Rumble Motors APEX - Watch before you PREORDER 2023

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all right guys so here she is this is the rumble Motors Mighty Apex that's what they call this bike so I'm doing this video review after riding this bike for about two weeks solid and having a blast at it I think I probably only put like 50 miles on it or so because I got so many bikes that I've been trying to uh ride and review but you guys are probably watching this video because you guys want to know more about this before you think about putting your pre-order in the next pre-order is going to go for October and November release date and the cool thing is after I did my video kind of writing this thing around they actually dropped the price of this thing so now you only have to pay half the price up front with just 1700 bucks and then it's 3 400 in total and you get the bike exactly like this now before the bike was 3 400 then it was an extra 400 to get this extra battery which is a 5220 amp hour so that gives you 40 amp hours in total if you wanted to do that option but that was an extra 400 bucks then this whole carbon fiber was an extra 500 and now the bike is shipping free to 48 states in America free shipping and now it is thirty four hundred dollars that is badass you cannot go wrong this is 200 actually no 100 more than the aerial Rider Grizzly and this is way cheaper than a super 73r or RX so you can't go wrong with this bike this thing is dope as hell you got two Motors front and back they're both a thousand Watts so you're getting two thousand watts of power they do have a higher Peak but I don't know what the actual peak of them is the bike feels great it does kind of hop around a little bit that's something I noticed but um what I really want to do right here is I don't want to sit in front of the camera like too long I want to bring you in here with the camera and I want to walk you through each thing on this bike so you guys get an idea a close-up of what they put on this bike what's the pros and what's the cons so let's just get into that right now before I bore you guys sitting here and talking in front of the camera the whole time all right so I brought you guys out here where the sun can really show the beauty of this e-bike because if you guys don't see this bike outside you just don't know how how nice it is and in my garage you just cannot tell so just a quick walk around to the bike you see that carbon fiber the bike is actually on right now you can see the tail lights on gorgeous as heck and when the light's not actually shining on it you can't really see the carbon fiber as much and it looks kind of dark and black like a black side panel but it's lovely when the sun is hitting it also right now we have I believe the low beam on or maybe the high beam not sure but you have a low beam high beam and a flashing beam but yeah this is gorgeous super super gorgeous all right so after you've seen a walk around the bike let's kind of start in the front and kind of work our way around the bike so you guys can see up close what we're working with so you have your grips they're pretty thick on this side they're not thin not something I really like and they do feel pretty cheap it's not something I really prefer but when you have gloves on you don't really feel it right here you have the front motor rear motor or dual motor so those those are your settings if you do put it in front wheel drive then the bike will have a little bit of a stutter in rear wheel drive it's not as bad and then in dual if you do hit it at a zero mile per hour like straight on you just Full Throttle it make sure you kind of lean back with the bike so you can let the front tire spin because if you do not let the front tire spin it does have a little bit of a hiccup getting up there from like zero to three miles an hour kind of hops all over the place and kind of uh falls on its face a little bit I guess you could say I have a race video with the Rev one you guys can check that out on my YouTube channel right next to that we're going to have our power and then you have your set this gets into your settings and then up and down arrows to go through your pedal assist going back to this really quick this is your turn signals right here so you have your left and in the middle and then you have your right I did think it was kind of funny that the middle doesn't line up with the little diagram I feel like a diagram should have been over here or the button should have been a little bit over here but it's not that big of a deal it's just something I noticed when I first got on I thought it was always on the right hand side because it's so far onto the right you have your horn right here pretty loud um I don't really like to use it too much because it is very loud unless necessary The Handlebar setup is great I love it not too bad you can see mine did come damaged I've seen a lot of other people's handlebars getting damaged as well during shipment so hopefully they fix this issue I love the display nice and clean I do feel like the display is a little low on the bike I feel like when I'm trying to see my mile per hour I'm looking down a lot but I can understand why they did that because if you do flip up the bike and you crash it this is definitely not going to hit the ground first all this stuff on the side is going to hit the ground before that so I kind of understand but you guys can flip the mounting bracket and then take the screws off of this and flip it if you want so then it would actually sit like way up here but it'll be facing you so you could do that as