"My mother made me have Sex with Older men as a Kid"

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a shut up transaction from a FDNY worker um a sergeant yeah how much he paid a couple transactions 15 000 a piece what and my mom orchestrated it we have pictures yeah she got him on the setup she was like that because he kept on coming for the youngest one and he was like really want some no phones no pictures no he was imma lose my job I'm gonna use my retirement my pension and my mom set it up and recorded that [ __ ] one time and had her blackmail in her did he ever get caught no because he kept paying what's good my name is Chris Styles it's trapped Anonymous welcome back we are back thank you everybody for supporting us keeping the movement moving definitely appreciate that please follow me on that Instagram at Chris Styles at trapping Anonymous follow at breakbee media shout out to the team the network the family uh we appreciate it um the episode that we have for you today I think this is gonna get a little deep um but we're going to talk about the pimp game actually um I have a Madam here with me or X Madden well that's up for interpretation because you have to remember that the stories that you're here do not reflect real life they're here to educate entertain and possibly keep your homie off the streets this is Chris Styles my name is trapping anonymous let's get it how are you I'm fine how are you I jump right into my interviews let's do it what was the first time you had sex for money I want to say maybe 12 going into 13 years so how did that happen um so that kind of stemmed from the relationship with my mother and her viewpoints on me dating period so she was strictly you ain't [ __ ] with no [ __ ] if he ain't giving you something and that meant I couldn't have no little boyfriends coming to the house or none of that everything was solely what was he giving you what was you gaining off the situation from when I was a young girl so I never really had no you know to sort of use what you got to get what you want basically um how does a 12 or 13 year old I couldn't even imagine that kids were having sex at the age so how does a 12 or 13 year old sort of get into uh prostitution so young um oh wow so I had a situation when I was younger and um I lost my virginity being gang raped in the building and so with that experience sex was something that was trauma it was something that was forced there was something that um at one time my first time it was done with multiple men and that kind of made it a little bit easier to break into using them for something instead of being victimized about him how are we I was 10. I mean you bleeding yeah and these guys are just going yeah I I don't know I just it breaks my heart to hear you know things like that you know that they go on every day yeah and instead of using it as something just sort of like you said victimize yourself and right you use it as sort of a strength to make sure that if this was something you're going to be doing get something out of it and then I mean like when I went home it wasn't something I was easily dealt with I was kind of like victim blamed by my mother too so like you know I got the well what the [ __ ] were you doing over there in that neighborhood and how did you even get around those guys more so you know than the console and like what happened to you and how'd you get in that situation in a mothering way was you well you put yourself there it happened and watch what you're doing next time you're out there in the [ __ ] Street how many gods is it I'm be real I lost count after like 12. so it had to be over 15 man they sort of just like set you up set you up Lord yeah kind of it was like a lower Rings yeah I was chilling with one of my homegirls in the park and she flat left me because she went to go chill with some [ __ ] and she lived I want to say in a six block radius from my neighborhood from the park where we were chilling out and um while we were walking to the park from her house earlier that day there were you know gentlemen outside smoking chilling he's a regular men from her neighborhood I've always seen them going and come in and I decided to double back because I knew I would have got my ass whooped for going home without her because that was who we left home together we go home together and she had left me and my mother was very abusive she's a form of coke had and so you know her coming off of drugs me being very young I knew I had to follow the rules and one of those was yeah you left home with her you come home with her and being flat left I was really scared I was going to get my ass whooped um I spun the block and those guys were still standing there in front of the store and one of the gentlemen approached me and told me that my homegirl went in the building I did throw it out there that I was looking for my friend that I left earlier with and um he offered to walk with me and I don't want to repeat names or anything like that um a guy shouted to his friend and said we're all going to take her you know it's kind of late I thought I was being protected I thought that somebody was you know looking out for me because it was a late you know and yeah and I got to the building and the guy that initially told me that he was going to walk with me punch me in my face and the rest of them just walked over started kicking me stomping me out um after the first guy punched me in my face I remember my cheek got so swollen that it went over my eyebrow and so I couldn't see at all in my left eye like it was completely shut and I started trying to scream you know they covered up my mouth they were stomping me out and stuff and I was just trying to get somebody to come out of um out of their apartment and um I didn't nobody was really trying to come out of the apartment I guess nobody wanted to know what was going on and um they managed to rip down my pants and nobody wore a condom or anything like that and they continue beating me I got sodomized then um raped and I played dead so they would stop and um [Music] they left you there to die yeah and um I thought I was