My Rich Bff Found Out I'm Poor, What She Did Next Was Shocking

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oh i hate those people the snob has just arrived do me a favor why don't you go take care of her invitation ticket okay you know sometimes i feel like i should be the manager instead of you oh that's cute just go do it okay you got it boss [Music] hey uh would you like to order no i'm just waiting for lily hey hey how are you i'm good what are you doing here oh i'm uh waiting for some friends to celebrate a birthday oh some hometown friends oh okay cool um so i'll just come back okay sure okay [Music] hey come here a sec tell me how is it you know that brat over there don't call her a brat it's not like that we go to college together and we're good friends actually um if you're such good friends why is it she's totally ignoring you and acts like you don't even exist it's not like that i'm working and we're gonna sit together eventually she's just sitting with her friends from her hometown oh honey don't be so naive it's gonna happen eventually you don't know her i did well okay for your sake i hope so it was amazing look at this hi guys hi are you ready to order yeah so uh i wanted to ask what kind of coffee beans do you have uh yes we get them from the factory up north north okay so uh bring me a macchiato and i hope it's not disgusting okay sure um and for me i want coffee and it must be boiling if it's not boiling i'll bring it back believe me i would like half coffee no milk and no so i like a black coffee no cold coffee okay uh sure lily do you want something do you know her i think we have a class together or something i'll have a short espresso thanks i love your dress bye thank you yeah i love it touch your nails really yeah wow it's so pink though now well did you like get it from the uh ones from italy sophia what are you doing sitting here get to work it's not your break time i'm just uh waiting for you to make coffee i see i was right wasn't it i don't understand i thought we were friends you are friends at school not in the real world see i bet you're at that school because you have a scholarship right yeah you have to understand people like you and i we don't mingle with people like that we serve them speaking which come on hop down come on hop down here go serve them i'll be right back what do you want i know you're angry right now but it's just you don't understand what is there to understand friends don't behave like this it's just a little bit more complicated than you think okay i i came from a family with a big name and i have image to maintain you're a smart girl and a really good friend but it just doesn't look good what doesn't look good tell me it doesn't look good for me that i'm a friend a waitress that's it i can't believe i grind this thing it's so disgusting hey sorry lily right remember when you said that we're not friends so i guess you wouldn't mind if i said a couple of things then because what could i possibly say we're not friends right sweet yeah so remember when you told me that you kissed sarah's ex you didn't walked yeah or the fact that you always ignore tiffany's calls is that why you don't answer why did you just pick up i thought you were busy i am or the fact that you hate donna's style what like yours is better yeah you know i could go on and on but you know what the difference between this is i got into college because i'm smart and you got in because your father is rich so yeah i just yeah yeah wait uh is everything okay with the coffee though you should i bring you something else i still work here it's not good okay okay yeah that's cool okay [Music] can i get you something what are you doing oh can't you see i'm a waitress look i feel so stupid for what i did too and i don't deserve a friend like you is there any way you can forgive me [Music] okay go squeeze me some orange juice and uh you can clear that table of snobs over there you got it i can't stand those girls especially that girl lillian i mean oh you're not holding the tray correctly oh i didn't realize there's a wrong way for me to do that there we go okay you're a worse waitress than i am
Views: 537,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w4j7TPlU9sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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