My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | SPOOKY Halloween Episodes | Full Episodes Compilation | MLP

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where did I put that oh I thought I already and I can't forget I how am I ever going to get this done are you sure I can't help I could no maybe just a no thanks how about just stand over there but where you'll be out of the way ribbon ribbon where's the ribbon I got [Music] it w [Music] um I I'll just go and stand over there where I'll be out of the way my little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what friendship could Bey until you all Shar this magic with me Big adventure t of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you are my very best [Music] friend won't you at least let me help you clean up no you've helped me quite enough I'm sorry sis I just thought that if I could help I might find my special gift and finally earn my Cy Mark I understand it's just that I need this time to fill this order without any complications okay all done now back to work I've lost a lot of time and I cannot have any more interruptions what now oh sorry I thought the open sign meant you were open but I must have been mistaken Fluttershy forgive me I was so wrapped up in my work that I forgot you were bringing opalescence back from her grooming no worries Rarity I've left her there in the basket oh she looks great I just don't understand how you're able to do it I can't get near her without getting a swipe from her claws did you use the stair on her oh no I wouldn't I couldn't I I don't really have any control over when that happens it just happens no I'm just good with animals it's my special gift you know well you should have a picture of opal as a cutie mark instead of those butterflies oh oh oh maybe I can be good with animals too we not I'm sorry I can't invite you to stay in chat Fluttershy I've fitten off a bit more than I can chew with this order but you're not eating anything no sweetie it's an expression it means that I've taken on more work than I can handle I've got 20 of these special robes to make tonight they're due in trottingham tomorrow morning see I've lined them in this special gold silk it took so long to make but I think Dad's just the Right Touch don't you these are lovely but 20 by tonight how will you get it all done well I uh oh oh oh maybe I could just just stand over here and watch I'll manage well maybe I should get out of your main so you can work hi Fluttershy hi hello girls hey Sweetie Bell scooo Apple Bloom you ready for tonight yep cutie mark planning session is a go t now is the night we each try to find our own special talent even if it takes us all night I'm ready you ready very ready cutie Crusader sleepover at Rarity Y and look what I made us wow that's so cool what does that patch on your cap mean the CU Crusaders y we're on a crusade a mission to find our cutie marks yep and look I lined them with this special gold silk it took so long to make but I think it adds just the Right Touch don't [Music] you Sweetie Bell what have you done that was the last of the gold silk oh now I'll have to make more oh I hope I can make more I'm going to have to work all night which means sorry girls I'm afraid the Crusader's sleepover is canceled what I just won't have any time to watch you if I want to get these robes delivered on time but no butts this time I'm sorry sweetie Bell it's just the way it has to be I uh I suppose I could take them for the night I couldn't ask you to do that oh it's no problem at all have you met my sister and her friends a problem is all it would be did I have a problem with opal you've seen how well I handle small creatures I suppose that's true and I do have a lot of work to do come on it'll be fun I'll show you they're quite a handful these sweet little angels well all right crad sleepover at leage yay so cute wait for [Music] me oh won't this be ever so fun we can have a nice little tea party and breid each other's tails and sit quietly and color and tell each other fairy tales [Music] and hello Fluttershy oh hello Twilight where are you off to I'm heading to the ever-free forest of zakor to get some of my favorite tea the everfree forest you'll be careful won't you of course how about you what are you doing with the girls rarity has a big or to F tonight so I volunteered to take the girls over to my cottage for a sleepover wow sounds like every pony has their hubs full today taking care of those three Phillies all by yourself you sure you can handle it what these sweet little angels there'll be no problem at [Music] all wow look at this place what's that chicken no problem at all okay girls uh what should we do I'm going to get my M first girls nuh should we girls okay now settle I'm staying up all night me two me three I knew you're excited but girls oh careful with the girls so what do you want to do play a game we are the cutie Crusaders and we want a crusade for our cue marks and and and we um yeah what they said I don't know how about a nice quiet little tea party or we could go adventuring in the ever free Forest yeah oh no the everfree forest is much too dangerous it's filled with far too many strange creatures but you could go with us and we could catch those creatures we could be um creature catchers yay CU Crusader creature [Applause] catchers I am a dangerous Creature from the everfree [Music] forest oh dangerous creature of the everfree forest I am Sweetie Bell the creature Catcher And I'm here to catch you you can never catch me I am far too powerful and dangerous you cannot run for [Music] me um oh maybe that's not such a now girls how about we do some nice coloring come back dangerous creature so I can cat you never careful you don't break anything sorry Fluttershy yeah sorry I guess we aren't creature Kat oh girls it's okay I I know we could be cutie marus s or Carpenters Carpenters Hammer [Music] Hammer Hammer Hammer Hammer [Music] Hammer um that doesn't look like a table we were making a table some opponent needs to put this thing out of its misery we are definitely not cutie mark Carpenters who wants a picture of a hammer on their flank anyway well now that we've gotten that out of the way how about a game a game it's called sh what's that well it's a game about who can be quiet the longest sound fun I'm the world Champion know I bet you can't beat [Music] me I lose me too me three okay now what can we do oh how about cutie marer Co miners yeah no a I mean it's time for bed don't you think aren't you excited to get all toasty and warm in your snuggly wuggly little beds snuggly wuggly but we didn't mark to do we've got plans and capes uh okay um maybe the crusading can wait until morning or when it's light and not so dark how are we going to find our special talent in our sleep maybe you'll have a lovely little dream about your special talent but we're not even tired how about I sing you a lullabi h now quiet now it's time to your sleepy head hush now quiet now it's time to go to bed I know this one oh how wonderful why don't you sing it with me [Music] now now okay sweetie that was dri sleep behind you dri to sleep like a find now now your [Music] sleepy what is that Girls Fluttershy your chickens are on loose I wonder what could have caused that don't wor Fluttershy the Cutie Mark Crusaders will handle this Cutie Mark Crusader chicken herders no I don't think that's a come back please come on girls the chickens are flying oh girls girls come on in you [Music] [Music] go there's some good chickens okay you three isn't it about time you got into bed but [Music] please so no more crusading for tonight all right yes FL sh we promise Fluttershy good night Fluttershy okay good night okay so what kind of crusading do we do next there's not much we can do from this room unless we become cutie mar Crusader Cottage cleaners no thanks well we have to think of something we can't just waste this opportunity to find out what our special talents are hey girls look some of the chickens may have escap into the forest cutie mar Crusaders chicken Rescuers our go it really wasn't that hard I mean all I needed to do is just show them who's in charge nothing's going to get past Fluttershy good with animals good with kids wait up hm H peace and quiet too quiet girls girls Elizabeth she's missing girls oh no they must have gone looking for my missing chicken which means they must have gone into the ever free Forest those girls have really done it this time they've really bitten off more than they can chew oh just like me I never should have offered to watch [Music] them here what are you doing calling for the chicken that is not how you call a chicken oh and you know how to call a chicken I know that's not the way then show me I don't have to show you you're just chicken am not oh wait now I know how to call a chicken sco skit skitt that's so funny I forgot to laugh you also forgot how to call a chicken why you come on guys we're not going to find the chicken or cutie mar by arguing maybe that's our special talent arguing is not is too is not is to anything yet no Dar here CS CS get a hold of yourself Fluttershy just put one hoof in front of the other what was that Twilight is that you oh Twilight it is you thank goodness you're here I need your help the girls are out here somewhere and I'm afraid that they're what's happened to you oh no if you've been to Stone it must mean oh oh no the girls don't move I'll be back for you girls it's not is two it's not it's two girls our special talent is not arguing besides what would the Cutie Mark of some pony whose Talent is arguing even look like Girls Girls Fluttershy girls thank goodness I found you Flutter Shot what girls we have to leave the forest at once but we haven't found the chicken yet there's no time for that there's a cockatrice on the loose a cocka what now a cockatrice it's a frightening creature with the head of a chicken in the body of a snake now come on the head of a chicken in the body of a snake that doesn't sounds scary that sounds silly well if I ever saw one of them cocka thingies face to face I'd laugh at how silly it was no never look one in the eye you look at cockatrice in the eye the chicken girls wait [Applause] [Music] here there he is two chickens I thought only one escaped grab the [Music] boat [Music] [Applause] [Music] see now we have to girls please girls listen to me girls like please go behind me [Music] now you just who do you think you are going around turning others into stone you should be ashamed of yourself I have half a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to young man now you go over there and turn elizabe and my friend Twilight back to normal and don't ever let me catch you doing this [Music] again do you understand me are you girls all right I was so worried yeah fine thanks to that stare of yours you're like the queen of stairs you're the stair master we're sorry We snuck out of the house and into the forest yeah we'll listen to you from now on we promise oh you do do you well you better or I'll give you the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] stair what what happened and that's when it brought you back from Stone this is going to make quite a letter to the princess I was wrong about you you certainly do