Stream Deck Plus Color Panel for Davinci Resolve Mac Version

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[Music] foreign Todd from sideshowfx once again and in this video I'm going to run through the installation process of our color panel for DaVinci Resolve on the stream deck plus device and this is the Mac version now now we're going to walk you through each of the steps in order to get things up and running for you so that you'll be able to take advantage of all the features that this Suite of profiles has including controlling your primaries log color space curves qualifiers getting things set up with your raw profiles as well as sizing and key we've got it all bundled in here now in your pack you've downloaded from sideshowfx there is a PDF guide I do recommend that you take a look through that guide first and refer to this video for reference should you need it the PDF guide that's in your pack is the most up-to-date and is the most thorough so it is always best to follow the installation process in that PDF and use it as reference material should you need further clarification turn to this video jump to the section you need help with and hopefully it'll be a little more clear with that said once you download the pack this is what you're going to see most of this pack works on our new plugin architecture that we built specifically for this pack but there are some Shortcut commands such as layer node parallel node Etc that do require a keyboard shortcut command so we've included our keyboard command key file we'll need to install that so the way you do that you go into DaVinci you go up to DaVinci Resolve go to your keyboard customization and you click on this Ellipsis here and you go down to import preset you navigate to your downloaded folder and inside the keyboard command folder you will find our text file which is our key command so you will use this DaVinci Resolve side to Effects Pro 6 text file and you click on it and say open I already have mine loaded and you'll see it appear here and then you would say save and then your key file is lined up now as mentioned earlier most of this pack works on our new plugin that we've built you'll need to install this plugin so it's here in the plugin folder with your stream deck software open all you need to do is double click this file and it will load in our plugin now the next thing to do is we're going to load in the profiles themselves now when we open our profiles folder and I'll expand this up so we can see what we've got in here you can see we have several folders here that is because we have in this pack six Suites of profiles that are programmed for specific display resolutions and we have a seventh which is generic so what you would do is identify what your display resolution is and then you come back here and you would load up the profiles that correspond to your current resolution if your current resolution is not one of the ones we've listed here then you would load up the generic resolution now here I'll show you how to find out what your display resolution is just go to the Opera menu go to about this Mac and we can click on displays depending on which operating system you're working in you can click on displays and this one is demonstrating that I'm a 1920 1080 display at this at this moment you can also if you don't see it there depending on your OS once again go to system preferences go into displays and if you've scaled your monitor you can select you can see which resolution you're in or if you're in Monterey you can click on display settings and in as you can see in this example I have two displays this is my primary display and I can Mouse over the one that's highlighted in blue and it will show my current resolution on this particular screen I'm 2048 by 11 52. so the reason for the different profiles here is we have pre-built several different resolutions that already have those coordinates programmed now these display resolution pre-programmed profiles work on single display DaVinci workstations if you're running a dual display you will need to load up the generic resolution so now that you've identified what your display resolution is in my case currently I'm running a 1920x1080 resolution so I would open up this folder and you'll see that I have several profiles available to me in this folder each one of these folders has a suite of 18 separate profiles this is the way we build our stream deck plus packs it reduces the amount of scrolling that you would need to do if we packed it all into one profile it actually is more efficient to work this way so that said how you load these in it's very simple on the Mac because you can just shift click so you select all of them and then we're going to double click and they will all consecutively load in and there you go once we're finished we can double check and make sure going to the preferences and going to our profiles tab that we have all 18 of our profiles loaded in here now the next thing we need to do is is we need to interconnect all of these 18 different profiles to each other so that when we press our back button it sends us back to the main and when we press a specific workspace to go to it will go to that correct workspace unfortunately at this time stream deck does not have the ability when we save out a profile to retain that link so you need to repoint it to where it needs to go it's very quick and simple so the first thing we'll do is we're going to load up the main profile and you see on our main profile we have some node functions we have a load save memory folder fixed node trees and a printer light so we're going to