well and then over here I don't know why this is red this is the headlight button I feel like the horn button should have been red and this should have just been black but anyway this is how you turn your high beams on low beams and then you have a flashing light as well then you have a seven speed right here mine was broken if you guys can see this little part right here snapped off so they're going to send me a new one those are the two things that got damaged and shipment was this and that so that's pretty much it on the bike for shipment talking about shipment real quick everything came assembled on this bike the batteries were in there the front tire was on the headlight was on the only thing I had to personally put on was a handlebar so I had to put this bracket on there's four screws I will say it's a little hard to get to because of how this is It's really in the way so you might want a uh a long Allen to go down through here it wasn't too bad but once you get it set up you're good to go and then you guys can see the front with the headlight on right now because it's just chilling one of the issues I had when I first got this bike was the fenders now the fender was hitting this top part right here now they do have a foam pad right in here and you I don't know if you guys can see that but you guys can put another foam pad that's thicker right here if you want all I did is basically Bend this bracket up because you can kind of move the headlight bracket up and then you're good to go it's not going to make any more noise another thing is too when you do turn this bike it does come very very close to these wires so you could try to bend this if you want but if you bend it too much pushing it down this way then it comes contact with this so I've noticed that this setup right now the way I have it is perfectly fine for me I'm not a big fan of the whole bracket they put in the front and that's just because I don't know look at the Gap that you have right there like it looks good from the front you see the bike from the front that looks so cool I love it but up here the thumb screws are what actually moves and I probably have these on here super tight because I don't want my headlight to move but that's how you basically slide your headlight back and forth to get the angle of the headlight on the road or how you want it I'm not a big fan of it I would have liked to seen a different bracket I did talk to RJ RJ said that he was thinking about doing a big like seven inch or eight inch headlight on there so I'm able to do something like that in the future another thing is too these lights are badass they are absolutely insanely bright but I don't feel like they should have went up and down I feel like that does give some cool looks to the bike but I feel like they should have been on the sides because then that would have made the headlights a lot wider on the road because they're very bright in a straight line but you can't see like off to the dirt and stuff like that when you're riding in the bike lane another thing is there's only turn signals on the back not the front I talked to RJ about this as well he said have been very simple all they would have had to do is drill a hole right here the wire already ran put a little hole right here have a little you know turn someone come out to here you're good to go all the wiring is there you just have to do it but there are no actual dedicated turn signals in the back either it runs off of this tail light which another thing about this tail light is it does not get brighter it just flashes when you use the brakes and when your turn signal is on your brake light uh disappears so it only shows a turn signal when you help when you're holding the brake so that's why I would have liked the scene that dedicated like turn signals and you have these little mounting spots right here I mean they did run the cable right through here but you could have put a turn signal right here and then the turn signal right there and I feel like it would have been perfect just to come out to here um but yeah so those are some minor things some other things that you're going to notice on this bike as riding is you're going to get a vibration kind of like the Onyx RCR if you guys are familiar with that bike that's been around for a while there's vibration on these panels because if you look I mean they're really just sitting on the aluminum frame underneath so sometimes on the motor RPM as you're moving up you can hear it kind of like have a vibration to it but it's not that big of a deal to me I don't mind it another thing that RJ told me is that the people that pre-order it for the end of this year you know not going to have your VIN number right here he said they messed up when they shipped these that's the reason why I kind of got this for free the carbon fiber piece because they messed up on drilling it if you come underneath here which we got some cool stuff to show you under here the VIN number is actually supposed to go right here another spot that I think would be cool for the VIN number is maybe like right in here on this little section but if you want it to be hidden and you don't want to cop to maybe pull you over and but hey this has a VIN number it's not registered maybe it would be better you know putting it under here I like the fact that you do have a handle on this bike so if someone needs to grab your bike if their skateboard dies or their bike dies or need to tie a rope to it you have this it's easier to move it too so if you need to move this as well picking it up from the back is easy here is your kill switch