My Pimax Crystal Review - WOW! The best VR display in the world!

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welcome back to Virtual Reality my name is Thomas and you're watching Voodoo the EVR finally I can show you my review of the pi Max Crystal so I decided to do the review now because everybody wanted to see that although not all um functions and modules are ready so for example the Standalone mode or the wireless mode module or the lighthouse module still missing but I will tell you everything I can show you about the crystal now for example the display field of view Comfort lenses and all the stuff you need to know so this will be a cool review thank you to my sponsors cap slim beats and aeroflav as flight simulator let's have some fun with the video and let's go [Music] yeah let's talk about the design first so of course everybody has a different opinion in my opinion the pi Max headsets are so cool yeah look at the old one they are really cool with this V looks looks futuristic and stuff and this one has also that design and it's reflecting that looks so cool in my opinion at least it's a little bit smaller than the other pymax headsets and yeah then we have this strap here at the top and all the um materials here that's very soft material also here um for for your head and and uh look at the lenses they are crucial clear as the name says really nice and yeah then for the pre-orders you get the dmas um headphones I think later you have to pay for them I'm not sure I will put all the uh additional accessories in the description below as as soon as I know that and then we have this wheel here for the head strap of course um then the battery is here and yeah then here we have the power button an LED volume and here is the ipd buttons for uh ipd and here's a small um slider for the uh Standalone mode and the PC VR mode yeah and that's really really nice the four cameras here so the design is cool I I always love the design of the pie mix headsets okay let's talk about Comfort weight and cable length so the integrated the included cable has two USB a and one display port connector and the cable is five meters so this is just the standard cable it's not extremely flexible it's a little bit thick here but it's okay it's just standard like other headsets nothing special so the weight the here's the battery included so as this is a standalone headset as well you will need the battery here and that means the weight of this headset is 1162 gram with the battery included and this is what this is really heavy it's a heavy headset reminds me of the of the extol or something and uh when you compare to the to the Pico 4 this is only like 560 or something so this is double the weight of the Pico 4 for example and uh this is crazy so when I put it on my head here and then use the screw here so and then here's a this is a little bit tricky because they have a rubber strap and under the rubber strap you have this velcro strip so it's a little bit tricky to put that on your head so and now so due to the battery is behind our head it's this the weight is spreaded so I noticed that this is a heavy headset it's just uh close to 1.2 kilogram but it's spread it pretty good so this is not a huge problem I I mean you you definitely notice that you have a heavy headset on on my head but I think I can play hours with that it's not a really big problem but for people that don't want a big weight on their head then um it's could be a problem perhaps it's it's a heavy headset it's I think it's even heavier than all the other Pi mix headset because there's a lot of stuff inside there uh you you you definitely notice that but yeah that's only one thing to mention okay guys let's talk about the setup and the software so this is the pi tool or Pi Max client that you will need for the pymax Crystal and here's the store that's the starting screen so this is important for the Standalone um apps that will come later and uh you will be able to buy that but you can also find your PC VR games here that are installed via steamvr from for example Half-Life elix and stuff here's your account and you see your email and all this stuff and then here are some settings you can check out the version the language automatic stat with Windows download location and all that stuff here's a little help and where you can go to the Forum or technical support and very important here is the pi mix Crystal settings here you you will have the guidance when you started and you will be able to do the room setup start steamvr that I already did here you see that um then you can pair the controllers restart headset or servers and here you can see the controller um battery the headset battery and the base station now it's tracked via the cameras inside the Crystal but there will later be a lighthouse system where there will be the lighthouse base stations and also you can use Vive trackers or any full body trackers if you have the um yeah the lighthouse module later um so here are some settings as well you can see the power of the headset um here you can use the switch the refresh rate um later there will be 160 Hertz they are testing that here's Auto ipd so yeah if you want you can change it manually here if you go to settings and stuff and here you can do soft eye ipd motion compensation here you can switch um settings for your games render quality foliated rendering smart smoothing and all the stuff what you want to do so if some games don't work um just play around with the settings here hidden area mask live only games and all that stuff contrast and here you can Flash the new firmware that didn't work for me I hope they will fix that soon but uh yeah everything worked so that's no no problem here yeah then you can just start your games here that's the setup let's talk about the display of