Mother Starved Two Children & Only He Survived

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here's a story a mother starved two children in a basement in 1997 here's the one who survived mom mom sh is dead so she just broke the light in the basement and told me to go down there take the trash bag put her inside this trash bag and drag her to the back of the basement and put under the water heater and come back up here I'm just dragging a body I'm crying at the same time like dang like what was your relationship like with her do you remember [Music] take a minute what's good my name is Chris D is travel Anonymous welcome back welcome back shout out to everybody that's been keeping the movement moving if you want some of that tra Anonymous merch please hit me up hit me in the DM if you know a story somebody that you just want to get their story out there and change some lives with us download that traing Anonymous on the Apple podcast make sure that you are tuned in Sharing liking and just keeping us viral we can't thank you guys enough without the listeners um none of this is possible so we greatly appreciate it I've been um waiting for this story for a while and um not physically in time span but a story like this one so um you guys are in for a treat and um do remember that the stories that you hear do not necessarily reflect real life they hear to entertain educated just keep your little homie off the streets only entertainment please don't get me indicted my name is Chris what's up man how you doing oh man first of all thank you for being here and um we just going to jump right into to it bring me to the day you had to cover your sister with that uh trash bag it was I would say normal but unnormal for us you know what I'm saying probably normal day for some for others um woke up morning time in the basement third step so I hear the basement door slam woke us up I'm like oh it's food is a onion a raw onion and a banana at the top of the stairs at this time sh is sleeping in my arm sh is my sister I run up the steps get the onion start eating it yeah D Char Char she don't move so I walk back down the steps I gave her a little kick she just tumble down the last two steps of the stairs I'm like and all I know was run up the steps like I turned to the Hulk like me being what probably six seven the time no no no nutrition nothing I'm skinny at the time a deep freezer was holding the door break through the door push the Deep the deep freezer out the way mom mom sh's dead she come down um tell me at this time my old my two older sisters was leaving so she just broke the light in the basement like the top the light broke it and told me to hide the hi go go down there take the trash bag put her put her inside this trash bag and drag her to the back of the basement and put her under the water heater and come back up here as a kid I'm like dang like what I don't know what to do so I just did it I'm just dragging a body and crying at the same time like dang like I don't know what I was thinking cuz again I don't know what was there I don't know how to think when you person to drag a dead body and hide it in the a water heater in the basement and yeah yo tell me about the moment you realize she was actually dead you said she was on your arms but when you heard the door open you knew it was food right um typically I'm assuming you guys would like like typically like they they open we scurrying to the top of the steps like animals knowing that's going to be waiting as he was coming on the step next so when she didn't run to the steps I'm like maybe she just tired maybe she I'm saying she just fell asleep with something whole time she was dead like when you when you bust that deep freezer open because your mother would trap you in the in the basement when you bust that deep freezer open and you said she's dead it's because you watch that her body fall from those down down step when I gave her a nudge she tumbled or like you know fall down fell down the last three steps like rolled I'm like then I go down you know shaking her moving her she I move I'm calling her name and run upstairs and tell my mom and you you were crying because I don't even know if I was crying because and when I tell people like I don't know what hurt is I don't I don't know what love is I don't know nothing I don't know all I know was I used to hear kids running outside the basement window ice cream truck I heard this sound dude I'm like damn what is that and I hear kids I don't know what that is I don't know if they're having fun with they're crying so when that happened I don't know what to do cuz I don't know I don't I was never experienced love or all I know was I guess hat or neglect I should say so I didn't know if it was how to cry or if I was crying like I just I don't know I just know I was dragging a dead body and she was dead and she she was dead in my arms what was your relationship like with her do you remember take a minute so basically like we did everything together like it was just me and her so like you know was basically we helped each other like maybe I did looking back at it now I knew what fun was cuz we used to we made the basement the a play pin like the night before that's what we did we cleaned up the basement moved all the chicken bones bricks rocks and that dirt was where we played that I'm saying we just looking back on there we say fun like then yeah um that was your dog that was your dog um when when you say you didn't know what fun was you didn't you didn't have interaction with other kids this was I read the transcripts I read the news articles I read would probably everybody had to say about this story they said Char would drink water out of the toilet both of us I I remember that day like yesterday I remember it was time where my mom was would be in a room doing what she doing and we sneak out the room to go drink out the toilet not knowing what's in the toilet though we don't know what's in in the toilet mind we don't know it's dark and we're sneaking cuz we know we can't be