this kill switch goes to each battery so something you guys probably don't know about this bike either is it only runs on One battery at a time so that kill switch only goes to One battery at a time so you don't have to turn both of these batteries on at the same time you just turn one on flip the kill switch that goes to that one battery and you're good to go if you flip the wrong kill switch it will not activate it will just not pop on so then you'll know oh it's the other kill switch and then when you ever want to go to the other battery you just turn that kill switch off and flip the other one over so that's kind of cool but at the same time I don't like the scene the batteries run down at the same time but it is what it is now I do like the shock in the back it looks beautiful I feel like this bike is so gorgeous the way it is this is a spider tribute and I think everyone is going to be getting the spider tribute I don't think they're going to have any other color schemes because the yellow seat that they were putting on these that people were ordering they look like garbage I feel like the nice little yellow accents they did was perfect um you have metal fenders as well I would have liked to seen them put like attachments right here that screw on like down here because there are holes right there so it would have held it in place a little bit better instead of flopping around but I will say this does not make any noise it's not coming in contact with the tire no issues with it I would have just liked to seen it a little bit more sturdier that's all and then down here here's your seven speed right here I haven't had an issue with it it's Shimano like all other companies are using you do have foot pegs right here so that's kind of cool I don't know if uh you're gonna be putting someone on it I stood on them I'm 165 to 170 pounds and I didn't have a problem standing on them but the seat isn't wide enough to put two people maybe if you moved all the way up and maybe had your kid on the back or maybe you put your kid in the front maybe you put your feet in the back and you're not going to Pedal then you know that's fine but something that's bad about this bike is pedaling it I actually removed the sensor for the the pedal assist because it is garbage you're either gonna love it or hate it so it is so instant let me show you so I'm not going to be riding it with it on I'm not turning it on anymore but if you barely move the pedal this much I'm talking like I'm serious like this much and you're not trying to and maybe you have one hand out the bike you're coming to a stop and your feet barely move like this it instantly activates now I've always wanted a bike that the pedals worked instantly but when you have this much torque from the front and the rear motor this thing takes off so fast that you actually almost dropped the bike I am not kidding it's not fantastic at all so RJ said that he is shipping everyone that orders one of these bikes you are going to get a dongle and I guess it's an update tool it's going to plug into this little cable right here I believe he said it's super simple to do so you disconnect this I'm pretty sure this is the one he's talking about or it's going to be the other one going over here and basically it will plug into this it will update this and then this is connected to the controller so it's going to update everything and then you'll have new software on there and I think that's a pretty cool idea it's kind of like super 73 does Bluetooth over the iPhone or Android and you can update your bike to fix some issues on it and a lot of people said that's not good because then that means my bike came and it's not even ready to ride yet they haven't even finished the software and that's not true your iPhone and all that kind of stuff is the same way so I feel like that's not a big deal to me like your iPhone updates every like two months or so they fix bugs on it and I feel like having a bike that you can fix some issues with it would be pretty sick so that's my take on that now as I walked around this bike you might have noticed that there is a little light right here and I had to ask RJ what this was also I was like why is there just a random light right here was this supposed to be like a turn signal and wrap around something and he said it's a light to let you know that the bike is still on I was like okay that makes sense because when you have the batteries on and you turn the bike off with the display so when you hit the power button on here and you turn it off you'll think the bike is completely off but it's not so what you want to come down here and you want to hit the kill switch so if you just come down here also see this one's not the activated One the red one is activated one so hit that and now the bike is off if I want to turn the bike back on I got both batteries on so I can just flip this blue one if I want so that's pretty cool so that's why that lights on in the front it's let you know that the bike is still on and activated so you don't let it sit there overnight and everything's on and running all right so I flipped the bike around because I'm going to try to attempt to take these batteries out without taking the side panel off because I'm really curious to see if you could take them off without taking the carbon fiber off I think you should be able to I think it's going to be a little bit of a pain compared to a normal bike that doesn't have it but I'll take the carbon fiber piece over not have anything because that's what makes this bike but before I do that I want to show you one con of the bike and that