My New Favorite Battle Royale! (Rumbleverse)

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all right boys welcome to a new game this is called rumble wait what is this called rumble first right boys rubble verse i am currently streaming on discord they are my live studio audience all right so listen how this works i'll explain all of this a very simple game i'll explain how everything works on the screen you can see my health bottom center and my stamina get away from you cow ah that was mean okay so uh real quick before i start biffle uh sigils how do i get likes on this video i need help you smash the like button like you're gonna smash the competition guys just hit the like button so all of us stop talking second don't wanna talk hit the subscribe button third thing dab on your dab in the comments all right so how this game works we're currently in a city right this is a battle royale like fortnight go tilted look at me boys i'm dropping we're going to tell them you're a coward so how this works i'm currently dropping oh somebody's already here he's got a box drop drop oh get off of my building idiot oh okay okay oh he's back oh you're back he's back it's actually his building he just do a thing get up get up take him down pick up this i'm gonna pick up this plank now oh but he's low he's low he's got to be low he's got to be 40. all right so how this game works as you can see i just beat the crap out of that guy look bottom center that's my health i have 1200 health i'm losing i'm missing 200. in the bottom left that's my inventory right let me grab something down here so these different crates that you pick up right here's some items look here's some meat so if i eat this meat right look at my health and then this this is called a a potion thingy like look in the bottom right i have two potions that increase my health but then this this increases my damage look at that you're in the store now you're right you gotta get out of here don't worry about it don't worry about it you're in the store i'm fine i can dash oh look at all this oh gosh wait is that a trash can so you in the bottom left you can store these things it was power right look at now i'm increasing my health and look oh these are abilities you can pick these up and learn these like check this out oh so as i'm sprinting around i'm losing my stamina well is anybody surprised this person is thirsty hide in the bush read the book oh i read okay so look in the bottom center i now have an ability called omega uppercut with my normal attacks like check this out all right what does that do there's my oneness what is this one what is this one uh read it giant swing what is that like is that on the playground what does that mean probably oh we got purple dude look at all this food i have i got food for days you need more energy and power i know what is it a better chair oh nice so you can see in the bottom left i'm holding four chickens every time you eat one it heals you for 300 health but you also want to build a proper bill bigger chicken oh me that tell me not for help look at that and if i eat drink this now i'm doing look at the bottom right i'm doing 20 extra damage in total oh one more health should i get one more health wait you have super mode what does that mean oh yeah super mode look at the bottom center if i click that i activate my super power and if i uh body slam someone then they pretty much die oh dude i cannot wait if i get knocked out while i have super mode i revive instantly you're passing up potions on the ground you stinky yeah but i don't want the yellow potions i only want green and uh red because red is more damaged green is pretty gonna go strong i don't want any more green though i want to fill the rest of them up with red so i can hit like a small aisle okay what is this you can see the ability at poisons i don't want that the other ones are purple yeah you have oh what is it what was that oh oh what okay i don't want that i want more red give me more red stuff there's if i don't win this first game i'm just gonna keep recording until i get a dub but russell's gonna edit it in a way to where you guys don't even know if it's a new game or not so if you figure out it's a new game let me know well you're spilling secrets so i'm picking up all these stars to see if i can get a dub you know oh gold crate give me that medicare oh right yeah i'm gonna go find him i'm gonna go fight him let me see what's in this really wait every time i do damage i'm healing why is that wait so you have like a life steal yeah i guess so what what's that thing on your right i don't know it's like a little lifesteal thing the ring is shrinking oh let me get this damage let me get this damage dude i'm doing sixty percent more damage watch behind you thought so if i drink this drink it makes it oh gosh oh you're going to want to go super good oh no you need something stop oh you're getting here we go survive get out of there no it's fine it's fine i'm gonna revive i'm gonna revive right here there we go okay so i used my super and that made me revive okay now i'm gonna go up here and heal and i'm gonna wreck this person eat it you are eat the chicken no stop eating this guy really wants you no this is another person in your healing yep pop them pop them with the bottom what's up hop in like a bottle wait why would you do that that was fine please oh my gosh oh sit down let me eat let me know be humble you're super cool gotta go gotta go don't fight that stop it i'm gonna climb this building you can also climb buildings look at me oh oh i can get all these stars too and that'll give me my ultimate again dude people are dying so you can see my ultimate bar that little blue circle around my my health that'll give me my stamina back and it'll give my ultimate back and then i can heal again and then i can dab let me know that would be nice of it why do you eat chickens like that it's kind of weird yeah that's gross can you know i'm gonna go over there and get all those chests okay here we go oh it's getting smaller it's getting smaller it's fine don't worry about it more damage weapons do massive damage yeah they do a ton oh what is this four