i bought a tank

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This kids entertaining af idc what anyone says.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/tugtehcock 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2022 🗫︎ replies

I wanna know his budget for the shit he does

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DrivePewEat 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2022 🗫︎ replies
you only have six more chances to guess what we are doing yes if it has rules no rules nothing we do has any rules well okay that was a pretty good hit you got it out of me definitely shooting a tank this guy guess it's shooting a tank no why would I do that you can literally go five six hours and go drive them we need to reiterate that I thought of this on the lawnmower I'm just Mowing and I'm like man we need to like freaking fly to the UK and do this yeah what's up yes if we was jumping straight to some because I said you might want your cameras on you well I don't want to set this all up and then we are sitting in a taxi for 45 minutes oh well well we are jumping straight into something let me one more thing worth it okay so we're here in the United Kingdom this is my first time and their first time out of the country other than like Canada Mexico et cetera gracias what we're doing is it requires several people something you can't do in America but you could do in America after those stipulations though what do you think it is I think it's the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile you're dead the six wheeler bins what else could it be wait wait okay a brand new Highland no yes no way yes all right let's load up sweet Adam Adam I'm Cody this is Tyler and Seth yeah nice to meet you guys yeah this is our first time in the UK so okay yeah so it's all downhill from here we can only go it's gonna get better where's the exit Matt just go straight over the curb and out there we're nurse to do stuff like this because we're not from here and they'll probably like Deport us that won't be about she looks really angry all right well I feel more at home now it was like this I gotta get insurance on I was like we don't do that in America wait did you buy this yeah I bought it no yeah yeah Manchester's a tenor now hold on what's a quid yeah a pound a pound yeah okay like a book is a dollar a queen is a pound exchange rate is about the same though isn't it yeah I think our economy equally it's not the exit here it is everyone in like the countryside is kind of chill right you I said turn left you [ __ ] hold on there's left and right still the same in this country not to Adam yeah the semi trucks over here so bad all the semis are capable they're all cabovers oh this is gonna be a good day dude look at these roads there's no power lines or any is this normal is this like most of the roads yeah pretty much really where's the power lines on the ground well they should be dude oh no no why does America put their above ground the average person around here get offended if you mock their accent if they know you're pretty sharp unlike America the British absence of humor you can walk into a pub in Britain not know someone yeah you did that in America you being shot yeah School you guys won yeah do they are they like yeah the nasty Americans this feels so wrong you can end up driving up the wrong way we are we're gonna get a head-on collision in five seconds how many acre 45 . what's back here all right just just tell us now so we don't hi I'm Cody's financial advisor we had to manually insert this clip into the video after his approval because he refuses to acknowledge his financial situation as you can see here the IRS wanted level is not good we started out in a bad situation at the beginning of 2022 and things quickly got much much worse this is where Cody made some promises to the IRS that he couldn't keep and they quickly figured out that they weren't going to get paid it is not looking good for 2023. on the other end of things the profit margin started out strong this year at 426 million dollar budget which quickly fell to just over two dollars right here is where Cody purchased the Lamborghini that came directly out of most of our salaries this is a stock market crash and here is where Cody decided not to pay the credit card bill anymore we started an entire apparel company just to offset our massive debt but Cody thinks it's just a fun little project and he likes to color on the shirts we beg of you to buy something on mods for max.com since Cody hasn't even promoted it yet and there's only like four hours left of the sale I'm personally covering the shipping costs just to sell more there's free shipping on everything on the website this is awesome it's so like historic it's just a nice way of saying it's old no it looks like it's well put together like in America they just throw crabs together the marketplace purchase then I realized it wasn't in America well wasn't it the fine print we were unaware of that and unfortunately due to importing delays my excitement could not be contained any longer and I was mowing and I was like man I'm just gonna get a ticket we're just going what do we are you curious Seth no no freaking way no oh no you know what it is don't you no come on look at it you can't tell me you don't know what's under that no freaking way [Laughter] would come off a little quicker and easier yes yes yeah I remember the podcast that dances performance a long time ago they're like ready to see yourself in the future and I was like I don't know maybe like once we get far enough doing stuff with a tank [Music] what what is that that's not that's not what we want what what no freaking way you brought a ham on hey bro oh my God yes it's a cheese sandwich [Music] dude oh my gosh dude no we got the best freaking boss don't we they got a chocolate [Music] [Music] oh this is gonna be so much fun not one bit not this when when can we get it over a month till it ships I'll draw a favorite to go deactivated going into a fair law wait the gun's not deactivated yet not for you deactivated for us what's what's the difference we have to weld a massive like four inch plug in the barrel right inside but to go to America which makes no [ __ ] sense to me that isn't good enough you have to gas A [ __ ] massive hole inside the barrel basically when you put the shell in yeah there's a multi-piece of metal they want you to cut that off gotta cut all that off at the back yeah and like you're talking about cutting steel on that fit and I ain't doing it in the turret so I'm gonna have to take that back of the gun off which is probably weighs as much as that jeep yeah and then get it out of like the Commander's hatch I think it's because they know we're crazy you know well they know I I would have yeah theoretically if if someone wanted to they could everyone's like the gun doesn't work the gun doesn't work the um FDA didn't hear that how old is this thing 60s yeah so it doesn't look like it it looks newer it looks newer it looks like it came from Afghanistan yeah so this is why I've been buying tactical stuff for the last couple we got like bulletproof vents showing them and everything you need to worry okay what's the biggest screen you've got 50 calories all I mean is we're gonna shoot each other inside we are probably just be careful with bits of plate we'll slap you in the face say that one more time so when the bullet hits no you said you shoot each other I'm not saying you guys are crazy but I've watched your videos recently he knew what we were going to do all right and say YouTube out there we probably wouldn't shoot the 50 first try we'd probably like work up to it we're gonna talk about this but there's a lot of YouTubers that have bought tanks that weren't actually tanks they drove their tank to McDonald's but it wasn't let's just say it wasn't this so it's time to do it properly it's time to actually like take a tank to McDonald's through McDonald's when I asked what you guys thought it was you guys guessed tank like four or five times definitely shooting a tank we had the Hilux showed up and then think it's a Hilux video the Hilux was a very last minute thing I didn't want to rent a car the whole time okay and I was like we can't do that in America anyway so it's the only opportunity to do that we get to do new Hilux testing and drive your own tank dude for real though like you thought it was an old Abrams yes as soon as I [Music] yeah well they're like a million dollars plus yeah that's why I kind of got a little excited there you brought an M1 hey bro all right let's take a look at your other inventory these are YouTuber tanks yeah I bought a tank that weighs about as much as the turret that's always less actually wow that actually weighs 10 ton less than the turret so you guys know like the videos like FPS Russia taking a tank to White Castle and all that that's that's this one oh foreign [Music] hey I'll just I'll take one how much yeah 10K and then like 800k shipping yeah no that was another reason the shipping is like 40 Grand okay well actually it's 40. it's only 40 Grand some of us aren't made of money they got the freaking Secret Garden back here wait what like lily pads and everything a little diving board are those tanks waterproof uh we have got one that is got one that drive into that probably won't get it out really easy but go in there that's actually really really see those that bridge yeah they're Telegraph poles which I don't know if you spot oh wow they're only pushed in about that far in the bottom oh wow okay and that's not the middle we used to have cows here and one got in there and it just like disappeared for like two minutes just went straight in the game was like well that's dead for two weeks no no I feel like two minutes it's not above or nothing it's like where's it gone and then the next minute come you kind of have you ever seen a cow swim yes very weird definitely just like our sinkhole we talk about the cows are crossed and only half of them come back out [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I feel like I'm in war right now like that is me [Music] sounds like a Tyrannosaurus Rex so I was wondering if you guys use the word cookies yeah we use cookies yeah okay because I was thinking Americans would be that dumb that they would call something cookies just because you have to cook it called soda soda well I'd call it pop okay oh hey I knew Americans came up with that though because they'd be that dumb to call soda pop because it's the sound it makes when you pop it open behind me is close it up no actually it looks like that but it's a chief has been painted to look like an American Tank