know how to handle those girls I wouldn't go that far H how so I assumed that I'd be just as good with kids as I am with animals boy was I wrong I really learned the hard way not to bite off more than I could chew you and Rarity both good morning Rarity did you finish all those capes just delivered them I have to admit if you hadn't come along I'm might not have thanks again won't you stay for some tea I really must get back to the shop and clean up girls get your things time to go girls girls time that was girls girls it's time to come on seriously allow me girls yes flutter you called go and get your things Rarity is here to see you home of course Fluttershy right away how did you how did you do that I guess I'm just as good with kids as I am with animals than uh uh speaking of which I could use your help with opal of course how about later today how about now [Laughter] [Music] come on Twilight we're going to be late for the Nightmare Night Festival huh are you that one cie Grandpa from Ponyville Retirement Village I'm Star Swirl the bearded father of the amorphic spell did you even read that book I gave you about obscure unicorn history um that sounds [Music] important night a give us something Toby hi every pony great costumes happy Nightmare Night Granny Smith I should have been asleep 5 hours [Music] ago [Music] pitak the Pirate At Your Service it's my very first nightmare night since you moved here from tringham no my very first Nightmare Night Ever Enough chitchat time is candy thank you Kai aren't you a little old for this too old for free candy never do you like it yeah great costume Twilight oh you make a fantastic weirdo clown a clown look at the borders on these robes these are hoof stitched it's a great costume Grandpa My Little Pony My Little Pony my little I used to wonder what friendship could be My Little until you all shared it magic with me Big adventure of a beautiful heart faithful and Sharing kindness it's an easy and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you are my very best [Music] friend [Music] star worldwi the bearded is only the most important conjurer of the pre-classical [Music] era he created more than 200 spells he even has a shelf in the celot library of magic named after him maybe I should start up a pony group to teach ponies about history I bet every pony would love it don't you spike m I love it hey look we're here already should we get something to eat Twilight Twilight look at our H can you believe it and then we went to cheer Le's house and we got a bunch more goodies didn't we pip sure did and then we have to stop and wait for Granny Smith and Rainbow Dash that wasn't very nice lighten up old time this is the best night of the year for pranks look what you did to spike a it's all good fun oh oh there's another group over there happy Nightmare Night Applejack SP hey Twilight nice costume thanks I'm a dragon she means me Spike with that beard I reckon you're some sort of country music singer well y'all are here you feel like boobing for an [Music] apple thank you every pony and welcome to the Nightmare Night Festival now all the little ponies who have been out collecting sweets should follow our friend zakora to hear the legend of Nightmare Moon her spooky voice might work better if she wasn't dress like [Music] that follow me and very soon you'll hear the tale of Nightmare Moon listen close my little deers I'll tell you where you got your fears of Nightmare Night so dark and scary of Nightmare Moon who makes you R every year we put on a disguise to save ourselves from her searching eyes The Nightmare Moon wants just one thing to gobble up ponies in one quick swing hungrily she Soares the sky if she sees no pony she passes by so if she comes and all is clear equestra is safe another year oh miss zakora if we were costumes to hide from Nightmare Moon so she won't gobble us up how come we still need to give her some of our candy a perfect question my little friend for Nightmare Moon you must not offend fill up her belly with a tree or two so she won't return to come eat [Music] you every pony s up the candy get out of [Music] [Music] here it's there m [Music] [Music] run [Music] Princess [Music] Luna citizens of Ponyville we we have graced your tiny village with our presence so that you might behold the real princess of the light a creature of nightmares no longer but instead a pony who desires your love and admiration together we shall change this Dreadful celebration into a bright and glorious Feast did you hear that everybody Nightmare Moon says she's going to beast on us all [Music] what no children no you no longer have reason to fear us screams of delight is what your princess desires not screams of Terror Madam mayor thy princess of the night hath arise what is the matter with you [Music] very well then be that way we won't even bother with the traditional Royal farewell I'm going to go talk to her you can't talk to her she's Nightmare Moon no she's not I saw the Elements of Harmony change her back to good but it seems like she's having some trouble adjusting after being gone for a thousand years Prin Princess Luna hi my name is Star Swirl the bearded commendable costume now even got the bells right thank you finally some pony who gets my costume uh I just came to welcome you to our celebration my actual name is Twilight Sparkle it was th who unleashed the powers of Harmony upon us and took away our dark powers and that was a good thing right but of course we could not be happier is that not clear well you kind of sound like you're yelling at me but this is the traditional Royal Canterlot voice it is tradition to speak using the Royal wi and to use this much volume when addressing our subjects you know that might explain why your appearance was met with mixed results I think if you just changed your approach a bit you might be met with a warmer re change our approach lower the volume oh we have been locked away for a thousand years we are not sure we can don't worry Princess Fluttershy can give you some great pointers she's delicate and demure with the sweetest little voice go away no candy here this there's no welcome on Nightmare Night Fluttershy it's me Twilight it is you oh a Nightmare Moon Nightmare Moon wait right here shy you remember Princess Luna Charmed likewise Twilight Sparkle has spoken of the sweetness of thy voice we ask that thou teachest us to speak as thou speakest okay shall our lessons begin okay shall we mimic thy voice okay how is this perfect lesson over a little quieter princess how is this better right Fluttershy yes how about now now you're getting it and how about now yes well done I thank thee dear Fluttershy our normal speaking voice shall surely win us the hearts of thy fellow villagers Fluttershy you got to hide us Nightmare Moon is here and she stoen Fluttershy's voice so she can't scream when she gobbles her [Music] up nay children wait I mean n children wait come on princess time for Plan [Music] [Applause] B it is of no use Twilight Sparkle they have never liked us and they never shall my friend Applejack is one of the most likable ponies around I'm sure she'll have some ideas careful there partner uh Applejack the princess is looking for a little advice on how to fit in around here fit in really I mean that's easy all you got to do is have the right attitude loosen up a bit be positive play a few games have some fun fun what is this fun thou speakest of pray tell what purpose do these serve try to land the spiders on the [Music] web you can do it princess H your princess enjoys this fun in what other ways may we experience it fire away [Music] princess haha the fun has been doubled why don't you try bobbing for apples we got the best apples in Equestria here princess I asked that thou call us me Luna Fair Applejack hear me villagers all of you call me Luna show me to these bobbing apples wa hey gals any Pony seem pip we lost him the last time we had to [Music] run goly piten Everybody [Music] Run help my backside is been Goble is a lie thy backside is whole and UNG gobl thou ungrateful wealth fa villagers please do not back away let us join together in fun not enough fun for you what say you to [Music] [Applause] [Music] this H how many points do I [Music] receive do not run away as your Prin we command [Music] [Music] you princess remember watch the screaming no Twilight Sparkle we must use the traditional Royal canlock voice for what we are about to say since you choose to fear your princess rather than love her and dishonor her with this insulting celebration we decree that Nightmare Night shall be cancelled [Music] forever shoot we had everything going our way l was happy every pony in town was happy now look at them but I wanted to be a zombie next [Music] year it's not over yet what are you going to do I'm going to do what I do best lecture [Music] her princess leave me me Twilight Sparkle princess I'm sorry it hasn't worked out how we wanted but you have to believe me when I tell you that Nightmare Night is one of the most popular celebrations we have yes I can tell by all the adoring shrieks of the children as they run away [Music] princess no no shrieking no squealing or Screaming either okay there's something I want you to see and I promise that it's safe but you really really really can't shriek do you promise not to shriek [Music] mhm Pinkie Pie you remember Princess Luna right ah the ring leader of the frightened children hast Thou come to make [Music] peace Nightmare Moon [Laughter] rainbow she's changed pinky she's not evil or scary anymore and she definitely doesn't want to gobble you up well duh huh I know that she's Twilight I'm almost as big as her how's she going to go me up so why do you keep running away and screaming sometimes it's just really fun to be scared fun Pinkie Pie you're a genius no I'm not I'm a chicken Princess Luna I finally figured out why you're having so much trouble being liked forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm come with me I'll explain everything on the way gosh I never thought my very first nightmare night would be my very last come little Pip now don't you fret nightmare night's not over yet we still have gandi left to give so Nightmare Moon might let us live yes yes come on little ponies what's Nightmare Night without the annual candy offering you don't want Nightmare Moon to gobble you up do you a the rainbow wig just kills it for me come on kids doesn't that sound like [Music] fun goodbye Nightmare Night Bor [Music] ever citizens of Ponyville who were wise to bring his candy to me I am pleased with your offering so pleased that I may just eat it instead of eating [Music] you I am not certain that did what you meant for it to do Twilight Sparkle just wait for what for for them to scream some more um Princess Luna I know there's not going to be any more Nightmare Night but do you suppose maybe you could come back next year and scare us again anyway child are thou saying that thou likest me to scare you it's really fun scary but fun it's is yeah Nightmare Night is my favorite night of the year well then we shall have to bring Nightmare Night wa you're my favorite princess ever she said yes guys Yay see they really do like you princess can it be true oh most wonderful I mean oh most wonderful of nights