How To Install WHOLE SHOP Dust Collection Plus A Few Other Shop Upgrades!

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hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is Chris thank you for joining me for this video this is gonna be a shop update video however I built a few things yes and I'm gonna show you that as well a lot going on in this video I'm gonna show you a little sneak peek real quick check this out oh it's actually kind of cool in there we installed an air conditioner a new mini little system and by split its two different parts this is the outdoor unit that's the it you guys get it right and it's mini because it's not as big you might see right there yes I have total shop dust collection but it's a little unconventional not the way you might think so you want to see how it's all coming together let's get to it okay so before I get going and give you an update on this I want to just say I want to thank each and every one of you again still we're still going through this coronavirus this kovin 19 outbreak this pandemic around the entire world and here in America like I said before in my previous video if you haven't seen that you can go see kind of a snapshot of an update of it back then but things have calmed down just a little bit in terms of people coming to our stores in massive numbers I work for public supermarkets I'm a manager for them I manage a bakery and it honestly I am so I am so proud of the company I work for it has been handled so well had been to come here he's been handled so well and we are trying to supply as many goods services to the general public and I'm really proud of the crew that we have my store the team amazing stuff guys if you're watching this video you are thank you so much also if you guys are quarantined you're going out into the world thank you for staying six feet apart from each other it really does help it really does work and thank you for that so without further ado again I said it yep but that time on purpose I'm gonna give you an update on this system here this is one of the coolest things and I definitely got to thank Rockler for supplying this for me and showing you guys just how you can get total shop that's collection on a budget check out how this thing works and of course I'm gonna make some French cleat holders for it and this and the other sorry I'm a bit distracted but you want to get down all right let's get into it guys thanks for joining me [Music] Rocker don't be mad I know this is not its intended use but it's so cute that's right what are you okay first of all thank you guys so much for being so generous with your comments about the family focus we have here at a glimpse inside as you see my kids are with me quite a bit in the shop and I really do appreciate each and every one of you who have reached out and said how cool it is and how inspiring it is and I really do thank you guys for that okay moving on we're gonna unbox this thing as you see there's a few accessories right out of the gate we got a wide dual adapter we've got some dampeners right there they're gonna mount in between the wall in the unit and a big dust collection bag as well now we're gonna turn our attention to how we're gonna get it up on the wall I've taken some of this plywood you can use 3/4 of an inch actually I probably shouldn't have but I had some of this weird sized 5/8 of an inch so I've got about almost two inches of plywood here I'm gonna layer it up I'm gonna use some glue real simple construction using the pieces to kind of spread the glue around and then I'm gonna attach it with some Brad's giving myself a fairly thick fairly robust piece of plywood now it's time to take the palm router with a chamfer bit installed we're gonna put a 1/4 of an inch chamfer on all sides on the front face then on the back face I'm going to reinforce everything with some countersunk screws of course I don't want this thing going anywhere and I need this as strong as possible and now we're gonna chamfer the edges a little bit with some hand sanding but I want to tell you guys something real quick all right so ignore the mess but I'm gonna show you something that I always do with every project and that's II's all the edges on just about everything now I did a post we're talking like maybe a year or two ago on Instagram basically stating make details matter ok I'll show a little picture right here it's basically a little holder for a router I was making and yes one of those could support the router but the other one could too and I think making things just a little bit nicer for yourself especially in a place as makers this is kind of our safe haven right so especially in a place where we're going to come and we're going to know what everything in here how how everything has been made and I think those little details matter I think it gives you a better sense of accomplishment and it gives you a better sense of just enjoyment coming out here and making something that even if only you are the only one that sees so that's the mantra here with this little piece here this is going to go up on the wall no one's ever gonna notice it they might they might notice this small chamfer they might notice that it's nice and sanded who knows but you know what I'm gonna notice it and you guys are gonna notice them now because it's in this second video okay so I just want to tell you that it may not be your thing but if it's not try it I guarantee you you'll get some you'll get some satisfaction out of it so all right moving on just wanted to share that little tidbit of how I operate and maybe I just wanted to pay it forward so all right let's get back to it so now it's time to take this unit put it directly centered on the piece we just made and then Mark out the tops of these keyholes and all four corners of the mounting bracket so this little piece of cut off camera I'm gonna hand chamfer as well just like this or I guess router chamfer you can see there it puts a nice edge on it this is gonna make my job a lot easier in the future I'm just gonna put this cleat up on the wall right where I want it level it tacking it with some Brad's and come back and reinforce it with some screws so why am I going to all the trouble to make this piece of wood to put up on the wall while I just put it up on the plywood wall well here's the deal but as you