Trapped by EVIL NOOB in Roblox Nightlight!

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are you afraid of noobs noobs aren't scary yeah gold I was once a noob but you've never seen a noob like this my name is beta you can take any of the rooms you want upstairs all right thanks I'm sorry about how dark it is most of the lights in here have been out for days wait why oh no you can use this candle thanks bet but but there's I'm going to clean around the house in the meantime I have this note for you to read I think the noob is lying to us oh um what does it say beta welcome I've been expecting you you will finally be punished for your greed the door is locked do as I say if you want to leave collect notes spelling out the word selfish what you will do this three times keep your candle lit and don't stay in one place hey we're not selfish why do we have to do this I like the sound of that oh beta that was very rude and bad for B yeah TSK TK you guys we have to spell out the word selfish before our candle melts but but I'm not selfish I'm a elfish oh I'm selfless something was behind you no there wasn't don't saw H okay H here's the first word okay that's good it's like guys do that I hide in here bye no lunar we go what that oh that's just beta it's just beta it's just beta hey don't call in the noob he doesn't like that oh sorry sorry sorry remember the number rule in horror movies I think this is another note separate no that's just oh it's a period what what is this what is this col theing in here oh my gosh oh my gosh let me oh got scared too okay there's nothing here what was it I don't know there's nothing and why do we have a match is it because these candles go out we got some coins over here and more matches everyone I think we should all have one match at least I want okay okay crew you can move these that noise okay lunar okay lunar you're so strong go before you do scary stuff can you tell us yeah okay thank you okay what's the point though there's nothing behind here guys ooh guys look food oh my don't look behind you what I saw pizza and then there was something Draco come on bro Draco I thought you were screaming at this photo right here dra don't look don't look dra it's a weird picture it was a weird picture wait the noob hey Noob dude where I don't like this Draco I wanted to look at the pizza and I just saw something else oh my gosh it's Cloud oh oh my oh what I want to leave guys I want to leave pick that up there's one more pizza oh my gosh guys is there any food in the kitchen there's a f go kitchen there's a is for fun is this fun ooh there's a knife someone grab it no gold you can go in there we can't grab the knife oh my gosh it gold oh my gosh gold where to hide we have to we have to revive gold revive revive gold gold you got you we got you gold buy I told you what you do the noob was very scary why do they the N go straight for you oh my gosh it's closet closet open I'm hiding uh I'm going to move the Shelf did we separate uh it's getting dark there money there's money under the Shelf that's a creepy picture that's a creepy picture guys we have to find uh these notes faster hey you took my money I moved that well you took too long to take it so I who cares about money this place is creepy okay follow just died I agree she's alive she just got down she's someone knock oh there's a match over here don't worry I got it guys we can move the boxes good job lunar pick it up we got e um funny the noob's back the noob's back funny it's not gold no it's not gold yeah hiding here what do we do not me not me not meit why does it hate gold so much what's your problem huh you know I got it I told you it doesn't like me cuz I gossiped about it you know it's true you're Gossip Girl and they don't like gossipers okay let's go oh to revive gold we need light oh guys get over here oh bring light bring light every time we revive her it puts away our candle flame I can't I can see last guys press F you got to use your match help me wait I know why it's going for gold she's not keeping her candle L gold you have to keep your candle you got keep your candle L you guys got to keep your cand a match F use a match I had a match you got to get matches we got to get matches now okay we got to start running now Draco I need your light you have to keep your candle lit if you don't I have one more match left I told you you have one too you must F okay PR you have enough the game wait it's called nightlight for a reason keep your NightLight on there's nothing to fear as long as how many matches does everyone have I have one I have three I have zero okay there's one here there's one here on the table someone get it you press F to use the matches yeah bro there's one we got to share the matches okay okay okay guys we got to go upstairs it's back it's back I don't care I'm not there's something chasing us nope it's just enti it's just an enti don't look at it don't look at it don't look sbow rainbow over here over hereb over here I lost you guys the guys upstairs rainbow and I together go gold rainbow right here match match I need a match I ran out of oh my gosh the room are so dark the rooms are so dark the room um there's a room down here that is on so I'm going to open it cuz follow the goat what ti Tock I don't know I heard trampling and I heard a goat tick tock tick tock four killed two injured in a car crash yeah it's probably