out here like we M to stay in that room don't come back out come back out I'm whooping your ass and you was just thirsty thirsty you told me you felt guilt for drinking the water um in the basement that maybe sha uh died from dehydration maybe I us know that is looking back on that I can't say I blame me I can just say that maybe she could have had more we were getting more food it could have been maybe a little bit better it could have been I don't think it was on me I don't think me not giving her some water is my fault where' you get the water from could have been leaking was to stand probably a leak from the basement a leak and that's where we drinking it from I I can't even fathom this level of torture the million dollar question why would your mother why was she doing this why would she do this to her kids from my understanding my recognition from what I was told was because I was a happy happy baby run around you know what I'm saying smiling I'm saying so me being happy running around and then having a a baby that's three four that's crying that needs a mother's attention you can't concentrate on getting high or doing what you need to do so in in order for that to happen I'mma lock you what I concentrate on getting high and running the streets and do I need to do they said that your mother would use the checks that she would get from the government to get high and she also would prostitute did you see men coming in and out of the house growing up um the question is did they even know that she had kids that should be the question because we I me person I only heard men I never seen nobody I heard of them I heard man in in and out the room I'm remember sleeping on the bed with my mind where man is in the bed while they doing what they doing having sex right and just laying there laying there listen they listen to yeah to the oldies what we call now back then that was their music what mhm where does this thing come from where you would go in the basement how how much time would y'all spend in the basement we probably spend like months from weeks to months from days to weeks to months at a time if if not in the basement then in the back room tied up tied up hog TI T what um what's that brown twine twine rope you know the brown thin rope you used the that rope I got scars on my arms and all that how long would you stay tied up probably for days like I remember time we broke out of it I got out the being tired the I'm unti sh and then we run around the house but we eating everything that we can eat hot sauce ketchup mayonnaise bread Frozen butter sugar whatever then the kicker is then we got to run now I got to go back and tie her up and then I got to tie myself up oh my God and that didn't go well what do you mean well you know if you let's say you leave something to way you left it supposed to be the way it is when you come back to it right and that wasn't the case and at least trying at least she was tied up but you wasn't so describe the beatings when like how would your mother uh beat you would she hold back a little bit or was it just a full force whatever arm reach brush St on court but I was an armed reach did you love your mother growing up again I didn't know what love was or even to be around her to know what I probably had one inant when it was a a good day Christmas snow outside come down everybody got gifts my had a bite ring in the snow and then it's like a light switch what do you mean light switch I can't tell you no more about no about no sunny when I say Sunny like you know you see a commercial like like a i all these truck commercial and they and they open the blinds up and it's sunny but it's snowing outside it was that kind of day after that it's like dark how would you pass time in that basement for months talking playing that's it you would eat you you would eat the um pink chips off the wall oh yeah that was that was my snack I remember that like it was yesterday like I would sit I would go to third third from the top step I said right there I probably finish half of a wall the court document said it was lead in the paint well I remember listen I remember going to the doctor after after they came out the basement all that doctor told me another month maybe another month or two months would have been dead that's how now M I was and okay so the other kids in the house it seemed like you and Char got at the worst all right because they were other kids they were your mother had eight kids m mhm at the time when you were growing up from until the age 67 who else was in the house with you um as as far as I can remember was Kadija Gwen shadira and Lisha that's it and what was their treatment like probably as as worse maybe do you feel like a lot of these these memories um you've suppressed so that well a lot of just like I told my sisters a lot of I don't have recognition of what happened to them again I'm locked in the basement or I'm tied up so I probably got like one instant of us all being around and as soon kadidra burn her leg trying to get warm from the store we all cuddled front of the store she got her legs up fall asleep leg fall boom burn whole leg up they the skin it skin dra skin skin grab skin grab from different parts of her body and all like that's the only time I can remember and then a time when my sister died they went to they went somewhere and my mom told them but not tell them people that this happened right remember that statement clear as that how does your mother get caught mother get caught I want to say older sister Denisha comes in the house don't quote me maybe I might got it wrong but far as I know came from com to the house and smell like a dead body like we was living in a house I remember sleeping my mom a couple times and she used to tell me like forever get caught don't say nothing like I always love you like this did life get better for you this might seem like an odd question but did life get better for you after Shae passed was your mother nicer to you did she show more compassion did she take better care of you I think after