12 BEST AI ART Tools YOU Should be Using for Print on Demand?

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Hey everyone it's Juna with Detour Shirts. In this  video I'm going to compare 12 different AI apps,   text to image apps, that you can use for print  on demand now. The last time I made a video   kind of like this this one right here I only  compared three different ones uh MidJourney,   Leonardo and Ideogram. um but this time I'm  going to compare a lot of other ones that   people have been asking for that like kiddo Ai  and uh canva and some of the things that are in   the news like uh Microsoft one and and the one  from meta so we're going to a lot of these at   the end of this video I'm going to make a nice  table so you can see everything that you need to   the name where to find it how much it costs and  so on so a lot to see in this video you don't   want to miss it and you want to stay tuned to see  all of it and compare all of it to each other in   fact I'm going to use the same prompt on all of  these so you can see the output on all of these   so we're going to start with the first one the  most popular one that I think most people are   using and that is mid Journey all right uh I just  wanted to make this point that if you're looking   for Mid journey and you use Google you're going  to want to make sure to stay away from some of   these you can see this one's sponsored that is not  mid Journey even though it says mid Journey right   there and this one is not mid Journey either even  though it says mid Journey right there you know   I think Google needs to crack down on these guys  but anyway this one is mid Journey look for that   ship here that icon this this one right here that  is the official mid journey and when you click on   there it's mid journey.com by the way so you can't  miss it if if it says something else it's not mid   Journey so come in here I'm already signed in so  um yours will probably say slapp or whatever um   but I think the thing that we're going to want  to see is how much does this cost now a lot of   people uh started with mid journey and the thing  that made it uh very popular was that it's free   but there is no free account so if you go again  on Google and search can you use mid Journey for   free uh you can see it says as of 2023 June 2023  no longer uh available but the these are the plans   here um I have this basic one right here $10 a  month uh standard plan 30 Pro Plan 60 and you   can see the different ones right here what what  it entails right so you can take a screenshot   here they all have commercial rights so you can  use this for print on demand and if you decide   to do yearly building um billing you can save some  money by doing it that way so um there's that and   I'm going to show you um what it looks like so  here's my mid Journey I'm on Discord it works in   a Discord so I made my own server here that can  that runs on the uh mid Journey thing I'm not   going to show you how to do that but I'm going to  use the same prompt that I'm going to use for all   of these and that is something really easy like  this a cartoon cat wearing sunglasses on a white   background the difference is on Mid Journey you  have to actually type in imagine so let's do that   then hit that then put in your prompt and then  hit enter so mid journey is going to give you   four different ones and then I didn't really do U  much on this prompt but we're going to take a look   at it I'm using version six right now there's  other versions and there's other mid Journey   things in here but we'll see how this does just  to give you a sense of what it can do with this   um but we can also look at just on the account  here the mid Journey feed like these are kind   of the things that it can do so very cool design  wise uh photo realistic things it can also do uh   you know art like that so I think mid journey is  a really good choice for uh print on demand if   you're doing posters if you're doing obviously  posters or I think there's some sticker things   some art things in here so you just have to make  sure the prompt is not edge to edge you're going   to want some kind of sticker or white background  so that you can remove the background so let's see   if it's done here there you go this is what  it looks like a cat wearing sunglasses on a   white background it's pretty cool you could use  this the idea would be you take this remove the   background put some text on it and you got a good  t-shirt right so there you go everything you need   to know just really quickly about mid Journey  so you can see here with $10 a month or $8 a   month depending how you pay it you get about 200  generations and if you jump up to the next plan   you get unlimited so that's kind of how it works  here for Mid Journey so I think that's everything   we need to know we're going to compare now  everything's going to be compared to Mid   journey and the next one we're going to look at  is Leonardo all right so here we are on Leonardo leonardo.da tour shirts now these are the kinds  of things that Leonardo does and really cool like   gaming stuff and photo realistic and you know just  really cool kind of a little bit different than   mid