from the killer Noob yeah it is from the killer Noob anymore gold whiteco where we dragging out here I don't know I'm just moving stuff finding notes mov I think if we stay together our light works better keep your lights on oh my gosh or hide in the closet okay can't move no bookshelves lunar where'd you go I'm in a closet someone blew up my okay the noob is with us the noob do not like it when we have no lights where are all of these notes what is that Pitter pad I don't think there's anything on the second floor oh we can move let's move it gold you better not end up by yourself and know the new PES you quas funny a light switch who needs it a match I have two I have two okay I'll grab one thank you okay I think we got to go downstairs I don't think there's anything else up here no no Draco we got to check everything there's a ladder down here okay you go down first dark is it is a library seems safe we got money over here you got to stick together our lights are brighter when we're together enity again get out of here enti someone like go out almost another match I'll pick this okay just going to lve some boxes got another um guys there's a match over here I'm hold three match I get it ooh more money what was that did you see that what was that like a weird picture I don't want to remember what it look like oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my go come on guys we have to do this three times there's a candle there's a candle we have to do this three times so slow I don't know where everything is giant house selfish oh space rainbow I can't see something's after me I'm not looking at it I'm just running around circles rainbow turn around rainbow took your light rainbow took your light it's a light stealer okay go oh my gosh Draco went down the basement and there was a scary picture I'm not ready for it I hope it doesn't happen again it's always trying to go firstco you guys the S it's right here oh pick it up the first water s is for scary oh another um match a match uh I someone grab it I have two rainbow you grab it you only have one I'll grab it anything here oh boy oh this is a creepy nothing else oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming oh go it's me rainbow you got to press F you have to keep your light up it's not me oh my go gold Ste okay it's a light oh and last the light stealer took out Rainbow's light you're right oh it did steal her light come on we only need S and L left I think we have to go back this way thank you up Noob right now spells draco's favorite food um fish e fish Draco out here oh wait no we can't leave okay check the living room one more time early where else could we I don't know we miss something is it 12 oh no it's 12 what does that mean it it rang earlier it's probably like 1 or 3:00 a.m. now you guys where's the noob I want to tell them a joke it's not a good time for a joke why didn't the shark share its food wait cuz it was shellfish no wait guys Draco found something here funny what Draco back here where where are you it's a glitch this wall like something's popping up when I wait what wait what he found something look up what what look up like something's popping up I don't know what it is Draco the Builder just probably it's just a glitch Bro think it I out oh I think there's something on the second floor then let's go okay go okay the longer we talk our matches are going to run out um guys split up guys my match thing doesn't say how many matches I have now me too Hunny I think it's I have I think angry at us okay we need to go faster running out really fast and we need to we are stalling so bad maybe we miss something on the second floor yeah I think we have to go to the second floor I'm on the second floor watch watch and I'm scared stop with the footsteps we got to get back up there's nothing here checking we've never been in this room no I think we have no we have yeah we could go back up oh this is the library okay guys go go dip oh my gosh please please please help me take the ladder take the ladder get out of here ghosty no no no no no no no why is the ghost following me unfollow I need a light I'm on the second floor I need a I am scared I'm hiding in the's more scared I found I just Nico keep going are you good think I blew out my candle it's okay our candles are lit I know oh and it's upstairs right trco we're just looking for S oh my gosh yeah we're looking for S where can't see the light is so dim it's really I already checked this the NS in here deep breaths deep bre in here okay I'm going to go forward check the room thoroughly there's no ass oh wait there's a room with a fire place how quite nice make sure that you uh moved everything ooh this room is really dark looking can you move any paintings guys I think my light's going to fall out oh no no it took out my lamp it took out my lamp we know what to do goodbye yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no oh goodbye your lights out lunar I know oh that's I had no matches that was actually cheap I guess I guess the closet was ineffective I think I'm going to run out of light soon and we can't find the s Everyone please we just need to find the S uhoh lunar please please please I'm going to try to revive you oh draco's gone I'll go get Draco you should find the light no someone find the ass someone find the ass please gold rainbow go find it just find it just find it there's only one