she died it was more compassion I'm already first time even Fried Chicken she fried fried chicken on the same day that sh died she she put me the T sh shed have washed me up three to five times because it had so much dirt on me and I left permanent ring around you know you get into MH I left a permanent ring like not no light ring and dark ring like that's how filthy filthy what was your mother's demeanor like that day when she's frying the chicken is she crying is she like upset if you could remember like what what's like her sort of like her energy like looking back at it now a normal person normal like nothing happened was fine chicken how would you use how would you use the bathroom when you was tied up how would you use the bathroom in the basement how would you number one number two like how would you how would you go I don't remember I remember she had a bucket in a room then in basement it was a squat uh number two yeah we squatting behind the the steps and going to the bathroom so it smelled down there right what was a normal day for you like back then were you going to school I remember going to school here and there I remember going to school because I remember one day I went I stole the coin I don't know people remember but like back in the day you can I think you used to put change inside the thing for a candy or something for the end of the week or something or for a trip whatever it was I took I I put my two c and I took half the jar I was walking down the street with chinging Ling by the time I got home my mom was outside with a belt whoop me from the top of the block to the crib inside the house nobody is asking questions I mean I know you're just so young you're so young so I know nobody asking me n thing all right your mother gets caught your sister says it smells like a dead body's in here cops come cops come take your mother away you go see the doctor the prognosis of your condition what are they saying is wrong with you I know he said if you had another month after sha had passed that you probably had another month but what what what are the things did they find wrong um I don't even I can't even remember I I I remember them words like and he's saying it's a miracle and basically got to eat so many words you know know doctor big words but mhm Bas I need to eat get some food was the onion tasty to you or was it just like I'm so hungry it doesn't matter what it is W back then back then it's just food just food but now that I eat certain foods I can't eat butter like raw butter I can't eat raw mayonnaise I can't eat a plain piece piece of bread like just give me a slice I can't eat it like I got to eat it with some chicken or dipping in the gravy I can't just eat a raw piece of sliced bread I can't just eat straight jelly or just Li straight hot sauce like it's just cuz I used to eat it so much that or not even eat it still it that's and yeah it just can't eat that right like today no I get it I get it your mother goes to jail do you testify yeah did you understand what it meant to take the stand against your mother or did you just feel like you had to do what you had to do I mean as a kid you know you just point you point you go listen you got to do this this is for I'm remember being on there and this like I'm seeing my mom like I'm looking down that no she over this side I'm like she crying but like you can see her saying something like don't do it like wow I'm saying don't do it don't say nothing like yeah that was a crazy week and and what did you feel at that moment did you feel like all I can't say nothing or did you did you feel like honestly I I'm putting this lady away this wasn't even neither one it was just I was told to do it it was help it was to help the family and help bring Justice for sure wow wow so okay so what kind of things did you have to say you understand basically what happened how was I being treated um how was [ __ ] I can't really remember the questions cuz I know it was I was crying most of the time did you did you did you miss your mother did you when they had taken her away you had to go to the doctor I'm you go to like foster care at this time right um did you miss her did you feel sad and no feelings was I probably was sad but to say that I miss her that's like how we didn't really have a connection for me to miss you feel what I'm saying like it's not like missing my like I'm missing my son now like you know not here I miss him we got a connection MH no it's not I can't couldn't say I miss my mom like I just know I didn't play with Mama Jokes I just know that I felt like they was talking about me like directly about me like your mama's on crack what what you mean your mama what yeah in this was up I'm fighting biting suspended all that wow um did you have that same sort of reservations for charet did you did you miss her did you yeah I cry every day I to cry every day every yeah every day for for years wow out of nowhere just cry I mean just you with somebody and Y went y went through something to now like I can't even talk to her no more I can't even let her know how how we doing now like you know I'm saying so so it was like dang like yeah what was your mother's sentence 28 to 56 years years and how much of that does she have to complete did you do you know now um I can't even tell you I've never even heard a sentence like that before yeah I probably heard that like Federal time or something like that but I mean but yeah never heard it um yeah five baby fathers eight children she testified that she was on crack methamphetamine vodka 40 oz she said sometimes she was high for 3 to 4 days straight she forgot y'all was even in the basement I read that your sister says probably the only time that she felt that your mother was nice was when she was hot or inebriated or doped up probably too young for you to understand at the time you know I mean I do remember times when she was cool she was us we used to watch um dang What's that show that everybody mom used to watch um they used to call the stories you know I'm talking about the