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[Music] what's up guys girls and pieces of college ruled notebook paper so we all love the demon list I'm sure but some of the levels on it just have such confusing and forgettable names so in an attempt to fix that today I'll be bringing in my mom to rename every demon in the top 50. so let's get into it all right so Mom today what I'm gonna have you do at least the top 50 if it goes by quickly we'll do the top 100 have 50 10 100 what hardest uh levels in the game business there's not that many there's a lot basically what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you them and I want you to guess what they're named um I'm going to show you two examples um so here's an example of one right it says bloodbath yeah so this one's called bloodbath you know it's red you know it's blood you know oh God it's all red so that's right yeah so where's the bath part well I mean bloodbath I mean it causes me like you know a lot of blood okay so they're taking like a horror theme yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna pull up the first one okay you can go ahead and open so this is the hardest level in the game what it what do you think it's called um pretty difficult that you go up and go down um I would say maybe something like I don't know because it kind of change it seems yeah so schizophrenic that's it schizophrenia that's the number one demon that's the number one demon um [Music] all right let's let's see if you were right I don't know what that is what's a what's an asheron uh Acron I can't I don't know honestly I don't know why it's named maybe that is the German word for schizophrenia maybe no I hope some of these make some sense okay go this is the second hardest level in the game um and you gotta guess I'd say guess before like 85 because there's an end screen Firefall Firefall yeah I like that that's what you're going with yeah that's what I'm going with all right that looks great that's what this is what the level is called avernus averness averness sort of sounds like a furnace so I guess I guess that's what they were going for you know I haven't thought about that but furnace that very well very well could be the mnemonic device they were going through I feel like Firefall is better all right you can look oh that's bright yeah you're gonna have to go Sunny because they're gonna pause the game I feel like this would be like Sunny confusion Sunny confusion okay well it was really bright and sunny you know it's kind of I'm gonna revise your answer no I like the yellow I think they should have stuck with the yellow bus [Music] so the level's called Silent club step that's a terrible name that's a terrible name what the hell official levels yeah I've seen that name but what is a club step it's it's the name of the level I don't know it's the name of the level what is the name of the song I don't know Ah that's not a real thing uh go ahead who is he he's the guy who verified the level oh so he's the one bouncing around he's the one playing the level yes oh that's fast it is fast oh what's that that's the that's the ship game oh there was a total uh there was Satan the hell is a very common theme okay hoverboard hell [Music] slaughterhouse yeah it's not terrible I mean I don't see anything really getting slaughtered but I think it's kind of cool your icon when you die I don't know well does he die in this well he's probably died thousands of times while trying to beat it but this is the one this is the video where he actually made it yes correct so I don't get to see the slaughtering okay this one should look different purple not red purple skyscraper purple sky screen I don't even like that name uh purple rainfall kyuki I definitely think that means purple rainfall maybe 100 I had actually seen that symbol before spelling out purple reef well then you know maybe just maybe you got one right that's pretty oh and it's nice and it's it's Mom's speed too it's nice and slow and perfect speed for me there is a lot of red oh good luck it was a nice kid too nice oh that was like a face that came in Perfection yeah there you go [Music] abyss of darkness okay I like that name though I think the name is good so this is I'm getting the vibe that this is your favorite level so far I really like that one yeah that was a good one ready let's see let's say it's going Gangsta going gangster okay [Music] what the hell that's a made-up word it might be but it's it's it has to do I think it should be backwards like napuka's Circle okay you can go ahead and look oh Lord these are those crazy fast levels uh so the pretty different color theme so far it's it's gray yeah splotches of color but I like all the diamond things so I'm gonna say maybe it's like diamond dungeon Diamond dungeon I like that [Music] firework that doesn't look anything like fireworks that one would go better with like the last one don't get wet we need to get wet from it's a video game that's a good question I don't know what they meant no water kiwi nightmare kiwi nightmare what provoke that because there was some there was some like really funky like green bits in the beginning and then there's like little spatula green here and there and this looks like a nightmare [Music] yeah I don't well that kind of goes with that weird don't get wet part yeah I don't wear a dry we are away yeah I don't really get it I feel like they gave up yeah me too they did a great job on building the level yeah I just threw stuff in there for no reason go ahead so this is