Live Stream Church w/ Audio from Soundboard! | A Guide to Webcam and Audio Interface Setup

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what you're seeing and what you're hearing now is the sound from the soundboard just right out of those mains going into the focusrite so we're here we're on location at an undisclosed church and obviously because of covid uh i can't have a lot of people meeting in here it's pretty restricted still hopefully that'll change soon but at any rate we like many churches have switched to broadcasting online so a handful of people can join us in person and most people are joining on the internet one of the problems though is that most of the live stream setups that people are showing on youtube i feel like are very geared towards you know like gaming and like an individual like something somebody streaming from a laptop or a computer at home so this is a little bit different though this could work from home and i'm going to show you how we put this together on basically a shoestring budget did not cost a lot of money and i'm using a lot of old-school hand-me-down analog gear to get this done okay so here is our little sound production area and as you can tell this is not new equipment and none of this is fancy in digital in almost any way so this is an old-school mackie sound board thing is nothing special here 24 channels all analog and the basic idea is that for the audio we're gonna take just the straight up main mix that's coming out of this main mix and we are going to send it to this guy this of course is the focusrite scarlet 282 it's an audio interface so it's going to take this analog signal turn it into something digital and it's going to send that to our computer and we use obs to live stream this is obs and it is a free piece of live streaming software that tons of different people use now really the main thing that it's going to let us do is to compile different sources of audio and video put them together in one place and then you take that and send it off to facebook or youtube or wherever the heck you want to send your live stream now in our case it's going to be dead simple we're just going to be taking the audio from the sound board and we're going to be taking video from this webcam this is a huddlecam hd compile them here in obs and then obs takes that and sends it off to the stream before we get too deep into that i'm just going to do a really quick little tangent side lesson on sound we are going to start with a little thing called signal flow and the way this works is you've got a microphone it picks up a singer and that sends a signal signal goes to a snake or something on stage and then the snake runs it keeps running so the snake takes all those signals analog signals mind you on stage runs them down through one cable and splits them back out here at the sound board okay so the sound board takes all these individual channels lets you do a little bit of processing to each individual one and then you get to create a mix here okay so these faders are different volumes and so on and that mix gets sent to here okay this main mix fader your soundboard might have two faders but there's always going to be a main output that signal gets sent to these main outputs here at the front of house okay so you can see right here that these are the left and right main outputs these are the ones that go to the speakers i was just showing you but where the magic happens on this soundboard is over here this you will notice also says main ounce and again it's a left and right and what this is is an exact copy of what was coming out from here so these are going to the main speakers but these are sort of like an auxiliary set you could send these to another set of main speakers or you could send them to something like this a digital interface which can take that analog output signal turn it into a digital signal and then you can send that to a computer so that is the very basic just rough idea of what we're doing here in order to get a decent sounding audio to our live stream for a very low cost remember that now i know that not every soundboard is going to have two different main outputs a lot of them do but especially if you've got some kind of small at home like personal mixer it may not have two sets of outputs and maybe you're already powering speakers and you're like okay well how i'm going to do this it is possible to buy splitter cables and to split the main outputs from your soundboard and send them both to your speakers and over to your interface so just a quick note on cables now you'll notice that these down here these main left and right outputs are xlr cables those are what we call balanced cables so they're going to be nice and noise free and then you'll notice over here where it says main out that it says balanced or unbalanced so in theory you could take a set of just literally like regular guitar like quarter inch cables and run them out of here over to the interface the problem with that is unbalanced signals tend to get a little bit noisy and buzzy i actually had unbalanced cables in here and they were incredibly noisy and that was feeding that noise to the live stream so the cables i have here are balanced output cables these are trs you'll notice let's zoom in here these are trs cables you will notice that it's got a couple of different sleeves there basically this is very similar to an xlr it's a balanced cable just looks like a regular quarter inch so this is not a lesson on cables it's a lesson on live streaming but i thought i would mention that so this cool little balanced trs patch cable is going to run all the way over to here the front end of the focusrite okay so you've got your main output cables running here to the focusrite scarlett 2i2 