if you want to know the history behind it Go freaking look it up yourself because I have no clue I watch a bunch of stuff on it when I first bought it to figure it out but um we're gonna do a quick walk around of this bad boy and tell you all of its quirks and features right off the bat the coolest thing about this is definitely I'm guessing these cables come off and hook on these hooks that is so sick dude there's literally like recovery gear on the tank and ready like you don't have to worry about that I love that twist around and lock in oh they lock in yeah it's not Jewel there's only just one if that's going sideways but it spins around and it won't fall off English army people oh dude that is awesome so the recovery gear is already on it and ready oh my God they did not skimp on that it's like a vehicle that was built properly this is how cars should be built like they don't even think about this nowadays first aid kit I don't know oh a telephone yeah I should have known I gotcha this is the winch on most Vehicles it's just the telephone oh is that grab the winch sorry that's a telephone you have our exhaust here dude there's like twin eight inch side dumps what would you call it like a rear axle dump tailgate dump reflectors for safety reasons um chains yeah more of these okay yeah so then you can pull another vehicle you see okay to cross them together and you could pull if you've got another Dead one like the um track repairing gear if you have a track link snap or a pin Trail you saw on the back of the tank you've got a section of spare track what is this yeah I don't know if that still works on this but basically there's uh there's fire extinguishers built in but the gas in the fire extinguisher takes the auction out the air so if someone's in it and you pull it what headlights turn signals no it doesn't have turn signals no turn signals should be another one there's a lot of stuff we got to reactivate on this bad boy yeah yeah yeah say something with the whole casting number two they cast the entire thing that's crazy they just poured this whole tank into a tank mold look at the hatch dude yeah this is a little thing so this hatch I need to think how much he weighs it has actually been a lot of people killed my face really that was one of the things that is terrible I need like an updated tank this one's already like obsolete so this is my type of vehicle because like normal Vehicles it's like I'm a threat to them so this is the only vehicle that's like a threat to me so it's like a proper Unstoppable movement meets improbable Force yeah jump in dude is cramped this is a lot of room for them okay I mean I get it this is a spacious tank there's nowhere to go yeah are these the fire extinguishers again yes I don't know if there's anything in them okay just don't pollen yes either the long one that one there I've actually left the steering lever and then obviously your level well on your right okay and then you've got a massive one in the middle which is a break that isn't bled up yet that's a break that's a quick pedal quitter pedal I've never ever used a break for the tank really most pointless thing okay so that's your right steering right steer accelerator equator pedal left steer e-brake for drifting neutral one two three four five six six speeds six speed R2 R1 yeah this is for the donkey motor uh yeah that's the pony motor this is like monster Max too there's one engine two engines the other good thing about all Branch tanks is they have a kettle in them so you can have a cup of tea anywhere you are in the tank but literally people used to live in them for like weeks on end there is enough room down here to sleep if you had to hold on how do you how do you see out with that shot yeah you know the seat down and actually the armrest goes back the backrest goes back yeah you're looking for a perfect you're actually sit when you're driving it normally all the same in a funny position because they're like designed to really be driving patch down gotcha so you're in the lower the position dude oh my God no okay okay number as well when the gun fires it comes back comes back to here to there yeah could you imagine getting here and you don't know how to run it you're just standing here and they fire it and it just done so if you want your boot outside right here yeah you're gonna lose dude ah the turret weighs 17 times just the turret the gun itself on for about 10. you said you were gonna pull this out of here to cut it so basically you see this massive it's just the bridge I've literally got to cut it flush there both sides this whole back end off and then I've got a gas a hole same size as the exit the barrel I've got to pull this back and then like gas the gun there in the expansion chamber wait so someone does stand here oh yeah your job would be loading the gun so you'd be pulling like actually bag charges so there's a two-piece ammunition oh like a metal piece in first that would be like the explosive part but in England you see we have to weld all this up oh for some reason that isn't good enough for uh you guys that is so weird they can't own guns and we can but they can just have a in the back of it but you can't fire it yeah it would be illegal to do but we could do it there'd be nothing stopping us from doing it we have to have a license for that and obviously if I