Journey but I think it's still very very  cool I'm going to scroll up again and we can   see they also do anime they also do character uh  food and so on um some more realistic stuff but   you can see they do coloring books and graphic  as well so you're just going to have to put in   the right prompt in here and we're going to uh  generate one with the cat design but before we   do that let's look at the prices there is a free  plan on Leonardo you can see 15 daily tokens and   I'll show you how much uh each one costs some of  them are more than one token uh to do it and then   uh Apprentice Artisans standard and of course the  tokens go up and like and like mid Journey some   of the higher ones have unlimited Generations  right so uh well let's go back here and let's   do image generation and I'm going to go type in my  prompt here a cartoon cat wearing sunglasses on a   white background we're going to use that same one  you can see 16 tokens and the reason for that is   because alchemy's on I'm going to turn that off  now it's just one so Alchemy um is just another   way to make it even better and you know if you  have the credits I would say use that because it's   it's better but I don't need it photo real cuz I'm  making a Caron cat and and some of these things   so I'm going to make sure that it's a square so  I'm going to do 1024 by 1024 there and just hit   generate now it's using two tokens um probably  because I made it the other size instead of the   the size that it was at one token so just know  about that 150 then at two tokens would only give   you about 75 um Generations so let me hit that and  we're going to see what this looks like so you can   kind of compare uh mid Journey versus Leonardo see  which one would work for you I I think they both   could work this is with dream safer V7 I forgot  I probably should have just done stable diffusion   one I I think this was going to be the better one  so I I don't like this I'm going to do it again   one token let's use stable diffusion all right so  I'm back I had to try a bunch of different styles   on Leonardo because I'm not familiar which which  style would be the best for a cartoon you can see   this one uh stable diffusion didn't do so well  this was dream shaper um but this one did great   but it's not a cartoon cat it's more 3D if we  look at it it's pretty cool though um but what   I was looking for was something more like this  and I used uh Leonardo anime EXL and that's what   came out so uh you're going to might have to you  might have to play around with this one to get   the right thing um but you can see Leonardo can do  it it just has so many different models to choose   from that you have to pick the right model so  there you go everything you needed to know about   Leonardo the next one we're going to look at is  ideogram so here we are on ideogram you can see   some of the stuff that ideogram does some really  cool things they're mostly known for the text uh   thing I made a video about this where they they're  one of the first ones to kind of make text really   well on um images on a with AI so you can see a  lot of their things have text in here and some   really nice fonts too so it's not just helvetica  text it's like custom text on here uh done with   u AI so I've done videos for this I'm going to  show you the price plan the subscription plan   first uh you can use ideogram for free but there  are some things here so first of all uh you only   get 25 promps day in a slow queue for free and you  have all in generated images are public so that's   one thing that's different people will see your  designs they could potentially use it so uh and   because AI stuff isn't copyrightable um you know  there's the potential that they might use your   design as well so when you pay for ideogram for  the $8 you get 400 PRS you still have images that   are public but if you jump up again and you want  something that's more private that's what this is   $20 one is four and that's monthly and of course  if you pay annually it's a little less saves you   some money but you can see all the different  things here I'm not going to go into every one   of these but there's some really cool things that  ideogram does so let's see what it turns out with   with the prompt I have here a cartoon cat wearing  sunglasses on a white background I'm not going to   pick any of these but I do do use square and you  can see right here you can do private or public uh   I have the higher one so I can choose but if you  don't you're going to have to um make it public so   let's just do public I'm going to generate here  it's going to generate four at a time and just   like mid Journey we can you know pick which one of  the four that we like Leonardo on the other hand   only did one at a time but you could have picked  four and I would have used more more credit so I   didn't do that um let's see what it comes up with  though so there you go it kind of does a Range   more realistic and then kind of a cartoony uh 3D  and then I don't know what kind of style this is   but it is a cartoony and then just the face so  that's this is kind of the quality ideogram has of   course it does more cat stuff and you can search  