going to at one point and um a Spanish woman came out of her home and when she opened her door I heard her call for someone I believe it I don't know if it was her son or her husband and she told him to call the police it's the girl in the hallway and um Everybody pretty much like took off running and I know that she dealt with the Saints because she had a saint Guadalupe the one that I wear now and um yeah and she called the police for me um and I remember trying to stay awake and like until I seen like the police get there at least but I felt safe with her like I just felt really comfortable enough to at least close my eyes because my body just ran out of the adrenaline that I was on whatever that the [ __ ] was keeping me going and um once the police came and I heard them busting the building I knew it was okay to close my eyes and I didn't have any knowledge of all the blood and everything that was around because one of my eyes was already shut from being punched in the face and um the other one I just I couldn't keep myself to open my eyes and he won't go but um they thought that they had killed me in the building and they waited for EMS to come I had a pulse and um they shipped me to the hospital which one I do not remember and from there I know a piece of me died I was never the same person and you wear that yeah I had different say guadalupees I love it I keep them on my rings I wear them on chains I love her wow there's a there's a purpose for you you know like there's there's something bigger there's more you know you know God's not done he's not finished and you know I just know your impact has already been great even when we talked about your book and things that you're working on so this have you ever saw these guys again so um I had to actually walk past them for years because I um the neighborhood I lived in um I was more scared to snitch than anything and even though I could have lost my life um they left it up to my mother to press charges they still said that I had to take the stand and I actually ended up running away from home so I didn't have to and because I didn't I was forced to walk back and forth past these men up until I was about 14 and ended up in a group home and the most [ __ ] ironic thing happened where um the main guy who said he was going to help me when he ended up you know punching me in my face and initiating everything I was roommates with his sister in a group home and never [ __ ] knew that was his sister and so um my you know I was kind of like I rate with my behavior I ran away I started doing drugs and you know being hypersexual and stuff and I was placed in a group home Upstate and I was I really wasn't talkative and my roommate she got me to open up by telling me about the block and we lived around the same hood and I just couldn't understand why we never came in fact like cross paths with each other nothing and um she was like yeah you know I started wilding out when this girl lied on me and got my brother locked up for rape but you know he came back home and I'm like yeah really what happened was the girl's name like trying to like figure out what's what and she was like yeah you know my brother's name is and my heart sink down into my [ __ ] [ __ ] because I didn't got so close with this girl and built such a big ass bond with her and her whole life she [ __ ] hated me before she even met me because she blamed me for the downfall of her brother and she never even know he really raped me and I couldn't even stomach to tell her because we were so close friends that um dear brother it's a rapist and he punched me in my face and raped me and so I kind of fell back and lost a friend that day and ran away from the group home so yeah oh wow that is just I think about like life like and how much like people have to like undergo and you know they say God gives you strongest battles to his toughest soldiers and you know things like that how are you able to look at life and not feel like you know I just got the short end of the stick you know how are you able to persevere you know even when I spoke to you you was full of smiles he was laughing you was joking when you were not when even when you walked in I feel like you live the room yo y'all hungry yo y'all need anything I'm supposed to be taking care of you giving you the hospitality and your heart's so big I'm just like damn like and then they hear your story it's like there's people with a hundred times better upbringing would not an ounce of the decency that you have or just the the kind-heartedness that you have so how do you find that how do you how are you able to tap into such a pure uh and and happy place you know I'm sure that can help other people when they think their life is bad you know they're going to hear your story they gonna be like if she could persevere this way you know what I mean and there's a lot of good things coming your way you know we spoke off camera and you know God is real you know God is real and it it takes you to really go through it to to see the face of of God but when he reveals himself to you you know you cannot see it so what what how do you do it so um I walked down a few different paths in life and I've held a few different demeanors along the way I've been the overly arrogant I've been to over the you know nice [ __ ] I've been the I've been every type of [ __ ] you could have them and what I realized is that the best pitch to be is the straight [ __ ] walk a straight path don't disrespect anybody and you won't forget just put out the energy you want to receive even if you're not seeking what you're trying to put out in the moment don't let [ __ ] get you the [ __ ] down because there's something better coming yeah and if you walk around with that um I got a problem everything's getting neat down and it's going to be harder to get over that [ __ ] it's gonna get harder to get through with her it's gonna yeah that [ __ ] is going to help put you down like it's just like I don't know it's like somebody putting the hex on you you helping the hex go even stronger by feeding into the negative energy and just feeding it overcoming you