Dr. Bobby Price 14-Day Detox Review

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and I was going somewhere and it's a little further drive and I had to pull over I was like I got to go to the bathroom yeah so it does yeah that happened to me too I was like oh I got to hurry up and get to this destination what's up y'all me and my mom are back to talk to you about the Dr Bobby Price detox and so we're going to kind of talk about the difference that the detox has made in our lives even going forward after the detox we're going to give you the real behind how you have to really live your life the lifestyle during the detox what changes we had to make to our schedule and things like that in order to make sure that we get it done and yeah we'll give you the real behind the detox and how it really went for us okay for me I did the detox because my mom did did the detox she's the one who put me on to it she told me about it um and you want to tell them kind of what made you want to do the detox okay first I just want to say I've never done a detox ever in my life and I was one of those ones who said I would never do one but um so I took a trip to Africa and while I was there I felt like my body was telling me um communicating to me that I need to cleanse cuz um I mean I've done a lot of travel but traveling Africa just really um you know just made me really think about my body and it was really telling me to cleanse so when I got back I was like well let me just continue on with this cleanser let me find me a natural all natural detox and one that I can still eat eat with so that was another thing too cuz I heard people talking about juicing and all that I was like I want a detox that way I can still eat so um I came across um dror Bobby Price on um uh e actually yeah so it's another um YouTube channel that we watch your leisure on your leisure yeah so I just listened to him and his detox is two parts one was was um uh so both of them are te's actually they both are te's and one of them was uh what basically for cleanse and the other one was for one was a parasite cleanse and one was a tummy detox yes they're both really bitter like really really bitter and um he said it really depends on who you are or I guess your personal taste Budz which one tastes more bitter than the other one that parasite CLI y'all tasted like Po like you know how po smells it tasted like Po and it was so funny cuz I was telling her I was like it's real bitter but one thing he suggested was take um a orange slice and you know just have that like in between your swall that's the only way I survived cuz I couldn't just drink it straight but it said after four or five days you adjust to it and you'll be fine and that is the truth after four or five days you you'll get used to drinking it but I couldn't drink it straight I had to have my my um orange slices in between sips I drink it straight because we didn't have any oranges and I didn't plan accordingly so so I just drank it I just took it straight to the head and it still it got better by like the third day um it still wasn't like good but you know it's not meant it's not for the taste of it it's kind of like taking bitters a lot of people take bitters in order to reset um and so this was a way to really clean everything out yes like you going to be going to the bathroom a lot if you're looking to do the detox make sure that you follow Dr Bobby Price and you follow his instructions he has a video to show you exactly how to do it always want to go back to the source to really you know get that type of information you're going to drink 2 32 oz of each tea yes so a day a day for 14 days for 14 days and you have to complete the second one like at least an hour after you um wait you know about an hour then go ahead and start on the second one yeah so so you'll wake up with one tea your tea of choice you don't have to start with any specific one but you wake up and you start with one 32 o and you want to drink that within like an hour right you got to drink it drink that within an hour and then you wait an hour and then you drink the other one and I really I wasn't like eating or anything really in between the te's um or I would just eat like some fruit or something like that because you have to be plant-based while you're on the detox otherwise there's no point in you doing the detox right and he talks about that too um things that you should eat and and things like that while you're doing the detox and like I said plant-based is the way to go and that's one thing I like because you know it's like salads I mean it was just it still was a good diet you still ate pretty good like for me I um I had a smoothie in between my teeth I was like I I'm got to eatat something so yeah I had to Smoothie in between yeah did you stick it out for the full 14 days I um I missed two I missed two days and yeah so I didn't do I I think I still did pretty good yeah and I probably could have done the last one but I was like I'm done yeah I think I missed two days too um but I at least still kept the plant-based diet and or the plant-based lifestyle um even while I wasn't able to drink those teas it's just hard with doing certain activities like if you know you have a lot to do that day and you're not going to be able to run to the bathroom you know you can't really do the detox because the detox is getting it all out of there so you going be using the bathroom a lot so you got to be ready for that and that's and that's one that's why I missed the day cuz I was going skating I and I was like I'm not doing that detox before I go skating cuz I'm not going to be at skating ring going to the bathroom that's just I have