is your turning radius so let me step back a little bit so you can see that that's all the turning radius you got so it's not great and you'll notice that the carbon fiber is actually cut right here and that's because they had to put these little pieces right there and they covered them with some little looks like little vacuum lines like caps you put on a car those slide over I would probably super glue these underneath so they don't pop off because they come off so easy I don't want to lose them but that's what stops the whole bike from collapsing on itself because if it wasn't there this would run into the carbon fiber and you would break the heck out of it so I mean I like The Simple Touch that they did that but the turning radius just blows on this bike all right so I brought the keys with me so we can unlock these uh batteries and everything like that but one thing I want to let you guys know is uh you got four keys so you got two for one battery and you got two for the other battery so that's great now they do have numbers on them so this one says a 266 and this one says zero four six so that's not the right one so this one says zero four six so this is the key that we use for this battery so I'm going to attempt to do this we'll just see how it happens I'm trying to do this on camera for the first time ever I should have practiced this before I tried this oh oh okay oh yeah there we go all right so I did get it out so you'll definitely be able to get this one out too because now that you have more room this one's probably gonna slide up I believe and then you can definitely have enough room to get these both out so you do not have to take these panels off to get these batteries out uh 1040 Watt hours so you're getting a bunch of range out of this bike absolutely insane oh now the hard part is remembering that how you took these off because one key is on this side and the other Key's on the other side so to take the other one out you got to go to the other side and then you're still gonna have to probably pull it from this way because you have your chain ring on that side so let me put this back in here gently foreign make sure they're on there I'm not kidding when I say that you definitely don't want to have your batteries popping out and rolling all over the place but I'm glad I tried that because now you know it's easy to take these out just not as easy as some other bikes on the market so now I want to move on to one of my favorite parts of this bike other than the carbon fiber I can't stop looking at it so gorgeous it's these brakes I talked to RJ about him he asked me how I felt about him I said honestly these are probably the best brakes I've ever felt on an e-bike these are even better than Solaria XXX brakes these are fantastic I love the fact that you can see the fluid through them they're hydraulic they feel absolutely phenomenal in the hand these are so good now they're only 180 millimeter rotors I know a lot of people said online they look small and they definitely do look small in the pictures but they are basically the correct size on most of these e-bikes that are coming out the Rev one has the same exact size of a rotor but check this out these are almost as thick as the Onyx RCR not as thick but they're close most of these e-bikes have very thin rotors and these are pretty thick so the stopping power on these things are absolutely insane I am not a fan that there is no adjustments on the front so you have no preload adjustment no lockout no no compression no nothing there's nothing that you can adjust on these shocks so I was a little bit disappointed in that so that's kind of a downside to me on this bike but not a deal breaker now RJ told me that there are three screws that take this side panel off and I'm not going to do it out here because I didn't bring any tools but you would take this thumb screw off right here you would take this off right here which is also connected to the other side with a little elastic band I'm not exactly sure what that is a little metal bracket and then you would take this off that's all you have to take off because this is actually bolts of the carbon fiber so you have to worry about this but just those three this one this one and this one and do the others for the same side and this whole clam shell will basically just pull off the bike he said the only reason you're not going to take these off is because these basically just connect this middle piece that's all it does so uh we're probably gonna take this off and I'll probably post a picture up on my Instagram and stuff so you guys want to follow me on Instagram you guys can check that out because I definitely want to see how the controllers and everything look like here but they are 25 amps uh each that's what I was told by RJ so you have two controllers 25 amps each not too bad I would have liked to seen maybe 30 amps but he said they'd try at 30 amps and it wasn't too much of a difference so it wasn't really worth it you said the controllers are pretty cheap anyway but they just didn't notice a huge Improvement on Power by using a 30 amp compared to 25 amp but the more amps the better to me but you will lose more range as well but I feel like with 40 amp hours you're you're set alright so enough talking I'm pretty sure my hair is all jacked up because I have my helmet on but let's go ride this bike a little bit let's pull out let's go do some zero to 35 tests and just have a blast with it if you guys want more footage of me riding definitely go check out my older videos because I definitely have more content on this bike than I'm