if you gotta fight that [ __ ] with positivity with a higher vibration and just know that God got you that's a higher power like if it didn't kill you it's going to definitely make you stronger and as long as you woke the [ __ ] up you blessed that's wisdom that's wisdom that's some things that some people never reach that point where they can understand and speak from that perspective sometimes people just go their whole life you know what was me and you know yeah what is you you know what what happens next so this happened to you know you just happened to things that happen to me things that happen to anybody anybody in the street what life tells us is that yes it happened you know but now what what are we going to become next who are we going to become next how are we going to persevere and you know I think you're just a true Testament just that Warrior mentality and just graciousness just you know I can't imagine you know having to live you know and I thought about suicide don't get me [ __ ] up like at all but then I've also watched what suicide does the families like I've had a close friend who committed suicide I'm not even gonna go out front I'm gonna just be real my sister Ashley committed suicide and that's how I started my company she was a nine I'm an 11. and that's its own story and it was times where I wanted to straight out myself and I feel like you know damn [ __ ] you beat me to it like you always beat me to something he even beat me to that [ __ ] and I watched how that break my mother down she still never mentally came back from it and then I'm like damn I got children if I go what the [ __ ] is really gonna happen I'm alive and that happened how did uh Shaquille and so if you don't mind she jumped from her um her friend's balcony on 59th and Columbus Circle yeah and they shouldn't even know did you get to speak to her you know was there any sort of sort of Solace or that you got or did you just have to I think that was the humble is [ __ ] for me while I became who I am to be real because no and we stopped speaking over petty [ __ ] like literally a year before she kills herself please stop talking because of the juice I decided to get my daughter one time she didn't feel like it was healthy enough and something so petty like Jews was the last time that I ever spoke to my sister so that she'd come and [ __ ] me up yo you don't even know like he doing God's work right now you know some people I got to reach out to you know I would suggest you do that because you never know when the [ __ ] anybody or what they going through and the way I broke on her over Jews she felt like damn I can't reach out to you about what the [ __ ] I'm dealing with because I'm all like damn you part-time Auntie he only comes around on [ __ ] holidays his Christmas she bashing me over Jews that was the last time I seen my sister to take a step back I've I've I'm trying to you know keep this interview going it's very difficult I didn't realize you know we didn't really have an in-depth conversation before yeah I just told you some [ __ ] you're just like I was like okay yeah it sounds cool you know what I mean and um but even for you to become a madam I could only imagine of the things that you had to endure to be able to to other women yeah so that first time 12 you receive 12 13 you receive money do you have a pimp at this time are you sort of working for yourself I was kind of working for myself and it was so embarrassing I was like I was [ __ ] for barely nothing I was just [ __ ] to say that I got something off the tube yeah and um it would probably be like maybe twenty thirty dollars from the car um maybe take me to go get my eyebrows waxed or some something very cheap that I was like oh at least I got something and then I feel like damn you know go tell my mom and brag and post and she hit me with the [ __ ] okay make that [ __ ] now make that [ __ ] take you shopping I'm like damn it I just got my [ __ ] eyebrows done [ __ ] I gotta step it up like what do I gotta do to get that type of [ __ ] like 13 yes your mother's saying this yeah and then what how does this progress how does it does it progress does it regress yeah it did she started introducing me to some of her older male friends and they were willing to give me money money and see at that age I wasn't thinking okay that's a pedophile you know I'm being pimped out to a grown ass man I want to [ __ ] on a little ass girl for some money at that age I'm like oh he's grown he liked me he sees something in me he gonna give me something that's the [ __ ] my mother was talking about he got big money he got something for me I can go shopping with that oh he drive he a big boy he got a Carver that's the [ __ ] my mother was talking about now I'm getting it yeah so that's how it started at what point did you realize maybe the money ain't worth it I got caught up in a situation trying to um stare in my own like way um I pretty much got tired of my mother Mary and things and you know bringing guys and oh talk to him and he got this and I wanted to try my own thing and um I went to Brooklyn and I met up with a pimp and I I met him online actually and he was about what he said he was about and he started schooling me on some real [ __ ] like you know walking the blade they call it yeah and you know showing me the back ropes and basically telling me what money really looked like how you know you really make money how you really make a [ __ ] spend how anybody could be a trick is not what your mother showed you it's how you talk to a [ __ ] it's who you you know like he's sort of the Iceberg Slim again you know when I read that book I I just learned so much about sort of you know the game the pimp game um to backtrack just a little bit before we get into that phase of your life what was sort of the the motion would get at this 13 14 15 age like what was sort of the gifts that when the grown man started spinning as far as cash was concerned I'll probably get maybe like two or three hundred but I never knew what my mother was pocketing because she was doing the arrangements and um I know my mother she was making