Ryan Reynolds Hates Himself | Total Savage Funny Moments

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I like how your names are on the chairs you know who should not come see this movie what people who are easily offended those with taste and a sense of humor people who don't like to waste time or money and Cristiano Ronaldo is Ryan Reynolds Debbie Reynolds son Wow incredible stories I would have to there's just a little bit of scene work and I'd love to just pick up a few pointers if you're if you're okay that's sure I would love you to do is I take this knife and hold this okay all right yeah okay and I'm gonna say something okay hold on it's all right oh my god he's gonna knife now you say yeah yeah that's not a knife now that's enough come on say that with a straight face 1998 MTV Best Kiss nominee Ryan Reynolds good to see you guys good to see you too back from retirement once you know why I'm good to save together mm-hmm unicorn no no one stand up it's CBS I know how old your audience is well well Wade may I call you Wade absolutely Wade I'm in the middle of my monologue right here you do realize I'm doing the show right now don't be disgusting Steven do do that one yeah let's just do it Wow yes I'm telling you right now I'm sitting right next to him dude is covered in eyeliner his eye he has no eyes you think lashes like he has no eyes Razia snow eyes no eyes I actually only have one eye stop Gordon looks like looks like we got two beards in the room three if you can't your wife let's dive in GQ Man of the Year that's a big honor you know I can't I can't think of anyone more worthy yeah well it's hey Jake see you there gosh why won't let they let you watch Deadpool Deadpool is like a little dad pulls a little much for you you know when you're a little bit older like in five months no problem but right now too young I think no no no no no no no tears this is a tear free zone okay all right let it out come on our team should be this line and Schliemann make me bone is that yeah no do you you I do do you good let's build a spoon together I can retire now I really do feel like I can retire there's gotta be some sort of like award you get in Canada if you can get Celine Dion to do anything you're around your yeah you have surpassed Gosling as the golden boy in Canada now because that guy so anyway we gotta go cuz he's got to do a show have fun he's Ryan Reynolds Oh idiot look you punched a bunch a couple hundred orphans and suddenly you're mean I don't this is what I don't understand is that to my apartment in New York and I realized that this is Jake's place Santana right right now sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I go right Jake when doing in your mirror um then I think no I'd never choose that shirt no you would never choose this shirt [Music] you're so old you make dust look like a baby a processor a friend of mine handmade you a temple for green no way yeah Wow using other parts from different characters that's really amazing together do I have like Iron Man's Chest thing you might have a bit over there somewhere that's really deep in there that's incredible okay let's talk about the obvious thing Green Lantern end of career and yet you're still going why none of us can understand why you're fighting actually still considering to be part of this Ben it's your calling I'm that's my superpower many people is Ryan Reynolds missing a tooth what do you know these are all my teeth what the hell's going on missing a lot of games let's get these calf implants out do you got something because you know the wife unfollowed you on Instagram yeah is that meat inside or you excited now you no longer being kicked out it's a terrible way to find out that I've been kicked out of the house okay to be honest yeah absolutely terrible mommy unfollowed daddy on Instagram my child would just fart and they'd walk away I can't stay mad at you Healing hugs here we go oh oh god I finally that feels so good you smell basic like cinnamon and manhood that's never like oh no no no we should let go so let go of this burden together just wonderful [Music] [Applause] he said that his kids got cameos in the latest Thor film where you're kicked yeah I know full makeup everything were your kids clamoring for a cameo in Deadpool yeah like there's there's I always think like let's put your kid if you put your kid in show business just skip the showbiz part just put him straight into a rehab right no no no at the time we were well my first pitch to the studio was not met very well III pitched them the Deadpool for this is for the sequel the Deadpool would the whole story of the movie be Deadpool trying to steal the big red chair from the voice that's right they were like no just the dumbest ha Wow you're gonna get me to play this yeah at all you've never played the recorder nope everyone has to learn this is a little I know yeah give me a key ruff sound I'll tell you who should not be on your show Ryan Reynolds huge ass he's like the poor man's version of Ryan Reynolds and like the rich man's version of my most recent turd I can the first question um Pass can you do three different animal sounds Wow it's a pigeon lion and a dog right okay they did a lion again i la I actually lost a bag in transit that's why I'm dressed like a third-tier character on Three's Company and then some short from Trump yes do you consider Deadpool the Green Lantern of good movies what's Eva Mendes like I don't know what's Blake Lively like she's wonderful now what's Blake Lively like you're can pick right I sort of miss being horrible yeah it's it's hard like you know everybody has it's always a challenge yeah kids it's like you know I think of like blinking now is like tiny little breaks all day but you know I'm like a swearing but we still want to be mouthing any tips yeah you can get kind of creative with it you know your brother's getting you mad or something like that you can say like you know you muffins smuggling dragon fart something like that right okay I think you should go now you're absolutely right you're absolutely right Jenny I should go five seconds kiss every finger separately although I failed it yeah yeah I don't know I'm lost in your eyes right now I can't look away you wanna have a staring contest see how long we can go without blinking Oh close so close no idea I cannot like to breathe in Singapore it is illegal to hug anyone without their permission I like that yeah I dig that yeah can I hug you sure oh we didn't really play football don't you asked yeah see yeah it's how you're supposed to do it how'd you just lunge for me then yes has the success of the first film changed you physically well I I I had five bones from my body just removed so I could just be a little bit more fluid both collarbones seven inches of spine and for no reason at all my coccyx just because I want to see what it looked like I once tweeted President Barack Obama about getting Zane back together with the band he didn't respond I'm calling about your the hence pick baby crib no there's no problem with it I think the biggest issue that I'm having right now is that the the crib is didn't come assembled there's just an enormous amount of hardware that's come with this unit and I'm having a real hard time putting together is Ryan Reynolds hi [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: justdenise
Views: 1,249,590
Rating: 4.9423122 out of 5
Keywords: ryan reynolds, deadpool, jake gyllenghaal, hugh jackman, xmen, trailer, teaser, 2019, funny moments, compilation, blake lively, savage, hates, trolling, best moments, ellen, jimmy kimmel, jimmy fallon, andrew garfield, pikachu, masked singer, interview, josh brolin, ikea, aviation gin, bloopers, jokes, conan, betty white, detective pikachu, david beckham, family, green lantern, james corden, 2018, detective pikachu official trailer, avengers, endgame, chris evans, chris hemsworth
Id: 0NSdJ3SxxLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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