MY FRIEND Guesses Steven Universe Characters

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today I'm with my friend Marissa and she's gonna be guessing Steven universe characters you want to say anything epic okay who is this okay first of all she has watched some of it four years ago four years ago so you have some input yes it is I like his name Steven in a way what do you think of Steven yes like it was like a belly button with like a gem thing I'm not wrong I mean like what do you think of him as in like his personality what do you think his purposes in the show to exist he's like isn't he like the main character called Steven yet what do you figure who's this garnet yeah okay what do you think of garnet first she's like the mom she's like the responsible responsible mom okay so she's good actually no no no she's like the son you're responsible one semi responsible yeah because there's another one there's another one no she's like the super super responsible one pearl let's go what do you think of this character isn't she like have OCD I can't tell you so sure oh yeah she's a epic he's pretty cool is that her name like amethyst okay so what do you think of amethyst does she eat a lot of stuff I mean it isn't aren't aren't they in the show like then they don't actually have to eat but she does I can't answer question that's recent I respect her if she just eats even though she doesn't have to mad respect is this it doesn't have to be right by the way what do you think if you saw this girl out and about what do you think your name III remember isn't it like tawny or something I know honey okay we're gonna go with Tommy so what do you think of tawny is she like the love interest of Steven or whatever oh that's sweet she's like super smart and then like getting like one of the first episode she got like trapped in a bubble with him and like you died you actually remember this though that was like four years ago yeah because I'm okay lapis lazuli okay well my craft because I already know and all my knowledge from my good yeah I didn't yeah do you know it's one of the only ores in Minecraft besides coal and iron but you can you make me so sad no bad oh my gosh still epic it's having resurgence okay hear that everyone please play Minecraft with us we're lonely what do you think of Zhu Li I just think it's so funny that you say that she plays baseball she's so she's a big kids will look very happy about it though then she's not epic I'm not cure uptick who's this oh I know this gives you post it on your Instagram all the time okay is it her name with the it's a G right is it I don't know I'm not giving you any hints or anything I would okay I I know the name but I'm gonna say Jade cuz she's short like Jade okay well isn't it like peridot or something is it I don't know so what do you think of what you say Jade short and annoying I'm kidding Jade I love you that's character who's this this person is wait wait first of all what do you think the gender of this individual I would say well that's a good question I would say it's a I would probably I don't know is it the its name Jasper or something like Jasper that's what we're gonna go with Jasper so noir Casper guess which one Jasper Jasper okay yeah I don't know I remember it seeing like I started zoning out in like what the seasons after I watched it and I just like didn't pay attention but I he or she I don't even know I think it's a she she yeah I would say that what do you think of Jasper it's a she ever say she okay okay like a like a bad bad guy bad guy yes stop asking me questions I can't even answer and well I'm sorry he's a bad guy is that she yeah a bad guy did she look like a bad guy I'm asking you exactly who's this oh okay I remember seeing I'm gonna say it's a she she I'm gonna call most of them she's by the way yeah I don't know man it looks like half a spider like they're like instead of having like wait spiders have six legs right don't they if I had them help we're gonna look really stupid it what's her name a spider person okay so what do you think of spider person I don't know she looks evil very angry yeah she's just like muah ha ha I'm gonna steal all your babies who are these guys wait are they all different people yes what they're all different so these are this is like all these are different people they're not the same person and different are you sure the issue it's Ruby Ruby so which one's Ruby the first one okay other names I like how you trying so hard to be right there's gonna be ones that I put from the like hour-long season finale thing and you aren't gonna know at all like never seen before okay um so this is pirate Ruby because she only has one eye okay this is a constantly confused Ruby this is meanie peeny Ruby this is super person Ruby and this is playboy Ruby okay what do you think of all these different characters that it's actually one character and they she just has a split personality disorder they'll definitely put that in a kid show yeah doesn't she have like I don't even know have like a significant other because I don't even know what the genders many people she's blue and blind blue in blind whatever next character yeah she's blue and blind what's your name how do you think your name is no you are not looking anything up I swear I just look up gemstones I know you can't look up gemstones when you look at her what do you think