1v1ing Every YouTuber At Connect 4

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right hello friends now if you've been wondering where i've been for the last few weeks and i'd blame this video it has taken absolutely ages to put together so please if you do enjoy it feel free to subscribe and help us on our mission to 5 million subscribers by the end of the year anyway enjoy the video all right hello you lot now uh now if you know me you'll know that i'm not very good at well many things it's pretty good but since the day i came out of the womb i've been unstoppable at connect four oh bloody hell win he's at it again a talent from a young age not one of those schmucks back at langley first school could stop me all right now now today i've lined up some of the biggest youtubers on the planet mr beast ksi morgz ali a laser beam chris md harry rothershaw and bazinga and i've told them all if they can beat me at this fabled game i will give them all 1 000 great british pounds um except for jimmy who when i asked if he was any good at connect 4 replied amazing i'll destroy 10 000 i win [Music] right come on then no guts no glory [Music] all right it's time uh welcome ethan how's it going welcome to the will any channel now i will be honest uh if everyone have a message to do this video you were kind of the the most casual so basically we've lined you up first yeah and you know what i'm really happy about that let's get it done and dusted because i don't have the iq to be here am i going first here okay wow i've put one in steady i've not done this under pressure yet i feel like you got a playbook or something like that luck just place the chip man i'll be disconnected uh oh uh pressured me still here i'm still here but i just bought it stop him whatever that maneuver was in the corner here if i make an error you're in the money i'm just putting it here safety safety i didn't know what i was doing i'll follow you with that one wherever i move i've lost i can do it then willy [Applause] [Music] you can't do that in the middle of [ __ ] play all right nice what this bollocks slide oh and lenny's in at the back post here he has to block the four but there's another one i hope there's someone out there with a larger brain than me me too ethan me too although uh that probably won't be till later on in the video because next up is harry wrote a show how am i getting this grand by the way in like a briefcase or something i'll uh i can paypal you it i can i mean you could donate it to charity if you wanted to oh [ __ ] that okay interesting stuff from lenny okay okay see that's a rogue shout that is i'm not a fan of that at all oh yes son of a gun where do i even go from here that's the question oh yes [Applause] let's [ __ ] go one nil oh no oh see why would you put one there look i'm just playing my game you focus on yourself i hate that i'm getting outsmarted why there you son of a gun i think it's done what do you mean how could it be done i think it's done how's it done let your move well there's only one move i can do [Applause] so that was too nil and the streak had begun harry as always was gracious in defeat you know what i hope you get peppered by mr beast that's what i hope happens and then that took us on to big morgan hudson so go on this website oh is this the website who's on yesterday don't tell him that oh you've been practicing [Music] right lad i'm in best of luck may the best man win it's bad how ted's this [ __ ] dumb game gets i don't want to speak i can't speak i'm really i'm actually really nervous okay okay okay okay okay ah oh no i'm not liking this i'm not liking this wow oh no okay i'm gonna have to you guys go up there aren't you otherwise he's gonna get you wait whoa whoa that's a great idea i just [Applause] thank you mate let's take that one ill let's go again all right the wrong place round two you go first one i'm gonna trust my instincts this time i mean trust me no not you i was right this is the one you might just have to let me win so that it's more dramatic [ __ ] more dramatic i want me money like this oh molly's gonna do it now oh no he can't no he can't he can't we've got him so just don't go there all right all right there okay okay okay oh i don't know i'm doing it i don't do very well now my friends at this point we were closing in on an easy second victory you know lining up a trap on the diagonal day when something unimaginable happened oh my god wait all right this has been awkward hello jill no way oh my god oh my god she's coming over the shopping mom come on just go here for a sec hello hello welcome to the will any channel it's a it's a pleasure to have you here oh you're joking yeah i've no idea what that means mom you know what it's coming down to the final i feel like it'd be rude not to all right this is for 1 000 pounds if you played connect you must have played k4 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right i'm actually getting money if you win thousand pounds nothing the other way right okay do this this was it the final showdown what do i do what's the point oh good spot a good spot she's not that bad will don't underestimate her i never said she was he never said i was bad i beg to disagree i've never said an adverse word about you i'm winning you can't beat me now on this bro i'm not thinking straight oh i'm hot now oh weird a bit of a pickle there aren't we you right there go on then i'm quite sure what i'm going to do with that but we just made a queue it looks nice it looks pretty wait boys oh no no he's not he's waiting he's one either way oh don't tell him i might not know anyway i've had enough of this you're a loser so with another dub secured over our arch nemesis we were 3-0 and looking strong but was that all about to change right mr a welcome back to the will and e channel want to hit you up you were probably one of the more confident ones right i mean i haven't played it in a while but i feel like i'm a pretty solid connect four player i think your words were a young god oh okay okay well there we go young god then it is i'm literally