My Secret Apple Crumble Recipe

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foreign [Music] hey guys today i'm sharing with you my apple crumble recipe this is my secret crumble recipe so good it's perfect for this time of year um easier than an apple pie but just as delicious in this bowl here i have one and a quarter cups of just regular plain all-purpose flour this is organic unbleached flour to that i'm going to go ahead and add in some brown sugar we're gonna need a half a cup of packed brown sugar need a teaspoon of ground cinnamon so easy to make so good teaspoon of ground cinnamon [Music] didn't measure but just a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and we're gonna get mix these dry ingredients together now a crumble typically has you know some sort of fat to make it crumbly such as you can use shortening lard butter is what i typically use because butter just has a much better flavor and it works perfectly i will leave below my link for my mini apple pies which is what i use most of the time when i'm making apple pies because it's easy it's no fail pretty much and it's delicious so we've got this mixed in together here and now we're going to get over to our fat now typically what you would see most people do when making a crumble is they will cut in their cold um fat there's butter or whatnot my trick what i do i'm going to show you right here i'll be back don't fall we are going to brown our butter that is what is going to give this the best flavor ever oh my goodness i actually make this when i do my seasonal baking and i actually sell my mini apple pies and these are one of our best sellers the browning of the butter gives it this caramel like flavor i'm going to go ahead over my stove this is a small saucepan and we're going to place this on medium heat and then i'll show you the next step real quick oh my gosh my stove is a mess all right so i have my butter here on a small saucepan we're gonna wait for this butter to melt as it melts it's going to actually become more clearer in color and then it will become a nice yellow like a clear yellow color and then from there it will start to brown you don't want this to get burnt or anything so you do want to keep an eye on it it takes about i would say four to five minutes or so for this to brown and when this is brown completely you will start to smell a beautiful aroma like a caramel like flavor as you can tell now it's more of a clear liquid it is not so it does have the foam of the butter but the liquid itself is more on a clear side i hope you can actually see through the foam and then from here it will start to get golden brown and that's what we're looking for you can see the liquid you can see the color it's a lot lighter it's definitely more transparent now you can see through the liquid obviously not through the bubbles but once you can see the liquid it's definitely more of a transparent kind of liquid you can see the color is now becoming a golden yellow color it's perfect if you get a little bit of brown in there like i got some brown specks that's more flavor but you don't want too much brown flavor i'm going to turn my heat off i'm going to leave my saucepan on here for just a couple minutes the remaining bit of heat will just continue to brown it a little bit more while we move over to our next step but that is perfect now it's a dark golden brown color that's exactly what we're looking for that dark golden brown color and it smells like caramel i'm actually going to add in some vanilla extract i'm going to add in a tablespoon of vanilla extract and our one stick of browned butter make sure and scrape the bottom of your pan because that's where you get a lot of that brown goodness that is flake bore oh my gosh this smells so good i am not even kidding you this smells amazing oh i just can't i just can't i just can't it's so good oh my gosh if you make this and you just smell it at this point before you even bake it leave me a comment down below every time i make this i'm not even kidding you every single time i make this i am just in love with the scent that comes out of this thing i tell you it smells like a toffee it's gonna taste like a crumbly toffee on top of your deliciously tender apples oh my goodness now this shouldn't be too hot i i mean i'm used to it but look at that it just holds its shape oh so beautifully now we did melt our butter and brown our butter so what we're going to need to do now is actually wait for this to cool and then chill it and this is why i'm making this before i even make my apple filling i am clumping this together and then breaking it apart into little chunks that way we have a little variation of um texture and size in our crumble waste not what not okay this is goodness right here so we have a great little variation when it goes in the fridge and it cools it's going to solidify it's going to harden up so you're just going to come back come back in here and kind of fluff it up a little bit i like to have some very small crumbs and some big crumbs and i tell you when you smell this you need to send me a comment oh it smells so good and let me know let just just before you even bake it and you taste it let me know and then when you do bake it and taste it let me know again because i tell you i'm gonna do is we're gonna wait for this just to cool down just a little bit it shouldn't take too long to cool once this has cooled a little bit it's pretty much almost there it's a little warm still so i'm gonna wait till it cools just a little bit more i'm going to cover this up with cling wrap and place it in the fridge until it becomes more firm it will take anywhere from about 30 to 45 minutes you can make this the night before but in the fridge for about 30 to 45 minutes or so until it just sort of solidifies and that butter starts to harden up and it becomes a an actual crumble so we have four apples here you can use whatever