search for those kinds of things to you can see it   does some things that are a lot better than this  but you know it's hit and miss with AI and this   kind of what you get at the first C crack here so  that's ideogram I think it can be used there are   some really cool cool things in here um that you  know would work really well on uh t-shirts too so   scroll through here see if it's the style that you  like I would suggest that you um try some things   on here it's absolutely free so you can try it out  to see if you like it so the next AI that I use   is chat GPT and you can go to chat. openen ai.com  now chat GPT is free but chat GPT with Dolly 3 is   not free and you're going to need Dolly 3 if you  want to do some text to image things on chat GPT   so here's the prices you can see right here free  for anybody that wants to use chat GPT if you want   texts um you know kind of talking to you or then  writing writing paragraphs or writing a book or   whatever you need um that is unlimited you can  use that U messaging and all those things for   free which is really cool but if you want Dolly  3 and you want to use this for print on demand   you're going to have to pay 20 bucks a month uh or  25 if you're a team and that's that's pretty much   it that's that's how much a cost there um so you  can just use chat GPT 4 which what I have here and   I'm going to put in my prompt now I usually use  one of these gpts but I'm not going to use that   I usually use sticker Wiz if you seen my videos  but chat GPT 4 by itself can do this too uh and   we'll see what it looks like so this does one  at a time a lot of people have told me that I   should be should have done four when comparing  it to ideogram and mid Journey because they do   four but I think it'll just show you kind of what  it can do so there you go very cool uh I think   I love the style of of chat GPT the the graphic  style this is why I Pro I use it more than some   of the other ones now and the fact that I can do  one with sticker Wiz um which really matches my   style if you want to try some of the other gpts  which is really cool I think that's um what you   should do is go find one I made one with that's  a kawaii Creator there's one that's for coloring   book and so on so I have a video for that as well  but there you go so chat GPT so if you're on this   page open.com chat GPT pricing scroll down here  from that page you'll notice image generation   right here and that is with the plus uh only but  it doesn't say how many so it's just Unlimited   image generation there are times where you'll have  to take some breaks if you keep hitting it over   and over but after about 15 minutes you can come  back again and do some more so there really isn't   like a you know set number of of images that you  can make with chat GPT every day it's pretty much   as many as you can so the next one I want to talk  about is kiddo Ai and kiddo actually has an AI   thing that you can use I'm here on kiddle.com and  I'm going to go to tools and we're going to do AI   generator image generator right here and you can  see it's free AI text image generator and you can   start using KD I already signed in to M I'll show  you how it works so this is the new project here   we're going to go to oh pick a standard I'm going  to do 1,00 by 1200 and then AI is right here boom   and we're just going to put in our prompt like  that a cartoon cat wearing sunglasses now this one   uh this AI you can choose your style so instead of  typing in what kind of style it is uh kind of like   Leonardo you're going to have to pick your style  and I'm going to just pick this cartoon one since   it's cartoon and I'm going to hit generate and  you can see it's using two credits AI credit so   this also has credits um but sometimes it doesn't  sometimes it's on sale but this right now there's   crit it so we'll see what it looks like and then  I'm going to show you the pricing of KD as well   so here's KD's version of The Prompt that I did I  think I I really like this it's very cartoony now   I could have done some other ones but really cool  I think you can use this on a T-shirt and you can   actually build t-shirts here in KD if you have  a KD subscription so let me show you the prices   for KD so here are the different prices you can  actually use KD for free try it out uh there's 20   AI credits uh single use not per day this is just  to try it out so basically the the free version of   kiddo is to try it out see if you like it uh you  can also work on 20 projects but it's also low red   so the you know it's mainly again to try it out  and this there is a commercial license for free   but you have to um it says requires attribution  so you got to say this is from kiddo and so on   whereas some of the other ones uh these the pro  version you get 30 30 AI credits per day so you   can keep making uh a certain amount every day uh  it but it does tap off at 30 and then you have   full commercial license you don't have to um it  doesn't require attribution so there you go $10   I think is the the lowest even though um you know  you'll get 20 for free but after that you're done   with the free one so I would suggest if you want  to use it $10 and I guess