I don't have enough I can't revive her gold gold come over here I don't have enough light hey um okay okay see you get got oh no something's after me funny something's after me gold we got we got to revive lunar okay just revive her we need our life gold my lights out gold my lights out mys gold put down to me I ain't going to die bu robu please don't my I forgot what I brought a game pass that lets me self-revive one time but I I couldn't use it it um okay okay okay just go everyone the only place I can think ofb this way follow us is the portraits the portraits do the portraits are they like invisible or something we need to move the picture frames please guys I think we're we're missing the picture frame part my match it's mine it's all for themselves last piece is we're looking for a missing room it's after rainbow it's after rainbow I light and she gone gold come on she gone she's gone it's okay just go it's a waste of time the candle birthday blowers out gold come here it just blew it out did you guys see the washroom yet no wait we never saw a washroom washroom Lun wait up I there's something really funny I have to show you what just go just go you're wasting your time love it what I don't have enough light to arrive rainbow I can't that's pretty funny that's pretty funny call Gold I can't see it's coming for you gold I see it gold I have best friend dark oh my gosh I can't see lunar what lunar I can't see gold is coming for you going die I think FY dead I'm coming I'm coming oh my gosh and one by one they all fall down because evil hi N I still have candle light I do you have candle light I have one more match um okay um everyone report to this washroom it's really funny what look at the corner cander funny the corner e oh my gosh it's funny it's wrong okay um no no time guys where's rainbow funny joke oh rainbow doed there's a match match oh I'll take it did you revive Rainbow Oh new plushy uh there's a voodoo doll in the bed but don't it doesn't do anything let's go where is this S I feel like we' checked the whole second who's selfish your house this house is selfish because we are struggling guys I think you have to like start figuring out if there's secret rooms or not oh my gosh it's coming for somebody somebody relight a nope NOP NOP by oh gosh go no it's gold gold gold gold the only day we can there's no more matches there's nothing in this house oh rainbow I only have a little bit of light the only thing we can do is we got to keep Reviving each other guys we actually have to find it I can't rooms there's no I feel I'm going ins okay it has to be on the main floor then cuz we've been on the second floor for too long we thoroughly checked thank you I agree I agree guys travel together so at least we could relight okay yeah where is the stup s s is double check the library cuz I can't find it check the library this piano we never really checked the library thoroughly it's because we were stressed out come on S where is the stinking it's coming lights together lights together people lights together lights lights my okay I got one match candle blower boom rainbow are you guys downstairs or okay yeah we're down we're down rainbow can't see you guys go down the candle's gone well uhoh go out it's got to be in this Library we can't find any is it behind this dog lights why are you angry oh rainbow rainbow and dolls and it's I got rainbow at this point stupid we don't even care oh my gosh this Noob is glitching is he going to kill me oh never mind I thought your candle dancing I don't know what's going on here okay we have to check we've been looping this house now I literally can't see anything he's probably going to come for me and kill me um a man he's coming for me so funny okay we restarted the game because it glitched but the last one appeared in the pantry thank goodness finally fish let's go to the front door we're out everyone we're never going back to this house ever again I agree you really trying to take some pizza as you leave come on come on oh guys hurry up we're coming we're coming where's the front door wait where are you Draco you're really bad at directions way following funny follow me follow me uh rainbow no I'm right here I'm at the front door lost group of people where's lunar help oh no lunar Rainbow's at the front door though this way hurry up nice go go go go go I don't want to spend another day in here go dude again something has changed what you already know I I hate you evil evil Noob what has changed what changed enlighten me I thought that was it please tell me what changed seriously oh okay just collect these quickly I don't know what changed but since we did already know where everything is this should be easier and if anything did change please let me know guys I will let you know if anything is changed nothing has changed what are you talking about everything is the same this is literally the same uh open this nope man this candle blower is really messing with us yeah likeit what change did you take the matches away the he just like scrambled up the words more is that the joke lunar did you see anything in here nope I see nothing I move the boxes there's nothing everything looks okay I got this period okay but so what we're still spelling selfish I think they really just trying to say that stealing all my matches does this Noob know how to spell anything other than the word selfish he's trying