stories she us let watch that but again other than that I don't remember her being nice like I always seen the dark side your mother fought for you guys um first when uh y' y'all were born uh they said that she went and convinced the hospital and everyone the police or the social workers that she was a fit mother so that she could get her kids she she she got five of her kids do you think that she was fighting to be a mother or do you think that she was fighting for the checks most defitely a checks so nothing about her you feel like was a motherly Instinct was a I need my kids I just you know I mean it probably was the urge of I miss my kids I want them but the overall of it is no I need I need that money they probably told her you can get this amount for each kid and it was just I'm about to go play the s song and get them I need that money do you hate your mother now no as of right now no um I had to learn I learned to forgive her it was 2014 I was doing a bid and I was able to have the warden of the county ja I was at communicate what the ja she was at and I was able to write her cuz at that time I was in the streets doing what I was doing so I was able to understand what these drugs is doing and how I would be able to control somebody with the drugs that they needed so like all right I kind of understand you know what I'm saying not not all of it is on the drugs but I can understand how it can affect you so I Lear to forgive after court you get um you get it you you go into foster care um now you're getting some type of normality you're getting food you're getting water you're getting something to drink do you feel the instant shift in your life at that time when you going to foster care I still felt like even going to foster care I still was being shunned out it was some forer care I was being locked in I think I maybe I was in the for care they had they was like rich or like and they used to keep me locked in the room I never went out they used to bring me the food to me water to me I never seen outside of like I remember it being a white hallway with all these gold trim pictures gold railing white steps I'm like dang that's all I remember going in and then being taken away and how long before you actually get adopted did you um spend time in for kid um I don't remember okay I don't remember the time I know it's probably like a couple maybe like two or three homes oh wow maybe maybe it's a lot of moving around um you and your sister get adopted with three other kids me and my two sisters two yeah and what's this new home like what's these new parents like um a breath of fresh a um yeah it was it was cool it was fun like everything was fun like sports big backyard that warms my heart man it's like you hear so much of this torture and just daming evidence that I was actually going through um to hear that there was a breakthrough somewhere somewhere if like you was a like you survived that like you came out of that you could have been very very different a month later one month later could have been over and you survived that it's just it's something about you it's going to be something about your story something about what you went through that I feel like is going to transcend even this podcast even how we sitting here right now I really do believe that does your relationship with your sisters in this new home does it does it build are you able to are y you know talk to me about how that relationship was because at at the end of the day that is that is your family and they do have some sense of what you went through they didn't go through what you went through but they do have a sense of what you went through I remember reading Gwen she still calls Your Mother by her first name you know she has she says she didn't hate she says she doesn't hate anyone but if it was something Clos it close to hate then that's what she would have to your mother I think that's maybe all of my sisters feel like that um you I don't half and half okay that's still my biological mother so who knows all right that's still but then I guess going being in the streets and just like I said understanding what these drugs can do kind of get the understand of all right but would I call her mom no I call her by first name like everybody else well but but in this new home it was easy because as far as the other three kids they were went through something similar so we all kind of was able to get through what we went through together like it wasn't they weren't too far off so it was like all right bet like now I got a brother and then they got a sister and our bond got closer which made their bond closer with each other then then we all got a good B things are looking up things things are going well and then you drop out the school in the 10th grade I think my I was so being adopted was a good thing you know what I'm saying but I think they kind of shielded us from a lot to May us want to go explore like it's times where you know High School people about to go out just just just to a school dance we ain't got to say to the to the block or to to a school dance we not going or you know cuz my dad was the principal at the time too and and for I was in the county so it was it was just like me trying to get to learn to I'm going to my dad's school when we we don't got school going my dad to his school I see how it is over there people in the streets the girls I'm like dang I'm trying I'm trying to get out here like my I can't do that like so I think that was and then being with friends that's able to go out it was like I need to go see what's up what's out there like what's going on out there and yeah were were you good in school or Class C class I mean always messing with the chicks um I was an okay like probably won't believe it bro I fell Jim people don't how you my dad how you feel Jim it's Jim I felt what I'm saying because again people I'm around the influence I can see like damn I ain't got I'm trying I'm trying to be like that like so yeah I dropped out in the mid of dropping out I'm became homeless they