the pi Max Crystal this is one of the most important parts of a VR headset and when I tried it for the first time normally I tried that in Half-Life Alex and so and I I watched that and I thought holy that looks really good I was so impressed I I can't remember when I uh saw that this game so brilliant and sharp when you when you hold this uh this um gravity gloves in front of you it's just like in real it's really good also the the clarity the the the the the stuff and and you can you can watch every detail some people said uh it's a little bit problem when you watch uh far away or some 3D effects they don't see I didn't have these problems so that was not not a problem for me so the resolution is 2880 by 2880 per eye um I tried that with 90 at 120 hertz because the new modes up to 160 Hertz were not available at the moment but I I don't see the difference anyway so this is not something you you should hear from me uh it's I I just don't see a difference between 90 and 140 Hertz so I don't care about that so the display is qled plus mini LED and um it's just amazing even the black levels it's just like an OLED it's just completely black and the colors are also very powerful and everything so last time I saw this game in this quality or on anything in this quality was I think with the value Aero or the value headsets but I think the primex crystal is uh at least on same level with that and that's something really cool so the display of the primex crystal is really nice okay let's talk about the lenses so look at these lenses they are completely different than the old Pi Max headsets I will I will show it to you give you a second look look here they are so much bigger the old pymax headsets and uh oh give me a second and um so that has some advantages and disadvantages the advantage is of course that uh with this clear lenses they call it triple layer Nano coated aspheric lenses that means they are very clear and there are no rings like with the free nail lenses so you don't have any God Rays or glare effects it's just amazing it's very clear the disadvantage is that you have a smaller field of view we will talk about that later and also um it could be that you you see some uh yeah warping effects or something in the outer areas of the of the view that was not a problem for me um but perhaps some people will have a problem with that I I didn't care about that it was just fine because everything was so clear yeah the the edge for Edge Clarity was no problem for me um also um okay The Sweet Spot uh I I could find The Sweet Spot better with the old Pi Max headsets um it was a little bit tricky to find it but when you get it it's it's just uh fine and you can see everything clear so yeah that with the headset come two pairs of lenses um the 35 pixel per degree and the 42 pixel per degree lenses the 42 pixel per degree are um have a smaller field of view but are clearer but I don't have them I just only have the 35 pixel per degree if you order that you will get both pairs okay I I cannot try the 42. so all in all the lenses are fine I think they're they are better than your old lenses and everything is really clear that's not a problem okay guys and here are some very interesting values these are the field of view values from different headsets but it's very important to know that these are individual values of my eyes of my head shape you will have completely different values that's very important to know many people will have bigger values because I have an alien skull or whatever that is so mostly I have lower values than other people but compared to my other results perhaps it's interesting so here you go this is the primex crystal with the 35 pixel per degree lenses that I have there will be also the 42 pixel per degree lenses they come with a with a final package but I don't have them so I can give you these values the values of the 42 pixel pedigree will be a little bit lower but the clarity will be higher so I have a vertical field of view result of 180 degree and horizontal field of view of 102 degree and this is a good result and it's fine it's a little bit similar like the valve index and we know the above index has a big field of view and it's much higher than the value of the Reverb G2 or bio arrow for me and that's a huge difference but of course the pi Max 8kx has the biggest it has this really big lenses so of course the pi mix akx has much bigger feet of view so if you want to have big field of view go for the pi mix 8kx but I think the the crystal results are really good it's fine it's bigger than most headsets I would say so so the I would say the values of the meta Quest 2 are standard many headsets have this value so I think the crystal is doing good here yeah that was the field of view let's talk about performance or stuff and so normally in the Standalone mode that will come later you don't need any PC of course but many people want to connect this headset to the PC and a pi Max recommends minimum and RTX 2080 better uh a better graphical or an Intel i5 12500 or an AMD R7 3700x so I had an RTX 3090 and uh until 10900k and I didn't have any problems with that so I could play all the games in the I used the standard settings from PI tool and from Steam VR I didn't change anything so everything was really fine and very good graphics and no problems with the performance with my setup let's talk about the controllers so yeah here are the controllers so they they just have the normal a b x y buttons menu button and the pi mix button to switch them on and stuff so everything is the same they are completely the same like The Meta Quest controllers yeah the same functions and stuff capacitive sensor so they know when you touch the buttons the grip buttons and the buttons here and the trigger button so you can do a wrist or something a