"Something Else Entirely" | Creepypasta

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klancy pasta presents something else entirely ridden by Sammy Scott the conference would take me away from home for only two days but amy was still nervous about it this was the first time since the night of our wedding that she would be sleeping alone and the house was still new enough to us to carry that slight unsettling air of unfamiliarity it didn't help that the move had taken a city girl out of the city leaving Amy to long for the comforting sounds of traffic and the chatter of nearby neighbors we had traded those familiar surroundings for a rancher in the middle of the woods its front yard spotted with looming pines and bisected by a narrow dirt driveway nearly half a mile long that ended in a winding gravel road yet another mile or so away from our closest neighbors whom we had yet to meet it's only two nights babe I reminded her as I straighten my tie in the mirror she stood behind me apprehensively intentionally or not blocking my exit from the bathroom she was trying to guilt me into staying even though she knew I had no choice and I smiled at the side of her pouty lower lip that lip had worked its magic on me more than once in the past I know she said I turned around and gave her a peck on the lips she pulled me close kissing me more deeply forcing me to be the one to break our embrace you said you were looking forward to some time to yourself to decorate I reminded her that's what I said she responded and if it gets too quiet you can race the roof with some Miley Cyrus and I won't be here to complain she rolled her eyes smiled but just barely and retreated just far enough for me to squeeze through the bathroom door she shadowed me to the kitchen where I reached down to pick up my briefcase Cybil our long haired white cat rubbed her cheek against the back of my hand and I gave her an absent-minded scratch behind the ears plus you've got Sybil to keep you company our vicious attack cat I stood briefcase in hand Amy still dressed in a white terry cloth robe she had donned after her morning shower scooped up the cat held her close to her chest I could hear Sybil purring loudly and I scratched her again the feline gazed in me lazily with shining green eyes you have the phone number at the hotel yes Amy said call me anytime okay and I'll call you when the plane lands call me when you get to the airport she insisted I stepped forward and kissed her again a cat between us and I could feel Sybil's motor vibrating against my chest I stepped through the door connecting the kitchen to the garage bye babe I said over my shoulder as I tapped the button to raise the garage door the room was filled with the sound of the door ascending the morning sunshine sliced into the room light bouncing off the surface of my car as I reached for the door handle I caught sight of something just outside crouched in the driveway it was a little more than a silhouette in the blinding light of the low Sun but baths I could tell it was a rather large ratner perhaps a possum its backend was raised head low its fur raised and gleaming black spikes I didn't have much time to study the animal because Amy suddenly let out a loud gasp that startled me and the next thing I saw was Sybil sailing through the air beside me as she left from Amy's arms the cat made silent contact with the concrete floor of the garage was out the door before I could even react the other animal the rat or the possum er whatever it was darted away and Sybil disappeared after it no Amy cried out and the two of us walked quickly together to the door of the garage it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the sunlight rustling of leaves and branches betrayed where the animals had disappeared into the woods on the north side of the yard we stood and stared Sybil Amy cried out small panic in her voice and I stifled a chuckle never at the cat responded to the sound of her name nor did we often use it we were more likely to call her kitty or sibs or fuzzy but or in my case idiot and we were to ever call her Sybil Amy looked at me pleadingly she'll come back I said don't worry it might as well have asked Amy not to breathe what if she doesn't she asked cats always do I said making my way back into the garage and towards the car Eric she called after me I looked at my watch I have to go babe I'll miss my flight I gave her another quick peck on the lips which were dry and pressed tightly together she looked defeated I cursed the cat's terrible timing I reluctantly got into the car started the engine and rolled down the driver's side window Amy leaned over to look inside her arms crossed she'll come back I said again love you you're my sunshine I began backing the car out of the garage my only sunshine she responded quietly and stepped back from the car an hour later at the airport I called Amy hey she said I'm at the airport got about 20 minutes until departure and everything's on time good she responded her tone was soft any sign of the idiot I asked no she said she'll come back so you said she responded babe it'll be fine I said adopting a lighter tone just try to distract yourself for a while have you stand around fretting about it she'll never return just dive into something and the next thing you know she'll be at the front door she sighed again you're probably right I know I'm right okay she said call me when you land we'll do love you you are my sunshine but I didn't call Amy when the plane landed I was met at the gate by an engineer from the job site instead of continuing on to the hotel as planned I was whisked away to an impromptu meeting with several higher-ups and in the ensuing bustle and stress I completely forgot about Amy it wasn't until