into the left and right channels and this is where you're going to adjust these knobs these are gain knobs okay you do need to give these a little bit of gain so as a quick demonstration i'm going to grab this microphone check check check there we go boom okay so as i'm talking into the microphone the soundboard is receiving signal and it is sending it to the interface and you can see the little leds there are lighting up green which is good that means i have the gain level set to about the correct amount now if these leds start to light up yellow you're getting a little too much and if they start to light up red that is bad news bears you don't want you don't want to mess with that something else to keep in mind is that you'll notice here on the sound board that as i'm talking the only signal that the sound board is sending right now is me the speaker so that's just one low gain lonely little signal if you've got a full band going you get people singing and guitars and bass and so on and so forth that is going to be sending all of those signals over to here and as a result it's going to be sending a lot more gain so don't adjust these dials just based on one person talking into a microphone like i'm doing now you want to adjust these dials when you've got like the full band going so you know about how much total gain is going into your interface that signal goes through this usb cable you can see there usb cable gets plugged into the computer so now we are here at the laptop and i'm running obs which is a free piece of software available for mac and pc and there's tons of guides of this on youtube but because i'm such a nice guy i'm going to show you real quick how i set up obs to receive signal from the scarlet so now in the computer the first thing you're going to make sure you have done is you want to have the right audio drivers for your interface whatever kind of interface that may be if you're using a focusrite interface you're probably going to want this thing it's called focusrite control so go google this and download that and that'll take care of you again there's tons of tutorials on exactly how to use this whole deal but for our purposes today i want to show you how to get audio from your sound board from your interface uh into obs okay so down here uh this little panel called sources you're going to want to hit this little plus button and you're going to go to this very first option called audio input capture and you can name this device whatever the heck you want to so in our case we're going to call it soundboard because that's the sound that this device is going to be capturing you could call it focusrider whatever heck makes sense to you all right so hit okay and it's pretty straightforward you're gonna have this one drop down menu and you're gonna have a few options every computer is probably gonna have some kind of other speaker microphone options what we're looking for is your interface so in this case a focusrite usb so we're going to select that then we're going to hit ok and so you'll notice down here under audio mixer this middle part right here under soundboard as i'm talking you can actually see you know this is lighting up that means we're getting signal going into obs and that's exactly what we want and that's pretty much it um as i was saying before you just want to make sure that your levels going in here are not too hot um if it's in the green anything under you know minus 20 or whatever here you're probably in good shape if you're in the yellow that might be a little much pushing it but whatever and once it gets into the red you really want to be careful because you're really close to clipping which will sound distorted and bad and that's pretty much it so now you've got all the channels all the sound coming in from your sound board to your live stream okay we are back here at the actual church we've got obs hooked up to our interface and you can tell because as i'm talking to this microphone you can see nice little green bars lighting up down there as a quick side note this is where i need to mention that you have to remember that what you're sending to the computer is this this is your main output mix which means anything you do to the sound here with i don't know eq or reverbs or things anything that is going to these faders this mix any adjustments you make here are going to be made here as well so if you mute something over here it's going to be muted in the live stream if you change volume on one of these faders here it's going to change volume on the live stream as well the reason i bring this up is because it's pretty easy to forget as you're making adjustments to your sound board here for the sake of the people in the room that you're also making adjustments for the people who are listening online so you just need to kind of keep that in mind that is definitely one of the drawbacks of setting up your audio in this way is that you know if you were in a professional environment you would actually be taking one mix here for the live room and you have a totally separate soundboard a separate sound engineer and they would be creating a totally separate mix for the sake of the people online you don't have the ability to do that here and like i said the needs of the people in the room and the needs of the live stream are going to be different however the results that we've been getting with this honestly have been very good the sound quality has been excellent we've gotten compliments on it even truly the main reason i set up the audio in this way is because it's convenient and it's very inexpensive i don't have to have a separate sound engineer and i don't have a bunch of separate equipment now one last thing to keep in mind is that especially in a small chill little