running in the show right now but this is just kind of a close-up and overview of the bike so uh let's just go have a little bit of fun right now and then we'll end the video all right so there's a sequence to turn this bike on so the first thing you got to do is turn the battery on right here or you can just leave it on 24 7. it does have a little green light that's always lit up so I would turn it off especially if it's in your garage you're gonna notice it then you got to come underneath the seat fill with your hand whatever Hand Works you'll get used to it over time and you got to flip the right switch on you can tell by the little thing coming on in the front I didn't flip the right one on so there we go so the rear one is the front battery and the front switch is the rear battery so it's kind of backwards and then let's get on the way we got to turn this bike on using that 54.5 volts on one of the batteries and let's get out of here and go ride that's what I'm talking about baby power power watch out squirrels God man this bike is so fast absolutely a blast I love this thing all right we're at our designated Spa we're actually doing this backwards normally I start at the other side but we're going to start on this side we're gonna do a zero to 35 and just see how it is we're gonna use throttle only I do not have the pedals connected at all so we're not going to be doing a pedal test and honestly I just suggest if you guys buy this bike disconnect the pedals right away there's a sensor underneath the little uh chain ring right here super simple to do just unplug it you're good to go you won't have to worry about this bike whiskey throwing it with your feet barely moving so anyway let's go one two three whoa yeah 20 25 30. yes we are moving 35. we're still going yeah so um we're obviously not at 58.8 volts which is a full charge on a 52 volt e-bike so we're probably down to I don't know I don't know what that would be I'm trying to think and I ran over a Frogger now I was trying not to run over it but it was already dead but we're still hitting like 36 or so but I have hit 38 to 39 miles an hour but unfortunately I have never seen 40 and a lot of people have been saying oh can you reach 40 miles an hour in the only way I've been able to do 40 is going downhill like on an overpass or something so but it never gets old pilling out with this bike but just keep in mind you're probably going to be ordering front tires for it a lot if you're going to be doing what I'm doing right now like this [Laughter] it's great it's so fun but let me show you if I put more my weight for so if you're a bigger guy and you're leaning over the bike like this and you hit it I want to show you how jerky this bike is so let's go foreign did you guys see that It's probably hard to come off the GoPro but it was definitely like hesitating because they didn't know what to do now you get a lot of that when you use just a front motor as well so here we go one two three front loader only see that look at all that I would not use the front motor only at all the only time I use a front motor is if I wanna I don't know I'm already doing the speed and I want to switch to it that's the only time I would do it I would never use the front motor to start out with this bike because I feel like you're going to mess up the front loader now let's get on to this other pass so I can show you guys the rear wheel drive all right so rear motor only here we go one two three see it still has that hesitation to it so it's just something you got to get used to now you can get around that a little bit if you're a little bit easier on the throttle now I am in power mode and I am in the highest pedal assist so maybe if I do drop it down to like two or three it's gonna pick up a little bit better but let's see if we kind of regulate the power a little bit to see if it gets any better like taken off no it doesn't it definitely does it it was definitely shaky as hell let's go down to pedal assist 2 and see if it got better oh yeah okay so on pedal assist two it got better there's just no power there no power at all oh okay three felt very nice I'll give that to it if you want to use it in three with one motor let's see if we go to the front motor and go pedal assist three let's see how it hops or not oh yeah don't don't even use don't even use it but if we go back into dual motor even on pedal assist three this bike picks up like it's supposed to uh RJ was telling me now there are too long two hour long conversation that it's made to be operated in a dual Drive setup but if you do want to save some battery you can put it on a rear-wheel drive but he doesn't suggest front-wheel drive uh for starting off and that kind of makes sense the front is really just when you want to put it in dual drive you want a front loader but it's not really good just to put in the front loader only you might have some issues with the front motor doing that trust me just use the rear one at all times if you want to say battery or start off in dual motor and then once you get going then you can maybe flip the switch yeah that's kind of annoying you can do it whatever you want it's cool that you do have options to change whatever you want you can also come into the settings which is very hard to see I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to show it to you guys very well I don't know how well my GoPro is going to catch this but hold the set button then you go into like general settings you got your trip to clear your brightness for the display speed limit set to 99 wheel speed is at 22 miles an hour I haven't had any