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no no what happened to the b wall wait a minute it's gone blown up my slogo welcome back to b-town yes a town full of bees in minecraft in case you don't know anything about this series let me quickly explain what it's all about a long long long time ago i started a minecraft survival world blah blah blah blah blah we all get it i wanted to be on my own desperately however my friends simply can't leave me alone so slogo hacked into my server and built himself a house i then invited my other friend crainer because i felt pretty sorry for him and we've been playing together ever since currently i live in b-town which is this b-town i've been trolled because the wall has been blown up craner lives over there which is fish town and josh he lives in that mountain you see that glass work over there well that's where he lives in the previous episode i built this wall well it's gone already great let's have a read at this sign i clicked the lever and blew it up sauce okay so like i said i built this wall last episode although i did not add a lever to it so josh added a lever with tnt i blew it up or did crainer at the lever with tnt and josh blew it up i don't really know what's going on anyway josh didn't fix the mess what am i supposed to do now ah before i continue this series is fueled on your likes it needs at least 100 000 likes otherwise i will never upload another b video again also we released beanie merch a couple of weeks ago unfortunately crainer won that war but beanie is still living inside of my beautiful statue so that's all good he will take revenge on crainer another time but for now let's actually go and say hi to what why is there a sheep in this minecart i had a minecart going up and down here with a dog inside called bork in a minecraft what working at minecraft i mean bork in a minecart but now it's a sheep fork was josh's dog and he actually had him up for auction right here crainer bit nothing because jelly stole him so like why i don't think anything happened here i guess i'll take the real card back ah what is going on where's pork i was having fun with him ah okay oh no no no no there are signs inside of my house how dare you mess with my clone bork yes it was a clone get fooled it was a fake fork anyway i decided to troll your bee go up there and check it out slogo no first he gets rid of bork in a minecart i don't care if it was a i don't care if it was a clone or not a dog is a dog you don't kill dogs in this game man and now he's trolled beady beanie beanie beanie beanie beanie beatty mom i'm going up there get out of the way sheep it's my turn to go up no dumb sheep it's literally my turn okay almost there almost there there we go beanie he better be alive i've had beanie for multiple multiple episodes now mayor beanie lives inside of my statue what is happening here why is there a tripwire no no no no did i are we okay i was gonna break it but i actually stood on it nothing happened oh my god oh my god oh my whoa whoa whoa whoa someone tried to kill me but little do they know that string doesn't actually like work like redstone it's the tripwire part that does it oh my god someone really dumb trolled me i think it's probably crainer pork rules just kidding your bee flew away when i opened the door don't be could be alive though beanie flew away oh and sauce about the bee house blowing up oh and maybe make the door safer next time it didn't blow up okay it was josh placing the tnt and he let beanie escape i gotta go find him i gotta go find beanie baby hey i mean there's literally only one b here and josh said he flew away so then it must be this one oh oh there's another should we call him beanie or are we calling him beanie 2 or i don't know i'm kind of sad i lost my connection with my bees one of you is probably beanie i don't i you all look the same i don't know which one it is we have two b's now okay i hate josh i worked so hard on my b statue overlooking b-town and now he's killed beanie or well he's at least let him go and i don't know which one's beanie and he's gotten rid of borkin and minecart and he's blown up my wall he's gonna have to die is he online nope it's just me great job [Applause] i'm going to his base i'm gonna have to figure out something to do get in here no am i seriously gonna have to wait okay how do we get up to his base again like here it got rid of my path i made a path up to his base because this was lame okay we're inside we go through this we go through this we have an aquarium oh this is new this is nice he built this it's not bad it's not bad dude double layer dude double layered glass bit overkill buddy okay he's got a bed what is that uh oh my god okay i'm going down it's pretty dark down here i gotta figure out what this is all about and then i can think of a good payback on josh i mean i do have three tnt i guess i could use that oh my god what is this he's got like oh my god what is this got a whole bunch of dogs woof woof wait we got a lot of blue ones we have a pink mother clone pork what's up pork should