dear Princess Celestia when you first sent me to Ponyville I didn't know anything about friendship I met some pony tonight who is having the same problem your sister Princess Luna she taught me that one of the best things you can do with friendship is to give it to others and help them find it themselves and I'm happy to report that all of Ponyville has learned that even if some pony seems a little intimidating even scary when you offer them your friendship you'll discover a whole new pony underneath and even if my Star Swirl the bearded costume didn't go go over this still turned out to be the best Nightmare Night [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Ever [Music] wo nice boobs kid nice moves Rainbow Dash thinks I've got nice [Music] moves My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what friendship could be until you shared magic with me Big adventure of a beautiful heart faithful and Sharing kindness it's an easy and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're all my very best friends then all of a sudden I'm airborne and then Rainbow Dash looks over and he like nice moves kid wow she really said that I mean it's like she practically told me she wanted to take me under her Wing teach me everything she knows and become like my big sister I don't know about all that it was a really nice compliment at all but I know I know but all that stuff I said could happen been right sure absolutely I just need to find a way to spend some time with her you know so she can see more of my awesomeness well uh Applejack and I are supposed to be camping up at wi some Falls this weekend maybe I could get my big sister and about rainbow dish and then you could come too really sure I want to go well duh of course you can go and I'll get Rarity to come too Rarity loves camping I despise camping all of that nature Apple Jack's going with her little sister but you know if you don't want to spend time with me all right oh of course I will need to find an outfit more appropriate for roughing Ito see told you she'd want to [Music] go you packed the bugs spray y you got the Cains Yep looks like we're all set there hey GE Rarity did you remember to pack oh well let's see who gets the last laugh when you're absolutely desperate to curl your lashes and you realize you didn't bring your eyelash curler well looks like we're all set now but what about Rainbow Dash isn't Rainbow Dash coming of course she is sugar cube she's going to meet us up at our first campsite oh all right y'all let's move them [Music] out Are We There Yet the last thousand times you asked that the answer was no this time it's actually yes there's Rainbow Dash up there right [Music] now [Music] all right SKU just play it cool hey hey Rainbow Dash what's up what took you guys so long well some of us didn't pack as lot as the others so we were slowed down a [Music] bit [Music] looks like you'll be sharing a tent with me huh if that's okay with you sure long as you don't snore you don't snore do you nope no way not me never snort a day or night in my life then you and I are going to get along just [Music] fine you have got to be kidding me Sweetie Bell do be a dear and see if you can find some fresh flowers for my bedside bar hey Scootaloo do be a sweetheart and see if you can gather some firewood seriously though can you get us some wood for the fire of course okay everybody get [Music] comfortable cuz I'm about to tell you the best story you ever hurt is it about the time when Rarity had wings and then they got ruined and then you saved her from plummeting to her Doom okay maybe it's the second best story you ever heard but probably still the scariest you like scary stories right M it all happened on a night just like this one in a forest just like this and then the olden Pony asked who has got my rusty horseshoe not me y something in my throat I wasn't scared at all good story knew you wouldn't be scared way you jumped that part the other day you're like me Fearless yeah Fearless don't worry Rarity is here to keep you safe and sound think it's about time for me to hit the straw don't you worry little sis there's no Olden Pony in our tent that sure was funny wasn't it how they were all afraid of the olden Pony but not me that's because you're tough just like when I was your age I'm hitting the sack come in whenever you feel like it it's nothing just my imagination and that isn't the Thundering stomp of the ozen [Music] [Music] Pony is anyone out [Music] there who got my rusty or [Music] SHO [Music] I've got my rusty Hors [Music] [Applause] [Music] show rainbow [Music] what's that noise is there a bug in here I don't know about you but I slept like a Philly best night ever glad you rested up because we've got a long Trek ahead totally going to be worth it when we get to win some Falls yeah [Music] totally am I sweating I think I'm sweating oh uh but it's absolutely worth it to get to spend time with my little sister it's just that this cart feels like it's getting heavier all the time I don't care if that cart's as heavy as a pack of mules if we don't get a move on it'll be dark before we get to the campsite dark just ride ahead to make sure the path is clear we don't want to be out here after dark right doesn't matter to me well you know it's for the scary [Music] Ponies fall asleep now we've got to get to that campsite before dark [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] always be wor to bring your own truck on any public Audi um don't come this way and take the path it's um way better than going through the [Music] bushes you're more nervous than a worm and an apple on cider making day what gives sco nothing just thought I heard [Music] something you sure you're okay cuz you seem a little jumpy just getting my exercise you know how important it is to stretch out those H quarters every so often uh do you need a little help that's so sweet thank you um what are friends [Music] for no need for tense tonight y'all we'll just take shelter in that cave all right a deep dark cave perfect for the story I've got for tonight all we need is a campfire and we're good to go of course I'll be right back with lots of firewood from the deep dark not scary at all Forest [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks okay I can do this the count of three I will get those branches one two [Music] three here branches branches [Music] branches it's colder than a Timber Wolf's toenail where's that [Music] scooo [Music] here you go that's it it's all I could find cuz you know there aren't that many trees around here it's all we need why don't you sit with Rainbow Dash for a while now where was I oh yeah the scary part ah hey I have an idea how about I tell tonight's story all right just make sure it's a horrible one there once was a really really nice Pony who lived in a bright and sunny land where there are rainbows every day and lots and lots of happy friends and no offense but it's not a real Campfire Story unless some Pony's shaking I've been told that these very Woods are haunted by the headless horse it gallops only at night if it doesn't have a head then how in tarnation does this Pony know where it's going it's headless not brainless looking for little lost ponies so where's it brain fear was dripping from the end and they were never heard from ever again never never don't worry you'll be safe with me tonight it's not time for bed yet is it afraid so Scootaloo uh but we haven't even sung any campfire songs yet you don't have to ask me twice 99 buckets of boats on the wall 99 buckets of boats take one down pass it around you got 81 buckets of Oats on the wall 41 buckets of Vats take one down pass it around you got 40 buckets of Vats on theall buckets of take one down it around you got zero buckets of on the wall good night good night y'all good night y'all sleep die how about just one more song anyone how about dance contest I know you love to cut a rug so how about we mess up a cave floor I have a brilliant idea hide and seek who's with me maybe tomorrow seems like you don't really want to go to sleep tonight is there some reason why of course not I just love camping and hanging out with Rainbow Dash so much that I don't want to waste a single minute with sleep silly sleep that's cool and I'll scoot but this Pony needs her shedi and she needs it now this is so unfair I'm falling [Music] [Music] asleep [Music] if the headless horse catches me I'm never going to be heard from again I want to be heard from [Music] wow [Music] it's all [Music] over a warm welcome to you [Music] scoo Princess Luna I thought you were the headless horse you were mistaken but I hope not disappointed you are so so much better than the headless horse but what are you doing here shouldn't you be in caner lot I am the princess of the night thus it is my duty to come into your dreams oh yeah wait this is just a dream but it feels so real I assure you that you are asleep but when you wake the thing that frightens you most will still exist the headless horse H is the headless horse really what frightens you the [Music] most I'm afraid Rainbow Dash will find out I'm not as tough as she thinks I am every pony has fears scoo every pony must face them in their own way but they must be faced or the nightmares will continue face your fear Princess Luna it was just a dream but the headless horse isn't Rainbow Dash said it lives here in these very Woods it's the wed Winnie of the headless [Music] horse so it's a horse without a head which means it doesn't have a mouth and if it doesn't have a mouth then it's not a horsey Pony kind a horse but still it's a horse without a [Music] head hello is anyone out there anyone headless [Music] horse I got you Rainbow Dash is that you thank you thank you what were you doing out here in the middle of the night it is time for you to face your real fears [Music] scalo I'm so so sorry Rainbow Dash I just wanted you to hang out with me and see how cool I was so you take me under your wing teach me everything you know and become like my big sister but then you started telling those spooky stories and I got scared I thought I heard the headless horse so I ran out here by myself and well I guess you know the rest hey I'm going to tell you something but if you ever tell any Pony Els I'm going to deny it first time I heard those stories I was scared too you were sure I mean I got over it because I realized pretty quick that if there was such thing as a headless horse I could totally take on so you're looking for some pony to take you under their wing huh mhm yeah I might be up for something like that really as long as you don't go falling into any more rivers in the middle of the night it's a [Music] deal I call Sister team last PR to make it to the falls as a mold carrot if you insist miss it is so [Music] hard they think they can be the two of [Music] us got my Rusty hor [Music] show here it is for Pony sake now take it and stop all your moaning thank you and have a nice [Music] day [Music] what's wrong Twilight I've gone through every book in Ponyville Spike and there isn't a single mention of the mysterious chest that came from the Tree of Harmony nor anything about keys to unlock it but something tells me that opening it is pretty important I hope Princess Celestia has some