did that I'd lose my license and go to prison well you go to prison oh yeah yeah they wouldn't like it this right here just this hatch probably 160 pounds those bumpers here just to lay it on [Music] wow look at that that whole thing's a supercharger what so that's right is that the noise right here in the whole time is the supercharger supercharger is absolutely huge The Supercharged tank dude dude is this a fuel pump you guys put pee pumps on your Cummins look at this what is it called all right so no I think it's a Sims that thing is huge that little blue plate we can boost it as well 1000 horsepower tank with a supercharger look at the blades on this guys half inch thick fan blades first tank you ever drives yours what an accomplishment in another country right so if you get going like hell you know so literally you'll put it first right you'll see it come on first on the gate and just a little bit of Thrones all right look out [Music] [Music] of you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] I hit that one like clump of bushes and dude it went like right in my face caught right here you kind of just duck and like hope it doesn't like a big one doesn't hit but yeah like these were around my neck I cannot wait to ride around in this thing shooting targets as we're like full speed or like me driving it with a hatches shot while 20 other people you know at it yeah I call the 50. I call the fifth just solid it'd be like rain on a metal roof 556 on a freaking tank shell well that wraps up day one we're gonna have some dinner and learn the English culture the fuel filters are a little bit clogged so we're gonna replace those tomorrow so we get full power I was thinking just one random idea here when this gets back we need some like Insignia on this thing like a logo somewhere oh like the MMX or something painted on it and red and like creeping everywhere yeah this splatter blood all over do I come with a name for it I already came up with a name we'll talk about that we should vote on the name I already have it I think we should vote on that all right welcome to day two of tank testing we're gonna see how it does today under actual abuse because if I break it here they can fix it if we break it at home they're still going to fix it plus if I get it dirty here they have no choice but to wash it before it goes through customs because they can't bring a single grain of soil back with them to America all right let's see how she starts so how we start this thing I think we've crap which is the generator I forgot already that one okay yeah all right all these down this one up okay yep and then I was gonna pull that and then we push these two make sure this is uncarbulated then you're gonna hit this one to push your mixture up because you want full obviously in fourth gear um this is your altitude altimeter you're gonna pull these two as quick as possible while revving with your clutch you're going to want to flip this to OS too because that's what you definitely want whoa dude what let's go it's like Frank is that oh it just started immediately [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] things get stuck that easy to be honest when I think of the tank I'm like I'll give you drive over literally anything I think they have a couple weak points like side Hills yep basements [Music] yeah it's already mostly off on the back and middle actually so this is the only point that it's on so what we're gonna do is throw it in reverse Full Throttle and rip the whole track off and then just drive on the wheels the track is merely for looks so why they put tracks on the military because they're like it look a lot cooler foreign [Music] I don't know how this works out more because I'm assuming that you wouldn't want that to happen the coolness level kind of went down just one notch here but maybe it's not meant to drive on the side and loose gravel you know I don't know how many times in war you'd be doing that anyways we're gonna come back in a couple days after they fix it [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] over there we're gonna go through that mud over there all right [Applause] I just kind of died again did you hit a switch no I think that fuel filter is clogged again just old and outdated okay just listen to the back that was our problem it's just full of sludge again it's like rubber and crap in the fuel tank [Music] foreign no and when I go to London when I can drive and take [Music] Joe here has this German m461 what is it got 69 what is that and you just want us to run over it it just uh in America this is actually pretty cool I think people would kill to have this why does it have second gen Dodge wheels on it okay yeah let's run over it that's a piece of crap [Music] [Applause] this is our tank bladder that he got pulled out it looks a lot rougher than I thought did you rip it pulling it out okay but it was perished wait what is that wait that's it we tip it over we tipped it over maybe the bead line so that's this diesel coming out yeah I've got to clean all of that okay so this is our fuel tank guys it has some nice United Kingdom diesel in it look at that it's so red it's like but it's milky so that's the diesel that we're running on there's our tank that does not what yeah we need backup cameras this is why we're having power issues so that self reseals