go ahead and move to page two so just by swiping over to the left now with page two we can see the start of our workspaces now each one of these is a switch profile key meaning that when we press that button it is going to switch the profile that is displayed on our device so if I click on it here in the software you can see it's switch profile and it's currently not pointing to the correct profile that we want to open we want to open our color panel primaries so we're going to click on this and just select our color panel primaries right there so now that when we click on our device it opens our color panel primaries now of course you see that we have a back button here that back button needs to go back to where we were which was the main so we're going to click on it and select Main so now that when I press main it takes me back to where I was now you notice it took us back to page one that's not what we want because we were just on page two of our main profile I'll switch back over to page two and go into primaries so how do we make that go back to the correct page we select it you see we're still going to the main but we want to make it go to page two now when we press back it's going to the correct spot and we're going to do this for each one of these profiles and we can go through very quickly and repoint them now we'll go back to the first page and these are folders so when we open up and I'll click it on the device here you can see we have some load saved memories then we have our fixed node trees but our printer light is not a folder it's also sending to a workspace so we need to click on this and just point it to printer light now we can quickly just go into each one of the workspaces and point them all back to the main profile now this one will go back to page one because that's where the printer light is and we'll swipe to the second page we're going to we've already done primaries so we're going to log we want to make sure you go to page two and just continue on the same way with the rest of the profiles in your pack pointing them back to the main and don't forget to point back to page three when you're working with the workspaces that are on page three in the main now the way these pre-built display resolution profiles work is we've already programmed ahead of time with those resolutions where every element is on The DaVinci interface in terms of X Y coordinates first of all what you need to do is you need to reset your UI so you can go into a workspace here reset UI layout you see it just changes a few things here we'll we'll put our Scopes back on it turn the Scopes off automatically we're going to leave those on that doesn't affect anything here when I press temp for example to start to control our temperature you'll see that our Mouse will jump to the temperature location foreign right dial that we have here there's a dial stack indicator that indicates that there are functions nested inside of this dial command and by pressing the dial we can access them so when I press once you can see I get a controller here this will allow me to control any of the currently accessed parameters so you see when I press temperature that my cursor is going to jump to that location on temperature and using this controller I can then adjust the value I can make it cooler or warmer depending on what I'm going for all right so essentially that's how it works so each key has a coordinate attached to it already and by pressing on that button and rotating the controller dial I can make those adjustments go to tint I can start changing tint color boost I can boost up my color but decrease the contrast all right now they are pre-programmed and ready to go as long as you follow a couple of simple guidelines go to your project settings and you will need to go to Color management and if you're running the studio version you'll need to turn on Dolby vision hdr10 and HDR Vivid when you do those three items get lined up here in the header and it pushes these items down this is how we've programmed the pre-built profiles is with these three items on and these items pushed down if you're running the free version of DaVinci you will not have these three items available to you and so these headers will move up here and therefore be misaligned that is why even though you would be running a pre-built profile that we've already mapped if you're running the free version you'll just have to reprogram these locations now if you have one of these pre-built resolutions it's important to know that if you're running a dual screen setup it does change the positioning of some of the items and therefore you will need to use a generic profile in addition these were all built with the studio version of DaVinci so if you're running the free version of DaVinci in one of these resolutions you can still use one of the pre-built resolutions but you will need to program these header Keys here everything else in the pre-built profile will work down below but these ones will be misaligned and I'm going to demonstrate why that is in a second now the last thing that we need to do has to do with the dock now I've got the dock on Auto Hide so it does not move the interface but if I go over to the system preferences and I go into the dock and I turn off auto hide you can see it moves my interface so a lot of these controls will be misaligned to what we've programmed for the pre-built profiles so you can do one of two things you can Auto hide the dock like I had there or if you prefer to how always have the dock visible you will then need to maximize The DaVinci screen and that puts it back to where we need it