Mad Scientist Foil Boat Brisket Review | Chuds BBQ

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what's going on everybody welcome back to chad's barbecue my name is bradley robinson and today i'm going to show you how i made this beautiful delicious smoky barky foil boat brisket rated by jeremy oder coming up if you're a fan of this channel you are likely a barbecue nerd who spends their time going through the internet looking for food porn and barbecue tips and tricks and if that's the case you've likely come across jeremy yoder the mad scientist barbecue himself he's got a great youtube channel where he explores a lot of things in the barbecue world not just from a how-to perspective but he focuses a lot on the why and as his name suggests here's a very scientific approach and because barbecue tends to bring people together i met jeremy yoder last summer at the windy city smokeout up in chicago and we cooked some amazing tomahawk steaks together so if you haven't seen that video definitely go check it out but one thing i've never cooked for jeremy is a brisket and because he happens to be in town this weekend today's the day where jeremy yoder is going to rate my brisket that's right folks i'm going to make a classic foil boat chud-style brisket and we're going to see what jeremy thinks so that's what we're going to do today it is going to be delicious this is a brisket yeah now i thought about getting a wagyu brisket you know pulling out every trick in the book to try and wow him but at the end of the day i really wanted to just taste my go-to run-of-the-mill everyday brisket let the foil boat shine and also make something that's a little more obtainable for y'all at home so we're going with a costco prime brisket here's about a 15 16 pounder and that's always step number one when trying to cook a grape brisket is start with a grape brisket and prime beef is a great place to start tip number two of course is giving it a good trim really we're just trying to maximize the amount of sliceable brisket we get at the end of the day that's got enough fat but not too much fat well giving it nice shape and making sure everything is nice and aerodynamic that way nothing burns up or gets too hard or crispy and that is looking pretty much perfect to me let's season it up for our rub today we're going on with some good old-fashioned spg this is my go-to rub as of late it's mostly salt and pepper with a little bit of garlic for a little extra flavor and if you want to make this yourself it is two parts 16 mesh black pepper one part diamond crystal kosher salt and one half part granulated garlic and because it's so pepper heavy we can go on pretty heavy without having to worry about over salting it tip number three for a great brisket don't forget the sides folks come on those are some of the best bites looking good to me let's fire up the pit maybe when jeremy gets here he can help me find that damn snake in my boot [Music] on to the pitch she goes fat side facing up fatty and towards the fire and we're gonna rock this pit around 250 degrees for the first hour or so and then we'll check back in 10 hours later let's see how this brisket is looking looking good got a beautiful bark on there wow that is hot but as you can see we've got a lovely bark on there looking real nice feeling nice and rendered it's about 180 degrees internal so it is time to wrap it up and per usual i had nothing going on during this cook i was just maintaining temps around 275 upward of 300 degrees for this entire cook no spritzes no water pans nothing fancy although i did chip a couple pieces of b-fat onto the fire here and there just for a little extra added flavor but now we're gonna give this the old trusty foil boat i don't think old jeremy yoder's ever done a foil boat open face like this so it'll be interesting to see what he thinks of the crunchy bark and again the main point of the boat if you're new here is to leave the top fat cap exposed which is going to give us a really nice crunchy bark make sure all this top fat renders down nicely while the foil is going to collect all the extra juices that come out and kind of comfy and tenderize the bottom almost like a braise and also protect the sides and edges which is why i went a little heavier over this lean side from drying out too much so back on the pit this goes for another hour or two just to continue cooking and it shouldn't be much longer because this foil is also going to conduct a lot more heat and help this cook really speed up so back on the smoker it goes same position and we will let this finish on one other trick i really like when cooking briskets at this stage is to hit it with some worcestershire sauce now that the bark is set i'm going to pop this into a spray bottle and give this a few shots just to finish off it's going to add some really nice tasting notes onto the bar giving it a little bit of that izuna sequoia a little extra flavor and also the darkness of it is really going to help solidify that bark not to mention we're going for a crispy bark here but on the off chance that anything gets too crispy this is the time