not playing so long that's what i want to hear you've had a lot of practice oh mate bro i've been sweating this okay what do i want to do here are you ready to go already hey hey for someone who wasn't playing the while you're uh you're looking pretty solid here fellain oh the tension builds a lot of possibilities here there's a lot of possibilities i think i may have won no no oh my gosh no no no i'm not speaking i'm not gonna speak don't get ahead of myself i'm just gonna go here this is really gonna come down i think god all right i see the danger there there's big danger there yeah i think you've won [Applause] oh yeah you got that baby round two okay okay okay okay smart i see you i see you alistar i think it's gg oh if you won i think it's gg oh yeah okay come on damn i'll give there you go okay okay that keeps it interesting oh my god oh god the straps let him go first and you are not winning final round all right i'm just gonna do the exact same moves you just did ha i did not expect that i think you got in my head and said you knew it yeah mind games that's that's part of it i know what you're doing will you you're terrible this is interesting oh jeez okay okay okay okay no no let's go he missed it he completely missed it he played into my hand i lost my head the mind games the saying nothing just letting him worry oh my god i lost my right well done gg that's my first l a thousand pound down congratulations lord thank you so much how long did that take uh maybe ten minutes to under cheeky 1k not bad not bad solid yeah like your paypal bank deals in the chat below and uh oh pleasure to do a bit of [ __ ] sake [Music] all right my immediate thoughts i lost my [ __ ] head [Music] i lost i should that is i would never play that normally never but oh the covers are on but he's flunked it i'm gonna go away we got some more matches tomorrow i'm gonna do some practice and i'm gonna come back strong resolute with composure it's gonna stay at 1l right we're only one l so my friends as i'm sure you can all tell by now connect 4 is not a sport for the light-hearted there is no undefeated runs in this game the board is a cruel mistress one minute you're on top of the world and the next you're getting slapped up by a fortnight youtuber but alas we picked ourselves up and moved on to jersey hotshot chris md so when i spoke to you you see you seem pretty confident it's been a while but i think my quote was i think i went invincible one season good better three you beat me i will give you a thousand pounds oh this feels like anfield away like inside the first minute you're just defending oh [Applause] yeah that's my bad oh chris oh chris of course of course you just go until someone gets i was thinking it's how many you get in a round oh right you can't count that one you'll have to do it again i don't know i think that's a bit dodgy mate [Music] do [Applause] what's the excuse this time um i prefer really not to not to speak [Music] [Music] oh [Laughter] the next one little bastard you bastard big big bastard okay i'm honestly so annoyed okay now with jersey well and truly conquered we were back on our feet and then set our sights to the other side of the world the australians live in the dream mate i'm ready to destroy you at connect four why connect four so you say this but when i message you you said you haven't played it since you were six now i forget that camera's on now you're going down ah god i did i where do i go now would you wait i'm not gonna help yeah well that'd actually be pretty nice if you helped me oh god you're doing moves bro you're doing moves you see i don't know what you're planning i just feel like i'm gonna be going along acting normal and at some point you're just gonna be like boom i won that's what [ __ ] prayed for me i'm so stressed oh is that four like does that count if you make a square like i don't know how you know let's not take the piss here oh [ __ ] oh god i gotta go there or something right i'm just trying to stop you now man ah oh wait what happens here oh have i [ __ ] up i think i've done that i'll press it oh i think i think i'm not oh god nah god damn it all right ah don't worry though it is best out of three oh oh no it's fine then it's fine then mate like that was a warm up i was hustling your mate i was hustling it's a lie oh my god i nearly [ __ ] missed it i was hoping for it oh my god i don't know where to go now what do i do i've lost all sense of directional planning i don't know what i'm doing at this point i'm just kind of like is there any hope i think it's dead all right lad thank you very much okay i feel like this is this is the same as that uh that's everyone sings video i had no idea what was going on the entire time at everything involving you men why do i keep [ __ ] agreeing to this so home hey man you want to be a part of my video in the future it's [ __ ] no i just got swept in connect four it's a children's game hope you go bankrupt [ __ ] you ladies and gentlemen we were well and truly back we may have been knocked down previously but we had marched on and now we really needed to keep building ourselves up before the big showdown with mr beast we needed to start testing ourselves against harder opponents so who better than the man who air who can't lose i can't lose right hello mr ksi how's it going i'm good i'm good man what's your level uh with connect four is it is it one of your strengths it was actually one of the things i played for i for uh logan are you you're taking the piss here right yeah yeah we've just played a lot of connect four just to get the mind shut the [ __ ] up legit serious oh dear we are in trouble oh that's you yeah oh yeah yeah always actually i'm not going to speak here come on what where three goes in come on pick up then it's a little while since the last ones are played i'm a we're a little rusty oh interesting it's dumb how [ __ ] tense this game gets i expected you to be a stinker i can't lie oh really this is intense money on the line slow it down little casual one i think it's done you know you think it's done i think it's