yeah it did look at that oh that's the filters so they're they're the internal tank inside the bladder and they're literally [ __ ] that's that's what came in through this through that oh well no wonder exactly yeah yeah no this whole thing is screwed dude so you imagine the power it's gonna have oh when all that's clean yeah we're running at like 100th of the throttle After Burner is wet negative Optimal Performance what we're gonna do now is talk about why I am the best YouTuber that's right we bought a tank okay the title of this video is probably I bought a tank or something now for most YouTubers that's something you're gonna see on YouTube a lot I bought this I bought that this is a real tank right this is a 70 ton 150 000 pound tank with a rifled barrel capable of shooting 20 miles can go 60 miles an hour can drive over a semi can pull a train this is a real tank okay we're gonna talk about some examples of other YouTubers buying tanks how about we start off with the one of unspeakable buying a real tank their video was titled I bought a real tank what that's a sherpa bro this weighs like 2 000 pounds dude this is like a cage with some big rubber tires how do you get tank from that my buddy Garrett Cletus McFarland he did it I have news for you a rip saw is not a tank unfortunately after further consideration a homemade vehicle with a frame on tracks regardless of the fact that it's on tracks does not qualify as a tank next up we have FPS Russia now I don't know if he owned this tank I'm gonna venture to say yes because he seemed more knowledgeable than most but uh buddy um he he actually did have a tank I I was just I was just gonna install his tank and say they weighs about half a size of mine that I could easily run over and pull it backwards I'm sick and tired of people clickbaiting stuff just totally a video the right thing if anyone's gonna say that I clickbait I just just comment examples if you insult me you have to say why because there's a difference between just saying something because it makes you feel better and there's something factual that you're actually pointing out thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] if YouTube's not a real job if I'm not going to make money destroying things or whatever or for other people saying that everything we're gonna do is a failure why did I just ride the turret on my tank the farther I get into YouTube and all this whatever my life is my career the harder it gets to like corny term Flex on the haters because at first it was like they knew I was not very well off like I started out with nothing I was doing construction I was working with hand tools I had a garage that was very like what they started Amazon out of falling apart and then the farther I got it's like the more awkward it gets the more cringe it gets because people think I have a big ego to flex my trucks my cars whatever on people that said I couldn't have that because then it looks like I've always had that and I'm just a rich cocky kid it's getting hard to like okay oh my God I have a tank well like before that was a really cool thing to say but now people are like oh he has it we know you have a tank well it's like to me I haven't always like had that ability I've I didn't come for money as much people like just you caught an advantage my grandpa had like 80 acres and he literally uses hands he has no power tools like very primitive not everyone who has land has money they got land for pretty cheap back then now there's a lot of people so land is worth a lot of money it's it's not just like oh you had land you had money now people that have land have money but I didn't grow up like that I came from a very normal average place like people here in England the land is worth a ton of money but like this guy said Joe's Dad here he had an opportunity to buy I think it was 40 acres or something for 200 pounds which is 300 so just because you have land it doesn't mean you have money but I didn't come from that so I like got to experience like life outside growing up and no internet and stuff I think that was a big advantage that was the only Advantage I had is growing up like a normal child if you are upset that I'm flexing my tank on people I'm not going to give up that right because um I worked hard for my tank I don't work hard anymore I have fun I just have fun are you still talking I can't hey the private Jet's waiting oh all right I'll see you see y'all all right thanks all right we've had a great time in England it's time to head back home we're in Joe's shop right now with the Toyota Hilux that we bought here I bought this truck knowing you couldn't export it now obviously I don't want to be here any longer than I actually have to because you're not allowed to have more than 75 000 guns here it's illegal to own a gun so we gotta go man I gotta get back I'm like you got any ammo now they're allowed to have artillery stuff here though I would take it home but they don't allow that on the plane we're gonna leave this here with Joe and what I want to do I paid for the truck well not yet he hasn't gotten the money I'm not going to be using it though so what I want to do I want you guys to use this as a tank service vehicle put it under as much of these as possible as long as you send me the footage oh absolutely and then every time that we feel like