to hit it with a little bit of spritz so that's what we're gonna do for the next few hours maybe every 20 minutes or so we'll give it a light spritzing with some of this stuff but because worcestershire sauce and other hot sauces can really stain and clog up your bottles i like to take a nice lazy approach and just go right on in [Music] 12 hours on the dot later this brisket is coming off the pit feeling nice smelling really delicious nice and smoky i've got it on a little wire rack in this pan and i'm going to pop it into my toaster oven to have a nice warm overnight rest it's rocking right around 155 degrees right now and it's gonna sit there until we're ready to slice in at some point tomorrow 15 hours later this is coming out of the oven looking nice and barky oops nothing wrong with that i think it's time to slice in look at that bark are you ready to dive in dude yes ladies and gentlemen mr jeremy yoder from mad scientist barbecue if you haven't seen his channel i definitely recommend checking it out he does some crazy stuff jeremy welcome to austin thank you for coming well thank you thanks for letting me play around with your smokers use your wood eat your barbecue this is awesome so i have to tell you this when people were describing the foil boat brisket they they said well you get the crusty bark or crispy bark maybe it's the word crispy bark in my experience anytime a part of a brisket is crispy it means i failed in some way right this where you have the fat crisped that makes complete sense to me right i didn't understand what people were saying i thought that they were saying the meat right now this side is crispy usually that means ah it's gonna tear when i try to slice it not really what you want but this is beautiful the the bark that you have on this is amazing it's that meteorite type bark right that everybody's really after so this method makes total sense it looks awesome smells really good so do i get to do the honors of slicing off the parts that i want to try of course i got to get one of these branded knives there's no additional tallow added the tallow is just the towel that got collected in the boat as you saw me dumping on there the hardest thing for me is to get honest feedback from somebody who actually knows right so i want to give you honest feedback good the bad and the ugly i don't imagine there's going to be much bad or ugly but i'll tell you exactly what i think so this is the cut that i would take to tell me how did you do with smoke flavor and did you keep it moist and that is still moist this is the end i'm not good at running your operation here can you see there's just tons of juice in the lean part of this brisket costco prime stuff i cook all the time yeah this is great i'm gonna take a bite of this so rule number one guys if you feed your wife she'll put up a lot of barbecue there you go refusing to be on camera oh she did it she did it here we go it's really good there's a difference in texture that you get rather than the whole outside being soft it's thinking about being crispy but it's not burned it's not chewy it's just oh there's some extra texture and then the soft meat inside and the bark is just packed with flavor so very impressed by that i didn't think i would like it this much i get to see that's pretty good man i'd eat it all right so that's like my favorite part of the brisket that's my second favorite part i see this beautifully rendered fat where it incorporates itself into the bark also this is lots of juice beautifully done and i would expect nothing less from bread but i'm gonna eat my favorite bite first this right here i'm just gonna tear this off that's really freaking good man that's really good the pepper the smoke the rendered fat the difference in texture the biggest difference for me i don't know that i want to do it always like this but i can appreciate it it's different but done expertly i just want you more this is good if you guys have ever had doubts have no more doubts this is on par with any of the places you'll find in austin that's like you said too it's just something different it's very robust because of all that extra smoke and that super crunchy bark on there that rendered vaguely on the outside is unreal man i always try to render the fat on briskets before i wrap them but this achieves a new level when you have crispy bacon there's something about it you just can't replace so look at this look at that look at it beautiful fully juice perfect bark is really good so sometimes if people wrap too early they can kind of get liquidy in the bottom and then like the bark kind of wipes away this is a little soft but it doesn't wipe away the bark is still there if you wrap it too soon like at the beginning of the stall all that moisture that it's pushing out it's just gonna be collected in there you're gonna end up braising it a little bit you know what i mean look at that so beautiful i needed a bunch of the barbecue places around town but i'm not sure i'm gonna have a better brisket but here's the thing the meat underneath is perfectly tender but it's not shredding everything's been kind of