ideas if the library in caner lot doesn't have anything I don't know where else to look my dearest Twilight while it would be perfectly lovely to have you in caner lot once more I have another option in mind much closer to Ponyville as you know the ancient castle that I once shared with Princess Luna lies mostly in Ruins deep in the ever-free forest but if you look carefully you may find a book that could prove helpful to your research hidden somewhere in what's left of the Castle Library wow W look at all these ancient books it's a veritable Gold Mine of information I can't believe it woohoo so Twilight uh ready to head home are you kidding this place is [Music] perfect My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what friendship could be until you all shared magic with me Big adventure t ofun a beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you are my very best friend I'm not going to move you move uh-uh there is no way I'm moving this is the most daring dare any pony ever dare here another party that dare huh it's [Music] exciting what yall doing Rainbow Dash and Applejack are competing for the title of most daring Pony this is the final test the bees stare last Pony to BL friends I'm going to need my bees back but then we'll never find out who the most daring Pony is I'm sorry about that well what do we do now don't worry ladies I've been keeping excellent score all day move the decimal carry the two and congratulations your time TI tide you can't be tied for the most daring Pony I don't know numbers don't lie I'd love to stay and keep keeping score but I promise to help test the new school bell I get to ring it all week nonstop and I don't even have to take turns because no one else volunteered okay no problem we just have to come up with another daring dare right I think I might have an idea of what we can do um Rarity don't you think it's a little late in the day to be walking through the forest it is star spider season after all though I'm sure you have a very good reason simply the most important reason I've ever had in my entire life oh well then I'm happy to help what is it I've heard rumors that the castle of the Two Sisters is filled with the most gorgeous of ancient tapestries in all of Pony history it pains me to think of those magnificent Creations rotting away in those old ruins totally unappreciated I see I require your help in borrowing one or two to bring back to the boutique where I can restore them maybe I'll even use the patterns as the inspiration for a new line that does sound very important yes well maybe not the most important thing in my entire life but retro ancient classical will be all the rage next season so it's nothing to sneeze [Music] at um are you sure you need those tapestries but of course although I must admit these ruins are a fright look at all the dirt everywhere [Music] Angel goodness it's practically an artistic Treasure Trove of ancient good taste Angel you really shouldn't have run off like that ancient ruins are filled with all sorts of things that can hurt you you could step your toe or or trip out a loose Stone you have to be careful I don't think I'll need all these candles Twilight I was really only scared for a second oh these aren't for you spike we're going to be studying late into the night and we're going to need all the light we can get oh great well here we are uh what's so daring about this place this is where we got the Elements of Harmony When I was just a Philly Granny Smith told me of an ancient legend when notm moon was banished not every last bit of her dark magic went with her granny used to say when that falls on the castle that magic takes the form of the pony of Shadows you mean like a ghost no pony [Music] NOS this one is perfect well it certainly could use some rest ation be a dear fly up there and lift it off that [Music] hook maybe from [Music] below I don't see what's so daring about an old Legend plus I don't believe in ghosts you might want to rethink your position on that [Music] you saw that right [Music] run ow I think I hurt my wing oh my dear I am so sorry that tapestry is far too heavy we'll just have to find a smaller one oh of course where P tail did you disappear to what do you mean while you were struggling under that fabric the entire wall spun around you must have activated a secret door oh I'm sorry I suppose these ruins are chalk full of them really absolutely we must use the utmost care as we can okay so maybe the legend is true well that's why I brought you here I guess only the most dear and pony of all could stay in this Castle all night without being scared off scared I'm not scared well me neither then it's settled whoever stays in the castle the longest is the most daring Pony deal but it's going to take a lot more than some shadowy ghost Pony to get me to leave me too [Music] find anything Spike uh nope nothing yet Angel what are you doing here wow the Journal of the Two Sisters ERS maybe this is the book Princess Celestia was talking about I sure hope you're not afraid of the dark Applejack I can't say that I am but even if I was I'd be at least 50% less scared of it than you Rainbow Dash I don't know how all that math works because I'm not scared at all me neither what's the matter it's just a dark hole play full of disembodied Pony legs yeah nothing creepy about that I'm starting to wonder if maybe this Castle doesn't want my expertise oh dear Angel Verity have you seen him I'm not sure he made the trip down with us dear oh goodness we have to find him an ancient castle is no place for a bunny he could get hit by Falling debris or the floor could give out under him oh he could be trapped in a dark place with no way out I can only imagine how that might [Music] feel Applejack if you're scared you can just admit it you don't need to put your hoof around me uh I'm over [Music] here [Music] Rarity what is it I felt something alive [Music] Angel well tapestries or no I have had just about enough of secret passages mysterious presences and unappreciative castles but we can't leave now not with the angel lost some in this dangerous old castle he could be trapped under a crumbling statue or stuck high in a tower without food or water or any friends at all Spike you've got to hear this I love to duck behind the paintings and though the Hall of hooves still gives her a bit of a fright the trapo slide is Luna's favorite Hall of hoves soon the organ to the outside will be finished I can hardly wait what's the organ to the outside I have no [Music] idea you hear that you mean the creepy sound of a haunted pipe organ uh maybe I don't know what you're talking about uh Twilight did you hear something oh Spike quit being such a scaredy Dragon this Castle is thousands of years old and half of it was destroyed by Nightmare Moon of course it makes strange sounds it's practically falling apart okay angel angel I'm sure we'll find him Angel did you find Angel is he okay they are perfect no Castle in its right mind could possibly object to my restoring such Exquisite works of art oh they're lovely Rarity but I have to keep looking for angel I hope he doesn't think I've given up on him I'm right behind [Music] you [Music] do you think there's a single room in this castle that isn't filled with terrifying [Music] things who it's just old pony armor what's the big deal yeah it's not like it's going to come to life or anything [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a now you look here Castle you are very old and very scary but your wall art is in an atrocious State and there is nothing you can do to keep me from my sacred task of restoration uh Applejack if you went back to Ponyville that means I win right [Applause] [Music] Rarity I know hiding isn't really your sense of humor but please let this be a [Music] [Music] [Applause] joke rainbow hello I guess if I don't find you I'll win by default right of all the castles in Equestria this is by far the most ungrateful [Music] Angel Rarity oh I hope you two are [Music] together haunted statues creepy armor come on Castle is that all you got [Music] I was only trying to restore [Music] anent angel Angel what in the world is that oh you know probably just more strange sounds of this old castle falling apart no one likes sarcasm [Music] Spike what got into them it's okay Angel you're okay you're okay Shadows [Music] everywhere Angel all right everybody stop Twilight must save Ang oh Fluttershy what are you doing here she's with [Music] me thank you have you all spent the whole night running around scaring each other well that depends on what on whether or not you're the pony of Shadows what's the pony of Shadows oh that's just an old Pony's tail then who's playing that we're going to find [Music] out [Music] a bony of Shadows hey you guys did you know I can totally play the organ because I didn't hey check it out you're the pony of Shadows the pony of what see what did I tell you how about you had to ring the school bell all week oh yeah I only had to ring it for like 5 minutes they said that was good enough can't imagine why so then I decided to throw a finish ringing the school bell party but I didn't have any blue bells and you can't throw a finish ringing the school bell party without blue bells so I went to every fre Forest to pick some but it started to get so chilly I had to WRA myself up in the tarp I was going to use to car the flowers and then I saw Fluttershy Rarity but they went into the castle before I could invite them to my party luckily I followed them inside so I could help you out with your party what party is that uh the every pony come to the scary old castle and hide from each other while I play the Oregan party [Music] duh I swear this is going right back where I found it just as soon as I returned it to its former glory now don't go running off again oh I can't believe I was so frightened I guess I let my imagination get the best of me I think we all did I always let my imagination run away from me then it comes back with tap well it's good to know that whenever your imagination is getting away from you a good friend can help you rein it in and even though I didn't find anything out about the mysterious chest I'm glad I was here to help all of you you certainly did that Twilight yeah why weren't you scared reading Celestia's diary made it hard to be afraid because I knew what it was like when she and Luna lived here knowing something about the past made it easier to deal with with my problems in the present even the scary ones uh uh I just thought of a great idea why don't we keep a journal just like the Royal Pony sisters all of us sure that way we can learn from each other and maybe someday other ponies will read it and learn something too what a splendid idea I know what my first entry will be dear diary I'm glad granis Smith Legend wasn't true me too me three because that means you two are still tied for most daring [Music] Pony Shadow ponies how ridiculous is [Music] that any minute now yeaha it's officially Apple bucking day look at all those apples rip and juicy perfect for [Music] bucking what the heck is going on [Music] they're back My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what could be until you all shared magic with me Big adventure