i found out why i am pretty

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looking into the sun is really painful to the eyes but you know what's even more painful seeing cheerleaders posing and pouting in front of jocks I just wanted to study in the gym but I forgot there was an audition for The Muse of this year's football game suddenly I sneezed and everyone turned to me dude there she is even the way she sneezed is so pretty I think we found our Muse she's gonna be perfect for the team the biggest brat in the universe Candace had a violent reaction excuse me are you guys blind this peasant is not even a cheerleader and look at her messy hair and cheap clothes but the point is she's still the prettiest Candace looked at me with murder in her eyes and it was my signal to run but she ran after me and pulled me by my shirt you're just our stupid maid's daughter always remember that I reached for her arm and twisted it away at least I'm prettier than you always remember that and I flipped my hair and ran again I knew I was gonna pay for saying that but it was worth it hi my name is stellar and I just wanted to have a peaceful life with my mom but it's impossible if you live with billionaire brats from Hell before I continue please like And subscribe mom had been working for a super rich lady Mrs Branson since I was a kid in return she gave us a cottage next to the mansion and paid for my tuition at a private school she might sound like a generous lady but she actually did all of this because no maid could put up with her besides mom she was mean and rude and I hated her to the core she had twins my age Candice and Julian and they were as bad as their mom thankfully Julian had left for boarding school seven years ago but I still had Candice to deal with Candace had always been jealous of me because I was prettier and smarter than her and because of what happened in the gym yesterday she forced me to do all her homework one night while I was studying I heard loud voices outside I wanted to check what it was and saw Mrs Branson yelling at mom in front of her guests how dare you serve us with silver utensils where are the gold ones did you steal them she made us feel poor for a second mom it was traumatizing as mom was apologizing non-stop Mrs Branson just kept on humiliating her in front of everyone I so wanted to punch her fake lips but mom gave me a look to behave I didn't do anything then but the next day I sneaked into the kitchen and sprinkled the hottest chili powder in the world onto their soup a few minutes later I was grinning from the balcony as both witches ran around the mansion with burning tongues I felt so pleased with myself but Mom was Furious Mrs Branson fired the cook because of what you did I have no idea what you're talking about Mom I know it was you how many times do I have to tell you to stay out of trouble but those two are just horrible we have to put up with them at least until you graduate high school there are just a few months left please ugh fine but a few days later mom fell down the stairs and broke her ankle she couldn't walk for some months so I had to take her place which only made Candace happier because she could boss me around even more she made me do the stupidest tasks like painting hearts on her nails and braiding her boyfriend's long hair and when Mrs Branson informed me that Julian was coming back I just knew that things were about to get worse after cleaning up his room I felt so exhausted that I sat down on his couch to rest for five minutes and I dozed off when I woke up I saw a guy with the most beautiful green eyes staring right at me was I dreaming he looked so Majestic hello buttface did you miss me buttface that's what Julian used to call me oh you're here sorry I got so so tired that I fell asleep seems like you were having a very interesting dream was it about me yeah I dreamed that I was punching your liver still feisty as ever why are you in a maid's uniform where's your mom she had a small accident so I'm replacing her temporarily now if you'll excuse me I still have a lot to do later that night as I was serving their dinner I noticed Julian's eyes following me everywhere he even purposefully brushed his hand against mine what was up with this jerk and why had he turned out so fine one night I saw Mrs Branson throwing out one of her branded bags in the trash just because it had a small stain after making sure that everyone was asleep I sneaked out and took it but when I told Mom she got so scared what if she finds out that you stole it you know that woman she'll make our lives hell technically I didn't steal it because she'd already thrown it out if the bag was alive I'm sure it would prefer to be in the hands of a cute owner instead of rotting in the garbage right I will never win against you exactly the next day at school we were in the middle of an exam when suddenly the girls started squealing we all turned to the door to see Julian peeking with a smile what was he doing here suddenly he waved at me and blew me a kiss my tummy did a weird flip as soon as he left Candace elbowed me in the ribs my brother's just fooling around so stop dreaming you're not his type oh trust me he's not my type either it didn't matter even if he was I had to stay away from him because being involved with Julian meant trouble one day while he was working out in the living room he suddenly called for me do you think