Elgato Stream Deck | Music Producer Studio Tips

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hey what's going on out there i'm sean devine hope you all are doing well in this tutorial i want to show you how i'm utilizing the elgato stream deck for uh productivity for workflow enhancement specifically in my music studio so i think there's a lot of folks out there myself included that thought that the stream deck was just for streaming however this little device is extremely powerful in terms of setting up quick keys you can automate different tasks different sequences you can set shortcuts in your daw which we're going to build a custom profile here in just a minute all kinds of cool stuff that you can do so let's go ahead and dive in real quickly before we dive into the tutorial i want to tell you about a giveaway that is being hosted by videobolt.net they have offered you all three unlimited plans to create content and i'm gonna tell you how you can win that at the end of the video so stay tuned so this is the stream deck customizer and this is where you set up all the different keys on the stream deck device and you can see here this is my default system profile so i've got some useful things here first key is going to be my cpu as i'm filming and running the daw and lots of other different things it's good to just see how much we're kind of tapping into our cpu resources now the other cool thing that you can do with stream deck is you can trigger any application so for me one of the applications that i'm constantly pulling up even when i'm in logic or the daw is the rme totalmix fx so i have a button for that and if i click that it will go ahead and just launch that app i can you know edit my routings there very easily so it's just handy to pull that up i also have the utility so if i needed to make any changes there just go to the system options here and select open and just drag that over here and then we can choose any application on your system so if i want to change this to say the ssl360 just click that it will automatically set up a button if you want to have some text there you can have it but it will go ahead and put that icon on the device and then if i click it it will launch that app so handy to just set up any application you want very quickly with a quick key now taking this a step further we can actually set up what are called multi-actions on stream deck this is very powerful because we can set up different actions that will sequentially happen when we click one of these buttons so an example here is i have one set up that will trigger a time machine backup now for those of you again in the studio or doing anything creatively we talk about how important it is to back up throughout the day having a quick key right here on stream deck is a good reminder and it's very very easy for me to just hit this button and trigger that in order to set that up i have first the open application and it will open up terminal and then after opening the application i have it set up to trigger a text string so we can select this text over here and then we can have the stream deck type in any string of text that we want in this case this is the instruction in terminal to start that time machine back up and then it's going to press enter after the message so let's go ahead and do that we'll click this disk button and you'll see there's terminal it typed that string it hit enter and we go up here it's preparing the backup so it's ready to go i can do that throughout the day very very easily and make sure i'm on top of keeping my system backed up also got the lock button so if i step away from my laptop or something and i want to just log out i can very easily do that i've also got a button to turn off the stream deck display if i hit that it will just go dim and hit it again it comes back on and the last one i set up on all of my profiles to switch between the profiles so if i click that button it will scroll to my streaming setup if i click it again it scrolls back to my system profile another useful key that i have set up on my default profile is a timer so if i click this little stopwatch it will automatically start an hour long timer this is very useful for me i like to take frequent ear breaks after about 45 minutes to an hour throughout the day very important as an engineer or a producer any of you who are working in the studio also it's good to just be able to know how much time i'm investing into a session if you want to set up more profiles which let's just for example set up one for our daw right now with some different transport controls maybe we'll do something interesting with the multi-action just going to go up here and we're going to do a new profile and i'm going to go ahead and delete whatever it puts in here by default and we're going to rename this to logic pro x and another cool thing that you can do is you can either make it your default or you can set this to a specific application meaning whenever i open logic it will automatically switch to that profile so i'm going to go ahead and do that we'll just go and select the logic pro x application and so now when i open up logic it's going to automatically switch to that a lot of people just like to have buttons physical buttons for transport controls like you know rewind fast forward stop play and record so we'll very easily set those up on our stream deck so we'll go to configure stream deck we got a blank deck here we need to set up some hotkeys or key commands so i'm just going to drag a few of these over from our system menu and then if you don't know your key commands for these different things in your daw you can just go to the key command menu and we can search you know like rewind and if you didn't know that then just click it it'll show you what it is mine are set up to comma and period for rewind and forward so we will go ahead and plug those in here i'm going to click down here where it says click to assign we'll click it and we'll do a comma this one's going to be period for fast forward my play is obviously space bar so click that and then finally this one for record is r so i'll type that in there if you don't want that typing there we can just delete those and then we can also set up some different icons so just go in here go to open stream deck library so now when we go back into logic we should have our rewind and our forward we've got play and of course we have record so very easy to set up a number of different transport controls for any daw right there on stream deck so just to get your wheels turning let's do a multi-action for logic let's just say that i was dragging in some different beat multi-tracks so i was going to record with these or maybe i'm going to mix them there's certain things that i do in every mix or every session i start up and so rather than having to do those i can just set up one button to you know do some of these tasks sequentially with the stream deck so let's just say that i was going to be dragging in some multi-tracks from a beat so we'll go ahead and just move these into logic create new tracks the first thing would be uh setting up a vca track for my instrumental for my beat so i'm gonna go back to stream deck and we're gonna set a multi-task or multi-action so we'll drag that over here and the first action is going to be a hotkey so we're going to drag hotkey over here and the hotkey for creating a vca is control option v for me so we're going to click down here control option v to create the vca for all these instrumentals we also need to select all the tracks so i'm going to do another hotkey and we're going to move that actually above that and this is just going to be command a which is select all so once i've dragged the instrumental tracks in it's going to select all those it's then going to create my vca and then let's also do something like activate low latency mode my hotkey for low latency is control option l so it will turn on low latency mode and then let's say we want to bring up the color palette so that i can make all of my mixer tracks the same color just an organizational thing so we'll do one more hotkey here last which is going to be option c so we had all our beats stuff in here i've got this button and i'm going to click it okay so we hit it and you see it routed all of my beat tracks to a vca so we'll go ahead and name that beat and you see it activated low latency mode and it also brought up our color palette so when they're all selected we can very easily go ahead and change the color of all the tracks we'll go ahead and put the switch profile here as the last key again just so that we can continue to scroll between our different profiles very easily all right y'all that is a very quick look at the stream deck and how we can utilize it in a music studio environment to power up your productivity set up all kinds of cool shortcuts to really maximize your workflow in the daw and again this is not just a device for streaming as you can see here it has certainly created a lot of useful things for me that save me time those who stuck around for the videobolt.net giveaway i'm going to be selecting three lucky winners from the comments section and you're going to be receiving a yearly unlimited plan meaning you can create as many visualizers as many promos for your social media all kinds of different stuff you can do on there if you're seeing this after the fact or you didn't win the giveaway i also have an exclusive 20 off discount in the description below so click that link if you're interested in videobolt.net if you have any questions or comments about the stream deck feel free to leave them below maybe you have some cool shortcuts you'd like to share with us we'd love to hear about those as well please like subscribe and consider sharing hit that notification bell for more and we'll talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: Sean Divine
Views: 8,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream deck, elgato, music producer, elgato stream deck, studio setup, logic pro x, sean divine, home studio setup, stream deck multi actions, how to use stream deck, music production, music studio, mixing, daw, workflow, productivity, stream deck setup, stream deck hot keys, home studio, stream deck tutorial, stream deck shortcuts, logic pro x key commands, audio engineer, music production tips
Id: aI0p8RUkfYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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