Breaking In The New BBQ Pit! | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to Chad's barbecue my name is Bradley Robinson and today I'm going to show you how I made this beautiful delicious Smoky Barky Porky tender amazing smoked pulled pork pork butt on my reverse flow smoker coming up Pat it dry and what we got here is just your classic bone-in pork butt Boston butt pretty good size really nice heavy fat cap on there which is definitely what I'm looking for a lot of nice marbling in there beautiful little money muscle on the end and this is a perfect cut for a beginner cook or if you're new to a smoker because it's a super forgiving cook and I know I already cooked some baby backs on that pit last week which is a great place to start as well because it's a much shorter cook you go through less wood ribs cook great hot and fast and low and slow but when it comes to the longer Cooks like a pork butt brisket beef ribs pork butt is always a great place to start because it gives you plenty of time to really dial in your fire management and kind of understand how the cooker Works work on temp swings and predicting how the Firebox is working and all that good stuff and unlike beef ribs or brisket we're not really going for presentation with a pork butt because it's all going to get shredded up at the end anyway but I think it's time to get some seasoning on this thing which today is going to be some good old-fashioned chud rub I really do like just salt and pepper on a pork but really gets that nice briskety bark but you know pork really takes well to different flavors and this is just a little bit more Savory and that's some great color as opposed to just salt and pepper although it is primarily just salt and pepper and it's a big piece of meat so we can go on with a whole bunch of rub pretty much as much as it can take and as you notice I didn't do any trimming I do not think it's necessary to do any trimming when it comes to a fork but all that fat is going to render down nicely and if it doesn't we can always pull it out when we're shredding this up at the end of the day so I'm just going to go all around all sides because you know you definitely don't want to forget the sides flip it over and hit that fat cap as well gotta say I'm pretty excited I haven't cooked a classic pork butt for pulled pork in probably about a year since last summer always fun to get back to these basic Cooks get all this table rub and per usual I didn't use a slather don't really seem to be having any problems with this rub sticking but that is looking pretty much perfect to me let's fire up the pit foreign [Music] we're going to aim the flat side of the bone towards a fire fat cap up and this seems to be The Sweet Spot of this reverse flow smoker because any further this way we're going to start dealing with that radiant heat from the deflector plate we could go farther back and get some more smoke on it but I kind of want to be right in the middle so we get a nice even bark on this thing and if I wanted anything from my previous baby back rib cook is that this reverse flow seems to cook a little bit on the hotter side so we're probably going to aim for around 250 275 for the first little bit and we'll check back in so we're a couple hours into this fire holding that 250 but looks like it's on its way down pork butt looking beautiful it's time to throw a log on as you can see our logs are starting to break down so I'm going to get my old pole here and just kind of help them turn into charcoal a little bit spread them out this backlog still got some Integrity to it okay going horizontal I like to create a little channel in the middle that's kind of what a V is for that way some more logs on there's some good air flow underneath and then on we go with another log beautiful that looks a little short so probably prop it up just like that unless we catch beautifully yeah there we go burning nice and clean u p volt so we're about five hours into this pork butt cook and uh yeah I got it on a little later in the day than I probably should have but let's check in on it looking nice and Barky you can hear all the sizzling on this bottom plate because I got a little hungry so I decided to throw some more stuff on here you know pick out a big pit you might as well fill it up a couple of links in the back got some crispy skin chicken thighs up front and a whole bunch of jalapeno poppers kids why not nice looking bark on this guy so far rocking about 165. let's check the bottom that'll be interesting remember 165 on bottom too so it seems to be cooking pretty evenly happy with that also thermal works why do I have to put my own magnet on these things come on so I'm making a little snacky poo probably let this cook for another little bit and then give this thing the old wrap not mad about a spread like that folks I mean looking beautiful children for the win although I gotta say this is the first true downside of this pit all the cream cheese that leaked out of these poppers moved them back here at the end uh has leaked through and it's now just kind of burning on to that bottom plate which is not ideal I did Pitch this thing up a little bit in the back to promote grease going down and into the grease tray and it's filling up so I know it's working but I also have noticed just now that uh there is a weld pocket missing and yeah we're leaking on the ground so probably next time I fire this thing up I gotta fix that because that's not good but that does let you know that the grease is moving off the plate oh goodness gracious but it'll be interesting to see if all this grease kind of cooking onto the plate will affect the flavor at all but that butt is looking nice oh God that's so hot oh god wow oh we're about six and a half hours into this pork butt cook and this thing is looking nice and Barky oh would you just look at it fat cap is split really great render on there you can just see how juicy that is love it rocking about 1 80 internals and I'm going to wrap this up and give it the old trusty foil boat beautiful now back on the pit this goes until probe and tender and just like that after about eight hours this thing is coming off the pet probing like butter feeling nice and tender looking beautiful I might add nice and Barky oh God I just want to dive in right now but uh to be honest it's like 10 11 o'clock at night and uh I'm kind of sleepy so what I'm going to do now is pop this into my warmer overnight at 150 degrees which is not something I usually do for pulled pork but I don't think it's gonna hurt and then tomorrow we'll probably head to the chud shop and have some lunch with bones so I will see you all then one overnight rest later we have made it to the chud shop got rid of a few pits this weekend so got a lot more space in here pretty excited about that and over on the big chud table we've got this beautiful Barky little foil boat pork butt and I've got the same toaster oven here pretty nice fits