but it will hit you like yeah so I remember I was taking I was going somewhere and it's a little further drive and I had to pull over I was like I got to go to the bathroom yeah so it does yeah that happened to me too I was like oh I got to hurry up and get to this destination I had to get off and go go to the store go to the gas station and go to the bathroom yeah while on the detox I had so much energy like I really didn't feel like I needed to sleep as long and I felt energized I felt really really just Awake and Alive and really good do you say you say the same thing I do and I just to change like I can even tell the difference like with my blood pressure and just all of that um yeah I I did I felt much much better I felt good yeah and then even after the detox I didn't want those same things back into my body so since doing the detox I have actually actually adopted a plant-based lifestyle me too yeah so we've both been plant-based I did the detox in the beginning of August I started on the day before the Lionsgate portal um what about you um June like so day yeah it was June yeah yeah yeah so I started right after her um and I ain't going to lie we went to Atlanta and I had some SE bass um and I've also had three eggs in you know since August and it's November now so the end of November so I still think that that's pretty good but we we a good in um Atlanta we did we did a really good job vegan places to go to ceing yes o we I don't know if we would have made it without the ceing right yes it was really good but yeah it um yeah going plan-based has really helped me out a lot like I said um and also too when I came back I met um a couple of gentlemen that were also um plant-based and they gave me a lot more gave me some more suggestions and one of them was like um drinking coconut water so once I got done with the detox and everything so I started drinking the coconut water adopted a plant-based and I have lost um weight um my blood pressure is good my um when I went to the doctor my labs was good he was like what have you been doing so you know sometime they don't want to hear if you done you're doing plant-based the doctors don't you know but um yeah laughs was good everything was good and I feel good I feel healthy and yes so Dr Bobby Price got us got us he got us together he got us together like our I would say my um my taste buds have even changed like we were just talking about trying to eat some of the things that we did you know eat before and they just don't even taste good anymore like you can taste the artificial the bioengineered overly sugar processed like it's like you can taste the chemicals now like my body doesn't want it and it's it really made me be more conscious like even as a yoga instructor I would say that I'm very bodily aware um but it made me more conscious of what is just like an outside desire and not necessarily what my body wants you know what I'm saying yeah yeah cuz it does help you to um just I think too just because of the way you feel so when you feel better you do better and so when you go to the store now you look at labels and things like that you're like h no I'm not put that in my body because like you said we on this this path and we just feel so much better that we don't want to go back to the old ways yeah yeah definitely yeah so Dr Bobby Price you know what you're doing we appreciate you so much um for helping us clean out our bodies so that we can really prepare for this next season that we're moving into and you know cooking everything from scratch and no more preservatives no more of all these extra chemicals we're really cleansing ourselves and really just becoming the best versions of ourselves every single day so we thank you so much yes your detox is the best I yes I'm I'm glad that it was all natural and we could eat yes while we were doing it so that was important to me I want to make sure I could still eat yeah it really showed us how to eat too cuz you've never fasted before no I didn't do any of that I've fasted before and I've done you know like the Daniels fast and stuff like that so I've been on this journey for a minute but I've never done like a full 14-day detox drinking these teas with such powerful herbs and I talked to some other herbalists and had them look at you know the herbs that were in it they're like oh yeah that's really good that's really good so had some other people in our lives verify it and yeah so we recommend it yes we do yes awesome yes it was great for us so we hope that you try it out and let us know what your journey is like let us know and you know it's going to be hard what what was the hardest time for you to keep going the first few days yeah but like I said I had to I wouldn't have made it without the the SLI for me yes but after that it was it was good it was good I I adapted quite well yeah so let us know in the comments if you are looking to try this detox and you don't have to stop at 14 days I think the other one is like a 28 day yes I think so you can do 28 days too we was good with the 14 right but let us know if you do more um let us know if you have any more tips or anything like that and if you are just starting it off just know just stay consistent it's going to get better you're going to love your experience so just hold on just hold on all right we love y'all thank you'all for tuning in thank you
Channel: Flowing With Fluid
Views: 3,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black, storytelling, dr., bobby, price, detox, 14 day, 14 day detox, plant based, vegan, mother daughter
Id: gt8SZBVd3ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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