it we're gonna have a Hilux update video from Joe's place here in England at the tank facility one rule it's just gonna be running when we come back oh we'll keep it running so hey look new highlights you just gotta film what you do we can do it stays running we did very minimal damage for what we did yeah we took pictures so we know yeah we if you yeah we took pictures yeah so if you want to damage it you're gonna scratch it we're gonna know so the chieftain is the previous version of The Challenger yeah so I guess those are the only tanks with rifle barrels all the other countries use food for yeah well to be fair I think challenge D3 have now gone to smooth ball now so yeah Challenger yeah well if he's just been literally just being developed now but yeah I think I was smooth over a rifle I don't know the reason they kept uh rifle for so long is because that gun that's in yours was such a good gun because obviously it took another main Cloud at like three miles and killed it they thought this is a good gun we'd already got ammo loads and loads ammunition for the 120 mil that's why they kept it on to Challenger one Challenger two uh but now obviously they can get more more powerful rounds and obviously they're smooth they shoot like tons of different types the barrels way around I believe it you wouldn't believe it but you could wear a barrel out on a tank but yeah you'd be maybe that's why maybe they have to re-bore the barrels they're probably they're probably hard to wear it yeah but uh unmarked one Challenger has the same turret as yeah pretty much so the turret on yours because yours was literally the last Tube before it went to try and get one all the computer and everything is pretty much identical to a challenge of one really yeah yeah so Life's a different like body yeah so the chassis the lower half looks totally different the the outside of the turret looks totally different but actually the turret is pretty much the same with different armor bolted on the outside so it looks like different but when you get inside the gun sustain the [ __ ] Electric's the same the computer that works out the ranging targets all the same so obviously because yours was sold today when they got rid of them in the oven and they're like well we're not going to use teeth anymore they couldn't give back to the general public because the computer and everything was still current and that was top secret and then their Challenger in their video we were watching anyway was the third best thing in the world before you read it like for accuracy which is which is the same gun that you have in one thing because they were talking about the rifle bore one yeah how is that even top you would think when you get a tank that feels like it's old when you're driving it though compared to like what a modern tank should be yeah I would think a modern brand new like 2022 tank would steer or hide it like pneumatically like you wouldn't even feel it but there is no 22 tanks or is it was the last thing if you're a tank they made uh South Korea has the newest take which is gotta be within a couple years yeah they're brand new it's gonna be like right now they were like didn't you watch that video they were like like tens of millions of dollars yeah I know they're like 20 million dollars they were insanely clean it's like driving a car it's one of the travel just hit like the challenge you won't the whole when they upgraded John 2 didn't make a new hole they just stripped everything out and then put new armor on yeah it's still the same like even now the challenge of three when they're we're not making new holes or anything they're all being taken away stripped down in the same hole that was the only one that's been built so we're not making tanks oh we get this brand new tanks one no you're not they're just the same old [ __ ] they're retro fitting yeah probably should be telling everyone that I see do you know I heard it is to make a paper like design and build it and it works but yeah the Challenger is a good thing yeah so basically the challenge or the new Challenger and the chieftain are like almost the same there will be a lot of huge more advancements in tanks at that oh the terms get into the state versus nearly obsolete it's nearly absolutely just a big Target war is like by drones now yeah exactly you don't apply more in person they have these RPGs now that you just pull out and yeah without that tank in yeah two minutes could take out ten yeah that's stupid it's hard in the bush I can see like you've been over by a 10 million dollar tank for a tenth of the price yeah five years you know because literally no one of them so then then you've got Russia that's still [ __ ] used in tanks from like well that era for Ukraine yeah like they're digging them out like old t-69s and whatever they're like using whatever they can scrap up yeah and then like they would do my [ __ ] when it gets there yeah I can't believe it if you took your challenge if you took your chief where the gun kit all working you would wipe the floor with pretty much everything that they would send but they're they're sending them now and that's [ __ ] like we we scrapped them like in the early 90s like that they're a bit older yeah they're still way better than the [ __ ] they're using there yeah that's mental in it so you could say lock onto that