My Jealous Sister Went Too Far

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hi I'm Tiana from Russia please like And subscribe my mom gave birth to two identical twins me and my sister Mila unfortunately we were only a month old when my parents divorced mom took Mila to the city while I stayed in the village with Dad Dad was my only friend because growing up I was super shy and preferred to read and write stories in my journal than play with other kids are you sure you want to spend another Friday night alone sweetie don't worry Dad I'm fine aren't you happy I'm not going to any wild parties or dating any boys then one day when I was 16 I got a strange visitor hi Tiana oh you're all grown up now and so beautiful uh thanks do I know you wow I guess your dad never mentioned me much or kept any pictures I'm your mom you're joking right but she wasn't instead dad came over and the two of them sat down with me in the living room alright I let you come over because you said you had an emergency so what's going on it's Tiana's sister Mila she's a model and makes a lot of money but she started struggling with mental illness and suddenly quit now if she doesn't complete her contract will be sued for a crazy amount of money Tiana has to fill in for her no one will know I may have to trim her bangs a bit though wait what this is the emergency what a stupid and twisted thing to ask your daughter that you haven't seen in 16 years get out of my house right now they started arguing and I didn't know what to do so I just slipped out of the room and tried to calm myself down but Mom just wouldn't give up and the next day she made me a crazy offer your father mentioned you write stories and that it's your dream to become a famous author what if I told you I knew an agency that could publish your work and pay you a fortune how could I say no to something like that after that I convinced dad to do the modeling contract and finally he agreed so I moved to the city where Mom and Mila lived in a mansion mom greeted me at the door and hugged me tightly I still wasn't entirely comfortable with her but it was nice to feel welcome you'll meet Mila later today she doesn't leave her bedroom she even has dinner there you mean I'll only see her if I come upstairs with you doesn't she ever leave the house mom didn't answer she just snapped her fingers and ordered some servants to get me settled in my room God this place was so different from what I was used to and I was curious to meet my mysterious sister too that evening I was reading in my room when I heard a scream outside my room I went to the hallway to find the maid covered in food that's when I also saw mom and Mila I told her I wanted pizza for dinner not these soggy vegetables of course baby our mistake but Pizza is not good for you right now we'll get you the tastiest salad ever I'll give you a raise all right I can't have another servant quit because of her her you always do this Mom I don't want a salad if I don't get a pizza right now I'll take all of your gold jewelry and give it to the neighbor's dog to chew on and then throw up excuse me but don't speak to your mom like that and you certainly didn't need to throw food at your maid this is my twin sister mom she has a lot of nerve for a house guest also we may look identical but her skin is way more blotchy than mine you should tell the photographer that beforehand jeez this girl was something else I went off to bed after that and mom told me not to take Mila's Behavior personally I just want her to be happy and healthy the next day I arrived on set when suddenly I noticed everyone glaring at me and Whispering angrily what was going on hey why is everyone here giving me dirty looks did I do something wrong ugh you're here I thought you quit after you humiliated me in front of thousands of people also you bullied every single person on set since you started working here Mila they were hoping they'd never see you again after you left what I bullied everybody here and what did I do to you I mean I didn't take my meds this morning so I forgot what happened can you remind me ugh give me a break Mila had apparently done a lot of horrible things because every person around me acted like I was some kind of monster I called Mom and told her what had happened you must have spoken with Vlad Mila's co-worker and ex-boyfriend she dumped him publicly during an acceptance speech for an award show and said some mean things just focus on your work honey he's not your problem I knew Mom was right so the next day I ignored all the Death stares and kept to myself but later that afternoon Vlad and I had to do a photo shoot together the photographer was about to start when suddenly she started freaking out I cannot work like this Vlad how much weight did you gain the costume designers worked really hard and you uh forget it I'm requesting a different model what why we've been rehearsing this for weeks and I haven't gained any weight he really does look great maybe his suit just has to be tailored a bit the photographer wouldn't listen and Vlad stormed off with tears in his eyes Vlad don't listen to that photographer you're in great shape I don't get why she had to be such a jerk well she wasn't totally wrong I have put on a little weight I'm surprised you didn't make fun of me about it have I made fun of your body in the past uh you made fun of it in front of thousands of people during your award speech you said you were dumping me because I didn't have abs anymore wow well I'd like to apologize for that the truth is I think you're really brave for doing a job like this I hate having my picture taken I mean even though I'm a model uh the point is I'm sorry oh okay I really didn't expect an apology from you we're still broken up but thanks for that after our talk Vlad was nice to me which made my job a lot easier one day I headed to the den to watch some TV when I saw Mila sitting on the couch what are you doing here what do you mean this is my house isn't it yeah but I thought she never came out of your room I don't but my room doesn't have a TV and I like watching my MSA videos on a big screen you watch MSA too they're my favorite YouTube channel their stories are what inspired me to become a writer yeah yeah I don't care you can watch with me as long as you keep your mouth shut I decided to take the opportunity to spend time with Mila she obviously had some issues and I was curious to know more about her as we were watching videos Mila's phone suddenly rang and she looked annoyed why is Vlad calling me my heart started racing as Mila answered the phone apparently Vlad had called to ask her out to Coffee he said he's glad we're getting along better lately and that I seem happier and healthier did you flirt with him or something what no we're just friendly co-workers listen to me at your job you're not Tiana you're Mila and Mila doesn't want you talking to Vlad at all I still love him you love him and yet you dumped and publicly body shamed him look I'm not interested in your ex-boyfriend but I'm allowed to be his friend he's not your property and he deserves to be around someone who doesn't mistreat him I left before Mila could answer and the next morning at work I told Vlad I was sorry if I was rude to him on the phone and that I was happy to hang out I really don't have time for your games Mila I'm not playing games dude just whatever you do don't call or text me on that number again I got a new number I convinced Vlad to let me buy him