issues with discrepancies from a GPS battery is 52 2 volt my motor right now is in power mode so you can go to normal and you go to Eco so I have it in power mode I want the most power I can get out of these controllers then your uh here's your advanced settings you can change your limit you can go from 10 to 18 amps I don't know if that's just for the controllers or what he did say there are 25 amp controllers but I don't know if they're being used at their full potential I don't know exactly why it limits you to 18 amps assist I can go down to five I don't know why I had mine at six you can set a password for this bike as well if you want but I don't ever set passwords just in case I forget them or have an issue with so many like there's a kill switch then you gotta you know do this you gotta turn the battery on there's so many ways to turn this bike on that you have to do a sequence kind of like the talari XXX I wouldn't be too worried about setting a password on this bike no one's really going to know that you have those switches underneath but anyways I'm gonna go back up to five and get the most uh Power out of this bike and we're gonna pull out of here let's go baby let's go that's like getting a Tesla for the first time man as soon as you like as soon as you hit it where's this guy going where are you going buddy alrighty as soon as you hit it from a standstill man it feels like no other bike out there it feels so good I said in a few videos back when I rode this bike actually it might have been the last video now I think about it um it definitely takes off just like a Talaria XXX maybe up to like 15 miles an hour then after that the Solari XXX just takes over but that's really not an e-bike so I really can't compare this to that bike you really have to compare this bike to an aerial Rider Grizzly that's the only bike in this class that has a dual motor setup that's it I don't think of any other dual motor setups unless you're doing it yourself so this bike feels nice and good on the road a little stiff to my liking but you do have adjustments in the back I think you can air the shock up if you want it had a little uh a port on it I didn't really mess around with it too much but you can do some stuff to it in the back but overall the way it ships out it is definitely stiff for me but if you were over 200 pounds you actually might have better luck with this bike than I am I don't know if you guys can hear that there's a little bit of rattle you know coming from the panels every so often not that big of a deal especially the way this bike looks I'll take the rattles I mean I do like to have a very quiet bike but as long as a fender or anything bad isn't rattling I can deal with that a little bit and honestly if you really want to just get some fabric tape or some foam pads and put them underneath the carbon fiber wherever it's touching the aluminum frame and then you're good to go I mean yeah you gotta kind of DIY some other stuff but I mean hey this bike is worth it the way this bike looks you're not gonna beat it for the price I know a lot of people are going to say this bike is expensive and yeah it is Ariel Rider Grizzly expensive super 73 bikes are expensive but what bike gives you dual motors and dual batteries 40 amp hours has real carbon fiber on it I'm gonna say that over and over and over and over foreign check oh man these things God if you guys mad if you guys know someone that has this bike because there's only a limited amount of these you got to try it out and feel these breaks they're absolutely fantastic break test s yes [Music] oh my my headlight was on flashing mode okay I don't know if you guys can see that but see how we switch it so now the bottom one's flashing and then the top one's flashing and then now we're just back to our regular light so I'm not exactly sure why they put a flashing feature on there but let's get on to the DSLR camera again all right let me put my hat on me because my hair is messed up I'm sweating all over the place this is bad this is a bad look right now I gotta go take a shower uh but you guys probably already know what I think about this bike and I don't work for RJ I just want to let you guys know I do not have any association with Rumble Motors uh he reached out to me to kind of explain the bike a little bit because he knew I was going to be reviewing it so he kind of wanted to go over it and kind of tell me some stuff and also I have my own questions for him because I was like how does this work how does that work I would have never found out that both of these batteries weren't connected they run off separate switches they run down separately I would have never known that unless I asked him and then I didn't know about the two switches at one switch went the One battery the other switch to the other battery I didn't know that and just today I found out that the rear switch goes to the front battery and the front switch right here goes to the rear battery so something I'm learning every day so there's a lot of stuff to know on this bike and I didn't know the amps on the controllers either because RJ's website on Romo Motors they have nothing that says anything about this bike so hopefully my video helped you guys understand that thousand watt Motors two of them the controllers are 25 amps headlights it's a great bike I showed you some of the cons and all that kind of stuff up front if you run just a single motor front or back very powerful off the line I definitely did a race with the the Rev one sitting right here not the 72 volt just the stock one but it was in off-road mode it was