like diamond diamond that's a great name okay what do you think of diamonds she's blind that's it no personality no nothing she's blind so anything else you want to say she's playing this character who aren't even mole I know you don't I do not know these I liked I thought that that one right there the ones yeah her expressions just like it's like happy but not happy but also at the same time like she's staring into your soul then she's like I'm gonna kill you it's exactly why you like her yes that is exactly why I use it like a huge wart on its face these are three different characters what there's third stop look I'm not I just got a freaking okay I would like to mention that her background is doctors oh okay by the way guys dr. bill is the best human being alive next person wait but you haven't even named okay three person one green first a slightly dulled down green person and then mixed green person oh I've seen this person yeah you have I I think you have at least I have how do you shut up just figure it out use the few brain cells you have love excuse me what's your name what do you think of her and then you could tell me your name that she's a bad guy and looks annoying what do you think of purpose the show to be a bad guy dude how did she stand like that cuz she likes to stand like that's so weird that she's that's gonna hurt I don't know how people's family look little bigger feet are compared look how big my god that's like actually so big though like if you actually look look how big her feet and legs are compared to the rest of her body she's nice and thick and all the right please doc okay wait what's your name um red person what's ur name red person yeah big feet big out of proportion person out of proportion out of proportion person yes anymore no who's this I'm gonna give you a hint and you cannot look up when my birthday is this is my first act or something okay so what's the versus improv I have no idea am I supposed to say I should have seen her isn't this like parola like to other people combined or something whirl whirl shut up okay a lot of these that you didn't even mention were a bunch of other gems combined and like they are other gems combined it's called a fusion when they're all combined oh yeah so like a lot of the other ones that I showed you are also fusion situations have like extra arms and extra Jones and oh wait no this is amethyst and pearl combined what do you think your name is how do you actually like give you a hint for this one I know and you can't I'm sorry that I don't know all the birth month stones I don't even know my own what really yeah okay what's September I can look it up but you can't okay look it up there everybody drop like give it give me a happy birthday like three months early maybe sapphire sat mine sapphire oh that's definitely one yeah it is we already passed it so go back no we're not going back what's amethyst is a pearl combine what came at this go yeah that's that's my entry going next one well that's amethyst and somebody else combined okay that's eras cigar dick combined okay I'm right by the way dammit list yeah what do you think of gamma thist she's pretty cool pretty hucking around look at that face very sexy space oh my god Lord next character wait no what sad Stephens brother Stephens brother mother oh no I'm just gonna say no on that because like uh that's like purlins of the else combined thinking my throne I can't give it cleared no it's still there hey summer coughing a summer you can go really nice about asparagus what's her name then what do you think of her okay um what's her name you don't have dance mom dance next one go wait no what do you think of dance mom she's pretty snazzy kiss snazzy air look at that hair I could never have that hair that's pretty nice hair she looks like her hair looks like um uh what's your name it's like she's like the mom from the Goldbergs have you ever watched that show know it okay well if you don't that show is that's where her hair looks like who's this you've never seen this Carrie I have never seen this in here but it's Steven and somebody else Stephan Stephan Stephan and pearl uh note Steven note Steven and uh lapis okay boom I couldn't even can you figure out better names and it's both of their names combined Sabbath's okay what do you think a SAP is she seems very sad she has two eyes so what do you know SAP is yeah bye suckers oh oh wait wait we will open them it's all them combined all of them yes okay like as in because there's a lot of character so name the ones that combined wait no no no it's just gotten garnet and pearl wait no there's three there's three sets of hands oh yeah yeah no it's all it's all three of them combined okay and it's it's uh all three of their names come on Oh think of a gemstone think of gemstones like that you're gonna name her mica yes okay that's actually not a bad name for okay what do you think of mica um I don't know maybe like they only do don't they only do it when they're like it's big trouble and they're like we must combine all our powers together and like their friendship and stuff and defeat the foe okay so what I'm gonna say is that this one and this one thought one time so they did combine to fight this one because they're like a mega stupid human big I was about to say something else but you told me not to say yeah yes so her name is Micah okay next who's this