coffee and as we were walking to a cafe I saw a lady come up to us with a little girl behind her I'm so sorry to bother you but my daughter is a big fan and I wanted to say hi she's just a little shy you don't have to feel shy I'm just a normal girl at the end of the day like you did your mom buy you this pretty scarf actually I got it as a present for my agency do you want it I think you'd look even better in it than I do no we can't possibly accept that from you Mila that scarf costs thousands of it's okay really I want her to have it the girl was starry-eyed and her mom thanked me over and over wow I can't believe you just did that you've changed a lot during your vacation haven't you are you in therapy now or something I guess you could say that Vlad insisted on buying me coffee instead of the other way around and I even got some free pastries since the cashier was also a fan of Mila I was living like royalty pretending to be her and my life as a model just kept getting better I was getting huge business deals because everyone was amazed at how Mila had apparently made a comeback but my success drove my sister totally wild you're just living your perfect life aren't you oh no wait you're living my life the only reason I'm even here is because you sabotaged your career with your awful Behavior Mila just threw a pillow at my head and walked off what a brat as more time passed I also started hanging out with Vlad and we became really close but I was always hesitant to tell him about my real identity one night he walked me home and when we arrived in front of the house he took my hand and I felt my knees go weak I had such a lovely day with you you seem a lot happier and healthier lately or maybe I'm just seeing a different side of you suddenly he leaned in to kiss me and I found myself pulling away Vlad I'm sorry but I can't kiss you what do you mean I want to give us a second chance because you're the new you I know I know but things with me are more complicated than they look I have to go I'm sorry I quickly snuck inside the house but when I closed the door I saw Mila leaning against the wall and she looked enraged I saw you two from my bedroom window Tiana I told you to stay away from Vlad I know we haven't grown up together but you're still my sister and sisters don't steal each other's boyfriends I'm not stealing anything from you he tried to kiss me and I refused but if you still love him you should reach out and apologize do you think I haven't done that he won't take me back Tiana I know it doesn't look like it but I am trying to work on myself and become a better person hurting Vlad was the biggest regret of my life I didn't know how to respond to that and as I lay in bed I felt torn about what to do I did have feelings for Vlad and Mila had been horrible to him but I still didn't want to hurt her so the next day at work I told Vlad I only wanted to be friends but why is there something you're not telling me it's just that suddenly I saw something that made me forget what I wanted to say the director was putting an envelope next to my purse and it had my name on it I left Vlad right away to see what it was excuse me what's in this bag the menu for your new diet you have a photo shoot coming up this month and you need to drop some weight what do you mean I have to drop some weight this diet is insane I could get sick that's ridiculous we've given you this diet many times and you were fine so can you do your job and follow this diet or are you going to go crazy and have a mental breakdown again I felt like the grounds beneath me had collapsed this was how the agency had treated Mila when she was here no wonder she'd been struggling I had to see her right away I went home and knocked on Mila's door but there was no answer then suddenly I smelled something weird coming from underneath the floor so I opened the door and my heart dropped Mila's entire bedroom was covered with dirty plates and there was food under her bed that she'd snuck in from the kitchen at that second Mila's bathroom door opened oh my God get out this is a total invasion of privacy Mila what is all this the director gave me the diet menu today and she said she's always given it to you whenever you put on weight but now I think you have an eating disorder my eating disorder led to my breakdown I thought it was a harmless diet but they kept telling me that I was still too heavy so I started starving myself but I'd get hungry and stuff my face and the pressure to look perfect got to me and then I projected my own insecurities onto Vlad Tiana I was never jealous of you I just didn't want you to suffer like I did oh my God I had no idea I am so sorry but it doesn't excuse my behavior it's turned me into a monster I hugged Mila tight and Let Her Cry for a while and after that we went straight to the agency to take care of business but when we arrived mom was there and when she saw Mila she freaked what is she doing here Tiana I came here to help you sign a contract for a new business deal we could get into huge trouble if someone sees you two together forget it Mom I'm not filling in for Mila anymore I'm done you care more about money than you do your daughter's health and well-being this agency totally mistreated Mila and the other models and if I stay any longer I'll go down the same dark path she did oh Tiana don't be overly dramatic Mila's breakdown had nothing to do with the agency Mila was about to answer when we heard footsteps behind us and when we turned around it was Vlad I hadn't spoken to him since the other day his eyes got huge as he stared at Mila and me Mila you have a win actually I'm not Mila my name is Tiana and I've been secretly filling in for Mila since last month she didn't want to continue modeling but they were going to sue us and she quit before her contract and they didn't it was her you've been hanging out with this whole time uh I don't understand so you both lied to me and the whole world about all this it wasn't our choice it was Vlad walked away before I could finish and I was devastated I wanted to go after him but I had to take care of other things first I called Dad right away and with his help we filed a lawsuit against both the agency and Mom for mistreatment and fraud dad got custody of Mila and got her the therapy she needed and I was still able to get my stories published but our little Switcheroo was all over the news and Vlad was still ignoring our calls then one day Vlad texted me to meet him at a cafe but he said he didn't want to talk to Mila that was weird so talk to me how come you asked me to come here but not Mila because you're the one I want to be with Tiana you're about better person than Mila is I was hurt that you lied but I know you had your reasons I'm not a better person than Mila I just had it way easier than her she still loves you and wants a second chance but she hurt me too deeply and I don't think I can ever love her the same you're the one I want to be with my heart raced as Vlad took my hands and I stared into his deep dark eyes Vlad maybe someday we can be together but right now I have to focus on myself I've been living my sister's life for too long and I've lost touch with who I am still I've loved every moment I spent with you too good luck Tiana [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 16,080,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I0D_8J89Wyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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