kick you out the house kicked me out SL ran out right H where you sleeping at in the streets how old are you 16 yeah 15 16 15 16 yeah where you sleeping at how are you I'm sleeping in abandoned Apartments um wasn't really it then I had then I became cool with three friends three guys like they became they all let me sleep they all let me stay with them their mom and single parents all three of them so it's just the m in the sun I'm kicked out of school y'all let me stay at your house when yall in school it just made that was just like that made us all of us cool like made us tight like if not with them being I mean I'm probably my man probably got car this time all the B Apartments is locked up I'm sleeping in the back of the car outside on the bench but you had a home you had a home that you probably scratched and clawed your spirit forth to survive so that you can see a way out you have people that are showing you love compassion and all you could do was run away from him yeah do you think there's a connection between how you grew up to that sort of decision making looking back on now I feel like yeah I feel like from that to going to jail was just yeah that that's that's that's that's some my blood I think was meant for it was meant for me to go to jail it was meant for me to probably be the streets probably not meant to be in the streets but to go to jail or probably sniff around to get in the streets that thing was meant to be or is it was going to happen how'd you get locked up was time okay so there was an instance where you you actually beat beat the charge so um talk to us a little bit about that they they said that you uh had did something you didn't do honestly sure people that know T XIs you don't remember nothing but this I remember I remember the day like it was yesterday so you got caught I mean so you got caught up taking drugs basically so what happened was long story short I want to go make a sale I see an undercover cop people that used to S you know they to put the drugs in their mouth in case about get search but long story short they I something happened to her they didn't they pulled off I'm like they going spin happening soon as I turn back around go in the corner I mean go around the corner onto the house they pull me freeze who hold up you under arrest lock this up one cop said yeah y'all Y locked up for y getting under y under rust for a murder I'm like murder I so you know you got the wrong one I was at this spot all day ain't nobody die around here right true story stop telling him like got the wrong one he start laughing at me and said I'm going find out come back know it was a arm robber got out the car about the car I got a hood on the time like little braids the car must a cop car drive past I see the suspects I suppose they got ride by us drive p in the back pointing like yeah that's them I'm like how they know it was made they can't even see my face I barely saw them I know didn't see my face got locked up my mom and dad that after Haven seen in maybe a year or two mhm com to the rescue wow pay my bill the PD I had turned to my actual lawyer fought the case we beat it that year it was Christmas fell on a Wednesday no on a Saturday on a Saturday we beat beat it on I beat the case on Wednesday so the people that you turned your back on they never turned their back on you correct does this men the relationship between y'all do you come back home do you at that moment well at that time I did come back home right back to the streets and what are you doing in the streets you selling drugs at this time I'm burglarizing homes breaking and ining right what kinds of things are you leaving with whatever is able to leave out that front door so you taking like TVs or jewelry and money whatever was fitting through that door and how long are you doing that for um until took it locked up okay and that was probably for like maybe a couple months probably not really a year maybe a year maybe mugging people robbing people no not necessarily I still had my morals I still had to I respect we making sure old L is cool we we ain't going to really hit nobody that's doing we not doing that we wasn't doing that so you get a close call while you're robing robbing a home and someone calls the cops no so what happened was somebody leaving the house soon they leave we go in their house I got my fingerprints on the window when they come and do the know through the evidence and all that they find my fingerprints on on the on the window W they didn't know it was me because I wasn't in their system which is out the county it wasn't in the system so I'm like all right the only reason why they knew who was me because the cop at the house school I went to knew knew of my family because of another sibling and once my last name came back said who is it again and they I get a phone call from my sister y they here looking for you soon as I hang up I'm in a whole different area and it get locked up what was your first time in jail like how long did you spend my first time in jail was for the arm it was a it was a a wake up call cuz I'm in probably one of the worst County jails in Philadelphia on on the worst Block in Philadelphia I'm talking about um so real quick about that experience that was it was a crazy experience but my story came back out and I was locked up cuz my mom had got baptized and it came out in the paper and people on the Block was reading the paper and I told me that's my mom that's my story and it was just like every I'm I'm going to say 75% of Ja knew of the story did this give you some kind of notoriety while in the prison did I remember this one orhe big old like I feel like he can lift the jab but like everybody was cool with him and he just my bro like I remember your story young boy like he said I probably know your mom too like and like you said as everybody know the C I mean it didn't make it no better but like I said it was just a probably probably for that one meal I think they came out like in between breakfast and lunch and when lunch came they gave me