my muscles look hard enough or should I work out more to be honest they were a work of art but there was no way I'd tell him that I think you should get a life sir he just grinned at me and laid down on his back he then asked me to hold down his feet and started doing crunches I held my breath when I realized how close our lips were when he set up he was definitely doing this on purpose excuse me but are you flirting with me am I that obvious if you think you can add me to your list of girlfriends you're mistaken you're really amusing too bad you lost those chubby cheeks I can't call you buttface anymore should I call you sweet face now wow that is so cringy what school did you go to Wattpad high he just chuckled and reached from my cheeks to pinch them you're so cute especially when you blush it's a blush of hatred anyway I still have a mountain of laundry to do so bye I left before things could get weirder I did my best to avoid him at school but he was always doing silly things to grab my attention and one of my friends suddenly started pestering me hey girl I saw that hottie from the other class flirting with you yesterday are you guys like a thing ew yuck no I don't date players okay that's amazing maybe I'll ask him out then I suddenly found myself grabbing her by her hair don't even think about it my friend was totally surprised by my behavior and so was I I realized that I was actually having a crush on Julian but I would never admit it ever a week later Mrs Branson hosted a grand New Year's Eve party at the mansion and I helped the kitchen staff serve the food I couldn't help noticing Julian staring at me the whole evening it made me feel excited for some reason while I was washing the dishes someone suddenly breathed down my neck want to get out of here your mom's gonna kill me so you're scared where's that Fearless little girl who used to kick my butt and I was sold we sneaked out and slipped into a sports car where are we going wherever fate is taking us I was so confused when he brought me to a grass field why are we here exactly you'll have to wait for it as we sat on the car's hood and waited for whatever it was we started talking why do you like racing so much it's too dangerous racing makes me feel like I'm flying like I'm alive and free how about you do you still want to become a nurse of course remember when you stole my stethoscope when we were kids it was just so cute how you ran around and listened to random people's heartbeats and tummies oh look there it is suddenly the night sky was filled with the most spectacular fireworks I remember you wanted to see those New Year's fireworks so badly once when we were kids but you missed it because Candace and I locked you up in a bathroom yep you both are horrible creatures I'm sorry about that I was a dumb kid I felt butterflies as we watched the fireworks in silence I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the colors behind my eyes when I open them again I saw him staring at me he was leaning in closer when suddenly my phone started to ring it was Mrs Branson your Mom is calling we need to go back can we make it in ten try me he winked at me before stepping on the pedal and the next thing I knew I was screaming as he drove like a maniac the party wasn't over yet when we got back home as we sneaked in from the back we suddenly saw Mrs Branson walking towards us just then Julian pushed me down to my knees why can't you find it are you blind I immediately got what he meant so I started crawling around pretending to find something Stellar I've been looking for you what are you doing here I dropped my ring mom and I'm asking her to look for it Mrs Branson seemed to believe us I was so relieved but later that night as I was clearing the mess I almost fell back in Fright to see her standing behind me do you really think that I have no idea what you're up to I I don't know what you're talking about ma'am stop with your acting stellar and don't forget your place in this house you're a maid just like your mom and that's all you'll ever be stay away from my son I'd already expected this to happen and I started avoiding Julian as much as possible I couldn't afford to get us thrown out while Mom was unwell but it was hard especially when I found out Julian had fallen really sick after making sure that Mom was asleep I sneaked into the mansion and into his room one night he seemed to be having a really high fever and he looked so vulnerable as he slept I stayed by his side for hours but just as I was about to leave he suddenly pulled me down towards him and kissed me I got lost for a few seconds but then I quickly pulled away that was a mistake I shouldn't even be here it's not a mistake I really like you stellar and I hope you feel the same stop liking me Julian we won't work out I'm not the girl for you I won't fit into your world and your family will never approve of us please stop thinking about other people just tell me how you feel I chose not to answer him and walked out but I couldn't stop thinking about him a few days later Candace and her friends were having a pool party and I went out to serve them drinks I saw Julian was with them and one of the girls was literally all over him the sight made my blood boil I slammed down the tray and turned to Julian excuse me sir but can you please come to the kitchen for a moment I need to show you something he looked confused and followed me