen at once which has always been really cool on stream deck and you have it here again so basically just press the button lights will turn on programs will load up voice channels will load into and other things you can also customize it with your own things so I've set up here with DaVinci Resolve settings on a profile page and this essentially allows me to optimize my editing flow because I can then basically run through the timeline using the dials so you can zoom in and out of the timeline you can scrub through the timeline and you can skip frame by frame and other things I can then cut use the blade tool put markers in and out save insert files switch between different tabs and do other things now this requires a lot of customization and a lot of knowledge and a lot of and it is a fiddle because I want to talk to you now about the Razer stream controller this device when you plug it in is already set up and it has a variety of different things set up you can see that it has tabbed content in the same sort of way you have to press buttons to switch between the pages instead of swiping but you can also get access to a variety of other controls again you can see one here this is for DaVinci Resolve and you'll see that it has a variety of things on there you'll also notice there are a lot more dials and this is one of the things I want to talk about I think is better because these dials have a lot more going for them you can see multiple different actions assigned to them so the potential to be a lot more productive and it's a lot easier to start with because I didn't set any of that up on the Razer stream controller that is exactly how it came out of the box once you plug it in and you download The DaVinci Resolve plugin and there are a number of plugins to do so the difference here is the stream deck plus I had to customize all of that you will notice however and I do feel like the stream deck plus has a better build quality to it as a little bit of more style and a nicer finish perhaps both of them are dust magnets so forgive the dust and little bits of dirt on here Believe It or Not these recently come out of a box and yet they've still managed to attract quite a lot of dust and I think that's the case with both of them but you can see that the stream controller sits a lot lower than the stream deck because it's smaller more compact device and yet it offers some really good functionality now once again here you can see in DaVinci Resolve I didn't program any of this you can basically switch between pages and resolve with the buttons and then you can open up different settings and you have a variety of controls in there you'll see some of the buttons are blank and that gives you the option to add in extra ones also those touch buttons vibrate when you press them which is something that the stream deck doesn't do so you get some touch feedback off of them as well you'll see some labeling down the right hand side so the strip down the right hand side without any colors on it that's just labeling it for the the wheels so you'll always know what the wheels do in no matter what page you're on you can see here that you have the ability to zoom in and out of Clips go to markers adjust volume levels push and trim select Clips Ripple to play heads trim the end trim start and all sorts of other things and that's all already programmed in once you've got the plugin set up and so it's very very easy and I found I was really productive with this controller and I've gone into a lot more depth on the video that I did on it but basically it allows for really easy setup and it's already all there you don't need to do any of this where with a stream deck plus you have to do a lot of the programming you have to know what the shortcut keys are in order to do it and it was a lot more fiddly to get working and a lot more frustrating I do think the stream deck plus is probably better for streamers and the stream controller ironically is probably better for people that are looking to be more productive with Photoshop and video editing software and other things you will see obviously if you go into the software that is Loop deck so it's Razer and loop Tech effort and loop deck is really well known for these sorts of tools and they're similar to Elgato in that way but even a standard you can see with the razor stream control logic you have it set up with a number of different streaming tools here and a lot of blank spaces so you can put in your own so you still have the ability to add macros multi-toggles and various different custom controls but if you go into the profile you can see there's loads of different profiles in here you've got audacity audition After Effects you've got Premiere Pro you can go into the profiles and download even more so you'll see there's options for things like blender and you can even use Excel on here it's got it's got all sorts of different profiles that you can download and run the really nice thing about it as well is that you don't have to switch between them yourself so with a stream deck you kind of have to switch to those profiles although you can set it up in the settings if you dive in a bit more to activate it when you click on an app but with the Razer stream controller if I for example jump from chrome into resolve the controller will automatically switch to the resolve settings so that then resolve settings of them there at my fingertips so I can easily use them and if I switch to another app that has a profile for it it'll automatically change to that all this logic is already there and at your fingertips and you'll see that there's a lot of options to add a lot more into it as well so it's really powerful tool I do think both of them are fantastic for different reasons obviously Elgato is constantly updating its software and improving things and also the Elgato stream deck plus offers a variety of interesting highlights if you're integrated into the Elgato system so if you're using Wave products for example and elgato's key lights you can really get a lot of granular control with those dials and it's really cool for a number of reasons be sure to check out the links in the description to find out more about both of these devices thanks for watching this has been the provoke prawn I hope you found this video useful interesting hilarious or otherwise take a look at these other videos that I think you might find interesting as well and have a look at the description for links and other information you might find useful click that join button to see the benefits of being a member of my YouTube channel and most importantly have a great life
Channel: The Provoked Prawn
Views: 30,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Provoked Prawn, The Provoked Prawn, stream deck, elgato stream deck, elgato stream deck +, elgato stream deck+, stream deck + review, new stream deck, stream deck plus, stream deck +, how to use stream deck
Id: vBLOL77XA90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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