extra cookies what I'm saying other than that that's all what I'm saying what was your worst time in prison um probably had to get to a little little scuffle what I'm saying but what what made that so uh but no well I think my first time was my first time just going to jail in general was my probably my worst time cuz I didn't know what jail was I didn't know what what to expect I didn't know how to go I didn't know I never been in this environment around so many different type of characters or know people know what I'm saying so but as I went to I probably only time I got into a scuffle was one time in jail other than that jail was I'm funny guy I'm Bing off everybody it's cool not cool to be in jail but I'm making it the best what it was so you you you come out after the year and find yourself in trouble again um for I don't know what what what else did you I did a year or I had the the year for drugs and and a gun charge when I was out of town you said you reached out to your mother at what point did um that was that was during the year that was during the year I I did um I reached out to her I got respond back like to her had the Wen of my I'm in the office and he called the jail and like tell him listen man was coming from this name I know got nothing tell how'd that make you feel looking back on it cuz at that time like man it is what it is like I did my part like you know what I'm saying but looking back I was like D I can't get a I can't get a response like would you could you share some of the stuff that you said to your mom basically just tell like at that time where everybody's going through in life like how I think my sister just had it her daughter um one of them was in college so everybody I was just on the right path at that time so that's that's basically what I was telling like you know I'm in jail for doing the X Y and Z with wo I forgive you um I'm saying when did you realize you actually forgave her I actually I had I had to go from the J I was at out of town to the county and on the way back I was on the way back it was a female that was going to one of the two jails out in Philadelphia where the females are to go upstate where they go and that was the first thought we went to so she's telling me she's like I'm telling my mom's in the jail you're at she was like yeah told her I told her my mom name instantly crying I'm talking about it's a far hour ride instantly crying the whole R she was crying telling me everything about my mom like everything tell how she was sorry how she felt like it was just we both back there crying I feel like it was only us two on the van and and and I couldn't even see her I couldn't even tell you how she looked she was cute ugly old young I couldn't even tell you how she looked cuz they put us in people that know on R going from it's a it's like a metal plate in between you and the females you might see him coming in like get actual on the van but you're not you know so you know I probably trying to talk to you and then it went from me probably I talked to her to we then we booh hoing cuz she knew my mom that is extraordinary to where when she got off the van the the cop who was driving thought this was this some tour cuz she know we handcuffed so she really can't wipe her face like she want to or really so he like what you do to what you say to her and she's like no no like yeah I think she told me she love me just off the strength of my of her meeting me like because of her knowing that my mom telling her the story to and I actually it's like somebody tell you a story about me and then you actually s here talking to me that's crazy and I I think I saw it went with her like dang I heard about you in jail I got time like this is years ago I heard about you to me actually now not really seeing you but seeing you and talking to you she told you that there was remorse from your mother that your mother's sorry so I took that and I put that in my own life and I'm like can I find a way to forgive her is there a way to forgive her and if so why and I was able to do all that in the midst of my mind still worry about the streets when I get home like even though I understand why you did that I'm still trying to get back to the streets when you serving those people you see your mother and it's crazy cuz quick story I was when I was homeless me and my other sister we ran to each other and the homeless shelter crazy story we're sitting how we sitting right now and we had to sign a paper we first signed in and we got signed it goes around the table so I'm sitting in there like I know this girl how do I know her did I talk to her before like Dam like I'm that's how I'm looking at like I'm I'm I'm it's like I'm talking to her my with my eyes like I know her but I don't really know I don't know how so I'm the last to sign it so I go to first she first I'm last I read it I I feel like it was was a a cute button like we both start crying instantly like why cuz we haven't seen each other and this was the first time we seen each other and we had to see each other being homeless but what was that c that that because because she must have been thinking the same thing oh [ __ ] like D I know like he looks familiar like I know him and maybe like I don't know what she was thinking I know this is bad me being homeless I'm thinking about trying to get a girl and get some money you feel me so I'm think I'm like D I talked to her before like I'm saying because I ran that's that was my game that was my game so and I think like once I seen her name and she re realized that I seen her name we both start crying so with that being said she had a job around the corner from the um homeless show to she was like like you got to stop doing that you got to stop selling the drugs you got to stop because like I Saw Mommy got in well that time she didn't said M but that's how Charlene got into you know I mean that's how she I forgot how she put yeah yeah you know what I'm saying I'm like looking back at it I'm like Dam she right at that time like man L I need some money you