7 Phases of the $10,000 72v SUR RON Rabbit Hole

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this is the seven phases of owning a Saran Phase One You're Just in the market to buy some sort of electric bike that'll be fun and powerful and a reasonable price and in your search you come across the siron you discover that this bike significantly outperforms any other legal class 3 electric bike at pretty much the same price maybe a little bit more check it out this is a Cannondale only a 350 watt motor four thousand five hundred dollars The Dilemma is the Saron is basically more of a motorcycle than an actual bicycle but you'd like to believe that maybe you can get away with riding as a bike even though you know it's illegal so what do you do you have your ID real quick yeah I do of course you buy this around because you know it's going to be a lot more fun and it's what you really want in your heart describe me a sarong Black Edition right here on the end you took a gamble with the law and you got tremendous bang for your buck buying a Saran are you excited phase two you've got that saran and you're having the time of your life writing it I just want to do a quick first initial Impressions long story short this thing is freaking awesome the top speed is thrilling you're on cloud nine realizing that the value you just got compared by all the other people you're blowing by on the bike trails is tremendous While others similarly priced bikes can only go 28 miles per hour you're blowing by a 40. the acceleration is thrilling I think I'm gonna go for it the range is phenomenal and you don't ever have to pedal and you have a new toy to explore the city on so to get to the Hollywood sign it was 16.83 Miles took me an hour you might not have fully realized it at this time but you just bought a motorcycle and it's awesome I think my favorite thing about this bike is just the new areas I'm discovering and exploring one of the coolest things about this is the ability to just kind of skip traffic so some time passes and you start to get used to the power and the surround you once fell in love with you start to realize there are some discomforts the seat that comes on this bike is hurting my butt honestly it's I feel like it's not enough padding it's a little bit too thin and there's some relatively inexpensive modifications you can do to fix these discomforts so what do you do first round of upgrades are here you grab a set of Riser handlebars you install an upgraded seat and you upgrade the stock pegs these ones just really dig into your shoe it's really more comfortable having a bigger surface area after all it's just a couple hundred extra bucks which is a small fraction of the multiple thousand dollar tool you just bought and it's gonna make the writing experience a lot better phase three you've got your first round of upgrades and you start to really enjoy this toy even more like 55 55 yeah have you guys seen these before there it is you start really getting out there and exploring further and faster but now you start to get the itch about what you can do to get even more range and go faster perhaps you invest in a larger sprocket to get more acceleration oh yeah front wheel just comes right off the ground under acceleration not even pulling back on the handlebars at all or maybe you get an upgraded chain or some better tires some better hand grips and here is the final result with the shrinko 244 tires definitely looks more like a motorcycle with these bigger beefier tires on than the original ones but at this point you realize what you really want is more power so what do you do you start to look at upgraded controllers and upgraded batteries you know that a 72 volt battery is what you really want but it's going to cost you almost as much as the bike itself so maybe you decide you can just skate by by upgrading the controller for about a thousand dollars you know get that BAC 4000 and this is going to give you a significant boost in power if you just bypass the stock battery which is a little bit sketchy but you don't care about that nothing bad is going to happen right you just want that extra power plus if you ever want to be able to upgrade to that 72 volt battery you're gonna need to upgrade the controller anyway foreign so you buy that controller and you feel the upgrade in power [Applause] you're popping wheelies and accelerating faster than ever before in your newfound controller upgrade is amazing once again you're on Cloud9 and loving the machine that was once a bicycle now becoming more and more of a motorcycle every day that's pretty quick let's see if I can keep up with you this only goes 55. and while we're upgrading everything else might as well replace that flimsy bash guard wouldn't want to damage the stock motor and have to buy a new one boom there goes the motor phase five you know what happens again you become accustomed to that power and you start to realize that the stock battery only has so much to offer the power of the bike feels incredible at the top of the battery but you realize once that voltage starts to fall below 80 percent you just don't really have that zip and thrill that you had at the top of the battery anymore 13 battery I just want to give it like a strong throttle and see what it feels like oh my goodness no power at all in this thing you also realize now you can use more power and this drains the battery faster than ever you realize what you really need is to upgrade to a battery with higher voltage but it's gonna be expensive there was a time in your life when you're looking at purchasing a two thousand dollar electric bike but you convinced yourself to spend the extra two thousand dollars to get the server on and now you're looking at spending an additional 50 on just adding a new battery you start to realize that the bomb between your legs may not be the safest thing around since you bypassed the stock battery and maybe at this point you've seen one or two of those fires from batteries erupting inside of houses and this is just further justification for you to pull the trigger on what you really want and deserve phase six you spend countless hours on the internet watching 72 volt top speed and acceleration videos and imagine how amazing your life would be if you just spent the extra twenty five hundred dollars on the battery upgrade and you start to look at how much you could sell your stock battery for to offset the cost of the battery upgrade Bingo makes sense you bite the bullet and you make it happen 2500 Bucks new battery that 72 volt battery arrives and you install it and you instantly realize what of a monster your bicycle has become your top speed has been boosted from 50 miles an hour to 70 miles an hour and now you can ride your bicycle twice as fast and twice as far as ever before dude I've got the 72 volts to run out here in the mountains of Malibu in this spot I found up here is just Epic you get out there and start writing new terrain and exploring new parts of your city you never knew existed can I get five crispy chicken sandwiches oh that uh dragonfly hit me so beautiful out here just Santa Monica Mountains all around but then you start to realize the brakes on your bike just aren't quite adequate for the speed you're riding at might be time to check these brake pads soon this Saran definitely does not have the greatest brakes these brakes are so sketchy dude yeah the brakes are awful I really need to upgrade to the magura mt5 brakes and maybe that bicycle helmet you're wearing isn't quite suitable for your motorcycle it might be a mistake when you're going to the camping store to buy a motorcycle gear [Music] definitely took my feet off there not good you know the deal blue brakes new helmet new gear and heck maybe even a suspension upgrade for all the new terrain you can ride on with your increased power in rank so if you're looking for a suspension upgrade for the siren you've probably heard about the fox 40s obviously those are super expensive this suspension upgrade costs about 700 and phase seven you're fully immersed in electric motorcycle territory and spend countless hours on your surround every week the days of riding a bicycle are long past and you start to really realize what you're on is a motorcycle and now you start to contemplate how much money you've spent on it and what else you could have bought with that money as fun as your new electric toy is when a motorcycle rolls up next to you at the light you realize that bike costs half as much it can go twice as fast as yours and you start to wonder was this the right choice passing a real motorcycle the electric motorcycle you just built cost ten thousand dollars and it'll go 70 miles an hour but if you do it for too long you're gonna fry your motor and the battery's gonna die in just a few miles the bike next to you not a concern so was it all worth it all right so let's refuel the e-bike [Applause] yeah it was drop a comment down below catch you in my next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Juiced Joyrides
Views: 342,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surron, sur ron, electric bike, 72v sur ron
Id: ibf4MEW1piE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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