what's called a memory level where the gameplay is basically invisible you can't really see what you're doing you have to basically memorize the entire level to like you don't know which of these to hit uh let's go with like Mensa music memory Mensa music memory yeah limbo oh that's limbo yeah oh I've heard you guys talk about that yeah all the time um because like one of these keys will glow and you have to follow it while also doing this part at the end you have to pick which one it is and so many people have done that no but nobody's done that without cheating there's no way this many people have I'd like to see them do that and it's gotta be like 15 20 people probably yeah I know I'm glad that you just have decided no I'm glad all right go ahead oh this is Mother's Day just like something for Mother's Day Mother's Day okay [Music] that's super cool looks like a little cotton candy I don't understand how is that even close to poop Cube like I think it's meant to be like poo cubed with a cubed symbol on the end but I don't understand where they got poo none of that is brown I still think it should be Mother's Day very pretty we're back to the hell theme oh he got eaten by something I'm not gonna make it not gonna make it spelled n a g g o n a not gonna make it cubed yeah okay let's see let's see if that's right Arcturus I don't know what Arcturus means I don't know either but I feel like at this point you're a veteran of level names that Magnus I feel like it's missing yeah a cute would be great a squared zafirian [Music] yeah the hallucination hey that's actually not a bad name for that because I feel like I was hallucinating a little bit but it's like he should have called it like bad trip because that's acid you know all right go ahead cool oh what's the stuff in the back I don't know it's like art of a oh I think it's like an Electronics I didn't know that no because when it came up I was gonna say like tornado spinner because I don't think those fidget Spinners that you had but that looks like a tornado like look at all the crap that happens when the thing yeah tornado spin around I'll use that but I would never know edge of Destiny I thought he was just putting like you know subliminal messages like the other guy like don't get wet [Music] Flight of the Bumblebee where do you get I mean he's just close to the line he's just flying light of the Bumblebee okay yeah [Music] okay I don't see Oblivion whatsoever on that one oh I hate when it does that my least favorite like thing in this game I don't know what this is like it looks like there's a bunch of letters none of these are the levels it's people who it's the people who made the parts yeah that's funny so yeah let's do like subliminal Speed Run subliminal Speed Run yeah hard machine well it's hard yes it's hard interesting good job guys Dark Avenger it is pretty dark okay let's see it is okay they I think they named it they named it unknown why yeah you did unknown because they don't they didn't have anything don't blame them it gets tough to try to come up with something to combat things like poo cubed but I mean like I'm glad that you dislike that Neville name as much as I do I hate that level name so it's such a stupid level name so much happening okay I'm gonna use that I'm gonna call it mountainous Mayhem [Music] definition it's funny you mentioned that because this level's name appears at the ending uh didn't realize that uh it appears in the middle too that's funny yeah see now the difference was you didn't mention it this time and I couldn't pick up on anything different so let's see Kaleidoscope that's what I couldn't think of before the Kaleidoscope Karma Kaleidoscope Karma yeah [Music] sonic wave Infinity okay I'm gonna get behind sonic wave I'm not sure if Infinity works because this isn't like gonna go on forever I mean it's a longer version yeah but it doesn't climb forever who a lot of circles there we go [Music] there we go to the next one no you can do you want to see what it's called oh yeah that's right see like I don't know if that really makes sense but Tartarus I feel like it's kind of a word it's like it is a word I don't remember it's like I feel like it has something to do with like mythology or something yeah and I love mythology I think it's something to do with like Greek mythology I feel like Tartarus is a person it's the infernal regions of ancient Greek mythology okay I don't know I feel like it's a little too bright and happy in the beginning but I mean I'm always good for anything that's Greek mythologically named thank you that sounds French better be French for dinner like this you know it just might be a new color scheme yellow and green yeah blinded lights blinded lights okay [Music] the golden that's not even a whole sentence or whole word or anything like the golden what the golden the Golden flight the golden the Golden cruise ship thing the golden all right we're gonna move on okay I'm a little afraid because this is kind of like poo cubed but like color-wise geared up geared up yeah I like all the gears all right let me skip to the ending here [Music] Walter White that's kind of a silly I didn't see a meth lab in there yeah no but it's it's called Walter White cool looking pretty cool looking it's kind of cool okay like it looks like a dungeon again I don't know I'd say graffiti tag graffiti tag yeah [Music] Sinister silence they weren't quiet though so they talked to the whole thing here's the level boom this one should have been kiwi it is very green Luck of the Irish Luck