see I'm using a Forstner bit set here from Rockler as well got a countersink some screws for these five inch lag screws I'm at least gonna take advantage of one stud my studs are 5 feet apart they recommend putting it between studs that are 16 inches apart well I had that luxury so I'm gonna pre-drill these holes and install five-inch lag screws on one side of this piece giving me the peace of mind that I know that this thing is really driven home as you see I'm gonna load these up take it back to the wall place it on that leveled cleat and then drive it home now at this point I could probably mount the disc collector here and be done with it that's probably strong enough but there's no way so I'm gonna take some 3-inch screws as well these are some decking screws pre-drill these holes to and these home as well now that it should be plenty strong now it's time to pre-drill some holes that are going to accept the four lag screws that came with the unit these lag screws are going to be screwed into place giving yourself about an inch left of overhang not only is that gonna let you install these rubber gaskets that are gonna prevent you know vibrations on the wall but it's also going to help you install it but check this out for second okay well there it is ready for installation now any instructions I want to put you a picture right here it makes sure to let us know to use another adult and use proper lifting techniques now I'm all for that okay but I hung all of these plywood sheets by myself in here so I'm gonna gamble on myself and try to get this up here now if it doesn't work the interesting part about it is that it's gonna be on film okay so wish me luck and let's try to install this beast all right step one take it off the bench step two hang it on the wall and I struggled with it for about 15 seconds and then Eureka yeah buddy and now it's time to finish off the job we started earlier driving these lag screws home I'm using an impact driver you can also use a standard ratchet if you want to waste the better part of your afternoon but I like this method better now it's time to turn it on and demonstrate exactly how this thing is blowing air down and I could use a ribbon or something but no I decided to do this for whatever reason either way now it's time to install some foam tape this foam tape came with the unit you're gonna trim it off the size and it's gonna be kind of a gasket to hold the bag in place now I'm gonna use some of the ties here to tie it in place and then take the hose clamp up to that foam gasket hand tighten it and then drive it home with a power tool now you can see oh yeah oh maybe that's what my daughter got it from so this came with a dual port or a Y adapter that I'm gonna install was just simply one screw once the machine turns on it sucks that piece in and it really gives you a nice tight seal now here is one of the 28 foot long flexible hoses that you can get with this unit and man these things are awesome but as I try to tighten this hose clamp down I spend about two minutes trying to get this thing to work and then I just pull it out with my own strength because I didn't tighten it down you know tight enough now I've come back and I've reinstalled it and this time perfect I can't get it apart now we're good to go so to organize to twenty eight foot long hoses I'm gonna put a small cleat system behind this unit and I'm just gonna take her around this is one of the coolest parts of the projects for me is where I just kind of go at it you know I don't have a plan in place I haven't drawn anything out I'm just taking pieces of plywood I'm cutting to them to the right sizes at least this so I think trimming things on the bandsaw and this is really the bread and butter of why I make things because to me kind of follow your nose I know I've said this in other videos but follow your nose I'm just trying to figure things out is a really gratifying a satisfying experience and as you can see something is coming together now you might can see that the hose might layer over the top of that but what about the second hose that's that's the key and at this point I wasn't even thinking about the second hose I'm just thinking about the first one that I'm trying to get delay over the top of this little bracket I'm making and as you can see as we go along glue bread's CA glue I'm reinforcing things with screws here there this is a fun process and I hope you guys kind of do the same thing in your shops as well so with the French cleat installed on the back of this piece everything has been reinforced with screws it's now time to turn our attention to cutting out this shape right here I want to keep things on this channel g-rated so please don't comment what this shape looks like to you hindsight's 2020 I guess I probably should have drawn it a bit differently oh boy but we're gonna cut it out anyway I think I'm just gonna leave the tip a little bit like a rhino horn instead of rounding it off because there's children involved in this channel and please just go see yourself on that one either way we're making our way outside to do a little bit of router router is that a word to use the router because dust goes everywhere and I haven't installed this dust collector yet so we're gonna do this outside is is she really gonna leave me by I didn't think so calm I say one of the coolest things about filming these projects is the unscripted nature of how things happen especially with my kids I really enjoy seeing this as I look back on these videos and I hope you guys could appreciate that too after crosscut slit I cut the base of that horn at a slight angle you'll see why in a minute but now it's time to have a little fun with my daughter so cool alright that angle was cut because I'm gonna install this rhino horn what I'm calling it I guess it's more maybe like an elephant trunk elephant tusk you'll see here in a second it kind of takes the shape of a wooden kind of abstract elephant but a little CA glue and some regular wood glue is all I'm using and then I'm coming back just to reinforce it with some Brad's in the back and that's gonna be plenty strong okay so this is cool she it's broken it deflated so she has a bit of a sensory issue with her ears she doesn't like it being on but she knows turn it on and turn it off that's right okay now go go are you gonna