CHEATING in Minecraft Hide and Seek! (No Rules)

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hi dudes welcome back to another toxic episode of hide and seek today I got Ssundee zud and Biffle joining and I told them what you guys wanted absolutely no rules this is the cheatiest hide and seek we've ever done make sure to watch all the end to see just how bad it gets hope you enjoyed the video hit the like button if you do hit the Subscribe button if you do guys real quick before we get into today's toxic hide and seek I just want to remind you my audiobook came out yesterday so I already published the book it became a bestseller thanks to you guys but a bunch of you wanted the audiobook the audiobook is now available now I have a link in my description below that'll give you a free one month trial of audible and let you get a credit for the book for free so if you don't already have an audible where you get free credits this will give you your first month for free and the book for free you can literally go get my book for free listen to it for free and then leave a really good rating right so go click the link description below to hear soulfrod on audio it's amazing the narrator killed it and let's get into the video hi boys it's time for another toxic hide and seek all right okay no no okay okay why why all right you know what just for that said you're up first okay so we're gonna do team join uh let's see hiders at a okay what are the rules we'll be honest all right so the rules are uh we're allowed to use anything uh zombie will be in creative and he will have the sword yeah he could do that Ian yep it's for Cosmos he can destroy the cosmos the other thing is we can't kill him all right that's it other than that go to town okay next thing is viable what did you find what did you find what did you find anything does anything mean can I do anything too I I think it means anything but I'm nervous when Ian says that and then I'm gonna put this on my body and then oh my God sigils this is okay is this gonna be the worst one we've ever done maybe Marco we're not ready yet it might be broken oh okay I know I know you're like practicing and you you don't have a lot of what oh just practicing my words I'm gonna do this one I forgot that the black armors don't always work okay yeah no they yeah if you try to use glass it doesn't work yeah I see that I tried it yeah yep yep tried that one that's fine that's fine I have another idea I have another idea I have another idea I don't know what it is but I'll get a dark saver yeah you can my God yeah we got some cool stuff in there dude what we're just gonna do okay wait what's Shadow form hold on anyway I think I wanted to find you oh yeah this is good this is good okay I've got a good one I've got a good one I've got a good one make sure I have one guys wait he has a good one if you don't believe him he'll tell you it's true if he didn't tell you he'll believe you okay we got six minutes on the clock I'm hiding three two one go I'm fighting better if you guys can do anything can I also do anything to find you no no what do you want to do what does that mean yeah what does that mean if I can do anything I'm just getting a GP to you guys okay yeah the no no no no no wait schedules you're you said anything yeah you guys know within reason we have to have the Integrity of the Integrity reasonable different people we all have our own opinions on things Marco I have an opinion too [Music] obviously we're in survival so why'd you fireworks so late whoever's invisible right here huh yeah who's invisible over there yeah who's invisible right there who's are you all invisible no no because I've seen two fireworks now but then there's no or something all invisible you think that we would do nice I know how to find piffle what around [Laughter] that's so toxic dude the best part is I forgot to make myself invisible for a second night completely God quit are you invisible too no I used the Thanos Colin to go invisible and Tiny oh nice Scotland's even in this yeah okay who is here someone's here you're actually right here we're here yeah sigils I got you bud thanks dude wait I hit something I hit something here yeah how do I do this yeah yeah who's here I can hear you ah did you just flashbang yourself maybe I forgot to get steak can I get steak I'm gonna get steak yeah go ahead get steak uh okay Marco are you actually all invisible was that YouTube are you there that was a movie oh Marco yeah sorry I flashed myself okay oh my God it's getting so Boozled right now so dumb oh my gosh this is the worst one we've ever done uh you can't see the thing wait Michael you were there you also see a name right here so you're dead who is this peace is Ian being the worst you're both invisible well yeah all the Seas don't walk around the only difference is that such as the at least you're still like somewhat out oh he he went that bad huh he went that bad I know exactly going north you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah foreign what did he do don't worry about it something that you'll never find them this is the most toxic hide and seek already round one bro round one this is on you no no no no no Marco just Marco yeah I got you it's one one of them