of the Irish yeah verdant landscape okay I can deal I like that there's a screen it's a landscape it's Verde isn't it green but yeah but Verde does we got the sort of close enough is coming up here's the here's the drop of the level okay I don't know what that means it means the song gets more intense circus virtuoso circus virtuoso yeah zodiac oh I would like that more if I could tell that there was like 12 of them in there 12 different things yeah I like zodiac as a word but I would love to see like the Zodiac somehow represented everything okay so this is like lightning or something I see a bunch of lightning okay so let's say like oh and like water that looks like water I like this one meteor strike or something like this maybe something like that [Music] aerial gleam oh I like Ariel I'm not sure gleam does it justice I I really think it would be funny if you do manage to just like by some luck of the draw having to happen to actually guess one of them not gonna happen because none of these make sense in most cases Next Level ignore him in the bottom oh he looks like a nice kid I don't want to like ignore him Galaxy no gear Gear Galaxy Gear Galaxy yeah [Music] you don't like he knows I don't know how come when I was thinking well I didn't see half of his stuff um well the level the stuff was there but there's like flowers in there there's a lot of stuff in this level so you got you probably got like 45 seconds to think of something because I saw love I'm gonna call it Valentine Valentine's yeah because it's like those candy hearts where they got a little conversations all right [Music] this is I think you're pronouncing it wrong okay how am I pronouncing itsu for all I know I could be pronouncing it wrong because I don't I mean I don't know how to pronounce it I think I still think that should be balancing because it's got all the conversations what do you put words in if you don't want us to read them yeah a lot more green here as well yeah you do I like the word reborn but I don't see anything being reborn so let's say mental breakdown mental breakdown yeah [Music] you're close you're close curies that's not close at all Oculus orbitus Oculus orbitus okay I'm getting into the Greek theme now yeah [Music] take your best guess I don't even know how you pronounce that uh um obviously this is espara from the Latin word for does it make any sense okay let me go ahead next slashing level out very flashy level very flashy level of what you thinking Jabberwocky [Music] there is nothing neutral about that yeah you don't think so nope all right all right moving on that's all you got to say that's it I feel like this is one you can at least probably get close to uh that looks like Hades yeah let's call it Hades [Music] critical Heat yeah I don't mind heat but I feel like critical is not very I mean look at him I mean look at how critical this is I mean that looks like critical heat right there oh let's call this Icarus Icarus yeah [Music] Promethean I'm getting closer I'm getting closer this is definitely a root word of like Prometheus okay this is pretty different from most of them I feel oh what the heck force field force field yeah that's what you're going with I guess so because he got stuck [Music] thinking space okay not your cup of tea not what you would have picked you would have picked force field like thinking space like it sounds like you're supposed to be inside his head so this one should be Icarus he's flying into the sun yeah you have any other ideas no I'm gonna say like portal portal yeah [Music] I was damn close that doesn't look like anything either I'm Port Elizabeth I think it's kawaiyo koi yu-yo oh he's like jumping I like that little guy who's he well that's one of the game modes he doesn't have anything to do with the level though oh he's been in many of the levels so far I know I'm just saying I didn't I didn't get to be that when I was playing because you didn't play for long enough oh it's in the later levels I didn't know that Rogue racer Rogue racer yeah [Music] like it could be lotus flower I didn't even see a lotus in there I feel like you should know by now that that doesn't that doesn't mean anything but I don't understand why they're naming it things that you don't have in there so not not too terrible so far eminent rage imminent rage [Music] a super hate me world I don't know what to think about that one it's a run-on sentence for one two makes kinda no sense the super hate super hate me one like I hate why why unless we hate because all of these extreme demons they default to this red hell theme and it has to do with blood and hatred it's kind of over kind of overdone I think eminent rage would be a little better okay I know you've thought you thought that about most of your levels so about most of these names so far terrible with my eyes this game explains why you're you got glasses so soon in life Wrath wrath okay it's not like a red dark level so it looks angry okay it has like a real like nasty looking themed [Music] The Fragile really it looked really hard it should look like a fragile fragile level I didn't see anything soft in there I didn't see anything breakable in there so yeah this and his my name Jeff like I don't understand what there's heart bubbles disappeared it's a love lost okay Ugg in the middle [Music] Siri never clear I don't either Siri never clear never clear sorry that was amazing what's a Siri uh I think it's a player but I don't it's like it's like an old Creator and player from a long time ago but I don't know what