we're looking at B Bill   yearly here's monthly it's $15 if you go month  to month but yearly will save you some and you   can see U there's an expert version where you get  100 credits A day or unlimited if I did that it's   it jumps up to $89 a month so that's how that's  how they did theirs so there you go everything you   needed to know about KD the price pan and how it  works and everything so the next one I wanted to   talk about is canva AI if you didn't know canva  also has Ai and you can do some things for free   I'll show you what it is um let's go into pricing  first so here's the pricing for AI you can see   canva free um there's lots you can do with canva  free but then there's can Pro and canva for teams   and so on I'm looking at the yearly um but then  you can go monthly $15 a month or yearly which is   I can save you some money there so the thing with  AI and canva is you don't get well it says right   here AI generated writing and Designs but it's  limited so you have to come down here and look   at this table um I think there's a drop down at  this table wasn't open by default but you can see   canva free up here zero and how much do you get  50 total toal uses I don't know why they didn't   put it up there but I guess cuz this is very long  all the different AI tools that they have uh for   free you can do it 50 times again just to try it  out you're going to need a canva Pro Plan if you   want to use it more than that and you get 500  uses per month with canva Pro and of course if   you get the same if you do teams uh let me show  you what it looks like where it goes you can do   this magic studio right here uh and then a lot of  AI stuff right here the one you want is this one   right here text to image so I'm going to click  that and we can try it out again you get 50 for   free and it's going to pull it up here if you  are already on here uh and you went to design   so that's one way to get there but you can come in  here and then do magic media and you you'll find   that too so let's do our prompt here a cartoon  cat wearing sunglasses and again you can pick   the different styles um I'm going to pick anime  this time and because it's more cartoony you can   see some of these other ones and I'm going to  generate image and this is also going to give   four ideas and you're going to be able to pick  one and let's see some of the results so here   are all the results again this is anime version  so I'm going to click on here and you can use it   right into the canva app uh and then you can add  text and use this for a t-shirt if you want or a   sticker or whatever you need uh again uh I used  anime by you can use some different styles to   get a different style here and play around with  it for free you get 50 for free before you have   to pay it so um try it out and see if you like it  so the next one I wanted to talk about is creative   Fabrica so you can see right here here are their  uh different subscription plans you got the crafts   the fonts the graphics I believe the AI would be  falling under graphics and of course all access   where you get all of them but I believe if I'm  not mistaken that spark which is the create art   the AI artart is actually free if you sign in so I  couldn't actually find that because I I'm already   a member but try and test that out I believe  it's free so I'm going to go back this is me in   incognito mode but I'm going to go to spark here  and test it out so I'm going to hit create art here and you can see I have some credits you can  buy more credits here so I'm guessing when you   come in here some of this this will be free and  then um let's just try out the prompt here so a   cartoon cat on a white background hit ignite so  it's going to do four as well and we're going to   see what kind of uh designs it comes up with guess  it's having some problems here generating but we   got some things here and then you'll just have to  publish and I think you can use these now there's   a lot more I hit cartoon on this one because it's  cartoon but you can try some of these other ones   as well and there's some a community feed too so  if you want to get uh AI that other people have   done so let's say that you like this one right  here I believe you can use this with their plan   so you can download commercial uses allowed and so  on so I'm already on a plan so I'm basically free   I guess uh if you already have access and I think  it's actually free um to try it out um with a few   of the downloads so I couldn't really find free  or not you might have to help me on this one uh   how many credits you get for free and things  like that but uh this is another AI that you   can use that a lot of people are using because  they already have created fabria for text and   and graphics and things this is just another thing  that's kind of built in to it so here's an AI app   that was suggested to me by one of my followers  on Facebook uh I've never played with it but I I   tried it out just a little bit so you can so I  can see how it works and look at this first of   all look at the amazing artwork it's pretty cool  um very neat one of the different things uh oh by   the way it's Lexia doart is the way you get