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Dear friends and followers Welcome back to my channel and to a question many of you have been asking over the past few months. "Joe, which airline do you work for now?" Now I can make an official statement on that and we'll talk about my previous company a little bit and I'll give you guys Some advice on how to start your airline career. So let's get started I'm sure many of you knew that My former employer was Germany's second largest airline Air Berlin and I must admit I had the time of my life with Air Berlin who which I flew for the past eight years Transitioning from the Beach King Air 200 to the Airbus A320 was a huge step But I fell in love with the A320 from day one I used to nicknamed it the baby bus compared to its larger mother the Airbus A300 but most importantly Air Berlin gave me the wings. I needed to start my career in the airline industry So over the course of time I was based in one year in Stuttgart Three years in Dusseldorf and after four years on being on the waiting list for my home base Munich I got a call on my 30th birthday By my friend Patricia who worked at Human Resources saying: 'Hey Joe a colleague of yours Cancelled his transfer to Munich. You're next on the list. Now is the chance to get transferred, Otherwise you have to wait another three to four years.' Can you imagine the birthday celebration that weekend with my boys in Munich it was? Legend wait for it dary So another four years of Airbus flying out of my hometown And he just couldn't get any better than that. 20 minutes to work by car nicest colleagues which many of them just came from the Boeing 737 and Lots of them kept saying Joe if you haven't flown a Boeing in your life you haven't really flown a plane so far and I kept replying I would love to fly the 747 one day that's always been my dream and having said that a few months later there was an announcement on our intranet stating fly the 747 for two years via a temporary employment contract you didn't have to ask me twice I immediately applied so I flew up to Berlin to have an interview and got to meet three very interesting people the chief pilot of psychologists and a lady who was a head of recruitment. The interview lasted roughly an hour in which they were very Straightforward about their pros and cons of their airline and so was I about my strengths and weaknesses now don't expect that from every airline because a lot of them shine with their Advantages this never talk freely about their disadvantages nevertheless After 20 minutes discussion, the lady from the recruitment called me back in and with a smile on their face They congratulated me that I could start ASAP and I was hooked and immediately want to get started but sadly a few weeks later Evelyn called me up and said Joe We're very sorry But we're gonna have to stop this project as we're going to face a shortage in pilots very soon And we need every pilot to stay with us. So my dream of flying a 747 got ripped away from me now You might say why don't you just quit your job with Air Berlin? well... I was in a comfortable position with seven years of seniority a good salary and I wouldn't want to give up my seniority In terms of becoming a captain Unfortunately over the last three years With Air Berlin my colleagues and I could literally see the company shutting down if you think about it I flown for seven different CEOs within eight years that just speaks for itself, but I'm not gonna go too much in detail Why the company shut down. Nevertheless, my last flight was on the 27th of October from Catania to Munich with an A320 and from that day on I Was without a job for the first time in my pilot career and believe me living in uncertainty how your life will go on, Is not the best feeling in the world now literally a day later after my last flight I got a E-Mail from the nice lady who I've met two years ago at the interview in Berlin now She kindly offered me a job with her company on the Boeing 747 if I was still interested, I couldn't believe it I was so happy that they still thought about me after such a long time I would have had to pass the assessment once again, but still what a great opportunity so enough mourning about losing my job I had to get my game back on so first things first to pass the screening in the Boeing 747 simulator I needed a crash course on how to fly the Boeing 747 and believe me There is a big difference between flying an Airbus and a Boeing so I studied like crazy Memorize pitch and power settings and prepare the best I could 'Cause knew this was a chance of a lifetime and they're studying paid off after three days of psychometric tests Multitasking exercises group and role plays with other candidates one-hour sim screening another hour interview, the chief pilot smiled at me and shook my hand and said welcome to I'll give you a hint the company's based in one of the smallest countries within Europe. They operate 26 Boeing 747s