what is it I grabbed a tray and tapped it on his head Stars can you see them I can only see a jealous girl but you're the one who told me we won't work Stellar so that's it now you suddenly don't have feelings for me you're just a player Julian one day you're kissing me the next day you're flirting with some just then he gently pushed me against the wall and kissed me and this time I kissed him back I couldn't stay away from him anymore and we began dating in secret we started sneaking out at night and driving around and we had the best nights of our lives but then one day he looked at me seriously and said I'm tired of seeing you secretly Stellar I just want to let the world know that I'm dating an amazing girl like you but I'm just a maid and I'm sure it will be a huge problem with your family I know it's not going to be easy but I'll find a way I just need you to trust me I do trust you a week later Julian's dad came back from abroad and Mrs Branson held a huge party for him during the event it looked around for Julian but he seemed way too busy with his guests and didn't look my way once I didn't think too much of it until Mrs Branson stepped on the grand staircase in the hall and asked for everyone's attention since we're all gathered here tonight I can't wait to share some amazing news my son Julian and our business partner's daughter Casey are engaged cheers to the lovely couple I stared at Julian in complete shock as he joined his mom with the girl who'd been flirting with him by the pool and he looked so happy how could he do this to me feeling dazed I was leaving the room in tears when suddenly Candace stepped in front of me with a smirk oh I warned you you're not his type not every Cinderella gets her prince charming just then I turned red with rage I was still holding a tray of appetizers and I slammed it in Candace's face everyone gasped and stared at me and I left as fast as I could I ran back to our Cottage and started packing her things we have to leave Mom but why what's happening sweetie I can't stay here not another minute we'll be thrown out anyway so we might as well go ourselves I cried as I told her everything and she started helping me pack as the cap drove us away from that Mansion mom took my hand we should have left years ago but I was too weak I just let us suffer without doing anything what will happen to us now no Mom you're so strong for putting up with everything for me don't worry we're gonna get through this together we had enough savings to rent a cheap apartment and I also sold the Branded bag I'd taken from the trash it was actually worth a small fortune with some money to go by we both started looking for jobs mom fully recovered soon and started working as a hotel maid while I worked as a waitress I also applied for a scholarship to a nursing school and luckily I got in I studied and worked hard for five years and was finally an intern at a huge Hospital one day I found a bouquet of roses in my Hospital locker and I hated myself for wishing it was from Julian but it wasn't it was a patient I'd taken care of some time ago Enrique he admitted he liked me and asked me out Enrique was charming and sweet but I told him I was too busy for love but boy was he persistent he kept showing up and asking me out in the funniest ways and after months I finally decided to give him a chance one evening as I was stepping out of my apartment to meet Enrique I bumped straight into someone and apologized when I looked up I saw that it was Julian what what are you doing here are you going out on a date you look Lovelier than ever are you freaking kidding me you're not even ashamed to face me after what you did and now you're flirting with me just wow I wonder what your wife would have to say about that I didn't marry her I didn't want to spend my life being miserable I also cut ties with my family do I look like I care it's been five years Julian but please just get lost before he could say another word I walked away shaking with rage I wondered if he was telling the truth but even so he broke my heart in front of everyone and I could never forgive him for that Julian had somehow gotten a hold of my number and he kept texting me to meet him once but I kept ignoring him one day at the hospital we received a patient who'd been in a bad car accident and when I looked at the patient chart my heart leapt into my throat it was Julian I rushed to his room and took his hand as tears streamed down my cheeks he suddenly opened his eyes and started talking I tried to calm him down but he wouldn't stop you have to listen to me Stellar mom threatened to put your mom away in jail for stealing if I didn't break up with you I knew she really meant it so I agreed to do something that would make you hate me and drive you far away I was young and weak and I thought I was doing the right thing but now I've cut off my family and made something of myself and there's no point to anything if I don't have you in my life gosh you wanted my attention you have it just shut up and be strong for me right now okay only if you say you love me because I do I'll see how I feel after a few dates so you better get well soon you I bent down and kissed him on the lips and his blood pressure shot up from excitement
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 16,910,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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