done come on put it down there's one there's one there's one i can hear the cogs whirring this has certainly got very [ __ ] serious oh wait no no it's done sorry it's done it's an early night but it's an early night bro it's bedtime why jj placed the chat go [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] you and everyone you [ __ ] stop everything you stand for you dick it why [Applause] [Music] oh all right uh it's currently one minute until the mr beast showdown i've been shooting myself for days for this i'll be honest genuinely 10 grand on a connect 4 game that's ridiculous maybe not by his standards but for me something else um but yeah i've been nervous for days i feel honestly i'm sorry i'm treating this like it's a [ __ ] boxing fight i've just now got to focus on keeping my uh my cool like keep in focus while like cameras are on and talking like because i can practice the game and be totally fine and you know i play way better i think when i'm not trying to that's the focus for now let's get it all right jimmy welcome back to the will any channel thank you i don't know if it is thank you because this was supposed to be a nice relaxed you know i'll beat everyone at connect four and then before i pitch the idea for you we've got a ten grand bet on a game of connect four i do hey trade you have the money so i can show what we're batting don't do it do you have this uh briefcase full of money or did we already give it away i have these issues too oh perfect it's right over here yeah um so we are this is actually a hundred thousand dollars so we're wagering one tenth of what's in this ring case unless you want to up it no no no no no no i don't either i suck at connect four i don't either do you want to go first or second chris which is better first or second first all right i want to go first before we start best out of three yeah i mean for 10 grand it makes sense but who cares i'll win the first two then you know came over all right all right we'll see we'll see i've played six games i've won five i've lost one before we start anyone watching i promise you i'm gonna win it's waffle bro it's waffle it's all waffle hang on let me just pull up the pope enlist a higher power for this dub all right so it's giving me a countdown i have an ad with a dog wait wait wait all right so it's my turn the poke oh the pope is folded the poop all right i dropped one okay yeah i put one in the far left third from the right all right i don't need help no i want to kick this man's butt you have got is there a time limit or anything yeah there's no time limit i don't think okay i assume this is how you play connect4 i got this i got this chris don't worry oh god oh no that's scary that's terrifying what bullocks is that what english people say say that again one more time bullocks bollocks bollocks gotcha close enough so if i put it here he wins i put it here he wins oh boy oh boy okay okay here we go here we go wait did i just get wait will and he sucks i've just clocked that name yeah oh oh that's round one oh frick [Applause] there's one there's one connect four was a little bit harder than i remembered um hold up i want to go first again wait you want to go first again yes i don't know if that's a fair game jimmy but that's fine all i'm saying is you played a lot of games i haven't played in years all right all right in good faith you go first you go first all right i'm going first i don't care to go for it sure i don't know all right all right i don't need that all right all right let's do this i'm thinking this time all right i got him right where i want him no wait wait a minute you do it i hate you shut up why do you keep doing that just go up up up up all right playing right into my hands we're gonna do this come on let's logan paul and ksi let's draw when bullocks is that chris is telling me to put one here but i don't see the point because then he can block it is chris put up 10 grand tell chris to shut up uh uh uh uh chris i don't know what to do what's your plan big boy i mean win hopefully to the left to the left got it i will ah everything all right every time it pops up i'm terrified i would be like ah scrap i think we won get screwed no i should have took that one because now he's going to get a diagonal here because he's going to go there meet him oh yes okay good good good okay my mastermind plan is about to unfold we go here hey hey all right and then we're blocking okay yes no oh my god it's one one okay well well you see see this hundred thousand dollars will take ten percent of it and that's what you're giving to me all right this is it fella this is it i want no more chris for the decider chris didn't help me at all the whole time of course uh no like seriously he was saying stuff but he really wasn't like i didn't do any of it the internet said to start middle okay now seriously don't help me i want to beat this man on my own i want to rob will and he have his hard-earned ten thousand dollars nothing would bring me more joy [Music] oh yeah big green place oh boy all right this is gonna be interesting all right let's go that's cool let's go take as long as you want ah i don't know if you've noticed but i scream whenever i get mad at myself we're starting over on the right side the left side's the last cause ah yeah i just messed it up i messed up the recoverable no it's not recoverable that was brutal [Music] abort a mort it's scary here's a god of the game the god of the game all right well um oh my you made me sweat all right i gotta i gotta go just uh to send me your wire information oh god he's gone yes [Music] thank [ __ ] thank the lord i can't believe that this has been the willingness channel please subscribe if you've enjoyed this video and uh i'll see you guys later peace
Channel: WillNE
Views: 4,191,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: willne, will ne, willne connect 4, 1v1ing Every YouTuber, willne mr beast, willne ksi, willne morgz, mr beast, ksi, morgz
Id: pF7SO4GfgEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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