her cut up off the top so if she was willing to throw me a little to 300 she got [ __ ] paid because these men was grown grown I mean 30 40 years old some of them in their 50s and how often would this happen every weekend every weekend yeah for how long up until I was about maybe 15 or 16. yeah and these men probably wives at home kids coming to your house no they would sometimes be set up like hotels or like car dates and [ __ ] like that like Arrangements where they wouldn't really be too much around the crib unless these were real close friends of my mother like that already knew where we lived before I started you know dealing with her like that 15 or any age before that what was sort of like your worst experience dealing with those older men if you could remember um men being too big being too rough not caring that I'm a little ass girl and I really don't got too much sexual experience having too many high expectations of me as a child to perform on them um yeah yeah I could I could imagine how you know it's just a child yeah you're just a child at 15 what happens with you you meet this guy he puts you on the game and you're like okay it's time to get this [ __ ] on my own yeah so I wonder if you go around with him on the blade and my first experience this [ __ ] is so crazy for people that don't know oh so the blade is pretty much like the whole stroll and it's like you know um I don't know who's familiar with like Hunts Point like the back areas of Hunts Point and stuff like that and it's pretty much like any real Trucking area or any real like it everywhere there's a lot of car traffic and [ __ ] like that like maybe Pickens or something yeah yeah that's definitely a blade um it strips like that it considered Blaze because people usually park up over there or whatever they're looking for some entertainment or whatever like it's it like any high truck activity areas I would say you know um any like deserted areas those are blades but um so I worked the blade and my first time going out there um I knew that there was a girl that he had in the stable in the stable for those who don't know or the girls that you live amongst I guess you want to say your sister wise that you got to get along but you go and get your money with them um she was supposed to be schooling me and when we hit the blade every car that was every car that stops like was trying to stop for me she would intercept and take the date and so I'm thinking because this is my first time on the blade yo this [ __ ] got my back like she just holding me down she she making sure I ain't gotta [ __ ] nothing my [ __ ] is good I [ __ ] with her she set me up to get [ __ ] up like I ain't have no money at the end of that like she was basically cutting my throat and taking all of my dates or whatever like I would have been making [ __ ] money but she was making sure I ain't make [ __ ] so when we got in the car and he said for us [ __ ] to break ourselves I'm looking like I got nothing to get this [ __ ] and he back here in the [ __ ] out of me until I saw stars and lights and I was like wow he said he told y'all [ __ ] to do it it's a break also I was like empty our pockets will be made for the night and I have nothing to give him because she took all of my days every time a car stopped 8 15. yeah he backhands you yeah real hard and then she laughing too I'm like that [ __ ] ain't funny because [ __ ] you took all the dates and if you ain't do that then I would have had something together and from that day on you wouldn't allow Ed no [ __ ] to cut my throat yeah I was on it I'm at the cause I'm doing what I got to do and that lasted for about I'm gonna say three or four months and I got tired of [ __ ] like that and giving this man with my money and this [ __ ] is to be going to all of us and I'm like if I take all of my [ __ ] from all the stuff that I'm doing and do it on my own I'ma be straight [ __ ] you and these [ __ ] and you live at a house that he has set up for okay and so he's giving you all of this game and unfortunately it came at the price of all of your earnings yeah but you've learned some ways to work the blade basically I mean not even work the blade because after that experience I pretty much was done with the blade yeah I took what he gave me as far as knowledge and not like you know implemented that in just Dayton to get what I wanted from men so now it's like I don't want to be outside [ __ ] these [ __ ] how can I get in their head inside the house and not you know be outside doing it and so learning I guess the proper way is manipulation we're just going to call it like how it is so he taught me how to basically manipulate a [ __ ] the right way and how anybody could be a trick you can make them your man in your trip at the same time so from now from 15 to I know a certain age this is what you're doing this is your hustle this is a new hustle now I'm dating pedophiles I'm going for the old [ __ ] that want young [ __ ] that's going to give you what the [ __ ] you want to be quiet because now I know I'm young I'm fresh me you want to [ __ ] on me and you gonna give me what I want because you don't want me to tell nobody because I'm a [ __ ] Miner and it's going I'm I'm living now now it's over where you living at now I'm in the city I'm a brown yeah okay so you're getting you're getting money though and now things are sort of taking a string I'm sure you're away from your mom now um you know you got your own sort of set up you're not in school no and that's what was my [ __ ] problem that ended up getting me shifted away to Boston but before my long I ended up doing Boston dirty but that's another story because I ended up doing a pedophile staff another thing but um because you know everywhere they send you in group homes and [ __ ] like that all of those places is you know breeding grounds for [ __ ] that want to pray on kids yeah I said all you parents at home if you you know watching us I suggest y'all find alternative ways to parent y'all children when they're going through things and stuff like that because little do you know you sending your kids amongst nothing but [ __ ] pedophiles all those Juvenile Detention places group homes [ __ ] mental institutions they all want to [ __ ] on your children they all sexualize your children surgery they all offered on things in exchange for sexual favors like snacks and food like when you're not coming up there visiting them so yeah be careful with that [ __ ] I can imagine that could that's that's the case as well because they know you don't really have any bodies yeah they know you don't have no fear yeah no friends you're here because everyone else is sort of left you hanging so let me present myself in the image of a savior and are you willing to do anything for that person wow especially when you're real weak wow wow um okay so you went to Boston and yeah oh prior to going to Boston and I just you know um I turned it up I started [ __ ] with the neighborhood pedophiles but my only issue was I didn't go to school I didn't have nobody go and enroll me in so now I'm a I'm an underage person I went missing for all this time and then by the time my mother catch up to me Sean want to hold down the fact that she don't give a [ __ ] so she got to play that oh that [ __ ] ran away move for me and so the city get involved or your daughter been out of school for all this time she got to go away but she's able to stay so she shipped me off to a school in Boston and you still uh out there doing the same thing oh yeah they got worse because now you got different class of pedophiles you got people that want to mass manipulate you you you they dragging you up they got you you you're classified as you got behavioral issues and nothing you say is the truth if you're a problem child you're a runaway you're institutional like it's those are the issues so even if you wanted to complain about what the [ __ ] was going on it's your word against the state literally so how long do you are you in Boston doing until I'm 19 years old 19 what happened 19 I [ __ ] with a good pedophile that was up there can you do you hear me saying yeah I do but I mean it's the hard [ __ ] truth of what it is all right I'm sorry Dad yeah and he got me a bus ticket and I ran away and came back to New York made it back to my mom's and um she allowed me to stay because when I was over 18 she was fighting me for guardianship so she can keep on getting checks with me while I was up there didn't send me nothing so you know she was good with the whole water to stay [ __ ] exactly so you know once I made my way back to the city she wasn't really fighting me with the whole go back up there [ __ ] in New York it's a different type of ball game u18 we can't afford to go do nothing man so yeah okay so at what point do you switch and say you know what I'm going to be the pimp now I'm tired of [ __ ] one of the things in the Iceberg Slim book he said every hole or every trick has 999 [ __ ] in it and once you get to a thousand they break they ain't got no more in her you know what I mean the mileage is run up um do you can you relate to that do you do you reach that point that you were just like yeah it's time to be the pimp instead of you know while I was in that school actually um a lot of the girls that were there were the easy mode in type like how the pimp I met back in Brooklyn had in the stable so I was already concocted in my head who I was meeting up with on a home visit who I was going to have to what how everything was going to be orchestrated and I I guess powerful manifestation we got up and we got some money and now how many girls do you have in your stable four and you run them all yeah you're teaching them what was taught to you exactly and they're looking at you as the protector yeah the mother yeah the guardian exactly and my mom's as always with this [ __ ] so these [ __ ] ain't got nowhere to go we got this big ass crib Uptown they in the living room whose crib is it and she is the head honcho so now it goes back to the person who put me on was your was your mother in this game growing up I believe my grandmother just um pretty much did to her what she was doing to me with the going after older men but when I came back and implemented my knowledge and what I learned from being out in the street and being in institutions and [ __ ] like that it kind of went with what the [ __ ] she knew and we ran a better organization did it start off with y'all living in public housing um yeah it is and then now y'all are in the big house private house a private house yeah making a [ __ ] ton of money a decent amount of money it still wasn't I'm not gonna you know I'm not that Captain type or nothing like that we was we was living how long does that last honestly not long because then I mean you got to run away girls these uh Juno exactly these are young females and I'm gonna be real realistic like one thing about this game a female definitely could run it that that's been done it has been it's going to continue to get done like that that's you know Texas whorehouse they put a white woman on it when a man ain't around to dominate certain [ __ ] it goes left real [ __ ] fast you know like a man could keep a [ __ ] in Pocket easier than the female can you know like a man could [ __ ] you different to have you listening different you know he could keep you in check and tell you something like I can give you game but just because it came from me and you was a [ __ ] you're going to question me because I'm a [ __ ] now if a [ __ ] Saturn down they told you yo this [ __ ] gonna play you like you're gonna be more keen to listen to him because why are you a [ __ ] and you know how other [ __ ] act a [ __ ] gonna look at you like oh [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is you was it mandatory to [ __ ] the pimp it's not mandatory but if you want to really put your foot on a [ __ ] neck and really have her like under your wing like that yeah you better [ __ ] her you better [ __ ] her good [ __ ] good or her if she's a matter oh yeah this should sound like a [ __ ] movie God damn this is real this is going on every day because I feel like people go and they pay for prostitutes and you know they they go out and they go to