I Found My Enemy Diary, What Happened After Is Mind-blowing

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so this is me my name is donna and as it turns out i'm what you call a nerd don't even think about walking away mcdonald's you know i'm faster meet andrea my own private nightmare what's that drink something better next time get him away enjoy writes a diary and poetry i never thought it'd be this incident type wait are her mother's in jail so option one i give her the diary and either make peace or risk getting beat up option two i do nothing and get nothing looks like i'm gonna risk it today this should be the place young lady you get back here i did not raise no little piece of trash you barely raised me at all i can't wait to move out yeah oh well that makes two of us looks like my bully's got a bully of her own young lady you get down here right now this toilet ain't gonna be cleaning itself liz my best friend since we were six she always knew how to get out of tight situations by any means necessary this is some happy stuff liz i'm asking you as a friend what do you think about this what should i do i tried giving it back to her but it didn't really work out how come cold feet posted post it yeah print it and post it all around the school hurt her back liz this is personal stuff i can't just do that to a person so what you're just going to let her get away with it after all she did to you it's not right look i'm just trying to help you you're my friend and you shouldn't live like this would she do the same if it was your diary i'll think about it it's your call donald duck she's got a point listen mcdonald's please just whatever you do not in the face if you tell anyone anyone what you heard or what you saw yesterday i will end you got that yeah i got it watch yourself know what i'm posting the diary she bought this on herself but what if you barely raised me at all i can't wait to move out what if she's just as lonely as the rest of us what are you doing here mcdonald's you opened it haven't you yeah i did i'm sorry i knew it you you know what it it doesn't really matter anymore shut that door is he the reason you're like this your dad i mean this is not every business [Applause] okay [Music] so [Music] hey mcdonald's yesterday you could have done anything with that diary you could have destroyed me why didn't you nobody deserves to be treated like that andrea not even you that's the first time someone has been nice to me thank you it's not easy for me to to go home every day acting like i do this is what i grew up like it's everything i know i i guess what i'm trying to say is i never had someone that i can call a friend andrea i can't solve all your problems okay but if you want to change i'll be there if you want a friend i'll be there thank you thank you
Views: 1,898,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cU8c8pjfEx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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