there  Lexia art there's two different things you can   generate or you can search so you can search  on here for like let's do the same prompt uh   cartoon cat wearing sunglasses on white background  I'm going to search for things that already have   been done and you can look through here it's kind  of a neat idea I hope more AI things use this but   you can see they already have a library of really  cool things and maybe you're like oh I want to do   this one or this one and this one and so you can  start there or you can generate so you can come   in here and hit generate I've already tried it uh  to test it out and you can see some of the cool   artwork that it does really neat I love this one  right here just I don't know it's really cool um   but here's the downside uh if you go to account  you'll notice that there are only paid plans so   you can try this indefinitely if you scroll down  here you can see can I use images for commercial   purposes and it says right here you can use any  image you find for personal use but for commercial   use uh you must have a paid plan so there you  go um so if you're going to use this if you're   serious about this and you tried it out and you  really like their designs on here you're going   to have to start with um or you're going to have  to use one of these plans and the first one's the   starter plan interesting that they go backwards  this way but uh th000 generations for $10 3,000   for 30 bucks and 7,000 for 60 bucks which means  this is the better deal if you can make if you're   going to need that many uh Generations but I  mean a th is a lot a lot of designs so if you   can create a th000 designs that that would be a  lot they recommend this one and there's discounts   you know for yearly plans if you want to sign  on them yearly but I would try it out first um   go back here generate some or go to home and see  kind of just search with what kind of stuff they   have on here um let's see if they do stickers  I'm very curious um yeah yeah they have a ton   of stickers so um try it out stickers t-shirts  really cool artwork just you have to figure out   is this the one that you want to use is this the  one you want to spend $10 a month on for print on   demand so another site recommended by my followers  on Facebook face Facebook's great uh recraft doai   you can see right here it's kind of an interesting  thing it's almost like a figma or something where   you can build the whole thing on here I haven't  played around with it too much but you can see   some really cool things you might want to start  here and and try it out um you can try it for free   like it says I've already logged in so you're  going to have to put in your email and that's   pretty much it let's check out the pricing before  we look at it can see here totally free commercial   license images are public though that's of the  differences but for $20 a month uh you still have   I I would guess unlimited they're not saying how  many you got the commercial license still but now   you can make it private and it's a little faster  so that's what you're paying with the $20 a month   if you do yearly if you do monthly it's 25 there  so let me log in I believe I'm already logged in   yes so um there's an on onboarding when you first  log in so I'm going to show you what that is and   it just tells you like uh I can zoom in here uh  you can edit things it can be um knocked out you   can try different things like that and so we're  just going to try um I'm going to zoom out here   and you have like this infinite artboard and kind  of tools here which I haven't tried out yet but it   kind of feels like you have a this is a graphic  design app not just a not just a uh AI app right   so I'm gonna pick um of course Kawaii yes and  then I'm going to do our our thing a cartoon cat   wearing sunglasses in the background okay and one  by one great um and then recraft let's see what   happens oh and now it's so it's changing this one  if I didn't make my own I think I could have done   that too but it's changing this one so let's zoom  in here and see what it's going to turn out to be   yeah pretty cool I gave me two options actually  down here so you can see there it is a cartoon cat   um Kawai Style with sunglasses so pretty cool uh  try this out again totally free I don't know how   I how I missed this on glad that uh people told me  about this uh yeah pretty cool so again recraft uh   you're going to have to log in on that first page  but absolutely free and has a lot a lot of tools   that I'm didn't even get into let me know if you  wanted me to do a video about this because it it   would be new to me so it' be fun to see what what  it can do all of this for free so the next one I   wanted to show you is co-pilot by Microsoft you've  probably seen a commercial forward or so I think   they had one for the Super Bowl um it's in been  in the news as well so you can see co-pilot Pro   is $20 but you can use a free version of co-pilot  and the difference here is um you can create and   edit AI images with 15 boosts um per day and  the pro one has 100 daily boost but you might   be asking what are daily boosts and I had the same  question question right here in the