of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe a magic makes it all complete you have M do you know you are my very best [Music] friend attention this is a sweet appleacres cold red I need all Hooves and claws on Deck calm down Applejack calm down how can I calm down at a time like this vampire fruit bats are attacking sweet and blakers but I thought the fruit bats usually stayed put in the West Orchard the fruit bats do but these aren't just your everyday ordinary fruit bats they're vampire fruit bats I'll be dared if they think they're going to sink their fangs into my Blue Ribbon [Music] apple w awesome this here's our entry into the Appaloosa state fairs produce competition you know how much TLC goes into getting an apple to grow like this Applejack when you go big you really go big them vampire bats want to shrivel it up like a raisin oh I'm sure if we just let them know how special that particular apple is to you they'll leave it alone yeah right be my guest um excuse me Mr vampire B we were just wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind leaving that really big apple [Music] alone well what'd he say um yes huh but it could have been a no this is the first vampire fruit bad I've ever met and well it might take some time for me to really understand their language uh-huh and in the meantime this Pest and his verman friends are going to go after my prized apple and while they're at it every other Apple in the orchard these vampire bats are nothing but a bunch of monsters monsters that's a bit harsh don't you think no I do [Music] not the vampire bats will give you a fright eating apples both day and night they rest for a minute maybe three then they're reading every Apple in your Apple Tree [Music] they don't care about NADA not zil no nothing except bringing about an Orchard's destruction now wait just a minute there's another side to this and if I did not defend them then I would be remiss these bats are Mas and Papas too they care for their young just like we ponies do oh give me a break you're being too kind these creatures have a one track mind the orchard is not their restaurant but do they ever think what others may want no they don't and that is just a fact these bats they simply don't know how to act that's where I have to disagree they loyal to their family spreading seeds both far and wide you see one coming you better run and hide they're big and ugly and mean as Sin will you look at the state my trees are in they help your trees they'll grow Stronger Faster they've turned my life to a total disaster well I for one don't have a doubt these verman must be stamped right out I second that they've got to go these bats they've got to hit the road it comes down to just one simple fact they've crossed the line it's time to fight them stop the bats Stop the Bats make them go and not come back stop the bats Stop the Bats make them go and not come back stop the bats Stop the Bats make them go and not come back you see comes down to just one simple fact they've crossed the line it's time that we attack I'm sorry Fluttershy but I believe Applejack has made the better argument these vampire fruit bats sound downright Dreadful so let's get to rounding them up so that they don't destroy the rest of my Orchard fruit Bel Round Up fruit B Round Up um excuse me but um what if instead of rounding them up we let them have part of the orchard have you lost your piss loving mind they're only here because they're hungry if we build a sanctuary for them they could have their own apples to enjoy after a while they could even help the rest of your orchard the vampire bats don't eat the seeds of the apples and when they spit them out they grow into even more productive apple trees listen Fluttershy that sounds real nice and all but every second we spend building this so-called Sanctuary is a second they'll spend destroy an Archer you don't know what it was like the last time time there was an infestation but Granny Smith has told me enough stories about it that just the thought of it gives me nightmares Granny says we lost a huge section of Orchard that year they had to ration out apples all winner what about the cider there was still cider right not a drop no cider no cider we need to round up these monsters and we need to do it now if Granny Smith wasn't with Apple Bloom and Big Mac checking out our produce competition in Appaloosa she'd be here telling us to do just that I'm sorry Fluttershy but I think Applejack is right I just wish there was another way we could convince them not to eat them in the first place maybe there is so there's good news and bad news the good news is that I found a spell that can get the vampire fruit bats to stop wanting to suck the juice from the apples but in order for the spell to work I need the bats full and complete attention oh no Fluttershy I need you to do your stare on the bats oh gosh I don't know what's the problem you've used the stair plenty of times before yes but it's not something I take lightly I've made a vow not to use it except in dire circumstances this circumstance is plenty dire to me me too think of the cider oh some pony please think of the cider I'm sorry I just don't like the idea of taking away the thing that really makes the vampire fruit bats vampire fruit bats it just feels wrong but if we don't do this there won't be any apples left for any Pony here in Ponyville doesn't that feel wrong [Music] too so what's it going to be Fluttershy will you do your stair on the bats or not um um okay I'll do it good choice I knew you wouldn't side with those icky bats they're not icky first round deid is on me hold it right there we got to round up these beasts with wings first time's a wasting [Music] [Music] [Music] gotcha [Music] good work every pony I think we got them all now all we need is for you to do your stair um oh are you sure I really need okay I really really really hate to do this to you I just hope you can forgive [Music] me good now you go Twilight all [Music] right you can stop staring Fluttershy did it work only one way to find out for sure W my crop is Sav yeah we'll be drinking cider all winter long I want to thank you for your help I couldn't have done it without you uh don't mention it Apple Jack it was my pleasure really now all we got to do is sweep up these cores so I can start bucking fresh tomorrow [Music] morning happle bucking day take two y time to collect those juicy sweet apples the spell didn't work your darn tooting the spell didn't work I think we're going to have to take more Extreme Measures I hear you Applejack come on everybodyy let's track down those vampire [Music] BS wait a minute I don't think these bats are the ones that suck my apples dry but if the vampire bats aren't eating your apples who is Fluttershy you're our animal expert do you know of any other creature that might be capable of this I'm sorry I don't well there's only one way to find out we'll have to catch whoever it is in the act and how do you propose we do that a stake out witching out [Music] maybe we should just call this off I'm not sure about the rest of you guys but I'm really [Music] hungry oh Fluttershy it'll be okay don't forget darling we're all in this together that's right no pony leaves this Orchard until we solve this mystery agreed agreed does every pony have their Pony [Music] signal now remember Pinkie Pie only use a signal if you see something suspicious I got it something [Music] suspicious what you doing all right now every pony split up we'll each Patrol our own row of the orchard whoever or whatever is destroying my apples has got to be here [Music] somewhere I have a bad feeling about this a really bad feeling about this that Apple it looks so juicy and [Music] sweet [Music] what was [Music] that suspicious it's Pony signal time who's there oh well there's obviously no need to worry about that shadowy figure overhead maybe there is I think I'll just go see how Rainbow Dash is [Music] doing who's there answer me or you'll regret it fine have it your own way take that you you you you scarecrow [Music] Apple Jack what is [Music] it flatter shy Yoo flatter shy that's not flatter shy that's flutter butt we've got to get her down from there Fluttershy sweetness please come down and do stop being a vampire bat Fluttershy it's me Rainbow Dash why don't you cut the bad act and come on down maybe we should just let her come down when she's ready let her B on the loose run by Pinkie Pie calm down see she's back on her Branch she's just biting her time waiting for the right moment to pounce Pinkie Pie bats don't eat ponies not even vampire bats but maybe vampire ponies eat ponies I'm not taking any chances how did this happen that's what I don't understand I think this was actually our fault our fault and how'd you figure [Music] that okay so this is me these are the backs and this is Fluttershy doing her stare the spell was supposed to go right onto the bats like this but somehow the spell must have backfired it took the vampire fruit bats desire to be vampire fruit bats and transferred that desire into Fluttershy come on we'll reverse the spell and make it right then what are we waiting for let's save fluty before that thing eats us all H the de follow that [Music] back [Music] I can't believe we lost her oh Fluttershy where are [Music] you look out if she keeps this up your whole crop will be gone in no time that's the least of my worries I just want my friend back we'll never get her back unless we Corner her and catch her so I can reverse the [Music] spell there she is there she goes oh this is no use I think the only way we're going to catch her is if we find a way to lure her closer to us but even if we can lure her to us how are we we going to get her to stay still long enough for you to do your reverse spell oh if only we had Flutter Shot I do her stair on the flutter bat that's [Music] it okay let's get our friend back action stations so much for having the winning Apple in the Appaloosa State Fair [Music] huh [Music] she's [Music] [Music] coming [Music] [Music] oh where am I thank goodness you're okay but what happened to me you turned into a vampire pony I tried to eat ponies of course not so I wasn't a vampire yes yes I was or yes I wasn't yes you were but I didn't try to eat ponies yes I did no I'm confused me too and I was [Music] there Fluttershy I'm real sorry I didn't take your suggestion in the first place and don't forget now you'll get seeds that will grow into even bigger and better apple trees does that mean what I think it means yep more side or [Music] two okay got the part about the spell Fluttershy turning into a bat building the sanctuary be sure to put in there that I came to see that my shortterm solution was a little short SED and that you shouldn't let any Pony pressure you into doing something you don't think is right sometimes you have to tell even your closest friends no now how about we celebrate our stronger than ever friendship with a nice ripe juicy Apple stand back I fun to suck it's [Music] [Laughter] juice here you here ye this meaning of the Cutie Mark Crusaders is now in session who wants to do roll call I'm pretty sure we're all here yeah Apple Bloom what's this all about oh nothing accept this letter from bab seed saying she's got her cutie mark what she says