fist or whatever um and yeah then the the difference is that we have integrated batteries that you can charge with USBC and this could be a problem for some people because the battery lasts like five to six hours and then it's empty and you will be not be able to play with that until you charge that for two hours so you cannot replace the batteries now that's some people perhaps don't like that the the batteries have 600 milliampere hours with USBC and One controller is 162 gram they are nothing special just the standard controllers um they I I love the index controllers much more but uh yeah these are the pi mix controllers they are fine but not the best let's talk about game compatibility as this is a PC VR headset of course you can play all the steambr games with that so I played a lot of games you can play I I think you can play all the games but sometimes it's a little bit tricky you have to activate some stuff in the pi tool for example a parallel projections hidden area mask or Vive compatibility it depends on the game so if something is overlapping and you have a strange view just uh do the uh buttons there in the pi tool and then it's good to go so it's a little bit tricky but that's always with the even with the old Pi mix headset so you have to play around a little bit but all in all you can play all the steambr games and also later the Standalone games for this headset that will be in the pymax store I couldn't try that because it's not completely finished um so perhaps I will do a video about the Standalone mode later this year but all in all you can play every game with this headset on PC VR let's talk about accessories and modules and stuff so there will be some modules uh incoming for example the lighthouse module you will be able to put a module on the primex crystal to use Lighthouse tracking so the base stations and then you will be able to use full body tracking with this headset so you will Mount the wife trackers and then you have your full body tracking also there will be a wireless module you can find a connector here yeah this is the connector for the wireless module and this will have like a Wi-Fi 6E YG 60 gigahertz but unfortunately I don't have that yet so I will do a video later as soon as I get this module but all in all it has a lot of connections and and stuff and yeah you can do like everything with this headset okay guys welcome to the tracking test so we are in rec room here and I have the pi mix controllers and as you can see as long as I hold my controllers in front of me that is no problem here see that it's but when I hold them behind my back of course the tracking is gone because the cameras are only watching in front that's normal with this tracking so as and when I hold that in front of me I add the tracking is here so when I use bow and arrow you see that it's hanging a little bit so could be a little problem perhaps in some games but everything I played was pretty fine and here in front of my chest that also works pretty good yeah but over my head then the tracking is gone of course yeah and also in front of my head directly in front of my head it doesn't work huh but when I hold it like 20 centimeter in front of my head then it works but also when I hold them in front of each other there's a problem you see that that doesn't work as well so this could also be a problem for some games that you see that that's a problem here but all in all um I would say the tracking is not as good as with the meta Quest controllers or something they look the same but uh it's fine it's okay it's better than the mixed reality for example but perhaps they could fix that a little bit that's the tracking let's talk about heat development so um I played hours with this headset uh and uh it's it's just getting hand warm I would say like all other headsets that have no problems with that it's just normal even the battery doesn't get really warm also inside the headset uh that's uh heat development is not a problem with the pi Max Crystal let's talk about removable parts so uh you can remove nearly everything from this headset for example the whole face gasket can be removed and then it looks like this yeah and you can also remove all the parts here also the headphones and here the the part of the a back of your head and stuff and so then you can clean everything pretty good yeah um you can here's also some uh yeah cloth material so there's no not getting dust inside the headset that's pretty good uh so removable Parts yeah it's it's good let's talk about ipd settings so the pi Max the old Pi Max headset only had software ipd but the new Pi Max headset have an integrated motor that can use the motor to uh switch the lenses to uh like uh from 58 to 72 millimeters so for now um you can use that with these buttons here yeah you can hold them and then uh you see inside the headset you see some lines and then you can see oh this is the best ipd for me and then you can push the button and the motor aligns the the lenses then you can also do that in the pi tool so if you know that you have 60 millimeter insert 60 millimeter and then setting and then the motor drives the lenses in the correct position there is also eye tracking integrated that so if you put on the headset then it will measure your uh interpublic distance and then use the motor to put it in the right correction but it's not activated now so I couldn't test that now but all in all that's uh no problem let's talk about pass-through so the pymax has four cameras here the primex Crystal and um you will be able to view to see your real environment through the cameras but this is only available in the Standalone mode and the problem is the standard lawn mode is not yet available I couldn't try that but I will do a a separate video as soon as this is available and then I will