pic of drill and get some more drug Runner pickup truck and it would say bang on the paper clip on my achievement yeah when when the tour if you had all the boxes of it yeah it was so primitive it's like nice that was built in the 70s crazy the cheating could be going at nearly top speed over rough terrain and the gun would stay back on target I didn't think you could get that working you know you got the Canon functional but just to watch it because yeah yeah because I did not know that I thought that was brand new would you put like a basket on the end of it and like you're sitting in the basket it's pretty funny this video is literally like they strap apart a bit to the end of the barrel yeah they'll drive at full speed and the beer it won't even spike it out Yeah so basically um when you turn the IR on you have no lights on and you would literally be picking people up and tanks up and you'd be like to be like Daylights like well there's a screen in there oh yeah yeah well in integrating the Periscope so you know like when you put the hatch down you're looking through that little box you'd be looking through that because I don't like that was IR you'd be like you could see people's teeth you know what I mean what yeah obviously when you turn them on or she doesn't actually admit anything that you can see by eye but if you get your camera out on your phone you can see them that's shining the infrared and obviously that reflects back at the uh site in the turret I know for sure you then when you're looking on your screen you can see everything in the [ __ ] Battlefield what the hell yeah and that's like that's all our date now yeah that's crazy that's so cool what a new um The Mark 11 costs brand new to me I should know really it was it was again on for I'm pretty sure it was in getting on for a million are you a unit when you think that we had like nearly 2 000 of them in in England so what tanks were talking to maybe two billion or two million 200 million two thousand two million two thousand two thousand million times a million two billion yeah two billion dollars in tanks for that's crazy I think how long it will take to build them all the welding when you think you're welding bits and steel looks like oh that's one thing there's so many for a crew of 50 people to take a year to build that tank I don't know actually building some of the photos you see I'm in the factory and they're literally like they've got the whole in a massive jig and it's turning like that and someone just put the fat well you know what I mean that's crazy dude the whole entire tournament turret has to be spun and machine yeah it's taking off chips that are like that big around this I had stories but when they were developing the engine because the early engines and said you were [ __ ] they are not trouble with them um Leyland were running them up at this facility and they've got like offices above the dyno room so they've got the engine in the lower part of this building running flat out shutting off running flat up for days on end and anyway the office we're watching like what was going on monitoring it upstairs anyway the engine ran away like literally just got oils being injected straight and supercharged in the main seal well the Super China it's flat out smoke filled the building it was just racing away erasing rain and everyone's in the office like [ __ ] like looking out the window to see what the [ __ ] on the noises next minute the engine explodes it blows the building nearly kills someone like this photos or the lifted the whole Factory where they're running it up the office floor crashed down to the to the dyno room they're literally like it's like a steel frame building like fluid to Pieces it's one of them engines let go like on Mach 10. I'll try and finding the photos they had a lot of trouble with their menus did they figure out how much power I mean for it well could you imagine what the computer was probably like four or five thousand horsepower at least wait wait we've seen numbers we've never seen before it's running amazing it's gonna blow I don't care Turn It Go you need the numbers we like to see that actually nothing yeah 6 000 horsepower he's just like there's a guy like two feet probably he's like it's like the whole thing is coming up he's probably still on this computer screen the level down yeah yeah oh with his face wow yeah so so some of the modern tanks they've made it so you can literally live up the Hop so if someone tries to climb on for a grenade the moment they touch it [ __ ] fries imagine that switch in there it's like electrified hole I don't want to touch anything though yeah everybody ready it's because it's because you're the airpoint so the moment you're doing that yeah the [ __ ] your grand point we uh what if I jumped on rubber Wheels isn't it yep the sprocket what if you jump up yeah if you jump you probably know imagine going up to a tank you're like I got them a thing that truck I can't remember what it's called but it was on Top Gear that they did and that armored thing I like to find the outside yeah that's crazy yeah that's crazy
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 5,939,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QCcgZkiqZB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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