wait is it that Oh it's it's Steven and a friar person he's the better person anybody who watches through the whole entire video good job man I appreciate you thank you for supporting my friend my friends pretty cool this guy's pretty snazzy look at those arms and but I'm stronger so those guys man man those are some pretty snazzy set thighs so what's their name fire person next person go oh oh oh it's um it's his girlfriend on him combining to be one person okay this one is actually to the names combined but you I don't think you got the name correct so you're gonna combine their own names your name is tiny but it's something it's something around honey it's not it's it's something around Matt so who's this Sami Sami what do you think of Sami I don't know she's pretty hectic I think when I watch the show I ship them super hard okay by Sami I have no idea it just looks like that I got like somebody from my agent like a Hawaiian rumor or something I fans I have a friend named Juan and she doesn't have that many arms serious problem look at her legs they all seem to have been nice legs like dang they didn't skip like that man how many of these did you do oh this is amethyst and Steven okay I'm even am even don't even quote me on this okay he is a sick yo yo man chill me guys Yugi has like two and a half arms what's the point of having that arm anyway you're just like ha you you looks pretty great dad no varrock yo-yo is pretty sexy so this is am even I'm even next yeah his he looks like a Greg Greg that that's what his name looks like he looks like his name is Greg okay what do you think I'm Greg it looks like that guy so he's either two ways he's either he's either that guy's like hey kid you want to get my bed or that dad that's just like super supportive oh and it's just like it's better than putting children in the sand this Maui hey what can I say I have a beautiful voice by the way I self-love is important too so Maui yeah what do you think of Maui what's he has some pretty soon as he hair this lion okay yeah I like okay I like that one he's pretty pretty okay looks like pearl but like yellow okay so yellow pearl turning yellow probably what do you think of Yelp girl she's shy but also shy yeah I know she's like that shy quiet kid at school that is not why I was about to say something really really offensive so I'm not gonna say it okay okay we're gonna nose though like look emo lapis okay what do you think of emo or its that the other one the other one the blind blue girl that I said in like the beginning actually lost weight so what what's your name email Abbas okay you know what we're just like an email app it's like after she discovered seeing music she's just like man I'm super email okay next character who this actually these are - this isn't animation but they have two different names pink diamond and emo pink diamonds okay what do you think of pink diamond an emo pink diamonds onesie moments not next character oh this is rose quartz okay what do you think of rose quartz now she has nice hair though Matt and those curls uh she's like Stephens mom and she's like super epic and she's like died or something or like disappeared okay next this know she has like snazzy shoelaces or whatever those are okay no one can see it but she just sits in the void you know like the real next one is this I think you may have seen this chair I have but I don't know her name dude look at those high heels like ah like I run in your kinky boots it does look like that I know I'm Brendon Urie boom dad wait no what do you think of Brendon Urie she's dead yeah next one oh this is emo why are you it's a 9 where are they all it's a nun what do you think of none uh she's she's evil next who is she punk rocker boom in the video right there no wait I still have to go what I have to show you what their real names are did you know fat though oh this is what Steven looks like now by the way his neck that's oh my god that's actually insane that you see he's talking about how he had some neck in his range like oh my god he has a neck and a shirt changed - I know he's a grown boy now he's 16 okay so you're alright this is Steven universe okay next one I need to get through this video so this is garnet she is a fusion mm-hm and she is of the blind person is the blind person and this one this is pearl I was right yep this is amethyst this is Connie I knew you'd be so mad about that because you said Tommy I was like oh my god she's so close so yeah that's Connie this is lapis lazuli and aqua zuly latley okay lovely and like when they did this episode where they were playing like baseball and stuff and like they had to change their names to convince the gems that they weren't human meant that they were human so she is Bob Bob yes this is paradise I was right yeah you were this is Jasper I was right guys I'm like ten for ten right now this is what happens when Jem becomes corrupted so like meanie be me thanks this is malachite this is what happens when lapis and Jasper fuse mmm so yeah she's a meanie be know this is Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby is sort of Ryan you said Ruby for the first one the other you had the weirdest things that I can't remember this is sapphire Oh your first Oh oh really I know she's not blind she has one eye under her she's fine you can't okay you her right you can't see with our kids future vision okay I