need some money too right you hungry right I'll be back I'm go I'm make this move I'm get some food you feel me so was like then looking back I like Dam like I'm serving my biological mom I sit and I think about how you could be homeless I'm like how is that like and it's just like I don't want to say it's nothing for you but it was almost like it was nothing for you and then I think about those harsh conditions and I want to say the basement was rougher than being homeless right people always say like in the normal life the bottom is homeless or in jail I've been all three I've been in a basement homeless jail made it through all without a scar well not the basement part but other two homeless and being a jail came out without a scar you come out you start running it up down in Florida Miami starting to see some real paper now what was that experience like tell everybody at the same time homeless do all this I'm I'm still homeless if you take all that away from me getting money girls chains cars take all that away from me homeless at night I'm not going home to my own crib with all this money and I'm going home to my man rest in peace to him I'm going home with him you know what I'm saying like probably gotta go buy some draws real quick in the morning time or something like how much money are you seeing at this time not I not I didn't tell you about not at one time but in 6 months I seen a 100 Grand I was bringing home 22 to 25 grand every two weeks what you doing with this money help people out flash everything that they tell you don't do as in the streets I wasn't I wasn't a main one but yeah that's what he was doing wow I can't help but to think about this underlying parallel between um that homelessness always just being a prevalent factor in your life homeless even when you got all the money in the world you still don't prioritize having a home and I know people think like damn why he never go home another reason why I never went home because once I got into the streets I wasn't about to bring home streets to home meaning when I want to leave the house I I got to leave the house I got I got make this move I know I couldn't do that if I went home I know that if I did something in the streets and I went home know streets is different you got to think somebody can follow me these not the folks that's into the streets so I can't let that happen plus my siblings still there and you know I'm older so I can't have that around them yeah then long behold my brother falls into the footsteps and that happens when I'm in jail during the four years no probably before that probably I think it happened more like more so during the year maybe like between that time and before cuz I was R my own movie and was just thr on his so during your longest stint in prison that four years when you had to sit down what was that for um so that was for a kid that I was doing the I so the year I did I was on a detainer cuz I was on Parole and I violated there so much behind that but anyway I R to run from the last time being locked up from cuz I'm home I ain't about to go keep reporting yall like I have nowhere to go y going to lock me back up so I'm going to run from there going to run made me to start getting money got locked up for that year that year I had a detainer on me I come bail out so once my detainer lifted out the the year for my violation I was able to come home but I'm still fighting the case that I got locked up for just the drugs and and the guns I come home home five months I get same thing guns and drugs so now I'm fighting both Cas is in jail I lose I took the deal only why they didn't give me more time because I stood up and I gave him a speech I told him that during this time I'm I'm going to get my high school diploma and I'm going to change my life for him and I apologize for the Crim I committed while being out here in the dress said nobody ever did that in my courtroom ever my whole time being a judge you just what made you do it I don't know I feel like I knew I was about to go away for a long time so I like man something something might change something might not and I'm trying to get home let's see what this do you know what I'm saying story but I think also I feel like I had to get something high school diploma had to get done cuz as I'm getting money and I'm doing you know what's that um mingling with other people I'm seeing that high school diploma won't be so bad if I get it exactly it don't sound cool not not have my high school diploma right you know what I'm saying so did the judge know your story no wow okay lo and behold that speech comes to pass you do what you say you're going to do clean your life up mhm at what point did your life shift at what point did you know you ain't going back to the streets it's time to walk the streight and there um I think when it was when I seen it was cool to do that because I think I was hanging around the wrong people mhm so when I did this four years I gathered myself around some cool people that's still know to this day you know what I'm saying so me being around them no bro I ain't I can't be locked up I can't get money girls I can't leave a crib like I want to I can't do what I want and I got to learn that it's me over any it's me over anybody me first meaning I don't care what you doing if I if I feel like I'm going to be and I might get locked up or something bad might happen I'm cool I I chill bro I'm good H and that's when I know when I that's when I know when I go home is up I I ain't going back to jail no more then I got a parole hit that's what hurt me my parole hit that's what made me really really like oh yeah they got I'm I'm making it next time I'll be home next time what do you mean Paro hit so when you're up when you're Upstate first of all this what happened I got rewind it back to get lead up to this point I was on boot camp boot camp is six month program almost finished it I didn't really finish it boom long story short boot camp I didn't finish it I still had that you can't talk to me in kind of way typ mentality