kind of apples that you want i'm going to go ahead and peel these i am using my potato peeler you can use any kind of apples that you want i'm using gala or gala apples however you say it however you call it um i like to use these because they have already enough sweetness in them so i don't have to add too much sugar i went ahead and peeled my apples as best as i could have with my potato peeler i'm just going to cut these up now into about an inch by an inch or so just little small pieces like that and place them in a saucepan that i have right here i'm trying not to get as much skin or any of the seeds i have my four apples that i've gone ahead and cut up into small little tiny pieces like that we're gonna add in some ground cinnamon about a half a teaspoon to a teaspoon depending on how much you like we're gonna add in a splash of vanilla extract a splash to me is a good tablespoon you're going to need a quarter cup of brown sugar and i'm going to go ahead and squeeze in the juice of one lemon try not to get any seeds in there okay you want a cookie here you want a cookie or what do you want to cook anyways the juice of one whole lemon this is gonna give it the perfect little tartness all right to this we're now gonna add in one one and a half tablespoons of butter and we are going to cook this on the stove for about five minutes my oven is preheated to 400 degrees and we're gonna cook this for about five minutes now i like to cook my apples for an apple pie before baking it because it makes the apple really tender without giving you such a sharp raw bite of apple so i always cook my apples for about four to five minutes before baking it i'm going to toss this around to make sure everything is coated that butter will start to melt we're gonna go ahead and put our lid on on this i just want this to come to a little a little simmer and it's just gonna take about four minutes and then we'll add in our flour and it'll create a caramel like sauce with the brown sugar the vanilla the butter all that at the bottom will create a caramel like floss all right so about on medium heat i'm going to put my lid on and let this go for about three minutes or so and then i'll see you guys back in that time i don't know okay so this has been about three minutes you can see it's bubbling i want that butter to be fully melted look at that beautiful sauce that has just rendered out from the apples as well as the sugar and everything we are going to add in some flour to this just all-purpose flour one and a half tablespoons and this is gonna thicken up this beautiful sauce i'm gonna zoom in a little bit so you can see the amazing goodness we are going to be making here oh my goodness look at that already just make sure all of that flour is you don't see any more of the white of the flour and as you can see it's going to start clinging to the apples and it's just this glorious caramel like sauce that we have created i'm going to take my heat off of this a little bit more flour there that's fine take my heat off now my apples at this point is just it's just perfect it still has a little crunch to it but when it goes into the oven it's going to be perfectly cooked by the time it's this is finished inch okay so this is my pie plate this is a nine inch pie plate you can use any shape size whatever this is going to be perfect oh my goodness look at that are you seeing do you see what i see [Music] do you see what i said see that caramel sauce it looks absolutely amazing make it into one nice layer see that goodness there that little sauce that we created make sure i get that all out of your pan just taken my crumble out of the fridge you want your crumble to stay in the fridge for as long as possible do not leave it out at room temperature until like you're ready for it i mean you see how hard it has gotten it's just been about 30 minutes now oh my gosh it's like a little toffee i'm going to sprinkle this on my if you want to get a fork and kind of just fluff it a little bit because it will harden if you leave this overnight you can let this sit on your counter for about five minutes but you really want your crumble to be really firm when you're putting it on the um okay okay then okay lovely lovely sauce i don't want to do a voiceover i'm leaving it anyways so we're just going to sprinkle this beautiful amazing crumble on top of these apples again you want your crumble to be really nice and firm and hard and cold when it goes into your oven all right we're gonna pop this in the oven now at 400 degrees for about 25 to 30 minutes or so we want this to be nice and golden brown and i'll show you guys what it looks like when it comes out the oven all right so we just removed this out of the oven i left it in there for about 27 minutes or so i'm gonna let it cool for a little bit before i um scoop a big um a big food out of it and you will this is great with like some vanilla ice cream or whatever you want if you want to serve something cold on the side with it and that's it guys it's super easy to make there's no crust involved it's pretty much kind of like an apple pie without the crust and this is my little version of my apple crumble now i've used four apples i recommend using about three to four depending on the size of your apples and we like a lot of the apple filling sometimes and sometimes we like more of the crumble filling you could definitely double up the crumble topping if you love a lot of crumble and i just hope that you enjoy it it's really easy to make and it's a great little treat to have whenever you want it doesn't have to be this time of year but this time of year is perfect i hope that you enjoy it and let me know if you try and enjoy i'll see you next time
Channel: Home Cooking
Views: 324,519
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Id: G30-crjfSZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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