fly to 90 destinations. They were the largest customer of the Boeing 747-8 freighter so you see it's a cargo company and There are one of the most profitable air cargo companies in the world and the name of the company CargoLux now you cannot imagine how thankful I was for this amazing opportunity to fly for such a great airline now my titrating buddies and I Started with our training in mid-march and so far. It's been absolutely mind-blowing the professionalism they bring to the training is Outstanding and in return they expect that from their pilots So the stuff we've learned so far in the experience we gain in the past two months I mentioned that I want to write a book about it. I mean this book to write it by itself So I'm looking forward to a bright future with cargolux and getting to fly The queen of the skies for me is a once-in-a-lifetime chance I mean if you think about it, it is a plane which is going to be retired in a couple of years so presume we're gonna get a new type rating after that and I'm excited to get to know these very experienced captains and to fly and learn from them because from now on is going to be a very long learning curve in many areas not just the plane but the diversity of their operation for example Taking off at minus 30 degrees in Novosibirsk and landing at plus 30 degrees in Hong Kong There is a lot to take into account Now all landing at high altitude airports such as Quito and Ecuador or Mexico City. The list is endless Now the operation is gonna be a life changer. That's one for sure. But how You change your life around after finishing flight school. I so often get asked this question Joe How did you get from the assessment into the Airbus cockpit? I'm gonna give it to you straight It was hard work and it was not easy Why do I say it's not easy because that's mostly the follow-up question is Becoming a pilot easy so once you've completed fly school training I want you to apply to any little company that has a set of wings with a piston-driven or a turboprop propeller I don't care. I found a job with the skydiving company So can you I had to move away from home just to fly airplanes So can you I never kept my dream out of sight you constantly have to push forward but Joe airlines require jet hours that is partly true because I had 500 hours on propeller driven planes and I still got a job in an Airbus. How? Because I showed them that I did something sensible with my time Otherwise, I would have had a gap of two years after finishing flight school by doing absolutely nothing Would you want to hire someone who's been sitting around on his couch for two years rather than someone who got some airtime? I highly doubt that so airlines want to see that you have the courage to think outside of the box and take 100% responsibility For your life and that sometimes means flying skydivers to 14,000 feet 32 times a day and washing the plane by hand after your last landing It just shows that you not a quitter instead You made your time count and I don't get intimidated by people saying propellor hours are worthless They are not I've spoken to so many chief pilots and recruiters and the answer was always the same hours in the air are valuable and Don't ask me if becoming a pilot is easy if it were so easy Everyone would fly to work in their own planes wouldn't they? So no to become a pilot. You need to have endurance courage will power and motivation all so be that guy or girl who comes out of flight school and is willing to go the extra mile for The dream job. Do you remember my video about the ten reasons? Why not to become a pilot? I've mentioned that if you change your employer you'll lose all you gain seniority from your previous company I'm no exception to that rule. So my eight years seniority got lost by the day I lost my job So I'm right at the bottom of the seniority list So I have to wait many many more years to become a captain and this just shows if you're not willing to work Hard and just forget about it. I'm sorry for being a little direct at the end But if others won't tell you I will definitely will that's it for today Thank you very much for your time and hit the subscribe button and notification bell So you won't miss out upcoming videos and don't forget a good pilot is always learning See you next week all the best your Captain Joe
Channel: Captain Joe
Views: 1,145,256
Rating: 4.963829 out of 5
Keywords: Captain Joe, Boeing 747, Captain Joe Flying, New Job, Cargolux, 747, 747-8F, Launch Costumer, Airline career advice, how to become a pilot, pilot goals, realising my dream, motivation, inspiration, zfnhva, how to find a job as a pilot, how to start pilot career, pilot facts, pilot insights, luxembourg, aviation, B747, A380, Take-off, what it takes to become a pilot, career change, first officer, pilot tutorials, Airbus, A320, Airberlin, typerating
Id: lS_u6aaeJMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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