My New Fancy Plywood Outfeed Table Plus My Thoughts About Working Food Retail During This Pandemic

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hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is Chris thank you so much for joining me today well I'm gonna give you a glimpse inside this project right here behind me this is my new outfit table and it is fantastic more details on this coming up let's get right into it thank you for joining me oh and did I mention it has a hidden feature as well so before we get into this project real quick right now in the world if you're watching this in a later date when this was filmed the koban 19 or coronavirus pandemic was going on and I work for a company called Publix supermarkets and I have some things to say just about how things are happening in the world I am NOT going to you because I'm part of essential workers that are helping in public you know work I manage a bakery for that company and it's been well it's been interesting to say the least from people lining out the door when we open to get 12 paper or meat in the early stages of this pandemic starting we have provided a huge amount of goods and services that we're very proud of but the thing I'm most proud of is the community and how things have kind of transpired over the past few weeks I every day when I go to work I get thanked by our customers for being there and doing what we do I couldn't even tell you how many times and it's been pretty uplifting as well so if those of you are in the medical community I couldn't even imagine being around this stuff I mean I'm in the food service and it's it's pretty crazy so to all of you people who are doing a civil service or a public service for essential work thank you so much I know that I appreciate the generous generous thank yous that we get and how we're handling things and it's been a really nice experience in the midst kind of chaos so I just wanted to say that as well and if you are out in the world and you're dealing with anyone who's working for the public thank you for thanking them it really does mean a lot to us and but that further ado let's get into this bill because honestly that's why we're here okay so let's get right into this you're gonna see me cutting down some sheets of Baltic birch plywood this is five eighths of an inch in thickness I'm just making it into more manageable sizes because I'm gonna cut them in roughly three inch strips these are gonna be layered together as you see here in the next clip and they're gonna be the legs for this outfit table I figured maybe three was all I was gonna need I was thinking about maybe two but I think three in the long run is just gonna give me that much more support so this construction is pretty simple one thing I really love about plywood is its stability and how straight and even it can be once you cut it up you can layer it upon layer like this and make some really strong supportive legs as you see me doing here now this is how I break down sheets of file it in my shop just throw them on the table saw and run them through as you see here I'm cutting more strips and these strips are gonna be used around the perimeter of the table as well however this one and a half inch strip is going to be attached to the bottom back of that feed table and it's going to give me enough material to attach it to the table saw so now it's time to mark out where these legs are gonna be installed I'm gonna basically install them in the corners of the front of the table and then one in the very middle of the table as well being very careful to make these measurements just right now it's time to attach these side rails that are going to be attached well I'm just using glue and Brad's but with a few clamps as well once the glue sets up I'm gonna have plenty of strength in there as you can see I've done three one in the middle two on the outsides and it's time to go to the next step of the process yes I am going to reinforce them with countersunk one and a half inch screws I actually have leave those with 2-inch screws and that my friends should be plenty strong [Music] now not only is this gonna be an outfeed table for me and it's gonna serve that purpose for sure but I'm gonna incorporate some storage in it as well and because the legs are so thick I need to make some spacers that the drawer slides can actually rest up against where the drawer will actually hit the legs in the front of the table so with some glue and Brad's and screws I'm simply gonna install these spacers thusly as you see two of them border each side of the middle support and then one is on the left and right as well giving me just enough room to install these drawer slides so I have just the right amount of clearance in between all three legs in did I mention I'm gonna reinforce those with countersunk screws as well [Music] now it's time to cut some drawers I start out by cutting the drawer bottoms out of some 5/8 inch plywood you can use 1/2 inch for sure in fact I wish I had some half inch lying around if I did I would have used it but this is what I had now this type of drawer construction is very simple you simply make the bottom exactly the size of the drawer then you build the frame piece by piece along the edges as you see I've cut two pieces they're exactly the same width as that side of the drawer and then I just clamp them and tack them in place with some glue and Brad's I do that to the other side everything's fitting together real nice I go back to the sample saw after carefully measuring the new opening I have and I do I want to sneak up on these cuts give them a light sanding before installing a little glue and Brad's again making sure that you know sometimes you need to persuade these pieces a little bit so I've got a soft mallet helping me with that and then there you go you have yourself a drawer so with the outfeed table turned upside down on my workbench it's now time to install some 22 inch full extension drawer slides and I want to tell you guys go check out Rockler com I got these from their Rockler has supplied me with quite a few things for this new shop and I definitely got to give them props and tell them thank you for it and also tell you guys where to find some of this really