My Salary As A Data Scientist From Starting Of My Career

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hello all my name is krishnak and welcome to my youtube channel so guys today in this particular video we are going to discuss about my salary as a data scientist from starting off my career probably you have not never seen this kind of video from any youtuber guys but i really wanted to make this particular video because in most of my videos people are actually asking me krish what is your salary what is your salary what is your salary what is your salary and when i used to say okay this is my salary they used to again not believe krish okay what when did you start your career and how much was your salary initially you also talk about that specific thing so there's so many requests from the people so again this particular video is not a bragging video because anyhow you'll not find it as a bragging video when you see my initial salary it was very very less if you remember yesterday i made a video about a successful career transition about fresher who has successfully made a transition to data science his package that was offered was somewhere around 12x per annum and that was around four times more than my salary when i started as a fresher so i'm just going to show you an excel sheet in that particular excel sheet you'll be having like what in which company uh i was working when did i join and uh probably what was my salary when i joined and then when i left that particular company how much was my salary did i had any passive income so everything i'm actually going to discuss about it okay so let's proceed without wasting time and again guys it is not a bragging video okay it is just to motivate you that saying that i also started from a level where my salary was just minimal then i got opportunities i made switches i got good opportunities and then that is how my package actually increased okay so let me just show you regarding that particular sheet so here you go this is the entire sheet of my salary all together so first of all uh the first company that i joined was hcl technologies okay in 2011 december my joint salary joining salary was somewhere around 3.25 lakhs okay so all the figures over here are in lax inr okay not in uhd so it is an inr so initially my salary was 3.25 lakhs and then when i left this job in hcl technology it was 3.25 the number of years that i worked is two years then you may be thinking krish what about the hike did you not get any hike yes i got hike it was monthly 200 rupees okay so no use so i have written just 3.25 okay so how many years i've actually put over here i'll not say that it was wasted i learned some of the things related to i.t okay so here i had actually devoted around two years then my second company that i went into is sapient probably going to sapient is my you know the u-turn in my career it really really rocketed up you know i learned so many things in sapient i still am amazed with the work that i did in sapient and here you can see that how much years i spent it was somewhere around 3.5 years so my joining salary was somewhere around 5.5 lakh rupees inr and in 3.5 la 3.5 years uh my salary increased to 11 lakhs rupees inr per year per annum so in hand now you may be thinking what was the in hand also so let's start with hcl technology so i'm just going to make one more column over here in hand in hand while i was joining right so over here you can see it was 3.25 right so in hand i used to get somewhere around 22k 22k rupees inr okay then in sap when i joined in 5.5 again in hand was somewhere around 39 k it is very very less guys because they have a lot of components so always remember this joining is basically ctc that had actually joined okay and ctc is completely different with respect to in hand there are many many components that gets added so don't get just happy when you see a huge ctc okay always ask try to ask all the components how much money you are going to get in hand and always you need to focus that you get more money in your hand okay so initially i used to get very much happy when i used to hear this ctc because i just used to divide by 12. when we divide by 12 we used to get a huge amount of money but right now trust me it is not happening right so here you can see how much less money you had then here i spent 3.5 years i got a lot of opportunities i went for an on-site travel i earned some amount of money it was good one very important thing that i did from sapient is that i also got started getting some kind of passive income i was also earning some amount of money from outside okay so 39k inr plus some money that i used to get for doing some of the freelancing work so freelancing work when i used to do somewhere around 20k per month i used to get so overall if i talk about 59k 59 to k was my in hand money uh when i joined sapient in the initial time so after working for some uh two to three years over there i was also getting 11 lakh rupees inr so my salary increased to a good amount of money at that point of time and i was able to earn somewhere around 80 to 90k per month okay with some additional work freelancing then again you are in freelancing you really need to devote some amount of work okay now i'll just remove this because i don't want to put that specific information then my next amazing company was honeywell in honeywell i joined the company with 15 lakhs rupees inr as ctc okay i left that 15 lakhs rupees inr and i spent over there around one year okay one year and why did i leave honeywell because honeywell is also an amazing company because of the organizational changes because of the organization changes i was going to get put into another team where there was not that much work related to data science so i thought why not let's move on and you know over there uh what i did is that the next switch that i made was in eny remember till honeywell i was somewhere around 6.5 years of experience in sapient i was somewhere around 5.5 i spent one more year then i am totally 6.5 years now probably then i went to eny e and why i got a good offer of 18 lakhs rupees inr now see guys still probably when i went to eny then i started getting one lakh rupees inr in hand salary wise okay till here so i have to wait around 6.5 years experience then when i went to eny then i started getting at least more than one lakh rupees inr how much time i spent over here four months why because i got an amazing opportunity from panasonic and here i've actually written 32 lakh rupees ctc okay so here uh it was pretty much good you know just in a span of four months because many people ask me krish why did you live in e and mine four months eny is also very good company related to data science you get a lot of work but if you are getting this kind of opportunity why not right it is somewhere around 80 to 90 percent when you're seven years experience so why not take this particular opportunity in panasonic i spent around 1.8 years good work good amazing work good amazing analytics work you know and i was able to learn so many things over there too you know and yes it was a pretty much amazing experience and after that i've joined eye neuron and i'm working in high neuron itself which i cannot share it right now because it's the current job but here till the panasonic i think i've shared all the information and this panasonic when i was somewhere around in after seven years experience i jumped into panasonic okay and then you will be able to see that i got a package of 32 lakhs okay so i'm just going to mark it in some other color yeah so 32 lakhs now 32 lakhs is a very good salary but again in hand it is completely different and then i worked over there for 1.8 years did i get any hike no because of the kobit situation there was no hike in the cycle so till here i actually spent around in the same salary and then i was till one point eight years and then i joined i neuron and i was able to work properly now one thing that you can always see guys this you always need to keep things in your mind based on years of experience you always see that my my salary was always greater than two times at least two times of the market so suppose if i say 5.5 okay if my years of experience sorry when i joined sapient you know it was two years of experience right so i was getting 5.5 so if i do multiply by 2 it is at least greater than 4 lakhs when my experience was 5.5 i was getting 15 lakhs when i switched into honeywell so it is at least greater than 2 right i always made sure that it will it will be greater than 2 and it should be somewhere between 2.5 to 3 that basically means you are above the market okay so this is what uh was my starting of the ctcs along with my enhanced salary i'll also write in probably in sapient i was getting 3.39 in honeywell i think i was i was getting in hand somewhere around 80 85k i guess 85k in eny i told you it was more than 100k greater than 100k greater than 100k rupees inr okay and in panasonic i was somewhere getting around 130k inr greater than 130 kina so so it was something like this okay now you can see it took me around 6.5 years to get into five digits sorry six digits there's not five sorry six digits okay six digits so one two three four five six yeah six digits yeah and then you'll be able to see that this was how my growth was okay so i hope you like this particular video and yes please make sure that you subscribe the channel this is just to give you my experience guys always make sure that with respect to the salary standard your your salary should be at least greater than two times of that of a market so yes this was it from my side i hope you like this particular video i'll see you in the next video have a great day please don't forget to subscribe the channel guys this is probably the first video where you will be seeing that i have i've discussed everything about myself right right so yes i'll see you all in the next video have a great day thank you bye
Channel: Krish Naik
Views: 411,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, data scientist salary per month, salary of data scientist in india per month, data scientist salary in bangalore, data scientist salary in india for freshers, data scientist salary in us for freshers, python data scientist salary in india, data scientist salary in india quora, data scientist salary in australia
Id: dqGDeulDOKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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