can't so good luck only one of them can't like one of them can't are you flying no well no did you give yourself infinite levitation it will turn your render distance up okay that's trying man I know of course not dude I feel like you're just like the meta of hide and seek after we've done so many of them is like so deep and if you come into one of these for your first time yeah you're like oh this is 40th yeah like we're so far past like normal hide and seek oh dude that's so nice can I sit with you yeah I did it yeah yeah please two minutes left dude dude this is so dumb there's a free one dude I don't know how to tell you this but I haven't heard of firework in ages outside spaces yeah I love it dude himself right now I don't know he's flying up like I'm just straight up giving Zed like how would you know what this is so dumb okay so this is why nobody wants to play hide and seek with us anymore wait who's here Marco where is it I know this is you so yeah yeah dude yeah you know it's me oh let me go tp's Sunday wait Marco so over here you're so toxic you're so mean of course not dude he's mad no it's not Marco in by the way dude I know what item I'm margoing bro it's so good yeah I don't know I can tell you man particles he's no longer on Mars okay he's back home he brought it home like oh I see him I see it I see you because you're holding something in your hand yeah bro I don't know how to help God nothing can help what am I supposed to do you're glowing man you're glowing Zed was staring at me oh no that's been next to me is that you Ian how are you here Marco this place will give me like anxiety because right now you know what I'm gonna just I'm gonna Marco for the rest of the round dude the prices of this place I don't even hear them sigils TP sigils I did but you're still a bad person the only reason why I found Bibles because I was throwing stun grenades and he kept saying ow yeah that's a good point did you have fun I did okay Bibles up next uh we're gonna go hide let's get this going boy all right guys I think he's gonna be mad at me oh I think he's gonna be furious at me please I'm not I'm not a mad person I never get mad but you are literally angry at me currently name is mad no it's not it's William that's a weird middle name you should change it to math because yours Bertha okay sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry you're not sorry I'm sorry I know Ian personally and I know for a fact one thing is he's not sorry that's unfortunate I didn't say sorry he did so I just went visible no boys I had a boy's head or you can still see invisible they're like a little silhouette yeah it's not that bro it's not that fair unfair get away from me Zod what is this thing that I hear wait how did I not see you guys then on my round Point why you're bad you're bad guys um stop remember what we agreed on last year be nice to Biffle no remember all right boys I found my spot me too mine is the best all right that one's better six minutes on the clock one go hiding from yourself Marco Marco yeah sure thing I'm never getting found I'm literally never getting found Ian yes did you already find Ian he what are you doing hold on what are you doing oh no did what no I want people to guess I want people to guess what I did because I I don't know if anyone here will know what he did okay okay I'm gonna go no no no I'm gonna go hide I'm gonna use this on sigils don't say anything I won't say anything no no wait wait did you get him or not no no no he's letting me ride wait wait let him rehide I completely believe me I had to Market I hate playing with you guys I'm re-hitted okay Marco sure dude Marco it was that good to use on him should I use it on here yes absolutely we're all gonna do it Marco [Laughter] just because you don't want to hear it no because I heard it here and it's gone and no one's doing it again I mean zud's cheating I'm not cheating across the map by the way Marco he just says it more and more angrily guys I'm having chest pains is that good or bad it's great it's usually a good thing it's usually means you've been working out your chest dude congrats I have I have been doing that Mark out where are you I just marked Marco I actually Marco you're just not here do you have your ambient down because that's where the sound comes from wait maybe he's taking Ambience now why did it not explode Marco okay what are you doing what is this where are you okay don't even don't even try it no I'm not even gonna let you go again okay all right let me go see where sigils is boys come come see the spot three minutes left Beville you versus me the tail as old as time how did you get there I know dude Marco oh wait oh yeah wait yeah oh yeah dude is there a Marco happening or no it did yeah I'm Marcus yeah he used it I heard it am I close or far I don't know maybe I'll tell you when you're younger I'm younger than you and everyone else true no how did you get in here oh I had to make a little edit oh got it okay honestly you're shooting okay I'm gonna look through your eyes okay look through my eyes and tell me they're beautiful because I don't know I'm beautiful okay he's not wait I just went across the entire map there's no way will you call for a Marco like every 18 minutes