these countries and they pay for more prostitutes and they just stand in third but they don't hear this part about it yeah they don't hear the upbringing they don't know but this person's been going through they don't know all they know is they need a nut they got to catch it and that's it there's so much I mean if you sat down and really talked to these people you would have a heart in my mind it's hard to overlook some of the pain that somebody has to endure so you go back to the house it doesn't last long women are catty quote unquote that and I mean like I got my own strain of [ __ ] mental illness after all of that [ __ ] that I've been through as it's pretty clear my mother has seems like a [ __ ] mental illness and so um now we're dealing with four other [ __ ] in the house that or Runaway Teen [ __ ] that got them into [ __ ] illness and I'm not equipped to be nobody's therapists at that point in my life because I haven't even started my healing Journey back then so what can I do I got no dick I have no therapy experience I gotta let them do them you 20 21. yeah so now I get into the business of Marion so was there anything morally that you felt as a madam wrong because you were that girl before you you know what it's like to be them now you're on the other side is there anything that happened that sort of made you feel like damn I'm Walling so um I came back and touched with the guy who originally had me out on the blade so now we crossing paths because you know we getting money but we in the same league now and in that sense it was kind of hard to get people to respect my Pimpin because you know I was once on the other side of the blade so that's that's a different you know within its own and so when I listen to you you just like me exactly and so you know when I started losing the stable I had a girl who you know she really didn't want to leave but I I could not stay in my crib no more it wasn't like going down the way things was anyway it had to go and so I introduced her to him and I already knew from experience and dealing with him that that was a bad move and I was really [ __ ] money hungry at that point and um me and him made a monetary exchange for her and years later um she ended up killing herself and I never got the backstory on that how that happened um and that made me feel like damn I don't want to say a sense of responsibility but I know I have my hand to play in that [ __ ] and I'm gonna just be real with that because I know whatever she went through in that stable in that household I played my part in that and I could have just told her yo go the [ __ ] home like it's this is over with like go home and instead I'll let her in another Direction because I was greedy how much did you make a couple hundred dollars it wasn't even a thousand [ __ ] what was the best part about this might sound wild about being a prostitute the freedom deliberation like it didn't feel icky when I was [ __ ] a [ __ ] well at least for me it felt really empowering like I'm about to break your [ __ ] Pockets [ __ ] I'm about to do whatever whatever fake like I like this [ __ ] but you don't give me money worst part the demeanor [ __ ] some [ __ ] would ask for like what either letting them pee on you or asking you to pee on them um spitting on them or them spitting on you I've been spitting my face like white men like to be real racial and demeaning I never got that type of treatment from a black eye or a Spanish guy or nothing like that but white clients will pay you stupid amount of [ __ ] money to racially demean you during sex or vice versa like some of them like to get get their ass whooped get their balls stepped on get spit on [ __ ] like that but for the most part they want to talk down to you and treat you like [ __ ] while they [ __ ] you what was what was that what do you feel like is like the worst thing you sort of did uh for for the most amount of money I guess letting a [ __ ] piss on me spit on me how much did they pay don't disclose that but yeah yeah um pros and cons about being a matter what was the best part about being a Madam Again The Liberation the respect was a big thing to the way like they looked up to me was coming to me for guidance and it was really motherly and big sisterly at the same time like I know you got me whatever you tell me is it's what it is you ain't gonna leave me in the [ __ ] up Direction and for somebody to feel confident in my words like that made me feel real good about myself like you must know that I got you [ __ ] and I got you [ __ ] and I got you [ __ ] you're crazy yeah but sort of thinking about how you go from this role of being the one that stepped on spit on pissed on to now the one that's being exalted you know that power Dynamic the dichotomy must be like oh my God like yeah you know what I mean you got to see both sides of sort of that and I think that's pretty much what led them to trust me a little bit more me being open and honest about working the blade in my experience so when I'm letting them know like yeah this is what you gotta do this is what you got to expect and this is what you shouldn't tolerate and this is what I'm not allowing you to tolerate they was listening to me because I haven't been there and done that was it a lot of money and yeah definitely because I want to say because a lot of them weren't over 18 and what I've learned and I know this is very [ __ ] cringe is that men like younger girls yeah and they're willing to pay pay a pretty [ __ ] penny and pay even more for you to shut up about it how much would you say you've made like on a transaction like that maybe a shut up transaction or a shut up transaction from a FDNY worker um a sergeant yeah how much he paid a couple transactions 15 000 a piece what and my mom orchestrated it we had some pictures yeah she got him on the setup she was like that because he kept on coming for the youngest one and he was like really want some no phones no pictures no he was imma lose my job I'm gonna use my retirement my pitching and my mom set it up and recorded that [ __ ] one time and had her blackmail in him did he ever get caught no