K they kick me out boom go back to the regular job do my reg time now in boot camp I could have went straight home without seeing the parole board now they I got to say prole Bo I got to have a jail recommendation I'm not getting no write ups not getting no trouble first time I made it all the way I got my D L I got my level dropped to basically level two meaning I can go outside jails all that I had cardnia and I had surgery we I got I got into it with a CO CEO back doored me a little bit I got right up so I'm going to go see the pro board gave me a 9 month hit it made me sit down for 9 more months on top of the four no that's what made it equal that's what made it four wow and then I seen him but that made me go harder Made Me Do program made me really stay out the way and yeah my next parole I was home do you think J saved J um in my life [Music] uh maybe in some way I just can't think maybe how but maybe in some way probably did because the people I was around wasn't really the ones that was really into the streets that was getting killed we always was really trying to get money so at that time nobody around me was I knew of death like that for for like so maybe maybe so maybe cuz I could have got robbed or mean you told me that the guy that you was in Florida with is no longer here yeah my best friend you know you making that conscious decision in jail that you probably wouldn't have made on the streets well I made that decision in jail but I kept I stood on that yes you did on the streets yes you did meeting and that's and I let him to death like that was like that we day and night Y and yang you can't miss us like it was no not seeing him was not going to see me so it was like bro like I can't first of all I'm on parole so I can't be moving around like how you want me to move around bro I'm not going to make the jail for nobody you my man I love you to death but but it was also me trying to get to my man like bro that's not jail is not what it is bro like and you got kids like at that's time have any kids so I was more like bro you got kids bro you got to it's not no GTA bro he never been locked up he did like like a little month but it wasn't yeah it wasn't like I feel like in my in my message to my homies was like I'm not go home I'm going to let them know like bro that's not what you want bro and that was my thing I was pushing you know you're grown you going do what you want to do but if I love you I'm going tell you what's best no matter what no matter if you don't like me or not MH and you know we kind of fell out cuz he I was on the same page as he was or I was bitching and all that how long between that falling out did he die it was always love but it was also a we people around knew that people that I people that we both knew that I was even I wasn't around at that present time after he died like yeah bro like dang like it's crazy cuz he would tell me y wasn't as cool because you was scared to do x y z but they got to understand that now why because I was on Parole I couldn't move around then jail wasn't the place I wanted to be and I was trying to get to you how long were yall at odds before he passed um maybe a couple months and how did you die um out of town got shot in his head how did you feel when you got the news cook I was just tell I was just telling my girl like the way he felt when my man when our friend Justin died that's how I felt with him we never got to that that that closure like like bro like I he never got to really understand why I was on what I was on and if he was here now to see he would he' be happy get your own place become a father in a relationship got a job doing the right thing God bless you brother came a wrong way mhm but here we are um talk to the people that was on your path for one second people that thought like you did and maybe some advice you would give them just keep pushing like don't never let nobody tell you you can't do anything like I thought I be in jail I listen before I had my son I always thought I'll never be allowed to even have any kids like I thought I never be allowed to even have my own spot they even have a family they even have a job but just keep pushing what haunt you to this day probably never make never get to telling something y ever something you would tell your younger [Applause] self I start laughing because my son is like my son is like my younger self I'm I'm able to what I what nobody never told me I'm able to tell him which is you going to be great some miracle this interview Finds Its way to your mother with something that you would want to tell her um I never think about that I never thought about what I would say to her I never really thought about like that what I would say to my mom I don't know bro that's a that's a that's one of questions I never asked myself and answered it I always say like if I was to catch you on the street walking past then what's up like I wouldn't be the person but F you [ __ ] you you you did me wrong I think that that's a question where it's a spontaneous guy be I gotta catch you I got to catch you in person like I can't really like yo mom listen this is I don't got that I I got to catch you on the oh what my yo what's up how you been oh you home oh listen this and then keep pushing here's my number keep keep pushing this is traing anonymous my name is Chris STS let's get it thank you my brother thank you thank you
Channel: Breakbeat Media
Views: 205,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mother Starved Two Children & Only He Survived, mother starved two children trappin anonymous, breakbeat full episodes, Breakbeat Media, Breakbeat Full Episodes, Breakbeat Interview, breakbeat media, breakbeat interview, breakbeat, podcast, Trappin' anonymous, trappin anonymous podcast, Trappin Anonymous, Trappin Anonymous episode, trappin' anonymous, trappin anonymous episode 49
Id: 2XgxD55xUVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 42sec (4182 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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