unlocked and this thing just took off and I gave him a head start as well and this thing was out of there one of the things I did not like on my night writing video If you guys haven't seen that go back check it out the brake light doesn't get brighter when you use the brakes it just flashes to let people know that you're breaking but it's not really a good thing especially when you're using intern signals because in your brake is not there at all but I will say the brakes are they're decent they're kind of bright but the turn signals are absolutely insanely bright on this bike you got a handle back here you got fenders nice decent sized chain ring but let's be real you're not going to be pedaling this bike after 30 miles an hour it's going to feel like you're ghost pedaling but that's one of the hugest cons I think of this bike is the pedaling on it like the the sensitivity of whatever they put in here might be great to some of you guys if you use like lower modes that doesn't take off so fast but if you want all the power out of the bike and you barely move the pedals this thing took off so fast and if you're just trying to get a drink of your water and you're just coming up to a light and it just takes off on you because your feet moved and you're not even trying to Pedal that's a scary situation especially if you can go dart out in traffic or something like that so just be safe especially if you get this for your kids or something like that another thing I did not like on this bike is I'm not a big fan of the tires the tires are kind of garbage to me I'd rather see like the Rev one tires because on certain situations when I'm riding this bike on certain roads especially like going over a freeway where it has like the zigzag lines on the road this will catch it and the bike will like catch those lines and we'll just it will go back and forth it will skate back and forth and it's a very scary feeling but when you're actually going fast on this bike feels great I will say it is definitely heavier than front feels absolutely like a tank I can barely lift this front up you're not going to be really like jumping off curbs too much with this bike compared to some other bikes I've had but I do like the fact that this bike came all together the front wheel was already on there I had to do very minimal stuff I just had to put the handlebars and display on and the pedals I think that was it and everything was ready to go so I like that overall you can't complain I know a lot of people are going to say the bike's expensive we already talked about it many times thirty four hundred dollars yeah it's expensive but if you get a one-time bike and you're a car guy like me you're gonna appreciate how this thing looks or maybe you don't like it because it doesn't look like an e-bike and you think you're going to get attention from the authorities but as long as you're following your legal speed limit when you see a cop and everything like that I don't think you're gonna have a problem but just keep that in mind that this is gonna catch some attention from police or people that you don't want looking at you or maybe you want that attention from people you ride around your neighborhood there's not going to be a bike like this I think the only thing that sucks right now is if you guys want to place your order with one it's going to take forever to get it I think October to November is when you're going to get one so just keep that in mind and if you guys are gonna buy this bike I don't get any affiliate I don't make money off of this but I will put links down the description so you guys can go buy one 1700 bucks right now you got to do half the payment now then when the bike is ready to ship out you pay the rest of it uh when it's ready um but yeah you'll get it right before Christmas and this is fantastic I love it uh it's something I really want to keep hopefully I'm able to keep it with all the bikes that I keep getting in and out we just got another one sitting over here in the corner so uh if I had a storage unit this is definitely a bike that I just want to keep off to the corner because it's just one of a kind I can't say anything else about it other than it's just badass the only thing I might change out is maybe the pedals just put some cool LED pedals on here I don't know but I'll see you guys in the next one hopefully this helped you out and I really appreciate you guys watching the channel you guys are the true MVPs I'll definitely have more content if you really do want more content maybe there's some other stuff you guys can drop a comment on let me know what you guys want me to test on this bike and also show you this in a picture on my Instagram with taking this this thing off so you guys can see how it looks like so make sure to follow me on Instagram as well I'll see you guys in the next one peace out that's pedal backwards next to the cop on the rubble Motors bike
Channel: MrCentralDriver
Views: 18,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fresno, mrcentraldriver, ebike, e-bike, ebikes, e-bikes, electric bike, electric vehicles, mr, central, driver, ebike vlogger, rumble motors apex, rumble, motors, rumble motors, mighty apex, dual motor ebike, ariel rider grizzly, talaria xxx, dual battery ebike, dual, battery, apex, pre order, ebike review, rumble motors walk around, rumble motors mighty apex, best ebike, carbon fiber ebike, apex carbon panel, rumble motors bike, rumble motors dual motor, ebike dual battery, fresno esk8
Id: 5X3muZYO0to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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