to prove a point I found the H okay um everyone is down actually go now you guys can stay down I'm going to the front door it's up to you guys make it out just revive Go's being dramatic oh gold I don't have enough light to help you anyway oh my gosh is I have light just leave thank you thank you good oh wait you died beside the door if we don't save you that's kind of toxic funny yeah I can't see anything okay I don't even know I'll try to revive you girl because of I was able to find the front door do it one last time a new guest has arrived what new guest okay one more one more guys we got this I don't want to see the new guest okay now there's no more matches we got the flow there's no matches we got the flow yeah we got the flow we got the flow flow flow flow flow we actually got the flow we can do this and it's darker golden IR I hear screaming with the night is loud with the nighty lities I found oh nice I got a note okay okay okay it's really dark it's really dark oh I got somebody I got somebody got me got me okay I got it my candle's out and I can't see I literally can't see anything please please what is it what is it what is it it's getting louder help me oh my God okay the monsters are really aggressive W okay guys just spend Robo just spend Robux did you see that it was it looked like a doors creature yeah I'm Reviving using the power of Robux I will win this I hate you Noob Rock we ain't going to make it out here are we he says yes everyone is dying the game is getting harder focus focus focus we can do this oh lunar light there's light lunar have you lost your mind come on the third round is there's no life Rive oh people uh you oh I got it yes come on come on funny keep going the eyes oh you're just a Robux stealer at this point I had matches oh so mean come on oh now I'm just toxic whatever that thing is we do not like you Gold's here to save the never mind I can't save the day I thought I could save ity rainbow are you dead no no no there all matches you want me you no rainbow just go just five s e h sit sit s out of here how's your day Luna my day did you see funny Junior on my back you how many times I face planted my back let me die okay let me die so I so dramatic because gold we're going to beat this thing okay now someone get the SE the s e someone get the say did you check the basement yet no yes you creepy spooky dooky monster oh I found an S thank you it's so dark I'm going down here now we just have to find a e this will be the end of things oh H yes okay go go go now we just have to find one more come on I don't see anything in the basement stop someone go to the the please I'm already dead bro I can't see my goodness go away gold careful there's a black monster here oh my gosh well if I'm going down I'm going to chill on the couch if I'm going down I'm chilling on this couch right here I want to faint in style hello oh yeah you're coming ow look t a poop I wanted to look like I was laying on the couch huh now I look like I'm stuck under the table hello thank you thank you hello okay one more more one more just end this misery guys what if I just sit in the closet the pantry did anyone check the pantry no I can't remember I can't remember remember where I've been go to the kitchen no go I can't even remember there's matches there's matches thank you go thank you all right please the kitchen please the kitchen please the kitchen please the kitchen something something something something nothing it in the pantry no anything no oh great what is that Draco come on bro oh please please please please I'll get you I'll get you Draco no it's not wor this is so hard the dining room is done the dining don't come over here it's camping you stupid monster you stupid monster you killed everybody you killed everybody stop following me I'll try going to the closet but I don't see anything oh you are selfish you are selfish for extorting all of this Robux from me I hate you I agree this is blasphemy lunar find that E I want to leave e you know l e a v l EV you're evil yeah is for evil Hello rainbow just run that thing the monster's stupid my light's almost out again I paid Robux for this light and it still runs out really fast and the E right here cat why is sh no way how did you are you joking what cat's right there on the wall oh my Pi it up there no it just spawned there we you don't understand we walk around like 100 times l left and I walked it and it was there let me go how did you miss it you're the E Master but I swear to you that it wasn't there before I swear it's based on the CL timer shut up and get to the front door the front the front door Draco you're all leaving me well Draco it's been 3 days wait I want to leave Draco I want to leave H Draco Ryan Draco the clock in the kitchen hurry up he's so bad at directions 100 times I'm no more light come on Jack Go's the way out go oh no I can't find you rainbow can't see Rainbow you better before the monster gets you H go okay okay okay Escape nice see you woo
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,367,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox game, roblox secret staycation, roblox secret, roblox food, roblox hide and seek, roblox nightlight, roblox find, roblox nightlight game, roblox nightlight horror, nightlight, nighlight story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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