integrated into that bark on top and so you have texture you have smoke you have salt pepper and that rendered fat man this is the power of rendered fat unbelievable all right here we go wow as my pappy used to say you can't beat that with a stick oh there we go hard to beat that bark though you know and also we gotta have the slap i think that maybe when you kind of dry out all of this maybe some of the smoke flavor that was volatile from the fire going into the cook chamber maybe it goes away a little bit maybe it diminishes some because i get a stronger smoke flavor on the bottom side than on the top side it just comes down to preference if you like that change in texture especially if you have difficulty rendering fat on your smoker oh yeah perfect this is the way yeah that's when i did my pellet cooker brisket i did the foil boat as well for that very reasonably if you're not getting enough smoke on your brisket you know leaving it exposed the whole time it's going to give you an extra few hours of smoke yeah exactly it makes complete sense yeah man this is really really good different than i expected though so i'm trying to think of some constructive criticism because that's what i'm always looking for right right i think that for the method you've executed it pretty much flawlessly i mean i totally now understand why people want to do it this way it's simple but good this is brisket where you pay attention to the details execute them all perfectly and you get something simple but great gosh i gotta find something to say uh i think maybe if you had greener wood you might have like a richer smoke flavor maybe we'll have to try it with uh some mesquite one of these days yeah we'll have to give that a shot and they do that at valentina's it's hard to find fault yeah this is great man no thank you so if you can get a regular costco brisket and do this with it then anybody at home can do the same thing absolutely gosh this is good all right i'm gonna ask my wife who has like a nose and a set of taste buds that are unmatched so what do you think i've never had bark like that that's crispy like that it isn't dry and tasteless so it's crispy but i've never had a brisket like that i can remember yeah so i've been thinking about it i don't think you lost any smoke flavor with the crispiness here this doesn't lack for smoke flavor i don't know if i'm grating this out of 100 i give it a 99.5 you know i'm just very very impressed legitimately i knew it was going to be good because i know you know your stuff but it's even better than i thought you know in a world of paper wrapped briskets this one will stand out whether it's better or worse is completely you know up to whoever's eating it but the fact that it's something different like when i did a direct heat brisket it was still good it was tender it was rendered properly yeah but had a completely different texture and flavor there's more than one way to cook a brisket yeah and look at how well you rendered that fat right there man that's great this is beautiful so we're gonna see a foil boat brisket on the mad scientist channel anything i'll do it yeah i'll do it man i mean i may become a foil boat evangelist i think i prefer the texture of butcher paper as a matter of course but i 100 understand why you'd want this sometimes maybe most of the time but why do you have to choose one if you can choose both exactly and if you're having trouble rendering fat this is the ticket all the way thanks for cooking this thing for me and let me try it this is awesome for sure man it's great to finally hang out together for uh for a day or two there's gonna be some videos on my channel and i'm really looking forward to it should we do the official taste test real quick of the doge is it good is it good it's good this is what barbecue is about man this is really this is so good i'm gonna have to try this nothing you do dude i have to all right john that is it that is jeremy yorta's first impression of a foil boat brisket i want to thank jeremy yoder and his wife for coming by and hanging out we had a lot of fun and they're some of the nicest people you can meet and if you're not a subscriber to their channel i highly recommend going over there and doing so they're putting out a lot of great content but that being said if you enjoyed this video let me know by hitting that subscribe button let youtube know by hitting that like button drop a comment down below if you want to see more collabs like this in the future big shout out to all the patreon members thank you for supporting team chud and allowing me to keep making videos also new merch just dropped on the website so be sure to check that out we got aprons hats shirts hoodies gloves bandanas all sorts of good stuff until the next time i see you please go cook something outside peace
Channel: Chuds BBQ
Views: 197,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brisket, mad scientist bbq, brisket made easy, worlds best brisket, how to smoke brisket, texas, Austin, bbq
Id: I-tXdMW1Z48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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