it's a pair of scissors so she's good at cutting stuff of course she was always fussing with her bangs and tail I bet she grows up to be a celebrity stylist but if she spends all her time cutting hair who's going to run the main head and cmc's well not Babs she can't be a Cutie Mark Crusader if she's already got her cutie mark oh well I guess you're right I'm glad she's happy but I sure wouldn't want to be up to my Flank In M hair all day can you imagine getting stuck with a cutie mark you didn't like no or at least I hadn't don't don't worry Apple Bloom most of your family is Apple related cutie marks I bet yours will be too and what's not to like about apples there's the core and sour apples and rotten apples and apples with worms in them what not [Music] helping my little pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what friendship could be until you all shared it magic with me Big adventure tons of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy and magic makes it allete you have do you know you're all my very best [Music] friends I guess I just spent so much time woring about about how to get a cue Mark I never even thought about what would happen after there's just so many things I never considered I'm sure there are but you don't need to what if I finally get my cutie mark and I don't like it what if I get my cutie mark and no pony likes me well that's just ridiculous what if the Crusaders drift apart I mean we won't really be the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore what if it's not Apple will I have to move out where will I live all right that's enough sugar cube those are way too many questions to answer all in one night but and no Pony's going to make you move out are you sure Applejack of course I'm sure now get some sleep you'll see everything will be better in the morning hush now little sister you're loved by all you know you'll never lose their friendship no matter where you go there ain't no call to worry so don't you cry or fret a cutie mark won't change you no matter what what you get no matter what I [Music] get Wait nothing like a good night's sleep breakfast you you were right Applejack I feel much better I don't know what I was so worried about last night see now what did I tell you a good night sleep will fix just about it well no wonder you were so worked up what what is it looks like some pony got her cutie mark I can't believe it I got my cutie mark I got my cutie mark I got my cue [Music] Mark wait till I tell the others that my cutie mark is a what is it I have no idea what it means I know what it [Music] means it means I can retire infestations you mean like Paris sprats please any Pony with a trombone can get rid of Paris Sprites I'm talking about the serious stuff you ever hear of Twitter mites Twitter mites P ponies like you and me are the only things keeping these live wires from destroying half of Equestria pest ponies it's no easy trade even the best of us yearns for the day they can move on to greener pastures oh now that you're here to take over my day has finally come take over you're going to need to stop repeating everything I say and pay attention if you want to learn anything I'm sorry I guess this just wasn't what I was expecting well don't worry with a cutie mark like that I'm sure you got the touch the touch oh sorry now here you're going to need to be quick once these things get get out it can get pretty shocking wait what do you [Music] mean told you and the farther apart they spread the more powerful these goats will get what do I do call them back of course [Music] t [Music] well looks like you're all set drop me a note sometime at the piny shade retirement community no hold on I'm sure this job is real important but but I don't think I want to call bugs for the rest of my life hey where'd he go well well well look at the new bug Pony it's pest Pony it sure is Ew I might have known you'd end up with the worst cutie mark [Laughter] ever but look on the bright side whenever you need a friend you can just go out and catch one that's not funny here friend friend friend friend stop it here bug here bug will you be my friend bug because no pony else will you know what my cutie mark isn't the worst you two [Music] are I hate to think that damn tiara is right but this cutie mark sure isn't what I was hoping for why should you have to keep it then close there what do you mean if your cuy mark bothers you so much get rid of it well if you know how to wave a hoof and erase a terrible cuy Mark you go right ahead as easily said as done [Applause] [Music] huh now that is some serious [Music] Magic Hey where's every pony going mayor what's going on Apple Bloom you've got to get your family out of town Twitter [Music] ma tter m [Music] here here [Music] bu come on here Happ blo what tarnation are you doing I'm trying to stop the infestation of course only a p Pony can do that now come on we got a SC but I've got to do something are you [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] holy that's what I call a nightmare that seems so real breakfast Applejack you are not going to believe the dream I just had I I guess I needed more sleep than I thought see now what did I tell you a good night's sleep will fix just about well no wonder you were so worked up what looks like some pony got her cutie mark again I mean I did woohoo potion making now that's more like it more like what never mind I'm just glad Princess Twilight's lessons finally paid off I expect you want to run off to the clubhouse and tell your friends all about your new cutie mark but before you go make sure you do all [Music] your chores wo why all the excitement yeah what's going on oh nothing except this brand new cutie mark That's amazing I don't either you got yours nope me neither I know it's silly but I always hoped we'd get our cutie marks together me too but I'm still super excited for you absolutely I know let's call this meeting to order I'm sure the three of us can figure out how to get two more cutie marks um yeah the thing is what well you can't be a Cutie Mark Crusader if you've already got your cutie mark oh yeah just like bab seed well I can just sit quietly in the corner while you two figure out what you're going to do well technically the clubhouse is for crusaders only oh rat I guess I should just come back later then why I mean you can't come in then either oh rules of rules I don't even think we're still supposed to be friends what Sweetie Bell sco come on billies this isn't funny trouble with cutie mar no I mean yeah I mean well I got mine but my friends didn't get theirs and now there's all kinds of trouble sounds to me like cutie marks traveler two P's in the same qu I guess so I mean if I was a blank slank again there wouldn't be a problem your wish is my command hey Apple Bloom why' you want to meet here well us blank flanks have to meet somewhere um actually Apple Bloom we both sort of got our cutie marks you did what are they oh we don't have time to go into all that and we certainly don't have time to hang out at an old Clubhouse yeah we've got responsibilities now but maybe we'll see you later much later wait hold on I can get my cutie mark back I think I mean I got it once right just wait a second no what in aester is going on breakfast I'm not so sure sleep is the Cure All Applejack thinks it is uh Applejack I know you said sleep is supposed to make me feel better but I'm pretty sure it's making me feel worse see now what did I tell you a good night's sleep will fix well no wonder you were so worked up what didn't you hear what I said I was trying to well what do we have here what is it granny what's wrong oh nothing right Apple ja right nothing at all right Big Mac truth is Apple Bloom it's your cutie mark yep oh no what is it [Music] now well I'll tell you what it ain't it ain't no apple nope what and we don't have room for non apples nope time for you to Mosey on you can't stay here well this is my home oh and you're going to have to change your name y I think just blue has a nice ring to it don't you Applejack [Music] yep all right this is getting [Music] ridiculous oh wait I never thought I'd be so happppy to not get a cutie mar what [Music] the I don't want to see another sh Mark as long as I [Music] live that's so soon all right whoever you are I don't know what spell you went and cast on me but I wanted to stop right now I didn't cast a spell on you or any else I only did what you wanted why would I want you to torment me with nightmares you didn't want to catch bugs and I helped you didn't want to lose friends and I helped if there's a problem with your family I'm sure I can help with that too I don't want your help just get away from me oh Apple Bloom you can't get away from your own shadow Princess Luna my shadow what do you [Music] mean it's just me you mean I've been doing all this to myself of course Apple Bloom it's your dream if I've been dreaming this whole time why don't I just wake up sometimes we can worry about a thing so much the fear can make us feel like we're trapped in a nightmare I don't suppose there's anything you're particularly afraid of is there yeah I guess I'm pretty worried about getting my cutie mark well that is the same as worrying about who you are that is all a cutie mark is if you cannot accept who you are your life might seem like a bad dream but if I like who I am do you think other ponies will too of course then it doesn't matter what my key mark is indeed but that's so simple I must be the only Pony in the universe that's worried about her cutie mark oh I wouldn't say [Music] that [Music] [Music] h [Music] Gulu and sedo are having nightmares too it's been a busy night for us all but I think it's time to bring it to a close Princess Luna I know you've all had a lot on your Minds tonight but I think Apple Bloom has something she'd like to share before you wake we're still asleep cool well I guess I should call this dream meeting of the cutie mar Crusaders to order I know we all got pretty anxious when we found out bab's got her CU Mark but I for one don't want to have nightmares every night from now until we get ours me neither and even though we're all a little scared a cutie mark won't change who we are or how every pony feels about us it's lucky we're all scared of the same things that way we can help and remind each other to just be who we are and when the day comes that you all finally get your cutie marks you can be sure they'll fit you to a tea exactly do you Phillies think that Babs is worried or scared about some of this stuff I know let's put together a care package for her that way she'll know she isn't alone we wouldn't want her to think that just because she isn't a crusader we can't still be friends but uh maybe we should wait until we wake up good [Music] idea there ain't no call to worry so don't you cry or fret cuy Mark won't change me no matter what I get well sure looks like some pony feeling better you have no idea see now what did I tell you a good night's sleep cures just about everything I guess so I just wish it hadn't been so exhausting [Music] greetings tantabus I am ready do your [Music] worst Princess Luna is turning into Nightmare Moon again H yeah well we've got the cure for [Music] that wait what is it doing no it's [Music] gone what my dream ended happily that cannot happen My Little Pony My Little Pony my little I used to wonder what friendship could be until you all shared it's magic with me Big adventure of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're all my very best [Music] friends this is amazing yeah Rarity thanks for setting all this up a grooming day for our pets really was a great idea oh my oh I'm sorry I didn't get my normal beauty sleep last night you know I didn't sleep well [Music] either I'm totally beat too all right Winona time for your brushing oops I guess I'm too plum tuckered out to do this ride I even went to bed early last night but then I had a really scary nightmare me too only you know I didn't think mine was that scary well mine sure was there is this blue smoke monster and what I dreamt about a blue smoke thingy too me me too so what probably just a coincidence that's an awfully big coincidence huh I wonder why I didn't have that nightmare I slept great so then what could have given us all the same nightmare I don't know but I do know who might Spike could you send a scroll to Princess Luna sure I'll set dear Princess Luna last night my friends and I all dreamt of a creature made of blue smoke I'm sure you're very busy but when you have the chance please let me know if you have any idea what it could mean yours princess Twilight Sparkle you can leave out the yawns which you saw the creature of blue smoke in your nightmare wow that was fast we all did not me we know so you've encountered the smoke monster too the tantabus is a creature of my nightmares it escaped from my Slumbers yesterday but how did it get into ours the tantabus is Like A Parasite my dreams must no longer be enough for it now it seeks others to infect and corrupt they must have learned of usix from seeing you in my dream whoa whoa whoa so what you're saying is you dreamt about all of them and not me the Sal Smokey gave us bad dreams no biggie I saw that the Tantus had grown more powerful but I did not realize that power was enough to enable it to escape my dreams if its power grows it could very well find a way to escape into the real world it could turn all of Equestria into a living nightmare okay okay okay I take it back that does sound bad really [Music] bad we've prepared everything exactly as you requested good as you six Slumber here I will pursue the creature into whichever of your dreams it infests it'll be like a princess sleepover speaking of princesses aren't you going to ask Celestia for her help as well there is nothing my sister can do she has no power in the realm of sleep only I can move from dream to dream I am afraid no pony can help me tonight even us especially you you have all suffered so much because of me you need only Slumber while I hunt the tantabus in your dreams I know you said no pony can help but I'm no pony I'm going to stay up and watch over you guys just in case oh thank you spike one good thing about not sleeping well last night shouldn't be too hard to fall asleep now are you kidding this is so exciting I don't know how I'm ever going [Music] to [Applause] [Music] oh my this is simply Divine how out on guard get out on guard I should have said on [Music] guard it is [Music] here you were such a pretty little chiffon what kind of monster would do this the tantabus then let's stop it no please I don't want you to suffer any more because of me I will catch [Music] it it has jumped into another dream I am sorry but if I am to stop it I must follow it where you cannot go I shall be able to handle things here I [Music] hope I followed the tantabus here now I need only find sorry can't help it an idea pops into my [Music] head [Music] cake ew [Applause] [Music] p no sorry who wants ice [Music] cream it's so nice to be the pet for [Music] once in the nice giant evil angel you oh thank you [Music] princess now this is what I call an incredible [Music] dream [Music] I can see the tantabus has already turned your Slumbers into a nightmare what are you talking about this is my favorite drink we are such Happy Flowers we will Now sing for hours aren't we unbearably cute watch me so low and yes [Music] Brute [Music] huh [Music] Luna what happened are you guys okay that that was terrible I I never want to have that that nightmare again me either but Luna caught it didn't she I am so sorry my friends I failed it will be back to infect your dreams the next time you sleep oh no yeah I reckon I could live without seeing that thing ever again but you will again and again every night until it grows powerful enough to infect the waking world after after what I did as Nightmare Moon the fact that I am once again responsible for harming others is more than I can bear it'll be okay every pony makes mistakes as long as none of you dreamt about another Pony The tantabus Remains confined to your dreams I still have a chance to catch it before it's too late pH that's good to hear although after you left I did happen to dream that I was eating a giant ice cream comb with all pony though we taking a test we had study for see what I tell you every pony makes mistakes [Music] but that means the tantabus could be turning every dream and Ponyville into a nightmare it is far worse than that infecting all those dreams gives it more and more power soon it will be able to escape into the real world and infect Equestria with its nightmare plague then you must let us help you stop it before that happens but how the tantabus was able to escape Luna when it only had six dreams it could get to it is true with so many dreams to hide in I do not know how I can catch it h what if every pony in Ponyville were having one dream I can create shared dreams yes but for so many ponies at once I have never done anything like that the amount of power it would take well it is worth a try isn't it of course I will do anything to end this including accept your help I cannot allow the tantabus to escape into the real world world all of you must now go back to sleep and hope that I can create such a [Music] dream [Music] Princess Luna did [Music] it Big Mac boy I'm glad to see something familiar y Ponies Princess Lun there is no time for Bowing my friends there is something coming something terrible no it is already here I am so sorry I brought this upon you but I will end it [Music] now princess what's wrong it is taking all my strength just to hold this massive dream together you will have to stop it I truly wish I did not have to ask this of you then you're in luck yeah we're already on [Music] it [Applause] [Music] please I'll pay you anything I [Music] [Music] got [Applause] [Music] oh no B back you can do anything in a dream [Music] [Applause] remember [Music] [Applause] W come on if that tantabus thing turns any more of this dream against us we'll be too busy saving ponies to catch it and it'll grow powerful enough to escape into the real world how are we even going to know when it's able to escape oh I think we'll know [Music] hurry my [Music] friend what the please we need your help too Fluttershy's right we've all got to work together to stop it from escaping but how can we help no pony in Ponyville has your magic or your speed that's true in Ponyville but this here isn't Ponyville it's a dream and not just any this is your dream anything you can do on your dreams you can do now well if you're going to dream might as well dream big right [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] w it's working but it's not enough then do more this is a dream [Applause] [Music] remember [Music] I cannot hold the stream together much longer the corrio will fall because of [Music] me am I crazy or did it just get even bigger after Luna said that I think it's feeding up your guilt Princess Luna if that is so then perhaps that is how it grew strong enough to escape in the first place say what now I created the tabus to give myself the same nightmare every night to punish myself for the evil I caused as Nightmare Moon why would you do that to make sure I never forgave myself for how much Equestria suffered because of me but it seems I have not learned my lesson for now I have only made you suffer [Music] more but that means you might just be the key to stopping all this yeah if it gets strong because you feel bad about what you did as Nightmare Moon then you just got to stop feeling bad for what you did how can I forgive myself I am no better now than I was then my creation is about to turn the world into a living nightmare but look at what you're doing Nightmare Moon would have wanted the tent of us to turn Equestria into a nightmare you're doing everything you can to stop it don't you see that proves you're not the same Pony you were then every pony who knows you knows that Nightmare Moon is in the past we all trust you Luna do you trust us enough to believe we're right I do [Music] thank you thank you [Music] all Luna did it she sure did only I'm not exactly sure what she did Luna created the tantabus to punish herself the worse she felt the more power it had but once she finally forgave herself for what Nightmare Moon did poof sh huh wonder what she's dreaming about [Music] now [Music] happy hard swarmy KN shs Twilight y'all done it up nice and cozy in here we're about to hang our hear swarming dolls if you want to join us well that's might as sweet of you but we're just stopping in to wish y'all a happy heartwarming before we go I think it's sweet that your families are spending the holiday together picture the most fun tacular thing you can think of now multiply that times infinity going to be great that's us see you later now can we open presents but tonight is hears swarming Eve every pony knows you don't open presents till tomorrow when Spike and I spent our first Hearth swarming Eve together he couldn't wait all night to open his presents ever since then we've always opened them the night before it's kind of like our tradition that's not how our family does it and I reckon it can't be how pinkies does it is it no sir to each their own I suppose ah got to go [Music] bye just what I always wanted a [Music] book My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what could be until you Shar magic with big adventure of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and Magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're all my very best [Music] friends Chancellor pudding head puddings how about a wind to go frosted snow conom it's so exciting related or not it's going to be a ho having our families together Under One Roof apples and pies din again for the first time maybe unless we're related which maybe we're not I think I just confused myself friends or family this here is about togetherness have you tried the Equestria flight Crepes the blue is blueberry and don't tell Granny I saw but trunk is full of Prisons now hang on sugar cube you know har swarm it isn't just about candy and pris right uh-oh that's your boring sisterly lecture voice afraid so a long time ago the earth ponies Pegasus ponies and unicorn ponies weren't friends I don't like you I don't like you either but then the icy chill of the windos almost iced up everything so the ponies decided to work together and their friendship drove them nasty Critters away beat it when to goes triumphant they raised