dude Marco Marco Marco doesn't count it works where's the cash go back to my spot let's go back to my spot I'll go back to my spot yep if the Marco said just where'd you go I made it away yeah don't worry about it dude because he's cheating wait so you are cheating yeah what about cheating it's fine Mutual cheat what oh so we can cheat now down you literally flew a whole round Ian don't you literally said anything now yeah and so I got to get back to my spot and you were allowed to re-hide all right you know if I could buy ice cream four ice creams you're so far for me can I have some sugarless ice cream yeah you may there you go hold on hold on hold on hold on don't ever get that again yeah also gross okay Marco he's marcoin okay he's on the side limit I don't understand I've never heard of Marco from him maybe he isn't though yeah no no I'm playing I think that some person built this map yeah dude his name was Tim thanks Tim you open in their life they built this man Marco they did a good job I just did one so just do you need do you need an exercise oh I'm so calm dude yeah nice Marco hey Marco did he yeah what is what it what is this what is what is it why are you so quiet he marcoed Marco there's more going he ran somewhere where did he fly he's cheated that was a movie I know how did you get out I don't know what just happened Marco uh dude you got me did I yeah oh hold on oh yeah I got you I got you oh come on you stayed there the entire time right yeah but you're still in here people you stood on me hi is that why you couldn't go through no no you're on him right now yeah I'm here I couldn't see him hi oh my oh that's how we're playing oh yeah yeah what we're doing for his route get ready for your router I'm ready I got that jiggity jig in my biggity big yeah yeah [Music] do you not have that be honest I need you to be honest right now though because I feel like you're not being honest with me Jay rule in the house I have a small blouse nice and I like to look at your Laos Mouse trousers all right SSundee you've got six minutes on the clock good luck I'm gonna do this but if you do that I'm gonna sneeze and you can come find us okay um so I can do anything yes I hate it when he talks like this I can do absolutely anything no you cannot TP to people you can't nuke the whole world can I do this no it does copyright no no stop it stop it editors don't include that sorry please do not ever do that again give yourself up right now or I do it again I'm not comfortable I'll mute Minecraft dude I'll do it I will I will literally give up myself if that's the case like legitimately I can't just meet Minecraft just meet Minecraft I can't yes I need to hear Minecraft noises okay I need a rocket rock at me mommy sure rocket yeah that's not how that works okay I rocketed did he hear it that time wait Bibles two kills not three yeah I'm three killers what just happened to me what happened what just happened to me good job did you get you got founded I shot him with the Longbow of the heaven oh you just made it rain arrows and that's what bounced me around that's hilarious look at me look at me let's see where's that is sud what this is not entertaining the spirit of the game I'm hiding I'm just hiding in the open okay I need a rocket Rockets that's just invisible running yeah and watch what happens when he sees me actually you want to see it right now oh do you have a oh oh my God I gotta really come up with more rules for this because we're beginning to descend into madness this is what the people want man they ask for it why are they you are you complaining then all right wampo the heavens having Sun chill no somebody has to Rocket me I did so many Rockets I'm rocketing he's rocking for both of us at this point yep rocking me he's so much rocketed but you're such a bad human it's true I hate you I know him personally as a human yeah I just go I screwed to the other side of the map in like two seconds there's a moth in my room oh I'm rocking me I thought something more exciting was happening okay I'm about to activate my second plan I will do it one more seconds what's your next plan I'm doing it what is it I'm doing it I'm so afraid I'm doing it give me a nuke or something I'm doing it enemy ac 130 above I did it what is that noise what did you just did you sneeze is that what okay he just gave me Chloe why'd you give me glowing the moths and scary wait that's so shitty Brun you said anything was doing oh my gosh outside you're zooming he's in Hot Pursuit breaker breaker breaker he's coming in a Hot Pursuit faster than me you're not faster than me three seconds and it's gonna be gone it's good okay you're good you're safe you're safe oh my gosh oh my gosh what am I watching thank you before you have to rock at me but I get away yeah he did he gave up he was annoying I need more Bibble rocking me wait so just give me more sigils or what careful fighting a mom cheetah cheetah pets I need more cheetah pets he's fighties won't be running right now nice piffle there you go sorry are you fighting a moth there was a moth in here I panicked that was a real scream I don't like moths since when I never I I used to have nightmares reoccurring nightmares about moths and they scared me because they use