a pork butt and a brisket perfectly but I think it's time to dive into this thing and see how it came out gotta say smelling nice what am I gonna pull this in might as well use this pan already got a little Grease on there oh yeah that's feeling tender oops oh no don't mind if I do looking extra black and shiny looking so Barky oh just look at that bark glistening away I'm ready all right first things first let's see if his bone comes out yeah nice and clean good sign and now the best part oh oh that's just beautiful just a little toasty I do not know if this pan is big enough folks but we will find out yeah this is looking beautiful not mush still got some good grain structure to it but impossibly tender and that bark got to get that all mixed in there nice nice telling you if you're not getting this briskety bark on your pork butts you're missing out on a world of flavor oh it's so Smoky wow just gonna shred this up I'm paying close attention to the bottom too which is this side right here and uh it's perfect you know I was worried about that bottom heat from the baffle plate in the reverse flow but yeah everything's feeling great nice and soft nice and tender smelling nice and Smoky yeah I think I'm gonna need a bigger tray that's a little better oops again yeah there's a good look at that Underside perfect pretty impressed so far folks hey Bones look buddy a big pile of pulled pork yeah I definitely don't want to over mix this don't want it to be too mushy but just like this pulled apart little chunks is pretty much exactly what we're looking for make sure that bark is evenly dispersed but yeah let's give this a little taste test shall we that is so good I mean that's good by itself it doesn't even really need a sauce but of course we're going to add a little bit of something something just for some more flavor we're gonna go classic pork sauce today with just some good old-fashioned Texas Pete as much or as little as you see fit as well as a little splash with some apple cider vinegar just a little bit of heat a little bit of that nice vinegar tanginess and just get that all mixed in oh there we go now it's smelling like some pulled pork this is kind of a Carolina style sauce but you could always do some sweeter you know ketchup base molasses sauces too if that's your style and basically just keep tasting it until it's tasting the way you want it to taste oh good and there we go looking beautiful I ended up adding about that much of a bottle of Texas pee and this is tasting exactly where I like it but you can always add more rub or salt or whatever you need until it tastes the way you like it next up I'm gonna bust out a super lazy coleslaw using some coleslaw mix that's right folks really just kind of dialing it in today you know chop sequences are fun and all but sometimes you just gotta feel a little lazy and for our coleslaw dressing I'm gonna go into some QB mayonnaise just a little bit I might as well throw a little Texas Pete in there too right it's all about building those layers of flavor oh it's going with a pinch of sugar and a little bit of chug rub why not and just get that all nice and mixed up mmm honestly not bad slightly Toasted Bun a beautiful mound of our Smoky Barky pulled pork and top that with just a little bit of slaw not too many vegetables folks you know the drill and there we go a beautiful little pulled pork Sando beautiful must say folks it's been a long time since I made a classic pulled pork sandwich on the offset or on the reverse flow in this case and I'm pretty excited to dive on into this nice and tender nice and fatty Great Smoke great fat render I mean honestly that reverse flow this tastes just like it would off my offset love it so it's an easy fun cook too it's a phenomenal sandwich where's team chud all right team chud introducing Rachel say hi howdy she's the newest member of Team chud helping out behind the scenes mostly helping this guy with all your questions and paperwork and a lot of questions all that stuff doing the heavy lifting exactly exactly what would you like to pull pork sandwiches yeah absolutely this is the first long cook on the new reverse flow smoker so let me know how it compares to the normal pork Cheers Cheers slinkies I love pulled pork you and me both that's delicious I made that slaw a little too Tangy I think but other than that I was gonna say it could use War Tang really my bag you just got a light I don't think two tanks it's like all the same consistency except for the little bit of cabbage and carrots so good 10 out of 10. how many could you eat in one sitting let's put the groceries away that's why I'm on a diet right now this is probably bad for business I'm on a diet unless I'm on camera I'm gonna eat the worst Food possible well there's now gonna be a mound of pork at the shop for and here's to come I'm gonna leave it in the fridge like you did that pulled chicken I've been here for like two weeks it's still there oh gross I gotta say all in all that was a really Pleasant cook that reverse flow is starting to grow on me a little bit you know it held temps really well fire management was super easy that render was there the bark was there smokiness is right there and it obviously helps that we had that butt right in The Sweet Spot the whole time with a radiant heat from that deflector plate or the Firebox wouldn't really affect the bottom too much I think if we were cooking in more volume if we had like six or ten pork butts on there we might have some issues with the bottom crisping up too much but all in all I think that thing has got some potential it makes for a great pulled pork sandwich but with this last bite I think we all know what time it is it's time for the official taste test that is how to make a super simple very easy Texas Barky style pulled pork on the brand new reverse flow smoker I gotta say if you haven't made a classic pulled pork sandwich like this in a while I highly recommend it so simple yet so good and you know reverse flow seems to be working great so far but the only way we can really tell is if we throw a brisket on it but all that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button that YouTube know by dropping a like on this video If you give this recipe a try for yourself be sure to tag me on Instagram at chuds barbecue I'd love to see what you all are cooking big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team Chad and allow me to keep making all these videos and until the next time I see you please go cook something outside please
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 71,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pulled pork, reverse flow smoker, build series, texas, texas bbq, barbecue, bbq, brisket, recipe, food, meat, meat guy, sausage, pulled, pork, whole hog, easy bbq, bbq recipe, bbq for beginners
Id: 1OgMRAvvnC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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