The BEST Apple Pie | HomeCooking Original Recipe

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hey guys today i'm sharing with you the best apple pie recipe the best chocolate pie recipe that you can make hands down this recipe is my secret dutch apple pie recipe it is a god given a recipe there are really no words to describe how amazing it is and how grateful and blessed i am let's go ahead and get started my first secret tip or ingredient that i like to use for my pie crust which is what we'll be starting with is some unsalted butter i have four tablespoons of unsalted butter here that i have popped on a saucepan a small saucepan and my heat is on medium low we're gonna let this butter melt down and we are going to brown and caramelize our butter that's gonna be my first secret little um ingredient is our brown butter so just on medium-low heat we're gonna wait for this to melt down it's going to take anywhere from three to five minutes once it's melted down you don't want your heat on too high because you do not want to burn your butter go from that nice yellow color to more of a golden yellow color just you want to stir it every so often to make sure that it is evenly the butter is browning evenly and you can see the color start to change there it's getting more um golden [Music] and we're just gonna let this go again stir it every so often and you can definitely start to see the color changing there takes anywhere from three to five minutes you will start to smell caramelized like a caramel fudge flavor that's that color that you're looking for a nice light golden brown color you're gonna take the heat off and let it sit on your stove the remaining heat is just gonna finish browning it and we're gonna get on to our next step just turn the heat off and let that brown butter sit in that saucepan now let's move over to our dry ingredients for our pie crust i have some all-purpose flour in a sift here and on my sieve and cornstarch granulated sugar and a little teaspoon of salt i will have all the amounts listed below in the description box now the next secret ingredient to my pie crust is my graham cracker crumbs this is gonna give it an amazing flavor along with the brown butter it is phenomenal it is honestly a blessing if you don't have graham cracker crust you can use digestive biscuit crumbs or you can take digestive biscuits or graham crackers and put them in a food processor or you can roll them in a ziploc bag and just crush them really fine and we are going to sift this because we want the crumbs to be the same consistency almost as the flour we don't want too large crumbs so i'm going to go ahead and sift in crumbs again all the amounts will be listed below to make it easier for you now towards the end here we will have some larger crumbs so i always like to take my hands and rub it against the edges of my sieve to get as much of those graham cracker crumbs as possible there's always like about a tablespoon left over that and i just set that back aside we're going to mix together our all our dry ingredients together [Music] really well and now we're going to add in our shortening i am using crisco vegetable shortening you can use the butter flavored shortening as well that would work perfectly i just didn't have it on hand if you don't have vegetable shortening you can just use cold unsalted butter however the crisco shortening is going to give you a much flakier crust and i do recommend the crisco brand over any other brand because i just think it works best we're adding in uh two-thirds cup of packed vegetable shortening in there and i'm going to use the back of my fork to press in this shortening into our dry ingredients you can use a pastry cutter if you like and as always when i'm making a pie crust i like to use my hands that way i know what i'm working with i know how it feels so i like to take my hands and pinch in the shortening into the flower [Music] just take my fingers and pinching in the shortening with the flower in the crumbs graham cracker crumbs etc until we have a nice crumbly mixture we will have a large larger crumbs of shortening running throughout and that looks beautiful just take about a minute and really incorporate that shortening into the flower [Music] and i made a little well in the center of my bowl and to that we're gonna add in our brown butter now you can see the edges are nice and there's little like brown spots this is cool to touch at this point and i'm gonna add in this beautiful amazing browned butter make sure and get a spatula and get all of it off the bottom and the sides of the bowl because that is amazing flavor that's sitting right there you don't want to lose any of that get it all in there and i'm just going to use my fork to incorporate this in we're again looking for a crumbly sort of mixture so just tossing that brown butter throughout the flour [Music] once that is really well mixed in we're gonna need some very cold water i just took some water and i placed it in my freezer so it's nice and cold and this is perfect what we're looking for a beautiful crumbly sort of texture and mixture we're going to add in our very cold water actually started to get some ice on there make a well in the center add our water in i'm going to start off with my little tiny spatula here you can use like a spoon just to press in the wet and the dry together i'm just pressing in the flour into the water and once i got that mostly pressed in i'm gonna get my hands and form it into a ball get everything off the sides and just press it and form it into a nice little ball now this can make two pie crusts if you're using um two smaller pie crusts or one large pie crust it's really going to depend on you and how thin you roll it and the size of your pie dish we're gonna wrap this in cling wrap and place this in the fridge or freezer until it's firm to touch it's gonna take about two hours in the fridge i pop mine in the freezer for about 30 minutes because i like shortcuts and let's go ahead and move over to our crumble mixture now in that same saucepan that i just browned the butter in i'm gonna use that exact same saucepan take another four tablespoons of butter and we're gonna do the exact same thing and brown this butter as well the brown butter is gonna give this such amazing caramelized fudgy like flavor so on medium low heat we're just gonna melt that butter down and wait for it to um brown and just change its color now you don't want the color to be too dark so as soon as you see it looking like a nice golden brown color that's when you're going to remove your heat remember to all um just every so often give it a little shake or just stir it gently with some spatula or what not just to make sure that it is evenly browning now in a sift here