don't care okay this is lemon Jade and Jade and Jade oh this is what happens they combine to make this one lemonade lemonade she said I love her this is sardonyx it's what happened I was never gonna guess never never and no she's not evil she's a good guy and it what happens when pearl and garnet combined oh yeah and then this is opal that's my birthstone I don't remember what you named her but I hate to tell you this on my first and that's what happens with an amethyst and pearl I should have prepared better for this no you should have prepared it all that's a lot of stuff that's the point you're not supposed to be able to know these okay this is sugilite you won't have got that yeah yeah these I probably wouldn't got this she is garnet and am tonight I was right this is rainbow quartz and what happens when pearl and rose quartz that's why she has snazzy hair she does I love her hair so much this is rainbow quartz 2.0 uh-huh because this is when Steven and it's not lapis it's Steven and pearl combined oh and this is a guy it's the only like guy gem that there is besides Steven of course but this is Alexandra I just thought like you've just said Alexander I'm like wait alexandrite so that's what happens when garnet pearl and amethyst combined oh this is Sunstone it's oh I can guess that that's a girl by the way so some stone is a fusion of garnet and Steven garnet and Steven this is Stefani Connie and Steven you know what I said like Sahni or something so I wasn't far off Gwen Stefani this is more so no it's obsidian and oh I could have guessed that that's a Minecraft obsidians a real thing and it's what happens when Steven pearl amethyst and garnet combined and she huge is it wait no I've Citians it igneous rock is it yeah whoa someone learned science this is smoky quartz Wow so what happens when Steven and amethyst combine so you got that this is actually this is Greg he looks like a Greg he has a Vandy Steve instead I told you he looks like a grandma he doesn't take children in his van yes this is bits bismuth it's not Maui she is like she's not a fusion and she has one Jim and she was one of the original crystal gems but then she Rose bubbled her away which means like you came at a time where she can't reform no she's a good thing even though she tried to kill see them but that's another story this is lion that's right well yeah it's obvious it's the line so pink lion I love like is yellow purple it was epic I said that I said yellow pearl it is that was epic and this is not you know lapis this ain't blue girl they kind of cheap names for all the other pearls and stuff but it's supposed to be that way cuz like is there a black pearl I'm just saying it's not blind but we've never seen her eyes before black pearls real blood there is a comic a comic a you type of thing about I'm a girl but it's not an issue okay so now that I told you the rest of the pearls names what do you think these guys names look at the colors pink pearl pink pearl and black pearl it's white pearl what you mean she's mainly white and gray in sense she's like grayscale these are the same person this is before she was possessed oh well no she was possessed and then now she's not okay this is rose quartz I was Chia Stephens mom yes she died because she had to give her gem for Steven DeWitt Oh so but she kind of sucks oh wait is it Steven half-human how does that a few me how does that work carbs Hodgins our procreation process I don't think I was this is a pink diamond so the pearl before she isn't her pearl the other pearl you know pearl our pearl at the beginning that's her pearl but something happened with the other pink pearl there it's unknown and like the pearls are kind of like servants of them and the diamonds are like the order but obviously that's not a thing anymore because of the season finale and this one and this one biggest a person Oh which was a huge twist and she started a rebellion as her and war okay this is yellow diamond yellow pearls all these clear pearl I say I'm not remember what you said but oh we never know who's female Brendon Urie was female Brendon Urie kinky boots this is none what what do you think you're an actual man not this blue diamond oh come on okay by the way thank you get more creative than this I know but like it's kind of the point because there's no like they don't they're not supposed to grow like they come out of the ground just like made and they're supposed to serve the order so like Wonder Woman from the comics cuz she was like made out of clay cuz she's feeling like female Aylin and you know female and female that really can create a child and who do you think this is I just want to see white diamond it is I'm great and then they're making a movie and this is the banner for the movie and I think I know I do she is I know that do you know that like robot teenager oh yeah yeah you look exactly yeah yeah everyone's talking about that um thank you for joining me Marissa even though it's really stupid um do you want to say any last thoughts about this uh all of you guys are breathtaking Keanu Reeves loves you and I goodbye and subscribe to my friend because she's epic okay that's it thank you for watching bye
Channel: Jones Films
Views: 2,409,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GqLjHd2LJQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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