because he kept paying up until he retired how was she broken for see that I don't know because when I stop whatever I'm see my mom is such that [ __ ] that I'm pretty confident that when everything went down even on the blackmailing tip she still had that [ __ ] sending payments where's your mother right now she's good she is going she's chilling what yeah you have a relationship with her for advice sometimes wow on how to get out of certain [ __ ] because my mom's got the gift of God I can imagine yeah she had to Virgo [ __ ] okay all right so all of this happens this guy I just thinking about you know 15 grand I mean but he's thinking about his life his wife his kids his career on the line everything was on the line yeah and his number one his disgusting nature for young women he is insatiable he couldn't stop no his greed he just kept coming back so now your mother's like you know what ain't nobody feeling bad for you yeah and you only spending a couple hundred when you come over here anyway well that's what she was seeing so you know what I mean like at the end of the day you're gonna break and you got it you got it oh [ __ ] damn um so obviously a lot more money in being the head than being somebody that's just you know right because when you orchestrate and things and certain manipulation Tactics come into play and um blackmailing that's why you keep your your black book updated with um certain clients yeah like you know even Dylan in the Jewish Community you got to get the rabbis information because you know once they start acting up getting cheaper like I'm going to the rabbi [ __ ] you talking about the how to choose is yeah until this day Apple goes to the rabbi and I'm out the game but I still got a couple Jews on standby that I will threaten with the rabbi real quick when the rents do real quickly until it's there until this day [ __ ] they got their reparations we ain't get [ __ ] don't look at me like that until this [ __ ] day if I say different is dude [ __ ] what happened cause I've been called the rabbi I know ain't no sucking and [ __ ] involved just I will call your Rabbi why would the ram I believe you why wouldn't he put all the videos and pictures I got you stay with come on oh I'm a black girl you're getting automatically shunned out your community when you walk away whole like no no no finessing no swindling no nothing is that something that you can do I can't say that I can 100 like walk away because if those two checks ain't come in the mail before I left I was definitely gonna pull the rabbi move just so I got you know I was gonna get situated so anytime my back is up against the wall that's just like anybody any anybody they're gonna Resort back to their survival mode what do they know how to how do they know how to survive so anytime I'm in survival mode my back is up against the wall the first thing I'm going to do as a trauma response is Resort back to what how the [ __ ] am I going to get it it ain't no fool you ain't no fool I'll tell you that you are not a fool um so let's go back let's go back to now get out of that Madam Pam trick game now you marrying what is that oh so this levels to that [ __ ] too so you've heard of arranged marriages yes right all right so um not all of these immigrants are broke by a long shot okay a lot of them come from a long line of some money and as long as you have the money and the resources to be able to travel back to where this person is from and see their lineage and [ __ ] like that and do your own observation on things you can you know make a proper have proper discernment on who you're dealing with because people get over here and they tell you anything but that comes from trial and error and doing the Marion business and so um I got introduced to um an African guy and you know he had some people back in Senegal and they was really about that the [ __ ] was working for the government and had um what was that um what is that passport called um citizenship no the Diplomat oh Diplomat [ __ ] yeah and um the first time I went um did the transaction I married a diplomat so I could get out of legal situations over here so when I married him it took him about like three months to get back over here to the U.S and um I applied for my trip with my passport and I got Diplomat immunity so that knocked out a lot of the legal situations that I had so going back to the situation that me and you talked about off camera when that went down I already had Diplomat immunity so that put a whole bigger thing into play with me getting arrested so yeah once I found out that there are certain benefits you can get for marrying certain people how much would you say you made in the memory business the most a Turkish guy paid me was 70k up front and that was just to you know sign the papers and then you got the the wedding ring that gets involved then you got what you want on the contract like okay I now you're going half or I want this paid in full every month and then my allowance goes to this and you set up rules and contracts before you do anything and they got to be willing to pay what are you doing with this lump sum of money I currently own air element 911 which is a skin care company um I have a couple of ATM machines that are set up in people corner stores and [ __ ] like that of course the city I have two non-profit organizations that a domestic violence shelters for women and children um I still spend their money I save mines I invest a lot of my money it's crazy like I always feel like as long as you give you'll be blessed you know and sometimes it be our heart that keeps us above water you know yeah I would say being genuine with them and actually following through with the contracts and the citizenship be the blessings because these people be very spiritually in tune they'd be like you know Muslims and stuff like that they pray hard and when you look out for them they look out for you wow and so I didn't got a lot of Muslim State citizenships and so a lot of people in that Community [ __ ] with me you know so you've got different blessings and different how much citizens I'm on my ninth marriage I