"My Neighbor Has Been Mowing His Lawn for 12 Hours Straight" | Creepypasta

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klancy pasta presents my neighbor is been mowing his lawn for 12 hours straight written by Anna's Lewis [Music] it started at 443 a.m. the noise jolted me awake it sounded like there was a giant truck revving its engine right there in our bedroom exhaust fumes wafted in through the open window it was a bad way to start the day what is that moan my wife we both slept poorly because our daughter had crawled into our bed at 1:00 a.m. and kept kicking us in the face until we were both half hanging off the bed while she snored away started the apocalypse I groaned go back to sleep no way I can sleep through that racket said Vanessa she rolled out of bed and shut the window it helped a little but it still sounded like war out there she pulled the curtains back and looked through the window it's the fucking neighbor mowing his lawn before the Sun is up we need to have a heart-to-heart with him let him know that's not okay Keegan our daughter woke up crying guess that's that I muttered getting out of bed myself I'll go talk to him after some coffee bring me some too said Vanessa papa bring me some Smarties said Keegan now know Smarties for breakfast banana or toast but not Smarties fine off to Keegan toast cut into shapes Assad this was really the last thing I wanted to be doing at 4:45 on a Saturday morning making coffee and cutting toasts into animal shapes instead of drooling in my sleep and dreaming of a gentler world I went into the kitchen and started the coffee and toast and then looked out the living-room window sure enough there was mr. Lensky mowing his damn lawn in his damn bathrobe no less that was another thing that I had no desire to do get into it with him about this or really talk to him about anything ever beyond a friendly wave and uh howdy neighbor by the time I was awake enough to form a coherent thought it was almost 6:00 and I had consumed four cups of coffee mr. limb ski was still added which was strange because his yard isn't very big at all it shouldn't take more than a 40-minute mow job but here it was an hour and 15 minutes later and he was still at it I got semi dressed and stumbled outside I walked across my own yard which I noted needed mowing itself maybe I'll tell him that if he mows my lawn and promises to never start so early again I'll let it go but I knew that I wouldn't do that I was a coward as I got closer I observed with some confusion that his lawn was already mowed he was going over in a second time now I walked up to our property line denoted by the contrast between mode and unmowed grass and started waving my hands in the air waiting for mr. limps key to notice me he never did he just stared straight ahead and kept pushing the mower Hey I shouted but it was no good I could barely hear myself and so I knew that he wouldn't be able to hear me from across the lawn right behind the lawn mower goddamnit I walked across his yard until I was right behind him hey nothing it tapped on his shoulder nothing he just kept pushing the lawn mower onward over the already mowed lawn I didn't know what to do I'll catch him after he finishes I guess he's in the zone shrugged he was getting ready to turn back to my house when I saw a trickle of what was presumably urine run down his bare lake Jesus I went back to my house and opened the door Vanessa was reading a book to Keegan she stopped when I came in and looked up well I uh he couldn't hear me I'll go over there once he stops he's got to stop sometime right and well I'm a little worried about him honestly I saw him you know wet himself [Music] mr. Lensky peed his pants asked Keegan she started laughing well that sometimes happens kiddo I said used to do that you do that a lot when we're kids and then we don't do it for a while and then when we get older we sometimes do it again that gave her something to think about anyway huh said Vanessa there's more I said he's already done with the lawn just going over at the second time maybe he missed a few spots no it's perfect not a blade of grass higher than any other blade of grass hmm said Vanessa that is strange do you think he's okay should we call somebody I shrugged who are we going to call the police tell them that our retired neighbor his mommy's lunch twice well pissed while peeing himself what will they say to that by a I was done cooking the bacon and mr. Lensky was still added mowing his lawn for what must have been the fifth time I try not to think about it but it was hard after breakfast we should go somewhere I said it's a beautiful day no sense staying cooped up all day why does mr. Lensky keep mowing his lawn asked Keegan I don't know kiddo I muttered I don't know you want to go to the playground or something yay I'm going to stay here and try to go back to sleep if that's okay said Vanessa of course I said I felt like going back to sleep myself even after all that coffee but the desire to get far away from the sound of the lawnmower out