several hours later that I finally opened the door to my hotel room I threw the briefcase down on the bed and collapsed face down beside it the bedspread smelled musty my skin felt greasy and I couldn't wait to lose my tie but first I rolled over only my phone out of my pocket expecting several missed calls but there were only two hey it's me Amy said in the first one I think you forgot to call me when you landed so call me when you get this your tone was light and surprisingly upbeat me again began the second message just let me know you're okay okay she chuckled a bit sibs isn't back yet but I have an idea I dialed Amy's cell and sat up on the bed a stranger she answered sorry babe I said loosening my tie with my free hand Dan Stevens met me at the airport and took me right to the job site I literally haven't had a free moment until right now that's what I figured she said it's okay everything going all right you must be exhausted I am I responded realizing that I was typically a night owl tonight all I wanted to do was take a scalding shower and fall asleep I think I'll call it an early night still no sign of the cat no but I have an idea she said and by her tone I could tell she was smiling yeah what's that I asked I raised the garage door just a bit like maybe eight inches and I put a plate of tuna inside that rabbit trap we found it took me a minute to picture what amy was saying and then I remembered that among the random junk we inherited when we bought the rancher was a rabbit trap a small rectangular cage that would snap shut when the center mechanism was triggered it was actually a good idea sibs would come in go for the tuna and be stuck in the cage until morning you know how to set the trap I asked yes I know how to set the trap she said in an exaggerated tone I'm not that helpless no you're not that helpless I yawns loudly go to bed she insisted wake up tomorrow be brilliant we'll do love you babe you are my sunshine my only sunshine she responded our call ended I woke up the next morning sprawled across the bed my skin cold from sleeping alone I stretched my feet poking out from under the covers a sliver of light was shining from between the curtains stabbing me in the eyes i sat up and looked at the bedside clock it was 723 a.m. I had plenty of time to grab breakfast in a shower before I needed to report to the job site picking up my phone I saw that I had a text or may me call me when you wake up it said I called she answered immediately hey babe I said hey she answered her voice was hushed you okay I asked did sibs come back ami hesitated she did she said softly okay I responded what's wrong is she hurt no she's Amy began but she didn't finish what is it I asked I heard a noise from the other end of the phone and recognized it as the sound of a knob being turned and a door being opened I heard Amy's feet as they scuffled across concrete I knew she was in the garage the next sound I heard was hard to distinguish at first but grew louder as Amy got closer to it it was a low meowing sound mournful and slow is that sips I asked yes I've never heard her make that sound before me neither where is she she's still in the cage still in the cage is she injured I asked again I can't tell Amy said there was a long pause and then she said Eric I think something's wrong what I asked just she hesitated again well look a second later my phone chime dwith a new message I opened it up and the screen filled with an image there was the cage situated in the middle of our garage where my car was normally parked Sybil was lying in the middle of it looking directly at the camera she seemed calm but her wide eyes looked more yellow than green something I'd chalked up to a trick of the light and her mouth was hanging slightly open she almost looked surprised her coat was as wide as always if a little disheveled I saw no signs of injury Amy I asked what is it she looks fine something's not right Amy said I don't know something's not right [Music] my morning was filled with meetings during one of which I was scheduled to present it took a conscious effort to shake Amy and that stupid cat out of my mind I'd reassured her that I would check in with her again as soon as possible but it might be lunchtime or later before the opportunity would allow to my relief it only took me a couple of minutes into my presentation to hit my stride when it was over I was awarded with several handshakes and Pat's on the back that momentarily made me forget about any drama at home shortly after noon I was walking down a hallway to the men's room relieved to be free of the conference room for the first time all morning and pulled my phone from my pocket and was greeted with several text messages from Amy each one contained a picture of Sybil the cow was no longer in the cage but inside the house Cybil on a kitchen chair Sybil in the living room window Sybil on our bed Sybil on the floor there was nothing at all particularly noteworthy about any of these images and I felt myself beginning to get frustrated with Amy but with each picture I swiped past I felt myself growing increasingly uneasy in every shot Sybil was sittin bull' upright looking directly at the camera rise wide and yellow her mouth ever so slightly open the pictures made me uncomfortable in a way that I couldn't rationalize I called Amy did you see the pictures she asked her voice hushed yes I answered she looks okay to me it wasn't a complete lie what do you think is wrong Eric she whispered I don't think that simple don't be silly I said of course it is no her fur is too coarse I didn't really want to touch her but I did she feels different maybe she's just dirty I offered she did just spend the night in the woods her meow sounds weird you heard it she sounds off I paused