also show you the pass-through view of the pi Max Crystal okay let's do a test with glasses so I have this big sunglasses here to try that so best thing is if you put this up and then to like this and then this down and then spin the wheel until it's tight and yeah the um glasses do not touch the lenses what is really important um and yeah I I don't see any problems with that it fits under the headset and uh yeah you see that it's still on my head only thing it's it touches it pushes a little bit against my nose here the the glasses but that's no problem it's just not um so so a big problem here okay and now there is something that I really dislike I told that pie mix that I don't like that and they know that um so there is a battery included it's here and and there is another battery as well here so we have two batteries and this is the charging station uh you have USBC you can charge the batteries so for the Standalone mode of course you need a battery that's that's uh no problem it's uh normally that's normally but the the headset has I will show it again here's the five meter cable and the end of this cable has two USB and one display port and now even during the connection to PC via these three cables you need the battery and the battery goes lower and lower during the PC gameplay and that sucks I I can't understand that but normally when you connect with these three cables to other PC headset VR headsets the the power comes from the PC of course but not here the battery will drain and it will drain very fast and pymax told me that it will last five hours with one battery but I cannot confirm that it was empty in 2 to 2.5 hours during my sessions with Half-Life Alex and other VR games and this sucks um I can't understand why I can't understand that it's it's crazy but at least I must say we have the two batteries they have uh each six thousand milliampere hours they last like I said 2.5 hours or two hours and uh you can hot swap them at least so inside the pie mix there is a 100 uh uh I think 120 milliampere uh battery so you can during the gameplay you can swap it and put the other battery inside but uh a full charge of these batteries will last 2.5 hours so it's very close yeah it's very close at least there are two batteries but I really can't understand why why this is the case normally it should get the power via the the um yeah we had a PC but uh they told me there is one um connector that is USB 2 and this is uh give me a second here are this one yeah so this does not need to be to connect it to PC you can also use a smartphone charger with more power and then you can expand the battery life a little bit when you use this one here uh with more power but all in all I cannot I I don't know why I have to use a battery while playing with a PC that's not a good decision let's talk about the connectors so the pi Max Crystal has a lot of connectors here's the 3.5 millimeter audio jack if you want to use your own headphones you can disassemble them here if you like and then it has another USBC Port here inside no and here is the display port or display cable you can also disconnect it here if you like then we have another USB C Port here on the side and here under the headset so three USBC ports for all the modules that are incoming and on the top we also have the connector for the wireless module so this is a lot of stuff most headsets don't have all these connectors that's great let's talk about eye tracking so the pi Max Crystal has integrated eye tracking so it can scan your uh eyes and stuff but unfortunately this is not yet available it's not unlocked in my in the pi tool and in the firmware so I cannot try that I'm sorry for that but I will do a video uh when this is ready let's talk about sound and microphone so if you pre-ordered the pi mix Crystal you will get the dmas premium headset the headphones here they are integrated here if you buy it later there will be the standard headphones this is just a slot here like with the uh Quest 2 or something then it will look like this here yeah and um so there is a screwdriver included where you can disassemble that if you want to use your own headphones you can just this uh yeah you can just uh mantle that and uh just use your own headphones and uh the screwdriver is also for the um swapping the lenses yeah and the sound of these things are is of course not so good it's like with the Quest 2 not powerful with this one it's better uh but it's still not so perfect I I think it's not as good as the valve index the buff index has in my opinion the best sound this is okay but I want more powerful sound it's okay yeah so then the um the pi Max Crystal have has three microphones one is here and two are here um I made a recording a test recording let's hear that okay guys here's a microphone test with the pi Max Crystal one two three four five let's do some popping sounds pop pop pop pop and let's scream a little bit here and the other way yeah and as you can hear there are no popping sounds like with the HTC headsets and uh yeah it's not too loud when I scream it's also okay but there were some crackling noises I have no idea I think this is more a software problem I hope they will solve that in the future because all in all the microphone and the sound is pretty good um but I I still prefer the microphone of the valve index it has the best sound and microphone that's why I still will record my videos with the valve index on PC VR so when you are a YouTuber you have to notice other things however yeah sound and microphone is pretty good let's talk about the Standalone mode so here there is the small switch and on the left position it says AIO so all in one and on the right position it says PC and of course you know what to do so unfortunately I cannot really show you the Standalone mode I can activate