Data Scientist - Day in Life in NYC

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I love the way you talk to me when nobody is listening hey guys welcome back to a new Vlog today is witness day uh 12th of October and yesterday I deleted my one of my so yesterday I deleted one of the videos and uh because of that like I spent the whole night doing my stuff on my laptop and all of that but I couldn't recover my video for some reason so I'm gonna like I'm thinking I'm gonna make a edit today or someday and post it again but let's see uh right now it is 7 30 a.m and I'm gonna go office and probably 45 minutes and yeah come with me to my office let's see my life in New York as a JP Morgan intern life these days is more of a hectic life right now because I'm not used to getting it but six am definitely and 6 a.m for me is like 3 A.M PST which is like Pacific time so because there's a Time gap of three hours between California and here so it becomes really difficult to get up at this time and it's been like a one month now and I'm still not used to it so let's see when I will be used to it so in JP Morgan I have seen the culture is like you can see I'm wearing a formal dress which is totally opposite to what I used to wear in Microsoft so definitely the culture is of more of formals and people take time to get ready there and be there but I think I'm fine cannot get up at 6am and get ready every morning starts with a bow down and being grateful about the life no matter how many problems are there but then always grateful for what I have right now and we are ready to go let's go we're late [Music] no matter how much formal dress every shoes are always going to be constant so I live in New Jersey my office is in Manhattan which is really rock so I travel between two students every day foreign [Music] way to commute in New York is through Subway which is the Metro and that is like everyone uses that uh nobody prefers to have a career because first of all the parking is a huge problem and then there's so much traffic everywhere that you cannot drive and New York liking is a problem here and everybody commutes through Metro um it is very different than Indian Metro because in India Metro you get charged on wherever you travel but here it doesn't matter like how much you travel you have to pay 2.75 dollars every time you board a train so even if you have to change or make like station change or something like that then you have to like again pay 2.75 so it cost me around 12 each day up and down to go to office and come back [Music] all right 33rd Street and as I said every time you change you have to pay again 2.75 dollars and that's what I have to do India doesn't have apple payload I like Indian vegetables better but India doesn't have one thing which is app s foreign [Music] this is the breakfast card of New York a very famous it's very sunny today for a change otherwise it's always like I have seen continuous five days of rain so it always the rains but it's quite sunny here today foreign office is in Manhattan the headquarters are in Manhattan and like I really like this that they are like on the Four Corners so they're like three or four buildings and they're on each of the corner of a Crossroads which is amazing this is the main JP Morgan building and I don't work in this building I work on the opposite side this is thank you then that is [Music] just saying that everybody is running in New York so like if Google Maps is showing 10 minutes to walk a New Yorker can walk it in 60 Seconds [Music] foreign office I love these rooms here also love how JP has provided us with like a kind of a vanity personal vanity in all of the washrooms [Music] thank you [Music] so I was going through my emails and this email I received like December 15 2020 when I was not a student at USC and I was attending a similar event and this is like thank you for registering email and today I'm like uh on the career panel of the same so it makes me human Muslim and slim and sleep proud and grateful about myself and this thing just said I'm here nice it's good to be on the other side today uh people have asked me a lot of times that do I feel nervous when I speak in these sessions but I don't I don't feel nervous at all I don't know why it's just I think I should grip this guy to my pen they've always like provided me with stages and like allowed me to go everywhere I want to and that has made me like build confidence and hence like I don't feel nervous at all speaking in public or anywhere I forgot my phone charger on my desk and I'm connected through my phone to internet and I need that charger so I'm running it's just five minutes to go [Music] is a current student who is doing an internship at JB Morgan right now and I do believe that she had another um internship under her belt already at iusc so uh we hope that you [Music] thank you [Music] but my two cents on it will be everything works out if you are willing to work on it so if I want to put it like that so don't probably um yeah USC is a great place I'm grateful every day is done and I think I did a fine job that I always deviate myself from speaking more about how great USC is then how my things are so usually I make my own food and every day I get my own food today I couldn't because of all the things that I had to do so I ordered food and it's here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so that is all for the office and I knew that's that this is Gonna Come As I was wearing it in the morning because I'm a messy person and messy person people leads to this so ignore it while we block [Music] tweets of the New York [Music] it's an everyday story now that I forget my charger in the office foreign [Music] there are a lot of questions around how am I doing my internship while I'm studying as well or am I actually studying so yes I am taking a regular semester at USC it is just an online course like the university has few courses which you can take remotely so I'm taking a remote course and along with my course I'm doing like a full-time internship in New York which is allowed if you are in your last semester so as an international student also questions about do I like West Coast or east coast hands down West Coast but east coast has its own life I mean look at this crowd every time you won't see these many people in uh you won't see many people on West Coast but yeah West Coast Is Like Home to me so definitely love West Coast I have I have a bias for this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] look at the trees and fall colors it looks so pretty here like yesterday it was green I could I I saw them green and changed to Yellow today [Music] foreign [Music] s today I cannot tell and that was all about my day thank you all for watching it I'm gonna do my chores now eat some food and then just edit this Vlog or probably edit something else and sleep because tomorrow morning again I have to go bye everyone take care keep smiling and see you in the next it's also a laundry day [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I did a full circle cleaning in uh during a week which is I'm crazy but it's 12 24 am right now and I'm gonna sleep I'm I'm too tired but there's this laundry bag here which I have to fold and finish so I'm gonna do that and sleep I'll see you guys in the next Vlog bye take care keep smiling foreign [Music]
Channel: Kanika Jindal
Views: 1,998,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jp morgan and chase associate, how much jp salary, top internships in usa, maang, how to get into top company internships, salary of interns in usa, united states interns, software engineering, machine learning internships, data science internship questions, top skills for data scientist, jp morgan and chase day in my life, microsoft intern, kanika, trending videos for interns, masters student in usa, university of southern california, masters in computer science, grad at usc, sub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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