thinking I don't know babe do you want to take her to the vet she released a sigh of frustration no because it's not her Amy I chided it's not she insisted and allowed whisper it's like someone's bad idea of her I was beginning to get irritated I don't know what to tell you they said she looks fine to me she doesn't look fine to me she responded her voice hushed why are you whispering I asked I can barely hear you because she's listening to me Amy said she follows me everywhere and stares meetings resumed after lunch I was seated at the head of a large table men and woman in suits on all sides my presentation over my only real duty for the afternoon was to sit and listen or at least pretend to my thoughts wandered to home and I found myself concerned for Amy even though deep down I convinced myself that she was overreacting at the very least I felt uneasy knowing she was concerned about her cat it was having to deal with the situation by herself it occurred to me that we hadn't even found a new vet for Sybil since we had moved to the new house when my work day was over I made excuses to get out of having a late dinner with my co-workers feigning a headache and promising to see them all again early the next morning I received a few more Pat's in the back and even an awkward high-five or two and I did my best to force a smile and return I waited until the solitude of my hotel room before looking at my phone again a tight feeling in my chest as I did so there was a single voice mail from Amy waiting for me Eric she said and her voice was shaky I couldn't tell if she was crying or scared or both before she said another word I heard a sound in the background a low mournful meowing the distance do you hear that she asked she paused and the sound grew louder the sound was terrible mournful and foreboding my back and arms broke out in goosebumps as I listened she's outside Amy continued and she sounded apologetic I couldn't take it anymore the staring I pushed her out of the door with a broom that was two hours ago she hasn't stopped making that sound Amy's voice hitched and once again I heard Sybil's cry unpleasant and low amazingly loud for it to be emanating from outside I called Amy cell she answered with a whisper saying my name I could hear Sybil's low moans continuing in the background Eames I said where are you I'm in the bedroom she said is the cat still outside yes she answered Eric I don't know what to do she's been making the sound for hours and she's still following me around what do you mean I asked I was washing dishes at the kitchen sink and she was right outside the window looking at me and I saw her outside the living room window when I went in there every room I go to she's just outside the window sitting in the grass and looking at me and making that sound Amy began to cry do you want me to come home I asked I was surprised when she responded with a weak chuckle it's so ridiculous Eric she said it's just a stupid cat she sniffled know it's stupid I can't ask you to come home I wish I was there I said me too I'll be home tomorrow evening and we'll figure this out okay okay [Music] she said put in some earplugs and try to sleep I love you you are my sunshine my only sunshine she responded stifling a cry as I pulled the phone away from my ear to end the call last sound I heard was simple moaning I was awakened by a chiming sound that roused me from a deep sleep the hotel room was so dark and quiet but at first I had no idea where I was my waking mind eventually recognized the sound as an incoming message on my cell phone i sat up quickly and grabbed my phone my heart beating rapidly in my chest my mind fighting through a thick fog of sleep the message from Amy was a single picture it was blurry and almost completely white a photo taken with a bright flash in a completely dark room it took me a moment to recognize what I was seeing Amy had taken the picture while sitting up in bed I could see the wall of the bedroom beyond the foot of the bed Amy's vanity and one of our wedding pictures on the far wall all of it bathed in shadow the wide blur in the foreground was mostly comprised of our bedspread covering Amy's legs and on her lap sat Sybil her disheveled ferb lining Lea wide rise wide and fixed hard on Amy I turned on the light beside the bed and called Amy cell it ranked three times then went to voicemail I hung up and tried again Amy they said surprised to find myself out of breath Amy call me I paced the floor I sat on the bed I looked again at the picture Amy had sent me I grabbed my suitcase from the closet and began to throwing clothes into it I tried Amy cell again I closed the suitcase and sat down next to it this is ridiculous as said out loud and fell back on the bed I stared at the white ceiling at a fine crack that made its way from a corner of the room to his spawn which ended with a water stain right above my head for several minutes my mind and my heart raced and yet somehow at some point my eyes drifted shut and I fell to sleep the gray haired man in the blue suit standing at the far end of the room might as well have been speaking Japanese or all I was comprehending my mind was far off at home with Amy not at this blasted meeting surrounded by men in suits talking circles around the same discussion points that had been raised countless times in yesterday's sessions annotated up on the table march across the room and throttle him I was allowing my uneasiness to give way to anger finding some temporary relief and channeling my anxiety at something other than the weirdness happening at home a dad of course attempted to calling me again before I had left the hotel and once more had gotten nothing but voicemail my schedule for the day was a single three-hour meeting followed