practice your boxing all right go yeah punch out of course oh man times like these well they're fantastic all right turning our attention to make some hooks or some holders for the actual dust right handles well these pieces were the cut-offs of the rhino horn so I'm using these attaching them to a French cleat little block real simply as you see they make great holders for the dust right handles so now it's time to make a few French cleat adapters that are gonna be mounted on the wall that are gonna hold some of these four inch hose accessories and you see it on the screen right there I do want to pay it forward Starmont has offered my audience a 15% discount code on your purchase at Starbound calm it's called glimpse 15 at checkout this stuff is I think an essential tool in any makers space I don't think it's just a product or a glue I use it as a tool as you see here the CA glue holds the piece in place while the wood glue finally dries in the next few hours and then you have a very strong hold so go to Starbound calm and put up my code glimpse 15 save yourself 15% all the links are down below and just like always these French cleat holders can be moved anywhere you would like and you can even store a lovely beverage in them as well check that out there now it's time to show you just how the system works come on you made it this far hang in there with me and check this thing out it is really awesome so what makes this system so great is the ease of each handle that's attached to the end of the hose has a collar that does a compression fit on the end of the adjoining piece that's attached to the tool hopefully that makes sense as you see here it's working really well I am planning down some walnuts making some aggressive passes and hardly any dust is coming out it's catching everything you can see a large hose clamp is used to compression fit the collars down onto whatever tool you use this is a vintage 1940s dis sander and it works with that so definitely if you have anything more modern it will definitely work now you can see it also attaches itself to a 2 inch adapter as well so all of your tools that only take 2 inch or smaller adapters it will work as well as you can see this spindle sander is well you can't really see what I'm doing cuz I'm really good at getting my hand in the way the camera sometimes but hardly any dust on there as well so I've come up with an interesting way to store this basically it just kind of eats itself ok one of these little mobile holders pretty simple stuff man tuck that away for the next time you need to use it oh my goodness who could have staged and I mean who could have made a mess like this as you see here I have what is almost like a home vacuum attachment that is really really handy I didn't think this would be as handy as it was but in case something were to happen or just the case dust kind of gets all over the place like when using a router this makes quick work of anything that's on the floor or even you can use it on your work surface as well pretty cool little attachment here I feel like I'm right at home with my vacuum and when it's all said and done it just simply goes back on the wall ok a brief overview of this system very brief I'm gonna put everything that is entailed and what you see behind me in the description below and again I want to thank rockler for supplying this for me you guys are an absolute amazing supportive resource for this channel and I can't thank you enough and I really hope if it's in your budget guys to get a dust collector like this for your shop and you go ahead and do it because this has changed the way I'm able to do things in here also let me tell you exactly what you're expecting to pay when you get this system exactly it's eight hundred dollars for everything okay now you think eight hundred bucks well in the world of woodworking that's not very much but it is a lot of money still and honest to god if you're ready to pull the trigger on a really massive system like one of those big five horsepower motors that sit in the corner whoo they're huge you're going to look to spend three to four to five thousand dollars so this does a fantastic job at doing what those do as well maybe that was powerful and maybe that is convenient but this is fantastic I will say this my buddy Caleb from you can make this to his doing a video within a week's time of today's date and his video well he's run hard PVC he's got a five horsepower cyclone is pretty awesome so if you're looking to really spend more money and invest more in your dust collector his videos a great resource to check out however if you want something like this Rockler offers it so go down that description and check it out okay because it's fantast here at this point in the video don't go anywhere okay the people that are here are in the top 30 percent of my favorite people because you guys don't click away you're here to the very end now not only is this thing awesome but you guys are too and I have a little message for you now I've always prided myself on answering all of my comments and as the channel is growing it's becoming more difficult now my son inside is going you know by the time you get the X amount of subscribers you're not gonna be able to do that and I'm like oh yeah yeah well he's like no no you won't well it's it's it's still it's still tough and every once in a while for about two or three times a week I will sit for a few hours and we'll answer you guys and I am trying my best so if I don't get back to you really soon after you comment give me a minute and I'm gonna try to get back to you as soon as I can but that's it for this project guys thank you so much for joining me my name's Chris all the links for this stuff are down below I got to thank Rockler gimmes and you guys rock his will thank you so much during this time be safe get out there and make something still and practice that six foot rule okay it really does mean a lot to us in public service thank you again I'll see you on the next project my name is Chris until then take care [Music] [Music]
Channel: A Glimpse Inside
Views: 127,739
Rating: 4.8817554 out of 5
Keywords: wood, woodworking, dust collection making, dust collection, rockler, thank you
Id: mQ86kk5EMRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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