to be so you'd need to run Da Vinci in the Mac full screen version if you would like to have your dock always visible now if you have your doc Auto hiding like I do here and you prefer to work in a full screen version by pressing the green button here you can do that it does not change the positioning of any of these items it actually stretches exponentially the more you get to the top of the UI it stretches more so it pretty much leaves these alone leaves them in their same location so that's if you have Auto Hide on of your dock you can choose to run it in full screen or not it isn't going to change our parameters that we've recorded for these pre-built profiles so in summary if you are running the studio version with a single Monitor and your display resolution matches one of the ones we've already pre-built in the package you can use one of those pre-built that matches your resolution as long as you reset the UI and you either have the dock on auto hide or if the dock is not autohide you would run it in full screen mode plus you would need to turn on Dolby Vision HDR 10 plus and HDR Vivid now if you're running the studio version with a dual or single Monitor and your resolution does not match you would load up the generic profile and you would then go through and assign the coordinates for the keys that you want if you are running the free version with a single Monitor and your display resolution matches one of the pre-built ones that we've provided you can use that pre-built profile as long as you reset the UI and you use a dock Auto hiding or you have the Auto Hide off and you maximize your screen in this situation you would only need to assign the coordinates for those header keys that would get moved down because you don't have the Adobe vision hdr10 and HDR Vivid which pushes those items down all the rest of the controls would be programmed for you now if you have the free version and you're running a dual or a single Monitor and your resolution does not match then you use the generic profile so even though I'm working in a pre-built profile I'm going to demonstrate as if this I'm using a generic profile and the Physicians were not recorded ahead of time it's very simple this is how you do it in the case of a temperature if I want to record the position of where my temperature function is I take my cursor I'm going to Mouse over the text of temperature you can do the integer it works better with our plugin if you can wear available use the text so I'm hovering over text I go to my device I'm going to press and hold temperature for just about a second you'll see a green check mark indicating that that position is now recorded now when my mouse is somewhere else and I press temperature it jumps to that location I can use this controller to change that adjustment and you can do that for any or all of the parameters in DaVinci that you want to use if you just want to do a few to start and you find you need to access other ones later you can do them at any time and like I said they're always safe with your profile so that's how you do those primary controls you can see we have the case of lift gamma gain and if I press the dial stack two more times you'll see we've got offset here well how do we program the ones on the dial strip well for the master Wheels we're going to take our our cursor we're going to most into the center of the master wheel itself and as you can see we have lift on our number one dial here so we're going to press and hold on the dial strip itself until we see a location saved notification see it says location saved now when I move the mouse off all I need to do in this case is start rotating I don't even need to press the button it will automatically jump there and I can make my adjustment same thing with gamma position it where we want press and hold on gamma gain and offset now I can adjust these and jump around very quickly to make the adjustments I need Now by scrolling to the next page you can see we have saturation in Hue and Luma mix once again as demonstrated you go over the text of each one press and hold that button to achieve it you have reset you have your primaries wheel here you would Mouse over that press and hold and now if I'm working somewhere let's say I'm working in my color bars and I want the wheels I just click that and it bounces to it now you can see in the dial strip that we have a lot more commands here than we did in the previous one that's because we have the ability to what we call dial splitting so each one of these dials has four functions assigned to each style and so how we access each of these is we just press on that part of the quadrant above each dial that we want to make the adjustment so in the case of if we want to adjust the luminance of lift we click on that part of the quadrant and now I can make that adjustment if I want to make an adjustment on green gamma fresh green gamma and blue gamma blue lift Etc in the case of the buttons above if I want to adjust saturation for example I would press saturation and I would make sure that I turn on my controller for the fourth dial and now I can adjust the saturation level if you're working in a generic and you need to program these it's pressing and holding on that part of a quadrant so in the case of let's do luminance for gain because there is no text we do hover over the value parameter and we're going to press and hold the luminance of gain and that has been recorded and you go through and do all the ones that you want to include Now by swiping we're back to page one of our primaries you can see we have a primaries key here and that will allow us