by a quick drive to the airport and a flight home I considered lying my way out of the meeting and getting an earlier flight but I let better sense persuade me I reminded myself that I and my wife were getting worked up by the odd behavior of a stupid cat now I imagined throttling Sybil throwing our like a bean bag against any available hard surface and I bend my lip my phone shined in my lap and I jumped a few of my co-workers seated nearby cast sidelong glances of disapproval I picked up the phone keeping it hidden under the table and clicked on a new text remain me the image was a blur I stared it at hard but could make out nothing it was white and red and brown and shapeless i furrowed my brow another text another image Amy's foot out of focus the toenails painted red a third image indecipherable a fourth image nothing but a blur of white a fifth image this one clearer than the rest Amy's face reflected in the mirror of her vanity a fresh scratch on her cheek she wasn't looking at her reflection her eyes were off to the side and cast downward the look on her face or Lauren excuse me I said as I stood up from the table and exited the conference room in the hallway I called Amy cell it rang once and then stopped Amy I said [Music] silence no not silence breathing Amy I asked again Rick she said and my skin broke out in goosebumps she sounded odd almost like she was drunk are you okay she took a deep breath come home come home I asked I thought for a moment okay I'm coming home [Music] Eric she said again they killed Sybil okay baby it's okay I'll be there as soon as I can [Music] come home she said the drive to the airport the wait in line the flight a drive home all seemed interminable the sky was black when I finally made the turn into our driveway the house itself was completely dark no light emanating from any of the windows no exterior floods illuminated I raised the garage door but stopped short of pulling the car in when I caught sight of the rabbit trap still sitting in the middle of the garage floor I killed the engine and exited the car as I walked past the trap I saw a white paper plate resting in the middle of it it was licked clean I opened the door to the kitchen and stepped inside all was dark and silent I flipped on the light Amy I called out I threw my car keys on the table they clashed noisily and the still quiet of the house Amy I yelled again I went to the living room and turned on the light she wasn't there I made my way from room to room turning on lights in each one calling out her name but Amy was nowhere to be found and the house was unsettlingly silent back in the kitchen my mind raced I should try calling her again I reach into my pocket for my phone but then I realized I didn't have it I'd left it in the car I retrieved the phone from the car and shut the door standing there in the driveway I noted how eerily quiet the surrounding woods were no chirping crickets no croaking toads I looked through the darkness to the edge of the woods at the north side of the driveway the small open space were symbol it pursued whatever strange animal had wandered into our driveway two days ago I imagined that I heard a branch snap I decided not to linger Irie entered the house through the kitchen door and locked it behind me back inside I tried calling Amy cell no answer I threw my phone down on the bed and ran my fingers through my hair I was wondering if I should call the police when I was suddenly startled by a sound from outside I couldn't tell what it was but the word that immediately entered my mind was wailing low slow and mournful wailing it was loud but distant I try to convince myself that the voice wasn't familiar to me I looked out the bedroom window but could see nothing but darkness the Vegas hint of the tree line behind our house I fell back on the bed grabbed one of my pillows and put it over my head hoping to muffle the sound my heart was pounding some time later who knows how much time later in the darkness of the bedroom and the stillness of the night and without realizing it was happening I fell asleep the sound outside like a distant horrible lullaby [Music] the next morning as sunlight penetrated the window shades washing the bedroom and a dim yellow light I was awakened by a me pressing weight of her as she gently straddled my legs for a moment I experienced the pleasant sensation of relief than one has when a particularly terrible nightmare gives way to the waking reality of morning I grinned stretched and opened my eyes meeting Ami's wide-eyed stare she looked down on me only it wasn't a me her mouth hung open on one side a string of drool dangling from her lip when I was larger than the other and had drifted slightly to one side her hair was disheveled and she smelled of Earth no this wasn't a me this was someone's bad idea of a me she smiled at me a crooked hideous expression my only sunshine thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed today's video I'm gonna give a huge thanks to all of my supporters over at patreon and youtube memberships your support makes these narrations possible and I appreciate it a ton if you'd like to join these lovely ghouls you can head on over to my patreon at patreon.com slash clancy pasta or click the join button below to become a member and if you'd like creepy cool shirts make sure to head on over and check out my official merch store some awesome tees hoodies stickers and more alright thank you all for watching and I hope you have a great night Cheers [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 52,056
Rating: 4.8578682 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, creepypastas
Id: -gaV_mkddUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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