i have some all-purpose flour some cinnamon and a little no no salt i did not salt to that i don't know it's also a couple so just all-purpose flour and some ground cinnamon all the amounts will be listed below to that we're gonna add in some brown sugar and we are just gonna get our hands in there and mix together the brown sugar the flour and the cinnamon and so we got a nice little mixture going on there kind of like sand [Music] and now to this mixture i have some cold unsalted butter that i am going to cut up into tiny little cubes and we're going to go ahead and add that [Music] in another four tablespoons of cold unsalted butter that we are cutting up into tiny little cubes once we've cut that up we're going to toss the butter around in the flour and again i'm going to start pinching in the flour and the butter together to create a crumbly sort of mixture so just pinch in the butter and the flour [Music] together make a little well in the center of our bowl and now we're going to add in our brown butter i'm just using my knife because it was right there on the counter you can use a fork or a spoon we're just going to incorporate that together and we're going to mix this really well until it is all coated in the brown butter and what i love about my when i'm making a crumble for the top of my pie is i love a different variation of crumbs i want some big crumbs and i want some small crumbs so to get that i squeezed together that mixture in my hand i've probably said mixture a million times in this recipe so forgive me for that but i'm gonna squeeze together this and then i'm gonna break it up so that way i have some big chunks and some little chunks and if you like fudge this is smelling like fudge it's also kind of looking like it as well it is amazing absolutely amazing we're going to cover this with cling wrap and place this in the fridge for about 30 minutes or so to chill and set again i am so grateful and blessed y'all i just can't i can't say it enough now i have three apples here use whatever apples you want it doesn't really matter me i like to use gala apples you can use granny smith a lot of people like the tartness of that i have three large apples i am cutting this up i use a potato peeler to peel my apples really quickly and we're gonna cut it up into about an inch and a half by an inch and a half slices and cubes to that i'm gonna add in a tablespoon of vanilla extract we're gonna add in some ground cinnamon and we're gonna need the juice of one lemon now if you don't have a lemon you can use orange juice as well and we're gonna add in some brown sugar i'm just going to roll that lemon to release all of those juices so it makes it easier to squeeze try not to get any seeds in there and we are going to go ahead and juice in one whole lemon we're adding in a tablespoon of unsalted butter and we're gonna place this on our stovetop on about medium heat toss everything together and we want that sugar to melt down and the reason i like to cook my apples just a little bit for about five minutes before putting it to bake is because it helps tenderize the apples if i wanted a nice fresh crispy apple i would eat it fresh but in an apple pie i want it to be kind of tender and crispy at the same time so cooking it for five minutes like this it gets everything melted and combined and just beautiful and it also tenderizes those apples beautifully [Music] so after about five minutes of this cooking down the sugar has melted and the apples have rendered out a little bit of its own juices to that i'm going to add in one and a half tablespoons of all-purpose flour my heat is still on i'm just going to mix that through until i don't see any more flour and the flour is just gonna thicken up that sauce so i have a beautiful caramelized sauce in there we're gonna take the heat off and let this set aside to cool down just a bit preheat your oven to 375 degrees and now i have my firm pie crust here it was in the freezer for about 30 to 45 minutes or so place it in the fridge if you want to and you want to make sure that your counter is sprinkled with some flour as well as i like to coat my dough my pie crust with some flour [Music] take an extra one to two tablespoons of flour just to coat everything so nothing sticks [Music] and this is a crumbly dough so it will start to crack on you what i if it does and when it does because it it probably will just bring it back in together with your hands like that and i like to press it in remember there's cold you know there's shortening in there and the butter in there so just take your hands and kind of mold it back together i also like to gently move this one or two times while i'm rolling it to make sure nothing is sticking and also make sure that my counter is floured well you don't want too much flour but you just want to make sure nothing sticks and you're just going to roll this out to the size of your pie dish i like to get both of my hands under the pie crust gently to help me lift it and put it onto my pie dish if you want you can use a flat spatula to help you out a little bit cut off the excess you can use the excess for topping it if you want we have a crumble so we don't need it i like to set it in the fridge so i can use it for something else at a different time and you can also pop it in the freezer to preserve it for a little bit longer [Music] but this pie crust is going to give you one large pie or two smaller pies [Music] when we have that nice and set into our pie dish and we're gonna press it down a little bit all around the edges make sure that it's even place in your apple pie filling get your crumble out of the refrigerator you're going to give the crumble a little toss around in your hands just to loosen it up because at this point being in the fridge for about 30 minutes it gets really solidified we're just gonna place this all on top of our pie evenly and all around and we're gonna bake this at 375 degrees for about 30 to 35 minutes until nice and golden brown on top [Music] once that is all set pop it in the oven to bake you want this to cool at least a little bit before cutting into it and serving and it is fantastic it is the best apple pie the flavors and all that's going on in there it does take a little extra work but it is absolutely worth it absolutely worth it i hope that you guys enjoyed this recipe if you give it a try and you enjoyed it let me know in the comments below and i'll see you guys next time thanks so much for watching bye
Channel: Home Cooking
Views: 42,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dutch apple pie, the best pie crust, pie crust, pie, Thanksgiving dessert recipe
Id: C5BmfzPZuDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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