great stuff these drawer slides are made by accurized but you can find them at rossler com along with everything else I used for this table from them is in the description below so check them out give them a look and tell them I sent you of course the small hardware that you're seeing me use to install these drawer slides comes with them and there's detailed instructions on how to do it as I'm not going to explain the whole process here but I'm gonna show you how I do it at least so I've laid those strips down the drawer slides are in place and now it's time to test the fit this is one drawer and it fits great and this is the other drawer and it fits great here's the deal because they were both symmetrical I wanted to make sure that everything is exact we lined up so prior planning prevents poor performance right so you got to really take your time and measure where these things are going to be because I knew I was building two of the same drawers so I needed the middle partition to be dead center in this table and it was so moving forward we're gonna install the drawer slides to the drawer itself we basically pull a little bit out and install a few screws and then once it's installed on both sides with just a couple of screws you drive home the remaining screws on either side and now you are good to go and now it's time to remove the spacer blocks which help me level up those drawer slides and now that process this completement so I've got another spacer block and the crosscut sled here and I'm cutting each of these legs to their final height using the crosscut sled and that spacer block over there really makes short work of this and gives me an accurate way to represent or replicate this cut to make sure these legs are exactly the same height so to darken up these legs a little bit or a lot bit if that's even the word I'm using general finishes pitch-black stain this is a gel stain I'm putting it on with a foam brush pretty thin you don't need to coat this stuff on real thick they recommend if you want to you know see more of the wood grain through you wipe it off but if you don't wipe it off you can just see a hint of the wood grain and I kind of like that look so after spraying it down with some spray poly polyurethane and then I'm gonna go ahead and sand it a little bit the 320 spray it again as the second coat and now I'm good to go that's all the protection I need so before applying stain I did a center mark with you know measuring the diagonals and now I'm drilling a half-inch hole about two inches deep in the center of each of the bottom of these legs reason being I have some collars here threaded collars that I'm gonna hammer in place and these are gonna be the adjustable feet I found these on Amazon and I'll put a link to them below I really like how they are they're really sturdy really robust and it weren't very expensive either so I'm gonna link them down below and as you can see here they screw in place and you can adjust each one to your liking you know when you want to level the table here at the end of the process so now it's time to install these legs I've pre-drilled three holes and I'm taking an inch and a quarter screw just temporarily as you can see there and I'm going to into one of those holes I'm gonna go underneath the table and then I'm gonna take a drill bit and pre-drill a two and a half inch hole all the way up into the leg and then use three and a half inch decking screws to really drive this home I thought you know after I do these three inch screws I'm gonna come back with a five inch lag screw in the middle of that joint but truth be told once it was up on his feet it was plenty strong and it didn't need it so three and a half inch screws for this application seem to be just fine all right so here's the deal this thing is fairly large and I'm working out here alone today in the shop hey just woke up it's early in the morning okay so she's not gonna help me cuz she can't he's too little right but I'm gonna try so I'm gonna lay it on this mobile cart onto the table saw right there wish me luck so as I'm going to go through this process you see I've got it loaded up on the cart I'm gonna move a few things around and you see my daughter in there running around with me I want to let you guys know that I have their safety in mind all the time when I'm doing anything in this shop so in case anybody's wondering I haven't gotten any comments about it but I just wanted to let people know that I always try to keep their safety in mind with what's available and what's out in their reach and also you guys seem to appreciate the fact that these kids join me for these projects so they're gonna continue to do so and it's just gonna be a fun time as you can see here now at this moment I'm gonna let the camera play this was this was pretty cool so check this out I was so thankful to get that moment on camera it was pretty cool she's so sweet trying to help out and emulate what I'm doing and of course you found this and we're gonna have those fun with it do it is very fast it's also a good way to tilt as well upside down so guys I appreciate your patience and being there with us for this moment it was pretty cool figured I'd share with you and now moving on to the outfeed table time to install the drawers as you see there's a couple clamps on either side that are holding it in place right now before I'm able to actually you know screw some screws up into that saw stop support system but there it is in his glory at least for now but it's time to permanently install it to the salt as you see I've got a really thick pan head screw on this side but the other side for whatever reason doesn't have any holes so we're gonna make our own with a step bit it's gonna take me a little bit of time actually struggle through this a little more than what you can see here on the camera but it went fine wish me luck so what I need luck for is I'm cutting a full four by eight foot sheet of plywood on the table saw using some Apple boxes as a support system to catch the piece after yep it worked great so had good look so thank you guys so if you're a fan of the channel you'll recognize this stuff but if you don't know I'll tell you this is marine grade phenolic teak and