of weight my tiredness we ate and Keegan and I headed to the playground at 9:00 I got a text from Vanessa can't sleep he's still knowing [Music] 9:30 I'm really starting to get worried this isn't normal 10:00 I went over there and tried to talk to him but it's like he's in a trance please come home I sighed but complied I rounded up the kid and drove home I felt a deep sense of unease that grew more intense the closer I got to home you're afraid of an old man mowing the lawn I tried it myself it didn't work because my instinctive answer was yes I turned onto my street and prayed that mr. Lensky would be done mowing the lawn by now you tell us it was just a practical joke and we'd all have a good laugh over it but soon enough I saw that wasn't going to happen as I pulled into my driveway I saw that he was still out there I thought I saw a streak of brown running down his leg but it was hard to tell for sure because he was going around under the shade of his ancient apple tree I walked inside and Vanessa was at the kitchen table with bags under her eyes and a glass of wine in front of her please make it stop she said I don't know how to do that I said suddenly feeling very tired and in need of a drink myself call the police she said why don't you I asked fine she said it's just that I do everything else around here so I thought maybe you could help this one time I held my tongue I did plenty around here but I knew that now wasn't the time to point that out okay I said I'll call the police how was he not run out of gas by now anyway I've been watching him said Vanessa he's got a can of gas in his driveway sometimes he grabs it when he passes by and gas is up while still pushing the mower it's crazy please call the police all right all right I said I looked up the number and proceeded to have one of the most Awkward phone conversations of my life it was ten minutes with the receptionist and then another 10 minutes with an officer finally they agreed to come over and check it out 15 minutes later I watched out the window as the cop car pulled into mr. limb skis driveway a single cop got out and walked over to mr. Lensky the cop was waving his hands and shouting but it was no good and the cop grabbed mr. limb skis shoulder and spun him around forcefully this caused mr. limb ski to finally let go of the throttle and for the first time all day the lawn mower stopped moving he was still running though because he had taped its safety shutoff down I held my breath as I waited to see what would happen next mr. Lensky opened his mouth and something emerged from it it looked like a long thin tentacle the tentacle wrapped itself around the cops neck and lifted him up into the air then a second tentacle emerged from mr. limb skis mouth and made its way down the cops throat I slammed the curtains shut and noticed that I too liked mr. limb ski earlier at wet myself what's going on out there asked Vanessa from the kitchen did the police arrive I didn't have a good answer so I didn't say anything honey said Vanessa walking over are you okay from outside we heard the whine of a new machine join in with the lawn mower Vanessa opened the curtain I turned slowly to look out the cop was out there going around the old Appletree with a weed whacker while mr. Lensky was back pushing the lawn mower around again it's 5 p.m. besides mr. Lensky there are now four cops in his yard doing various tasks one is still at it with the weed whacker another has been going at the shrubs with a pair of clippers for hours now but the one who concerns me the most is the one who is going around spraying the ground with a bottle full of neon blue liquid and mr. limp ski at one point puked out of his mouth I personally am petitioning the family to pack up the car and start driving to Florida or Vanessa's mother lives I have no idea what is going on but it doesn't look good part two I wasn't sure what was more bizarre and terrifying my neighbor mowing his lawn for the 13th straight hour aided by four uniformed cops performing various other landscaping tasks or the woman in the gas mask in plastic poncho that emerged from the tan Toyota Camry which had wrapped itself around mr. limb skis apple tree damn it Kelly she shouted through the mask clearly unsteady on her feet after the crash no more driving for you ever I crouched down in my driveway behind my own car which I had just finished loading in preparation for getting my family far away from whatever horrible thing was happening next door I watched as the woman who is not impressed by Kellys driving skills build a large blaster from under her poncho that's the best way I can describe it it wasn't a gun it was a fucking blaster the woman pointed her blaster in mr. Lensky and pulled the trigger that was it for mr. Lensky he exploded in a horrible mess of neon blue gore a still writhing tentacle flew through the air and slapped against the windshield of the Camry I saw the wipers go on an effort to clear the thing away I turned and saw my wife looking out the window of her house in horrified