i no i'm kidding i'm not gonna do that i will never kill a dog wait a minute pork is sitting as well when a dog is standing he will teleport to his owner if i get to move for to somewhere where josh doesn't know he is he can't get bork back i'm stealing more oh yeah boy get in my cart 2.0 how do i get up here again okay we go this way it's a little bit quicker i think i'm also considering moving my house up to the mountain because i feel like i'm a bit close to the drama right now crainer lives awfully close to me and it smells like fish okay let's uh let's bring this let's bring this sheep you're going i don't really care about you anyway you got to go buddy time's up oh that was actually kind of sad i didn't mean to kill him all right there we go wasting an entire pickaxe but we have our powered rails there we go i have some more powered rails okay we can bring all of that oh okay let's bring some of this iron oh i have a lot i have a lot of iron all right so bork currently lives underground we gotta go move him somewhere you know he's gotta you gotta live somewhere else the first thing is i gotta get him into a minecart right come on buddy come on yes this is gonna work really well oh yeah y'all staring because i'm about still bored okay so i think it's pretty fun to uh actually go up why don't we go and bring pork as high as possible to the highest point of this map all right that's the surface already dude this is not even that deep i will remove all of these blocks once we have bork up there it's gonna be quite a lot of work dude where even are we oh whoa i went the opposite direction i had no idea and now we just bring the rails down all the way to where porky lives there we go okay that should go all the way up and now we simply connect the rail and we send him up come on bart yeah sport yes he's going oh yeah bork let's go together yo and we place a block and now he's stuck here we simply remove all of this and we do all of that again all right look at this guys i am um i'm pretty high up i've made a little turn back towards b-town and i'm just placing on all kinds of blocks to go as high up as possible with bork i'm currently at 130 blocks high so that's pretty impressive if you ask me we'll try to go as far as possible the thing is i don't need that many rails because i could just you know take little breaks all right um let's actually put some more down now okay we are pretty high up now oh this is scary if though if bork dies then this is not my fault okay okay bark go go go yes more yes boar yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no bart okay can i push you up bork yes yes yeah okay now i just gotta remove everything again gosh this is horrible all right it is time for the final stretch okay i haven't reached build height yet but i think i think we're high enough i think we're high enough my pickaxe broke though uh wait i gotta fix this the final stretch is here we break this block put a piece of rail down yes go go go go go go go go push you up yes okay that should make it i think he's gonna make it i think he's gonna make it pork yes he made it he made it oh look how high up we we are har oh my god wait i only just realized we're on cloud level all right bork you're gonna enjoy it up here okay let's surround bork with some blocks i call him bork in a sky bork block i mean sky block yes now let's go tell josh what we did but before that we actually have to break all of these blocks to get down but that's okay torque is chill up there i'm i'm not telling josh where i put pork it's not happening all right we've made it down and would you look at that you can see it just about above the clouds i guess if the clouds move you can see it a little bit better but it looks pretty good i don't think josh will find out that pork's in there however he's probably gonna find out that we stole bork wait no i have a better idea i think i still have a name tag we're gonna name a clone boar and josh is not going to realize that's a good idea right we're just gonna pretend like nothing happened i think i think that's the best way to go oh here name tag tag okay here we go pork fork oh yeah okay we're on josh's base uh like i said i don't want to tell him that we've been here so maybe we should repair the windows nah let's not repair the windows crane is the window guy he always breaks them so josh will probably think it's craner okay here we have the dogs they're all pretty sad because borg's not here we have mother clone and there we have fork i stole the real boar it is true ladies and gentlemen i hope you enjoyed this video josh is never going to find out where burke is he's not because i ain't telling him to watch another one do it now because this video is over
Channel: Jelly
Views: 1,579,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, family friendly, kid friendly, My MINECRAFT BEE Got KILLED By MY BEST FRIEND..., minecraft, bee town, turtle town, troll, funny, jelly, slogo, crainer, new, game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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