to open up the primaries pane itself in DaVinci so let's move our cursor over the primary's header press and hold now if we're working in another workspace let's say we're in RGB let's say we're on the main page and we want to start doing some primary adjustments we click on primaries and click on the primaries header the first key opens our primaries profile and our stream back device and the second key opens up the primaries pane in DaVinci so if you're programming follow along in the PDF we detail exactly which keys go with which in case there's a little bit of confusion but it's all pretty well laid out and self-explanatory so now I'm on page two here you can see that we've got color wheels accessible to us how do we control these well by clicking on any one of the color wheels let's say we're going to work an offset it jumps to that location and now by using the right dial I can either move left or right or up and down to make my adjustment all right and of course pressing on the offset here will allow me to make a master wheel adjustment in the in my offset and like we saw earlier we have several commands assigned to each dial so depending on what you want to work with pressing on the correct one will make those adjustments now this page has a few more commands we see a repeat of the color wheels however these are more direct meaning that all you need to do is start rotating these dials and you can make your adjustments yeah and we can easily just do a reset for each one of these to get us back where we were and one more swipe we're back to where we started so that's quick navigation of our primaries there let's jump out we're going to jump back to our main if we take a look at log it's pretty much the same as our primaries and we have some Jog and shuttle functions and we can navigate our nodes same treatment as we saw in the primaries and now HDR if you've been working in HDR in DaVinci you're aware that the first three color wheels are scrollable let's switch to HDR mode here and we'll switch to our wheels and as you're aware with the color wheels in HDR we can navigate the first three wheels separate from the global so by using these keys we can change what those three color wheels will adjust and by swiping over we can access the color wheel controls the first three will control whatever is currently present in the color wheels right now it's black dark and Shadow so by clicking on this and pressing my dial stack to get my controller I can now adjust this value and you'll see we have some dial stacks on this page for all the dials so we have our x y and our fall off for each one of the dials but by clicking on it we can reveal our exposure and saturation for each one of the wheels same familiar temperature tint Etc and then independent color wheels here just by rotating will allow us to make our adjustments and here we can get into our Zone graph and these have been mapped to the different parts of the zones and then back to page one all right back out we go we're going to go into RGB mixer and by clicking on rgd mixer that opens up the pane for us and of course we can click on any one of these and start rotating our individual color channels and you'll see that the color Channel controls here are also repeated here but they are treated a little differently if we control these you can see the pace at which we are able to adjust these if I click on red here you can see it's actually more responsive it's it's a lot quicker and this is a finer control that's because when we program these these get programmed in the center of the bar versus these get programmed on the integer value itself it actually behaves a little differently so that's what we provided both settings for you okay now we can get into curves and we can select our individual channels we can change our our luminance our red green blue and we have all the controls here of Curves available and then we can get into color warper same thing all of our all of our controls are available here in color warper qualifier we can fine tune our color ranges for our secondaries we have our matte finesse functions available here we can immediately just start rotating to adjust these values as we see fit if you're working at a higher resolution you won't see Matt finesse 1 and 2 because the resolution is high enough for Da Vinci to put all of the controls in one panel they didn't need to separate them out the way they do in a lower resolution so if you're working higher resolution you won't see the map Finance one and two and here we can start to work with our individual color controls so I'm going to do a picker add select a region there and turn on my highlights and now I can make adjustments of my width narrow it down if I wanted to change my symmetry adjust the high saturation the softness of that saturation change the low change to low softer the saturation and swiping one more gives us the luminance controls down here now we can get into window or we can create some power windows we'll open up the window pane let's make a Circle I just position this over now I have control of my transform here and I can now you may find I cannot make our adjustments here now you may find that the control doesn't work as quickly as you'd like or perhaps it's too quick these are adjustable so in our DaVinci software you can click on the dial control that you want to affect and you can see it's got a speed control here if you click it onto fixed this will be adjustable for you you can then increase or decrease the speed at which things take place currently we have it set to Dynamic which means that the faster you rotate the