holiday plywood typically used in the decking of yachts I've gotten some of the stuff from a place called eco relics here in Jacksonville more about them later but as you see that's the hidden feature of this table is that when the drawers are fully extended guess what they're extra support for extra outfeed support I thought that was a pretty cool idea and I actually got to use it while making said table so truth be told this process should've been way more satisfying than it was the plastic wrap on this was old it was kind of torn and chipped and it just didn't work that well I thought was gonna be tabled off with one piece no dice at all now I've taken my router here and in two passes I'm gonna make a channel that's gonna allow you know any type of accessory using the t-track system or the grooves in the table saw to continue into the outfeed table so this process again be careful line it up just right and you should be just fine so let me tell you something really important public service announcement this phenolic or marine grade plywood is super sharp wicked sharp in fact it will slice you up like a razor blade if you don't soften that edge or break that edge I'm using a chamfer bit here just to kind of break it there maybe about a sixteenth of an inch which is just enough and you'll be safe and good to go so it's time for its maiden test-fit and I've lined it up just right and oh yes I'm so happy about this sometimes I forget the cameras rolling but hey why not with the T tracks aligned and the slots align just right I am waiting this thing down with a moving blanket to prevent anything from scratching it while I know it's gonna get scratched up anyway but my helper is helping me clamp it all down this little magnet attachment on these new Makita driver bits is pretty cool hold your screw in place and I went underneath there and screwed it all up but I didn't film it so forgive me so now that its installed moving onto some more of that pitch-black gel stain from general finishes I figured I'd go ahead and stain the edge of the phenolic plywood and the inside of the tracks is well kind of matching with the theme of the legs and I think it's a pretty good look [Music] so now it's time to finish it all off to make it look like one cohesive piece so I've got some extra of this phenolic fly wood and I'm gonna use it to you know clad the left and right sides and they're also gonna make good drawer fronts as well so using some popsicle sticks as spacers I'm gonna go ahead and shove it up use some clamps and then come around to the back side and screw it in place and that is how I'm just gonna attach the panels to either side except there's a little bit of a challenge on the next side so I'm using my crosscut sled just as a test fit and I've got something marked out here to kind of take away a little bit of material a reason being this is a slot that is needed to be cut to fit through well there's something up underneath it I didn't realize that's easy to fix them I'm gonna lower the blade a little bit bring the piece back to the table saw and rough out just a little bit more material and now I can slide it in just right and it's been installed as well so I cut a few little pieces here and I'm using CA glue and some regular glue just to kind of hold it in place until I can actually clamp these overnight these are little partitions that are gonna be on either side of both of these drawers and my camera got messed up I didn't get the footage of me holding this and pulling it installing it but as you can see you basically put it up in place attach it with some clamps and then come back again with some screws and I'm just gonna countersink these really long screws because I had to extend the drawer just a little bit that way the drawer front lined up perfectly with the front of the table and by the way those clamps those are things pretty awesome again I'm gonna soften the edges of these drawers just a little bit with some 180 grit sandpaper and then the final moment of installing this final drawer my wife always says pray with me for us and the moment happens and it works and I was way way more excited than what it looks like on camera right now that this worked well and everything lined up and also here's the little glimpse at the amount of outfeed you have and now the final reveal [Music] [Music] well that is this project complete guys thank you so much for joining me for this as you see my crosscut sled my work table and now my Alfea table all made of this marine grade plywood I absolutely love this stuff again the company where I got it from eco relics is linked below they don't really have any more of it but they come across stuff like this every once in a while and it's definitely if you're in the Northeast Florida area go check them out also I want to say a couple things about this covin thing I mentioned earlier the coronavirus you know thank you so much okay thank you so much for thanking us who are in civil service for public service again that really does mean a lot to us but I do want to say one more thing I'm trying to pump out content at least every week but it's getting to be a little bit challenging so at least to do builds like this because I'm having to work so much during this pandemic so guys I just want to let you know that I'm still around and I'm still doing this but if you see a little bit less content coming out or maybe not less content but the content doesn't entail such larger builds that's why because we are just so busy right now you know helping the public get their food get their toilet paper right so but it's been fun as well so that's it guys thank you so much for joining me let me know what you think of this project I really appreciate you guys being here all the way to the end I call you guys the igloo inside faithful and I just can't thank you enough so without further ado without further ado without further dudes I guess I'm getting that here y'all have a great day and I'll see you on the next bill [Music]
Channel: A Glimpse Inside
Views: 110,110
Rating: 4.9375582 out of 5
Keywords: wood, woodwork, woodworking, make, maker
Id: UvnifK_V6c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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