a new flag to celebrate all three tribes and Equestria was born uh what happened to the flag I don't know is that why we celebrate with a flag raiser tomorrow mhm and tonight we'll have the traditional Hearts swarming Eve dinner to remember the shared bounties of our ancestors we do that too then we'll hang our heartwarming dolls over the fireplace to remind us of the warmth shared on that faithful night that's what our family does too and tomorrow we open presents we do that too it sounds like the apples and the pies do everything the same way of course we might be related he I was going to say that stop saying what I'm saying you stop it first [Music] not I'm so happy I need to make up a new word for how happy I am what about roof tastic roof tastic as in I got to get on the route and yell to every py how rotic this [Music] is what if our families don't like each other we are friends Applejack and after tonight our families are going to be friends too do you know what that means number of apples times number of Pies is 24 minus my pre-existing friendships plus one for mod and you makes 5 from 24 is 19 new [Music] FRS mod I'm so excited to see you Pinkie Pie you too Applejack I hope you had fun sledding yesterday how' you know that isn't it obvious there's specs of extrusive andesite on your hoof it's a mountain rock oh she's good how's school going if you thought was high on the most hardness scale wait till I tell you about corundum I miss you so much this place looks amazing come on every pony meet my super mega wonderful [Music] family every pony meet every pony surely thy name is not but Granny Smith I am called Ignus Rock pie son of feldspar Granite pie Thou shalt know me as cloudy quartz May Providence favor thee well and to thou Comfort our humble Homestead bring y'all gabbing with words real funny like well well what you say D names were giggy and I'm I'm just going to call you Big Mama C gaze into the eyes of limestone pie MPA May own this rock Farm but I keep it running cross me iy I captain grumpy no one's going to mess with your precious mind or holder's Boulder every pony stay away from holder's Boulder there you happy now and you must be this is marble pie my baby sister who's only a few minutes younger than me but she'll always be a baby to me isn't that right she's so excited to meet every pony oh and she wishes you all a Happy [Music] heartwarming mhm yes Pinkie Pie always did the talking for her attention what I say about the boulder I'll just be a second every pony get settled in there's plenty of room upstairs and then it's time for heartwarming Eve dinner so far so good cousin oh I can't wait to taste their fresh sweet rolls they're my favorite part of heart SW e dinner I'm more of a six layer bean dip fly myself I love that too oh Applejack do you think those will be even better than ours oh that's a mighty tall order but it wouldn't surprise me in the least are you excited for dinner time because guess who is spoiler alert it's [Music] me what about hot rolls and mold cider and double baked popie what about six layer bean dip we have rock soup potato potato double baked pop pie rock soup dinner is dinner am I right or am I right yeah um you know what this is what we were expecting right every [Music] pony is everything all right right Apple Jack of course I'm just being a rusty fiddle tune me up and let's get back to dinner more rock please eat up so we can get to our heart swarming dolls now that's something I know all about who wants a heart swarming doll are you saying that rock is a heartwarming doll don't be silly silly our dolls are these little pieces isn't that right marble pie [Music] mhm are dolls are rocks [Music] y'all don't have traditional crochet dolls passed down in your family oh you're just a frown Factory because you got a weird rock cheer up I'm sure you'll do great in the flag finding Mission the what finding what now Limestone pie you're the judge Big Mac marble pie you're team one apple blo and mod you're team two m p you're going to be with Granny Smith don't think of it as team old think of it as team three and I with Applejack of course since we might be cousins so now that we're all split up mind telling us what we're doing as every pony knows stay off holders Boulder sheesh when the three tribes United to form Equestria the first flag was sewn by Nimble thimble it's tradition to raise a flag on heart swarming to celebrate that famous day way she go but who gets to put the flag on holder's Boulder you mean on the flag pole no silly it goes on the highest point and who's the lucky pony traditionally it's the youngest on your mark get set go Pinkie Pie will you please tell us what's going on I'll explain on the way who I still don't understand earlier today Limestone pie hit an obsidian Stone whoever finds it gets to raise the flag it's all just so complicated and rock based well how else would we do it I don't know I sure hope every pony else is having a better time MH yep M yep sh oh how' you meet this Iggy fell we were chosen by the pairing Stone and betrothed within a fortnite the choosing Stone decreed Thou shalt love one another and lo it was so I got to look into this old fangled choosing Stone thing do you reckon it knows any Apple farming hunks indeed so what does the rock look like it looks like something that formed from volcanic laa cooled quickly oh have you ever wished you could turn into a rock I had a dream Once I Was an apple we have a lot in common when it comes to thinking about turning into [Music] things f it f f it a picture I've been looking for a real Stone Pinkie Pie um that would be weird do you know what this means I I get to raise the flag and now it's time to hide the presents y'all hide your presents of course what's more fun than getting a present finding a present although most years no pony finds one so no pony gets presents H not usually so let me get all this straight you're only allowed to eat rock soup for dinner then the pony who finds this rock gets to raise the flag but not really cuz you don't got no flag pole and to top it off you don't even get prison well it doesn't sound very fun when you say it that way well how about you picture this both our families opening presents raising the flag picturing it loving it good night every pony good night Pinkie Pie we got to do something y'all Pinkie Pie's family never had a real Hearts swarming is that really what she said well I'm sure it's what she meant these are their Traditions yep I know they have their traditions and we have ours but I just want them to see how much better theirs could [Music] be heartwarming heartwarming heartwarming heartwarming heartwarming heart oh my oh my what happened to my farm it's heartwarming apple style we've been doing everything your way I thought we could mix it up a bit marel pie you could raise the Equestria flag up this pole because you're the youngest pie Ma and PW pie will cook you up a meal you'll never forget and look we all get prisons without having to find them yeah this is going to be great all the stuff she said right every pony pink I mean a die in pie truly thou do not favor this madness well I want to be one big family but what about what we usually do I um well I don't know don't make me choose I didn't mean to cause a fuss why don't we just open presents around the flag pole it'll be fun you'll see excuse me you planted your pole on a fault line no oh [Music] boy you didn't have to ask them to leave they wanted to go we don't need any Pony forcing their way into our family this was all a misunderstanding every pony I know Applejack and she never do anything bad to any pony look around Pinkie Pie it's going to take me ages to get this rock Farm back on track and how are we going to lift holder's Boulder this is all her fault then it's my fault too probably best if we head back to Sweet Apple acers maybe in time we'll be friends again but for the now it's best if we give them a little space I wish we didn't have to I really like mod she's sweet once you get to know her they all are worst hear swarming ever has any Pony seen Apple ja I really cracked the corn this time I really popped the pinata this time Pinkie Pie what are you doing here what are you doing here I came here to think you did so did I I'm too ashamed to go back up there your family my family they almost think I'm such a nink poop a no one thinks that pushy aggressive mean oh not helping sorry I'm sorry I forced my traditions over yours I don't want you to have to choose between the family you were born into and the friends who love you like one I really hoped we could be one big happy family I guess not don't say that I wish I could stay but I have a train to catch happy hearts for me you too do you want to know why holder's Boulder so dang it important well now there great great great great great great grandfather holder Cobblestone he found that Boulder in a Dragon's Nest all in time itself it built the Family Farm around it even though it was just an ordinary Rock it's always brought them good luck oh Cricket that is important I got so caught up in the things they were doing I never asked why they did them two Applejack from Pinkie Pie cousins forever you just found your first pie hor swarming present ever only Pinkie Pie could hide a present on a moving train what a great tradition stop the train [Music] come on you come on I'm pushing as hard as I can [Music] too it's hopeless need a little help apples what do you want I wasn't trying to take your Traditions away I was try trying to share ours I was so focused on us being one big happy family I thought we needed the same Traditions right away what I should have done is learn about yours and teach you about ours and over time we'd make New Traditions together I'm sorry y'all well don't just stand there we got a boulder to move and I'm in [Applause] charge I think we just invented our first combined tradition pushing holder's boulder out of the Quarry I can't wait for applejack to knock it over next hard [Music] swarming [Music] marel pie you want to wish Big Mac a happy heart swarming don't you and you too right Big Mac mhm yep let me see here uh if thou ask me uh thou too art the okay in my book [Music] happy heartwarming happy heartwarming Pinkie Pie attention a from pony m wants to sing some hor swarming carols that she [Applause] wrote the first one is about rocks they're all about rocks Hearth swarming is great like calcium silicate what a wonderful day as good as Micah or clay
Channel: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Views: 179,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Canterlot Wedding, Equestria Girls, MLP, My Little Pony, Twilight Sparkle, equestria girls full movie, equestria girls song, kids, little pony, mlp a canterlot wedding, mlp equestria girls, mlp pony life, mlp season 9, mlp songs, mlpstopmotion, my little pony equestria girl, my little pony equestria girls, my little pony full episode, my little pony season 9, my little pony song, my little pony songs, my little pony theme song, my little pony toys, pony, pony life, toys
Id: 4LfLUZkf8x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 22sec (10342 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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