got married on September 9th and that's crazy like my ninth marriage so I think that's going to be the last one because he's a solid [ __ ] and I think I want to make it real with him he's cool is he with it he dropped a hefty bag on this brain so I was like yo I think he really really like me so I'm like [ __ ] with it oh my God okay and that's how we're here today there's a there's a little Gap maybe it's just a little guy but you start having kids um you know yeah yeah the game the kids came in between my you know okay yeah I got a eight-year-old and a two-year-old wow she was pretty young yeah um do you ever have flashbacks of going back to the life you know does it call your name so to speak completely stepping into it no but to get certain [ __ ] done like when my back is against the wall yes I will most definitely not you know think about it I'm wholeheartedly going to jump back into it like talk to me about STDs and that's a big thing out there you got to stay protected I would say never go wrong and if you're going wrong because let's be realistic let it be your your your your regular trick you know not the one that you don't really see or the [ __ ] that just came through for the first time like if it's a broad situation I gotta be a trick that you've been [ __ ] with for a minute I wouldn't recommend the girls out there to do that [ __ ] out of a period but know who you [ __ ] with when you [ __ ] with them bro did you catch a lot of STDs no I was busting up a cashnada STD at all never no wow we're gonna say in the game my baby father gave me a STD any crazy my baby father definitely did though talk to me about the the drugs were you did you you said your mother was on cocaine cocaine yeah what sort of drugs did this lifestyle will bring you up to did you ever get hooked was it ever bad like what talks to me um I had an episode with um Molly's for a little while you know I had my run on those I remember yeah when that was popping I did my thing on that to stay up to stay active when I was getting money or whatever um I don't really have an addictive personality so it was kind of easy to kick my biggest addiction is like cigarettes or whatever or vape pen but drug drugs I'm not really into that [ __ ] I'm not into feeling down what's something that you would tell that young girl 13 10 11 that turns the first trick oh that's kind of my first trick I wouldn't even tell shorty to do that at all I would tell her to get into business and passed into something you know I don't know [ __ ] this crypto [ __ ] be a [ __ ] influencer online and be one of those [ __ ] or whatever don't do that I would say what's something that you would leave with young women that want to enter the game glamorized by the game you know there's a lot of things on TV now and social media that sort of glamorizes that lifestyle I would tell the [ __ ] to stay on her leg I knew in that game certain things wasn't for me like competition is very stiff Okay so don't think that if you're shaped like a bag of potatoes and I'm not trying to come at anybody to go run and go to the strip club and thinking that you're gonna outdo them [ __ ] that got their body done and [ __ ] like that because they won't eat you the [ __ ] up yeah On Any Given Sunday know your body know your vein know who the [ __ ] your target audience is [ __ ] if you ain't got no ass you want to go [ __ ] with the [ __ ] who ain't got no dick cause he got money and y'all go together like you wanna like just stay in your lane you gotta go do what works for you and stop trying to do everything everything that everybody else is doing because that might not work for you Mr angle to live comfortably to not be doing that [ __ ] at all to say okay I ain't got to make a call when my back is against the wall because my savings is really really good and I'm straight like to to not have to depend on nothing to nobody but myself What ethnicity what which ethnicity do you think you've dealt with the most in this Hispanic and white not the Jews not the blacks they pull amongst white I think oh yeah okay okay we're definitely done in Hispanics and you know like so many things are off limits in their religion to the things they're not allowed to yeah so what are some of like their requests um well the ones I've dealt with they're really straightforward they like regular [ __ ] because they really don't get to do much with their you know spouse at home so like they really just want ahead and a lot of them really just want that I've never really can't you know what now that I'm thinking about it I've never came across a drug that I wanted to penetrate me they all just wanted me to suck their dick yeah I was talking to um the corner a corner store owner and um he came out here and had like 10 11 kids I said why did you go so crazy when you came out here he said back home the sucky sucky no that's another thing too so they say they don't suck dick they don't yep and they love the way black girls suck their effort of religion they're not allowed to even have them do that too see I didn't even know that part so when he came here he's like oh they played with the balls they do that yeah he's like that's something that we don't even get to ever experience so when he came out here he sort of lost himself you know what I'm saying but I thought that was interesting yeah that's that's a big fact they like had something you want to leave to guess with um no a lot of things ain't coming to mind right now this is traffic Anonymous my name is Chris Davis
Channel: Breakbeat Media
Views: 85,611
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Keywords: Breakbeat Media, Breakbeat Interview, Breakbeat Full Episodes, breakbeat media, breakbeat interview, breakbeat full episodes, Trappin Anonymous, breakbeat, trappin anonymous episode 23, trappin anonymous ep 23, trappin anonymous, trappin anonymous episode, trappin anonymous podcast, true story, real life, confession
Id: k9yCdJaQBzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 49sec (3529 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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