don't want that give me give me give me health oh this this is good this will give me unlimited stamina pretty much like you can see bottom center underneath my health bar russell zoom in on another one i have 25 seconds of like unlimited stamina that's really nice before the perfect wait the word strong watch out i got a bad lady that's the first time really here i don't think you can say that nice oh look at that i'm gonna throw it at her feel like a little spiderman little spider-side okay got to wait for her ultimate to wear off oh this is the ultimate stamina mom needs me what i don't know yeah who needs them guys hit the like button if your mom needs you too i don't know i just need to do the dishes man yeah so you said bottom right my my my buffs are all maxed out now yeah oh you buffalo 640. so you did like a strength and oh strengthened health bills yeah let me keep getting stars i just need to get my superstar somebody's up there hey you want to fight hey why do i get ready get it ready to get ready to do power bills don't complain about really nice things ian i know but i just don't understand it i only understand things that i understand share chicken oh he just got ultimately we're all chicken gang right you guys someone's fighting you oh 250. yeah dude because i do sixty percent more damage i'm hitting like an island i gotta go on you dude the guy's on youtube gotta go i got the i get these dubs oh no they didn't see them they just didn't see it dude so my two abilities i have giant swing and omega uppercut don't know what they do i think giant swing does like a uh uh a thingy like it it body slams them oh okay butch camper let's see what this is are you camping is camping i don't know if i like giants lady the storm is shrinking i gotta get to the top of the building dude there's nine players in this tiny circle yeah just get the high ground oh my gosh down the highway in the highway nope they're everywhere man head on a swivel son you head on this way here i got this dude what's up boy you want to fight you wanna fight boy what's oh hold on hold on here we go ow he hit me that's okay you got your foot you're fine you're fine you're fine but i want to win dude i want to get whoa get them out nice there's too many people around so in this storm you don't take damage but after seven seconds you get you just automatically lose yeah oh that seems harsh it's a little harsh yeah but it's better than jimmy's got him done you have no stamina gotta go gotta go gotta go my mom you don't have a lot of stamina man okay i'm gonna reject my stamina i also have my ultimate keep that in mind oh okay oh he's playing outside i'm going to get rid of it i'm going to get rid of giant swing i'm going to get it there we go a tackle oh he's messed up he messed up skyrocket is so good check this out you ready for this um wait charge it up charge it up oh i'm flying oh he's literally playing oh oh big dab oh no no no no no gotta go gotta go get out of here nice good healing i gotta heal i gotta heal i gotta heal okay okay let's heal let's heal chicken chicken eat it five seconds it's fine it's fine it's fine i'm chilling until i'm done go up here go up here go up here somebody comes off with the thingy okay i gotta recharge my stamina right there your left right there pop get him nice i'll get him with it we'll stop block gotta go gotta go gotta go damage and leave damage and leave stay alive dude okay we're fine i'm flying look at me look at me flying it looks so gorgeous i still have my supermoto all right so there are five players left i just got to let them fight i gotta find a drink so i get unlimited stamina yeah you really do you guys see any no i don't see it you see what this ability is that's doo doo i don't like that ability what's this one the dude oh another i know i don't want that i don't want that i don't want that i don't want that another tackle i don't want to tackle they're fighting up on the thing oh go oh i'm trying to let them fly dude i'm trying food oh no that's that's hair i thought that was funny that is literally hair that's okay wait two you would get excited about that so there's two up there and then the other two is gonna be on the ground right here we go watch this hey man oh the elbow drop where are you going john cena i blocked that no i blocked that oh good combo oh my god tackle off dude this is so cool dude i keep thinking that's food get out my house watch this good box he's gonna get revived because of his ultimate yeah oh he just oh dang it okay let's see yeah he's good he's good he's good more left left side you got this this is your ear stop it stop it let's hang out here watch dude i need a drink so i could have unlimited stamina i have this random book in my inventory no stop it i don't read it it's my own wow there's two there you don't want to be there you don't want to be there you don't want to be there yeah yeah you have some damage you need chicken i'm just gonna hang out inside the building you can hang out right here dude there's four people left and they're all on top of the building yeah they're all just camping all right spiderman yeah just just yours no your stamina is going down you're stamina you're stamina yeah but stand here i heal i think if you stand still you heal oh he sees you well about that you're good oh no no oh that didn't do much damage oh you're good you're good you're good time to go sit here relax oh and i'm healing when i'm in super mode oh my super is it boys same same game same exact game same one no difference same game wait this is the same spot too from the other game i told you it's the same game i mean it's the same yeah that's a small circle it's just what is happening it wants you to battle it wants you to battle you might want to get in no i'm super i'm super i'm super good you're good yo one second you you can't stay out no yeah you got it you got to do better than this i hate this game i'm embarrassed for you
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,727,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1tQAtn5zg6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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