place like this you could just stand up here and talk and everybody in the room is going to hear you just acoustically but if you don't have a microphone in front of your mouth and it's unmuted then nobody on the live stream is going to be able to hear it so that's pretty much it for the audio tutorial now let's talk about the visual i think 90 of getting a good live stream for anything is getting your audio right which is why i spent so much time on that part plus the visual part is very easy so what you'll see here is indeed just a webcam but not any webcam this is the huddlecam hd something something or other i'll put the model up on screen anyway i think this webcam is indeed superior to all the other stuff that's out there logitech all the kind of standard webcams you'll find the price is about the same goes for around 90ish dollars i can be had on amazon i'll put links below anyway i love this camera because it has an extremely wide field of view it has a much sharper image and just kind of a generally better like color reproduction i just think the the overall image quality to me is a lot better and like i said it's very cheap now it's just sitting on a amazonbasics tripod i will link that as well so nothing special there and you know for us this really works we are back in obs now and i'm going to show you how to add the webcam in as a source you remember from earlier we added uh the focusrite 2a2 as a source we called it soundboard because it's recording the audio from the sound board so similar process here under the sources panel we're going to click this little plus sign we're going to go video capture device then we're going to type in huddlecam you can you can call us whatever you want webcam or video hit ok and again really similar to the audio process you're going to have this first deal here it says device and it's going to let you select from various video inputs now probably if you only have the one webcam plugged into your computer this will be the only source but just make sure you select the one that says huddlecam below here you'll see a bunch of other settings to mess with that's going to be for another video i'm actually going to do a full review and breakdown of this webcam and some of the more advanced features but again that's going to be a separate video so this is it this is really all there is to it you've now got your audio coming in from the soundboard to the focusrite and we've called you know we've named that soundboard down here and then you've got video coming in from your webcam and obs is taking those two things and syncing them up and just putting them here in one place and now we can send this off to whatever live streaming platform we want now having said that i'm not going to get into the final step which is actually setting up the live stream because there's dozens of different places that people stream to and there's dozens of great videos on youtube teaching you how to stream to each of those individual platforms so we'll forego that for now but i really want to encourage you go check out these huddlecam webcams they're great bang for the buck okay so our investment in this whole thing was about 160 bucks for the interface um a few dollars for the cable that goes back and forth about 90 for the webcam maybe another 20-ish i can't remember the exact prices and all this stuff but basically we are well under 300 and we're getting a webstream that i think looks and sounds pretty nice so this is the part where we cut to a quick demo of how it looks and sounds alright my friends it's starting to get dark in here so the camera might look a little bit noisy because we're up pretty far north and it gets dark super early here anyway what you're seeing and what you're hearing now is the sound from the sound board just right out of those mains going into the focusrite and what you're seeing is obviously the huddle cam which i talked about a second ago this camera has an extremely wide angle as you can see which i think is really nice because you can kind of capture this entire room it almost makes the room look a little bigger than it actually is and even though there's not a lot of people in here it's nice for people online to be like oh yeah there's people in the church and they're there and they're doing stuff um if that's not your thing if you just want a nice tight shot of the stage i mean move your damn camera right it's not that hard or you can actually crop this one in as well anyway let's do a little singing shall we [Music] i'm doing this so i don't get copyright hit so probably nobody's going to know this song but whatever come and lay your presence fill our praise fill our praise come and lay your presence fill this place now come and let your presence fill our praise fill our praise come and let your presence fill this place [Music] [Applause] so that's it thank you my friends for joining me and hopefully this video was helpful um i just know that there's a lot of people out there that are interested in live streaming right now maybe not sure how to make it happen especially for you know a venue or church or something like that so if that's the case you can go ahead and like the video would love that but i really want to hear from you all down in the comments section it's kind of just the most fun for me and of course you can subscribe and stick around because there's going to be more exciting stuff similar to this in the very near future including some more music stuff which i'm super pumped about anyway i love you guys i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Eric Hanson
Views: 55,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ReP80E5Yp-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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