dial the faster the change will be but if you prefer you can turn on fixed and let's check this way up back into DaVinci and then when I change my transform it's actually a lot quicker for me and so you have all the functions that are available here you can have your softness controls depending on which power window you have selected these will be available all right and now we can go over to page three and we have the Dolby Vision here clicking on Dolby Vision will open up the Dolby Vision pane I don't have my Dolby Vision license on this machine but you do have control of your primaries and secondaries in Dolby Vision so if we sweep over here and we can turn on our primary we'll have control over our lift gamma gain Etc and inner secondaries we if we move over here we have control over saturations and our hues tracker so we can open up the tracker pane and we can make some selections here is what we want to track you can you can go into tracker and then we can start tracking our shot forwards and backwards and we can turn on and off any parameters that we choose and if we're in camera for example we can then get in and we can stabilize our shot and all the other functions that are available here if you have the studio version you can get into magic mask and all these functions are available to you here and step into blur and open our blur pane swipe over to the second page and we can start making adjustments right away or radius of our blur or HV value and we can lock or unlock our individual channels we can get into key and then we can access any one of these that we need swipe you have control once again our controller is hidden here we can start making our adjustments this way click it a couple more times to bring these controls back they do the same thing it's just whether you want to press the button first or just start rotating the dial whenever you've you want to start working with so in sizing you can see we have edit sizing here or input sizing what we want to work with swipe to the next page we'll go into the input sizing and then we have our controls here and we can start making our adjustments we have all five here edit input output node and reference sizing next one over is camera raw so if you're working with raw files and so you have an already Raw move into that folder well first of all we have to get ourselves into camera raw there we go are you raw because our clip is selected all the Ari raw functions are available and we can immediately start making our controls here same thing with red raw we have the red raw functions and the Blackmagic raw functions now custom we've demonstrated how you actually program for the color parameters well with our custom page you can control any parameter you want so I'll give an example let's load up our effects here we're going to load up a glow and let's say this is a function that I go to quite often and I'd like to save those controls and be able to control them with my stream deck device so we'll do the same sort of programming the way we did with the color parameters you'll notice if I Mouse over these individual oh effects effects parameters it does not give us the ability to make the change you either have to move it with the slider or move it with the integer value we won't go with the slider we'll go with the integer value so let's say I want to control my shine threshold I'm going to Mouse over there I'm going to press and hold on one of the custom keys and it is now remembered that location and let's say I'm going to also change spread it has saved that location now if I want to make those adjustments I click on the one I want and I can make my adjustments click to the second one and I can make that adjustment as well so if you can imagine you set this up however you like for an effect that you go to all the time you'll be able to control it and you can either do it with the dials or I could have done the same thing if I want spread to be assigned to a key instead I press and hold one of the available keys and then I can adjust it with this controller here they both do the same thing the only difference is you would have to hit the key first and then start adjusting here versus this allows you to adjust right away but if you have around 12 effects you'd like to have on one page this is one way you can do it now back to page one we have our load saved memories and we have our fixed node trees and this is borrowed from our pro pack what these are are a set of seven fixed node tree structures that when you press the button it will build out and label your node tree ready for you to start grading so in the case of four nodes I want to start start with a simple four node structure it will build the four nodes and label them for me ready for my grades and it goes all the way up to a 16 node structure and then of course printer lights want to make some adjustments with your printer lights we can immediately start accessing individual colors here with the dials or the luminance value itself swipe over we now have our cyan magenta and yellow that can be independently adjusted along with aluminum again there so that's it that's the entire color panel for the stream deck plus device for DaVinci on the Mac system I hope this becomes a great addition to your Studios and it helps in creating better images as always thanks for watching we'll talk to you soon foreign [Music]
Channel: SideshowFX
Views: 4,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion design, motion graphics, animation
Id: JEzflXoWD20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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