My Problem With Shane Dawsons Series

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A bit late alexx

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Spinner06 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
this is a really serious video guys and um I've got a lot to say all right welcome to part 2 of Jane Doe I'm here to cut the Shh once again the psychologist if he is a sociopath it's time to talk about Shane Dawson all right I'm Alex and welcome back to another video hopefully you guys are doing well and I'm not gonna lie with this one it's gonna be interesting it's gonna be an interesting video because I've been watching the Shane Dawson documentary and the absolute fallout which has been happening since it's been posted and the whole thing is just crazy which is kind of on topic Shane Dawson is currently doing a documentary on Jake Poole called the mind of Jake Paul where he is trying to figure out why Jake Paul does the things he does is Jake Paul a sociopath it's some hard-hitting stuff it's some hard-hitting stuff for a YouTube documentary on a youtuber and currently it's received incredible price I think the documentary is an incredible piece of YouTube content but there is a loud minority who are very very angry with the way that Shane Dawson has decided to portray people in this documentary what are the biggest youtubers he's come out and not add a great time of it is Logan poo which isn't really a surprise a local pool loving some very accurate criticisms at shane in my personal opinion talking about how Shane you seem to keep on confusing a psychopath and a sociopath he'll ill say the word and then show the word psychopath I want to talk to a psychologist if he is a so hey everybody today I want to talk to you about the word psychopath and I want to make that clear because even in Shane's video itself there's a couple times where he will say the word sociopath but show something psychopathic or even show the word psychopath which not only confuses the viewer but also makes Jake Paul look like something that he may not be or may have people think that it is Sonam honest with something that he really isn't I think for me that's what I had a problem with for watching the documentary is the fact that they were labeling Jake Paul of something that he isn't or trying to prove that he is something but he isn't and it kind of gets confusing for the viewer because you don't really know what Jake Paul is anymore is he going to go on a murdering spree I don't think so does he not care too much about the people around him and wants to make loads of money and be successful yes yes he does but just because somebody has sociopathic tendencies doesn't make them a sociopath but it doesn't mean that he's a good guy but the reaction from it is what I personally don't agree with because as much as Shane should have done a better job actually explaining what he's trying to do with this series and explaining what a sociopath and a psychopath is and which one he's going for people are more upset because it's mean oh no you can't be mean about sociopaths don't you say that the sociopaths aren't exactly the greatest people it's a mental disorder so therefore they can't help it you're correct people can't help that they can't help being a sociopath I don't think it's something that anybody would really choose but it's it's real it's a real thing and those people exist and and they use people and they don't care about the people that they're using and they want to climb the ladder to be able to get to where they want to be the whole goal of a sociopath is to self preserve they just want to play the game and win and if that's what that person is there are sociopaths so ironically they probably don't care about what you have to say about them but the idea that the problem with the documentary is it's not very nice towards sociopaths it's just something that I couldn't really get behind I can't blame shame for reacting the way here's to the idea that people around him may be sociopathic I don't think it's a bad thing but he wouldn't want to be around people whose sole goal is to use him and not care about him that seems pretty human if you need somebody who wasn't a sociopath who treated you like a sociopath would be you probably wouldn't wanna hang around with them anymore the deeper issue lies with when he inserts clips like this there's a bar right there like we'd be walking to that bar this way so that means there's four what does that mean Shane why is there a guy like knocking someone out or killing someone when the word sociopath comes out because they're not going to physically harm people it's not what sociopaths do and I think the idea that the therapist endorsing documentary is not a person who's getting more flak is kind of confusing I think what Shane is doing is completely fair he's trying to explore a narrative he's trying to explore a storyline and he has an end goal for it and he is the bystander I don't blame him at all for the way he's reacting I don't blame him at all for even overdramatizing it because it's a dramatic documentary it needs to be accurate by that's important I think Shane is trying to make the documentary he thinks people want that's an issue because I don't actually believe that he is trying to make something that he believes in like with telecon he made what he wanted to make he portrayed Tanner the way he wanted it to if you don't agree that you don't agree with that but I think the reason why this one is getting backlash from anyone is because he's trying to make something that he thinks people want to see from him people want Jay Paul to be some type of nutcase people want him to be a super villain and I feel like che knees almost currently in Batu episodes we've seen trying to push that agenda not because he necessarily wants to but because he feels like that's what he has to do but people saying that Shane's responses to the stuff the therapist is saying is overdramatic I think he's kind of ridiculous and maybe I'm a bit biased because I've been through a very similar situation into the one that they're describing could possibly happen to Shane as a youtuber and that one experience threw me off for an entire year I was an easily trusting of anybody around me especially in a game such as YouTube where you could put a literal numerical number on a human beings head and decide whether they're worth talking to you because of that and Shane Dawson has a pretty big number over his head right now I could totally understand why he would be freaking out and why he would double guess everybody he knows in his life because being a cheaper isn't exactly a normal thing isn't exactly something that's very ordinary I could totally see why people on YouTube have many sociopathic tendencies I think a lot of them do but also the idea that you're pushing that forward and diagnosing people yourself is not fair because now I think a lot of youtubers who definitely don't deserve it or who do something slightly wrong are gonna be labeled with this end or term that's going to make them seem like a complaint outcast and somebody who could never be trusted again the only time that you should ever diagnose somebody like that is if they're a willing participant or if they tell you that that's what they are and then you stay away from them I suppose to summarize this video I believe that Shane's reactions are completely fair the idea of OMA dramatizing a documentary is ridiculous and the way that people have responded is completely understandable by so in the same time I don't necessarily believe that Shane Dawson is completely full first I feel like it's a situation that may be too big for YouTube I don't actually have a problem with the way that Shane necessarily is doing it I just have a problem of the idea that not everything is accurate he may not be betraying sociopaths and Psychopaths the way he should be because of the fact that he's confusing the two and that could lead to a very different response people shouldn't be upset because it's mean people should be upset because it's misrepresenting a certain group of people that's what the problem should be and last but not least I'm gonna leave a prediction for the way I believe this series will end which will be Shane Dawson sitting down staring into the distance and somebody asks him whether he thinks the Jake Paul is a sociopath and he will look up to the camera and everything will cut to black well thank you guys for watching this video if you did enjoy it don't forget to leave a like subscribe if you knew and turn notifications on I'd be very interested in to hear what your guys Forks are because I understand that my position is very different due to the experiences I've had and also as a youtuber myself I may just look at this documentary completely different to somebody who may know sociopaths in their actual life so on and so forth so I'd be very interested to see feedback from that and I'm gonna leave it there until next time have a good day people [Music] you you
Channel: ImAllexx
Views: 433,129
Rating: 4.8026133 out of 5
Keywords: sociopath, jake paul shane dawson, shawn dawson, shane dawson jake paul, shane dawson funny, shane dawson series, logan paul, shane dawson the mind of jake paul, dawson, shane dawson jake paul collab, shane dawson squad, shane dawson walmart, shane dawson shook, shane, shane dawson exposed, satire, shane dawson documentary, shane dawson, imallexx, shane dawson and jake paul, the family of Jake Paul, shane dawson scary, shane dawson edition, shane dawson videos
Id: Z8YA_Jvi4oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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