amazement she had her hand over our daughter's eyes Keegan was prying away at Vanessa's fingers in order to get a look at the excitement me I had enough excitement for the day I had no idea who the blaster woman was but I knew that she had a blaster and I struggled to come up with some way to get my family out of there without drawing anybody's attention the woman turned her blaster to each of the four cops and turn and quickly reduced them into for gooey globs of neon blue slime if I can just get back inside without her noticing me we can slip out the back and uber it out of Dodge doesn't matter we're just somewhere far away you shouted the woman your poncho was absolutely drenched with the insides of the things she'd just blown apart hiding behind your car stand up slowly shit I stood up with my hands in the air please don't blast me I said I'm not one of them I swear we'll see about that she said meanwhile your neighbor mr. Lensky he lived alone yes that's right I said his wife died last year poor guy I looked over at the puddle of strange gore that used to be mr. Lensky poor guy indeed here's what's going to happen I'm going to go inside mr. limb Sookie's house and get cleaned up you're going to go inside your house and wait there for us if you try anything smart I promise you but you'll end up like your neighbor here not a pretty sight you agree I took one more look bought back the urge to puke nodded my head and earnest agreement same goes for your family I see them through the window got it inside now I didn't need any more encouragement I ran back inside my house back to Vanessa and Keegan who is that asked Vanessa what's going on you think I know I snapped then I saw it I don't but I think maybe she's a good guy I mean she blasted those things out there what if mr. Lim ski was the good guy asked Keegan what if there are no good guys asked Vanessa I don't know I said I don't know but I think we have to take that chance if she's a bad guy than Werth then it's bad no matter what we do I think so I think we just have to think positively about this and hope that she's a good guy think positively said Vanessa think positively how about we think about survival I gritted my teeth that's what I'm saying dear I think that our best chance at survival is to stay put and talk things over nicely with the lady in the gas mask what survival asks Keegan it's what we're all trying to do kiddo I explained on a day-to-day basis none of us will finally pull it off what it means trying not to die I said are we going to die some day kiddo some day a long long time from now I wasn't sure about that of course but what else could I say hey you want to watch tumble leaf dig the Fox okay said Keegan and got an episode going and then went into the kitchen where Vanessa was pacing around in a circle are you sure about this she asked waiting here for them to come to us no I said okay she said I trust you and I love you I love you too I said we waited 20 minutes later I saw them approaching my house there were two women and one man each wearing a gas mask the woman in front was still carrying her blaster but she had cleaned all of the blue substance off of her I was wearing some of mr. Lim skis clothes I met them at the door did any of you come into contact with any of them asked the woman in front no I said it was a lie I'd come up behind mr. Lensky and tapped him on the shoulder Vanessa had also approached him what is this about Kelly said the blaster lady to the woman behind her test him this Kelly pulled a large syringe out of her backpack and took a step toward me now wait a fucking minute here I said you're not going to stick me with that needle until you tell me why she'll let you what is going on you can submit to the test said blaster lady or we can presume that you have the virus and terminate you well then I'll submit to the damn test I said rolling up my sleeve and offering out my arm not there said Kelly a second before she jammed the syringe into the side of my head fuck that hurts Kelly pulled the needle out then she went to her backpack again and brought out a test tube filled with a green liquid she unscrewed the tube and shot some of my brain juice into it then she put the lid back on shook it and held it up to the light he's clear said Kelly now for his family said blaster lady a watched and helpless horror as Kelly jammed a giant needle and to first my wife said and then my daughter said Keegan couldn't stop crying and it made me sick to my stomach they're all clear said Kelly we're clear I said now do you want to tell us just what the fuck is going on let's start with who the hell you all are I'm Kelly Raymond said the one with a needle my boyfriend got turned into a zombie like mr. Lensky but a little different I had to keep cutting off his fingers a zombie I said you had to keep cutting off his fingers of course you can call me Ali said blaster lady taking off her gas mask the others did as well and yes zombies they are real and the virus is growing stronger and more unpredictable by the day