top questions   um it just gives you a boost like a speed boost  but it's not how many image Generations that you   get boosts do not refer to the number of images  you can create so I'm guessing you can create as   many as you want it doesn't say here it doesn't  give you um but let's use let's use the free   version here um I already pulled it up here and  let's try let's try that prompt here a cartoon cat   wearing sunglasses see what it does and what  it turns out uh I I think I forgot to press   something because it didn't draw it I'm going to  say yes can you draw it too whoops so you can see   uh co-pilot is a lot like chat GPT where it will  answer questions but it can also draw and so some   of these I think are really cool and then you can  hopefully download these right here and share um   but really neat uh and you can do it in different  colors too I just did a orig a different style I   mean and I you can play around with that so play  around with this this one is also powered by   dolly3 just like chat GPT so I'm really liking  Dolly 3's uh art here and I I believe this is   Vector wow it could be Vector um already which is  kind of neat so uh have fun with this one this is   co- pilot. microsoft.com and again uh you can use  it for free um but there's a $20 Pro and you can   build your own GP s and so on and and it's much  faster than the original which the original was   was kind of fast already so um if you want to use  that you can do that right there so one you might   not have heard about I just found out about  this and that is meta does there's a people   behind Facebook and uh Instagram uh you can sign  in with your Facebook or Instagram account and you   can try it out this is imagine with Meta Meta  Ai and I believe it's free if you're on uh any   of these apps Instagram or Facebook you can try  this out for free I'm going to do it right here   and generate and see what comes up uh yeah so  some of these are hit and miss I like this one   this one's pretty cool uh there you go so you can  try these out for free I believe um you can report   here so it's still learning some of the things  um not my favorite um designs on here but again   uh I'm sure it's going to get better and better  and it comes free if you already have a Facebook   or Instagram account so the last one that I want  to talk about is with Adobe and it's called Adobe   Firefly you can see the Firefly free plan you  can use right here everybody can try it out uh   you get 25 credits monthly but if you're on some  of the other plans or if you have uh illustrator   or photoshop it comes with that as well so you  can see uh you can use that too so with some   more uh credits to it so um I have illustrator so  I can use it here so let's um try it out let's see   what happens uh Adobe Firefly right there text  to image here and I'm going to put in the prompt   that we've been using for this whole video oh it's  not there it's right here he put the prompt down   here a cartoon cat wearing sunglasses let's go  and you can see uh here they also have square   content type uh style different styles down here  here as well structure and so on so you can kind   of get uh some cool things H cool uh and they  have four as well so we can do that and four and   four so some pretty cool um different style here  and of course you can update the style um visual   intensity or lower their intensity or uh things  like that so have fun with this you can try this   out for free again firef fly. adobe.com and try it  out see what you like download it here and again   you get a a bunch of the designs for free but you  can see you can get 25 um pictures and I believe   it comes in groups of four so each one give you  four four results so 25 * 4 100 really uh that   you can try out and see so there you go those are  12 different uh text to image apps online that you   can use uh some of them are free some of them  are not I made this right here this uh download   this table you can see I'm going to put it on my  downloads page on my channel so you can have it as   a reference and try out try out which ones you  want I wouldn't suggest to subscribe to all of   them but find the one that works best for you your  style and uh you can use it for print on demand   and if you don't know how to use it for print on  demand check out this video right here where I go   step by step on uh using an AI for t-shirt design  and you can follow along there thanks again for   watching and as always guys keep creating and  keep learning I'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Detour Shirts
Views: 18,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, passive income, selling tshirts, selling online, side hustle, ai art, ai art generator, ai art generator free, ai art generator app, ai art generator app free, ai art generator review, text to image ai, midjourney, leonardo, leonardo ai, ideogram, chatgpt, text to image, text to image ai generator, text to image free, midjourney ai, stable diffusion, ai tools, ai image generation, ai art sites, ai tools guide, ai image creation, free ai art generator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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