he has to do with this level though it's very red again it's another red one yeah but that probably doesn't make you think evil Reaper Crimson plants I totally thought I was gonna see some like random like Goa or something Planet okay I could I could get behind Crimson Planet all right go ahead I don't know confetti [Music] hypochondriac confetti hypochondria what does hypochondriac mean it's like a person that like always thinks that they're sick or I mean they're always like ill like so this level makes you think of sickness and illness yeah [Music] all right it's really quiet yeah because it's building up oh to another another drop has uh as GD players would say okay uh oh that's cool Skyline Skyline yeah [Music] calculator core oh my goodness okay is there a calculator in here or something it's technology so calculator can you see technology well it's like you know those like futuristic city thing that you were like why did you say Skyline I thought it was a city a futuristic looking City it didn't look futuristic just looked like a city it's blue and white those are the peak colors of Technology oh okay I like the people that choose color I mean I like the grayscale stuff too but like the color is nice yeah uh this is Zenith zenith [Music] cold sweat your face I mean there's been a lot of disappointment out of you today I feel okay guess what I don't even I don't get it all right go ahead let's call like escape room or something Panic Room there you go Panic Room okay cognition okay I mean I like the word I thought that's the Saving Grace for most of these levels for you is like well the name makes no sense but I mean that's a cool word so I definitely am a lover of words so all right go ahead yeah yeah like the ring that's what it reminds me [Music] Cosmic Cyclone okay that one actually makes sense yeah makes total sense really I think it looks exactly like that you're fine very good you're happy with this one Brava brava is this the best is this the best fitting one so far so far is the best fitting name for all of them yeah it's missing cubed but it's Miss you're right it doesn't it's not yeah that would have made it a lot better or squared or squared of course this looks like doppelganger so you're changing your thing no it's still doppelganger because it keeps splitting up a lot well that's just a game mechanic like you can like anyone can put that in their level I don't care okay guys [Music] Lucid nightmares okay I I think it is okay it looks like a good name yeah for I like both words so these are getting better yeah so far a lot of flowiness around it looks pretty standard but yeah it doesn't look like you can get killed by a lot of things I'm sure pretty much everything on here can kill you [Music] um Smokehouse [Music] rust you know what I was totally thinking there was like a metallic component and maybe that's what all that Dusty looking stuff yeah but I'm not 100 sold I feel like maybe something in the metal family would have been better like you know rust is on metal I know but like everything in it had like a little bit of a Sheen but in a muted way so probably could have chosen a different one Cosmic Cyclone still ahead that was the one that makes the most sense out of all of them for the I feel like it's Gotta Have the word dream in it okay staccato dream there we go staccato dream [Music] silent Club of Exile in here I don't understand what silent has to do with any of those at all so it's kind of but silent is a term in the GD community that means like impossible almost don't get it nope all right this next one is the last one so let's see uh let's see what you think of it let's see if we can end on a high note yeah if it has Club in it it's not it's not gonna have a high note so this is this is number this is the 50th hardest level in the game uh snow blind snow blind yeah or maybe white out white out that's a good one too yeah let's let's do white out one white out Final Answer Yeah final answer shardscapes okay I think that one makes some sense so that's okay um I think he could have done a little bit I get it because it does look like shards or something but it looks more like snow with all the little mountains and stuff it's like yeah but that is the top 50 hardest uh demons I can't even get around still just don't understand the whole poo Cube thing I mean I think it's cool that some of the people like definitely try to like incorporate Greek mythology or like characters or whatever but like I think there's a lot of weird names for things you want to try one of these sure okay sure whatever you say so yeah so today I think we've learned that the top 50 have very fitting names maybe is there anything you'd like to anything you'd like to close with nope thank you very much I will happily no longer name any other games you wanna you wanna do the the closer and special thank you to all the members for watching especially the Carl yes special thanks to you thank you guys for watching I will see you in a future video [Music]
Channel: Sdslayer
Views: 145,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, geometry, dash, geometry dash update, geometry dash 2.11, geometry dash 2.1, geometry dash 2.2, geometry dash update 2.11, geometry dash update 2.1, geometry dash update 2.2, sdslayer100, geometry dash demon, geometry dash world, geometry dash subzero, geometry dash meltdown, geometrydash, geometry dash all levels, sdslayer
Id: WANq7wuOsGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2023
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