okay I said zombies I look to the man in the group and you are Martin henwood said the man it was a former colleague of your neighbor before he retired ah I said Mr Lim ski was a coroner I want to say mortician said Marty and he was a true artist which is why I had to call him out of retirement for my latest job Martin was obviously upset and fighting back tears but he went on a body came in for burial the dead woman had apparently murdered her boyfriend in a particularly brutal way there were rumors that the necklace she still wore even after her suppose at autopsy was cursed it was a strange case indeed because for starters I saw no sign that an autopsy was ever performed I suspected that the medical examiner had gotten spooked by the rumors and opted to rule the death as suicide without actually cutting into the body and - as I looked over her I saw that the necklace had no clasp there was no way to get it off without cutting it off I had the worst headache of my life but I tried to stay focused let me guess the necklace made her a zombie we think that's the case said Ali tell him what happened next Martin Martin cleared his throat well I thought the whole matter was nonsense curse necklace I'm a man of science not superstition or I was when I started the embalming process that's when I began to think twice what came out of the body was not any kind of blood but I have ever seen in my 25 years of experience it was I finished up for him neon blue just so said Martin and that's when I called chuckling ski you never encountered anything like that before either and in fact didn't believe me he wanted to see for himself so he came over I showed him the body like me he was both fascinated and baffled he wanted to spend some time with the body so I'd love to get a sandwiches when I got back chuck was standing in the morgue dripping with blue slime and the body was gone what happened I asked it it exploded he said the body just exploded uh I have to go home and clean up but I'll be right back I've never seen anything like this he left and it was the last I saw of him until Martin trailed off and broke down into sobs we caught up with Martin shortly after said Ali we had heard about the case of the necklace Guerlain but it smelled strongly of zombie barn told us what had happened and brought us to mr. lim skiis house now here we are in your living room what about the necklace I asked fighting back the thousands of thoughts fighting for control of my mind where did it come from how does it turn you into a zombie that's one of the things we're going to find out said Ali we have it with us and are going to run it through a variety of tests typically the virus is spread in the usual ways like somebody coughing on you or exploding on you the necklace is a new development we are seeing a lot of new developments we've been dealing with the basic zombie virus for some time now and containing it well but now now things have changed our ultimate goal is to find a vaccine for the new super strains but first we need to fully understand what we're up against I looked over to the couch across the room where Keegan was sitting on Vanessa's lap still watching fig the Fox Vanessa was listening intently to our hush talk and I could see the terror edged into her face I'm sure it was etched into mine as well it's not safe for you here anymore said Allie the people I work with used to work with yes they are concerned about the zombies but they are just as concerned with people finding out about the zombies they are ruthless and will be here within a day or so besides we need a new ride since Kelly wrecked our car she's never allowed to drive again I happen to notice that you have a nice roomy SUV out there that couldn't fit us all and it will well rest up for a few hours then we'll torch mr. limb skis property then we hit the road it's up to you come with us or stay behind for them to find you alright I said let me talk it over with my wife we're on the road now Ali's driving I'm obviously not going to say where we're going I just wanted to let everyone know that the zombie apocalypse is coming if we don't get there in time [Music] you you thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed today's video I'm gonna give a huge thanks to all of my supporters over at patreon and youtube memberships your support makes these narrations possible and I appreciate it a ton if you'd like to join these lovely ghouls you can head on over to my patreon at patreon.com slash clancy pasta or click the join button below to become a member and if you'd like creepy cool shirts make sure to head on over and check out my official merch store for some awesome t's hoodies stickers and more alright thank you all for watching and I hope you have a great night Cheers [Music]
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 67,537
Rating: 4.8409872 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, creepypastas
Id: Q6f3bjZ3Hmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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