My Simple Livestream Setup!

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[Music] good afternoon i just wanted to show you a little bit of my setup that i use for live streaming i've got something coming up this afternoon uh a little uh backyard talk uh this is going to be a three camera setup i'm going to have a couple of camera operators helping me out here uh our cameras are all the same thing this these are the sony ax 700s they are on libec thx tripods with uh live back controllers that work for the sony cameras the monitors that i'm using are these feel world five and a half inch monitors these come wonderfully uh set up so that you can actually put a holly land transmitter right on the back i have a battery a sony npf battery on the device which powers both the transmitter and the monitor but i also have power coming to it from an aux dc in that actually comes all the way down from my v-mount battery down here now the v-mount battery powers the camera as well which also has a battery in place this whole power on power on power thing is set up so that if i have to change out the v-mount battery which should last for at least four five six hours powering everything that i can swap out the v-mount and still have the battery on the monitor and the battery on the camera running everything it works works a treat really does my second camera same setup over here in the woods basically all ready to go and my final camera is over here another uh ax 700 same setup i have the v-mount battery on the slider over here this is a gvm slider it all does go back and forth with the the manual parallax bar in the middle uh the i could power everything off this v-mount but i won't because i have the controller for the slider has its own power pack and i kind of like it like that uh that drains more and if this goes out it doesn't really affect the picture so we're really good to go here all right let's go take a look at the actual control room setup all right here are my bags and containers and control room setup all ready to go i actually have an atem mini pro setup connected to this system i don't need it but i wanted to make sure that i could actually connect to it and i'll show you how all that works i haven't set up the audio yet i'm using a zoom inside here when we get once we get all this set up my technical sync and all this this is a pull it out a zoom f6 uh audio recorder and uh you'll notice that i actually have mounted a little quick release adapter on top along with a quick release plate on the bottom this is going to go underneath one of my tripod cameras and all my microphones as you can see back here which will be set up will be connected to this device this device will then be sending audio into the camera and it'll be coming into the system that way and that'll be my my standard audio um over here these are just the cases i keep keep everything in as you can see i've got the yolo box pro right here and my a10 mini pro and this is an old black magic 7-inch video assist recorder that i've had for a while and i'm just using it as my monitor for this whole thing i have everything connected to a small hub a battery powered you know network hub and all that goes to my gl net 750 ac or whatever it's called this is nothing more than a wireless or a an access point if you will connecting everything else into my standard network i'm getting wireless from inside the house actually wireless is coming from the ceiling right there from that access point and i'm getting a pretty good signal but i'm able to power everything and control everything with that device everything is being powered by this one um 158 watt hour battery from max oak which comes across uh into a a powered or a hub which is splits it off i've got two d-tapped to 12-volt to power the monitor and the atem the yola box is actually getting a trickle charge from the battery itself right here uh right now as you can see i'm as you can probably see sort of i'm at 35 percent it's charging it's slowly draining but it's not going to be draining as quickly as it normally would i'm still working on a trying to find the best power system for the yellow box but uh the the d-tap also goes and powers this dual usb splitter which powers my two devices right there so the way i have the atem set up which i would as you can see i've actually got a still on there uh and i don't have any cameras actually plugged into the system itself but if i did i'd be able to have four additional inputs here to go into the yellow box now how am i getting this into the yolo box i don't know let's find out in the back the webcam out of the atem comes around and goes into the usb input on the yolo box as you can see there's the usb input on the yolo box double tap it and it brings up my signal from the the atem so if i fade to black on the atem i can do this here fade to black fade to black life's good i can go to my first camera second camera or the slider shot and from here i can also like anything with yolo box bring in any other setup that i want to do i can add a video source i can do all this other kind of wonderfully fun stuff here okay recording directly here for output the ola box is connected of course to the hub which is then connected to the portable router which then connects upwards to the interwebs and from there i'm able to control and and send off a stream which is what i will do now i have my three cameras coming in here into hdmi 1 hdmi 2 hdmi 3 on the yola box those are actually coming in if we follow the cables up past another v-mount battery i actually have four or four haha sorry three i can't count three holy land 400 s hdmi receivers up here each one paired to one of the transmitters that are on my cameras these things are all connected to a another hub up at the top and probably see that another d-tap hub which then comes down to my 1v mount battery so i'm able to power all three of these directly and last time i checked this will last a good five six hours powering all three of these transmitters and don't worry about that when i'll get it all straightened out and from there they come down and everything is a nice wireless system underneath so no cables going across and then we have our actual setup over there basically i was hoping to kind of show you all exactly how things are set up here uh the way i do this for this show that's coming up this afternoon uh let me get out of the shadows here so i can come over here where you can actually see me uh so you have the idea of how things are set up uh if you have any questions actually ask them down below and i'll be able to answer them i hope but this is just a simple setup actually it only took me about an hour to get everything set up all by my lonesome because my production assistants aren't quite here yet that happens but this is a really simple show it really works just a little local neighborhood talk thing that we're doing and it works really quite well so um just enjoy like i said if you have any questions the way i have my stuff set up i like to run it where there's no shore power i like to run off battery power that way i know that i'm good to go you know all right so thank you all very much if you have any questions leave a comment below appreciate it bye you
Channel: Zyxxy Digital Media
Views: 3,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sdb_EpZtSMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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