Bibble you have to rock at me I did no you just straight up leave this video for a month oh yeah that's what you sound like no that's what you sound like being scared of moms use like 700 you have a million subscribers you're bigger than it is I will use my third attempt all right why are you liked it oh right in his natural habitat I don't like much time you know like a lot of things uh let's see let's see let's see let's see 50 seconds all right I'm chilling what's that I don't know if you are chilling yeah right click he is the size of a man yeah I know it was a moth it was awful how much time do I have 30 seconds not much wait you can't do that how is that cheating it's cheetah Aiden get it I think I killed it oh gosh oh gosh oh my gosh oh are you cheating back at me I hope you have Vlog footage of you hunting it dude [Music] what's the time what's the time 60 seconds oh my gosh [Music] okay heavens all right boys go hide I'm ready to celebrate oh new rule you can't use uh glowing yeah you wish okay boys six minutes on the clock hold on I'm not ready I'm ready I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming uh give me give me a little Marco give me just like one can I wait 10 seconds okay interesting this is about to be real talks all right I'm not good remember when I told him he could re-hide that was the reason you can't kill him because he can't kill him he said anything goes sigils I even gave you a I even gave you a chance because no that's cheating if anything goes man what'd you do how'd you do that cleared my mind and look what I'm doing all right I'm coming [Laughter] happens when I let everyone just after off the leash dude okay that's cheating you used hacks we're literally using commands on your route it works in a minute all right Marco so to stop moving okay hey bud yeah oh this is a hide and seek it's turning into tag this is better do you have enough do you have enough uh resources in your retire like enough to feed them why is it not eating because every time you oh no give the right resources yeah Marco how many do you have a Marco two stacks but it's not eating them no how many how many pound pets do you have four why why is this my life Marco I mean pull up here take this take this take this here's Johnny here's more polos yep I heard it I heard it and then I saw it what oh yeah get wrecked my whole Pet's not working good good you don't deserve it Pitbull kind of stupid that's cheating yeah get what are you cheating not my fault your plans to cheat didn't work all right well I'm correct with this all right so wait is it literally just Zed left yeah I think so yeah oh I should have done the home pet yeah well it didn't work man more yeah more mechanical one you left the Biffle she should oh my God Marco I got you something I got something what is it take this this is foreign no yes Marco Polo [Music] did you hear that what have you done with the Dolce and Cabana you don't I could Dolce at Cabana right now yeah that yeah you work with that yeah that opens that and then those those open that and then that goes there wait I'm dying oh you're good you're good you're good I can't believe that just happened to him I can't believe that just happened this little favorite oh my God you have to come back wait I'm dying is he just going back and forth between wait I need another husband hold on you said I got you I got you I got you it's all scary yes good job how do I feed it okay he might have deserved it he might have deserved it he might have wait no wait no is it you have two kills wait wait where did no you didn't you didn't die he died to his own I died to the nether or something oh my God no I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm not good I'm not good Marco he's just in the okay okay it's not just being toxic down I'm gonna gut you all right Marco why are you outside the Border oh you're back wait can I talk we're outside Marco do this in survival then it's legit oh are you kidding me why are you kidding me wait is that really was that real were you just are you blind just stop if I win I'm playing dubstep oh Margo welcome I'm running I'm running I'm running come here come here you little brat I'm ready where'd he go I actually lost oh he's so fast Marco's Daddy hold up no dude oh my God this is the worst this is why we need rules this is your fault you said no rules it's true I regret it well I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of hide and seek if you did make sure to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button by the book we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Sigils
Views: 480,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minigames, sigils, for loot, insane craft, minecraft mods, minecraft best armor, op armor in minecraft, minecraft for loot, Minecraft Hide and seek, hide and seek, seeker, hider, win, modded hide and seek, modded minecraft hide and seek, random infinity stone, ssundee, sigils and ssundee, underwater hide and seek, trident hide and seek, camo armor, minecraft shrink mod, minecrafrt shrink hide and seek, minecraft juggernaut, juggernaut hide and seek
Id: BzezrlFxu3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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