that and see a little bit there is a home environment and you can do some uh yeah uh some settings and see some apps also but the most things are in Chinese and everything is not really ready so it doesn't make sense for now yeah that I I will show it to you as soon as that is ready I will do a separate video about that and then I will show you the Standalone mode and the camera pass through mode okay and let's talk about the price that's very important so uh they to be honest they couldn't tell me everything about the price they told me the headset will be 1599 dollars and for the so-called Pi Maxine so people that already have a pie mix it's 100 bucks cheaper so 1499 but they couldn't tell me where you can buy that will it come from China will it be on Amazon or whatever will there be some custom fees or some uh taxes I I have no idea they couldn't tell me so I'm pretty sure this is the price without tax so I think it will be like 1 800 bucks or something but please guys check out the uh um price in the description below I will keep it keep the right price in the description so there's also the link where you can buy this headset this would be a very interesting and uh yeah so check the description for the final price okay guys and now I've talked a lot about this headset let's come to a conclusion I listed that in Pro and Contra arguments let's start with Pro of course the most important thing of this headset is the display this is so good it's Crystal Clear it's really sharp everything is uh I I still can't believe it it's crazy the black levels are awesome the colors are awesome so this is really the most important thing on the pro side for the pi mix Crystal really guys the next thing is um yeah the connectors and the additional accessories that you can buy you you will be able to to connect the wireless module the lighthouse module the eye tracking there will also be a hand tracking module and a lot of connectors a lot of stuff that you will be able to do you can even do that uh the the full body tracking later so this is a really nice thing that's not available with many other headsets and I also put the field of view on the pro side because I know the field of view of the old Pi Max headsets and the pi Max 8kx is much higher but for this crazy awesome and very sharp display the field of view is really good um for example the value Arrow has also a very sharp and clear display but it has a very small field of view so if you would ask me when I get both for free would I decide to buy your Aero or the pi mix Crystal I would go for the primex crystal because of the same very sharp and clear display and also a big field of view so this is why I put feel of you on the pro side but there's also some Contour arguments the software they need to fix that there is a lot of problems I had a lot of problems um there were some bugs some strange error messages like 10572 or whatever and sometimes it works sometimes not also I couldn't um uh Flash the new firmware there were some errors sometimes they say the controllers are not connected but when you go to steamvr then there are the controllers this is so strange they really have to fix the software uh but I think they will it's just a early version still so I think they will fix that and the biggest thing is for me is the battery so I still can't believe why I have to use the battery and why the battery drains while I have it connected to PC this is so crazy so you you can just play like 2 or 2.5 hours and at the same time you have to charge the other battery and then swap it and sometimes perhaps if the battery only lasts two hours and the charging time is 2.5 hours you will not be able to play like three hours in one piece perhaps could be the case depends on what you play and that's something I really don't understand yeah so the this is crazy for me um the battery and also I must I I put that on the Contour side the weight you notice that when you put it on your hand the the weight is spreaded pretty good but you really notice that you have a heavy headset on your head so who on Earth should buy this headset so of course people that love a very good display yeah that the display is really nice that's why I really can um say that's a nice headset it's very sharp so if you really want to play like simulators like if you want want to see the cockpits very crystal clear all the texts and stuff perhaps if you even want to work with this headset and see the the writings or the text on desktop then this could be something for you but only if the battery and the weight doesn't matter for you okay that's some very important thing if you want a headset with bigger field of view then go for the pi mix 8kx yeah that's the two things I would say so if you want to buy this headset you can find the link in the description below for the primex crystal I really hope you you liked my review if yes give me thumbs up and if you still want to have honest and brutal reviews then check out the first pinned comment you can support me only one Buck per month um and then you get behind the scenes videos and early access to my videos so guys thank you so much give me thumbs up subscribe hit the bell and see you next time in virtual reality see ya would be [Music] [Music]
Channel: VoodooDE VR - english version -
Views: 27,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pimax Crystal, Pimax Crystal review, Pimax Crystal test, order Pimax Crystal, Pimax Crystal vs Varjo Aero, Pimax Crystal vs Pimax 8KX, best vr display, best vr headset 2023, Pimax Crystal in depth, Pimax Crystal through the lens, voodoode, voodoode vr, virtual reality
Id: qxNYsKz9Huk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 0sec (2160 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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