My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | School Raze | 2 Part Specials | Cozy Glow | FiM Full Episodes

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[Music] thank you for the mail delivery have a wonderful [Music] day you're new here right I'm cozy glow Professor Sparkle's friendship assistant Welcome to our school you are first class is just down that Hall a seven-letter word for teamwork have you tried Synergy that's it thanks cozy what are friends for [Music] good morning Professor Sparkle the mail's here already what time is it I late for my class's field trip to Cloudsdale don't worry I asked Professor Rainbow Dash to cover for you and she said yes uh-huh I told her how busy you are and how much her loyalty meant to you I also colorcoded your teaching schedule by friendship B and cataloged all the magical artifacts in the school I hope that's okay okay cozy that's amazing you're like my right hoof Pony I don't know what i' do without you it's like you taught me helping is what friendship's all about exactly and hopefully my class is learning that on their field trip right now I heard they might do some sightseeing first taada the Pegasus weather Factory every drop of rain or flake of snow from Cloudsdale comes from there wow I know right hey the cool stuff's over here wow I've never stood on a cloud before you can't normally but for our trip I cast a spell that lets us walk like pegasi hey Yona come check out this view unless you're too scared youa not scared no youa [Music] scared My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pon I used to wonder what could be until you all shared magic with me Big adventure t of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe magic makes it all complete you have M do you know you're are my very best [Music] [Music] friend come on we got to catch [Music] him gotcha it's okay yaa you like flying remember flying not falling I don't understand it's like my spell stopped working that's never happened before we have an emergency the students dropped out of the sky slow down what happened I cast a spell for our field trip to Cloudsdale but my magic just failed we barely caught every pony in time I'm glad you're all okay but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about Starlite maybe you did your spell wrong let's take a look I didn't drop that book maybe you did your spell wrong ow Rarity ran into the door my magic is gone I even had to use my homes to qu my tail still think there's nothing to worry about this doesn't make any sense magic can't just disappear something has to be causing this um didn't we learn in class about a creature that eats magic T tur something T-Rex isn't he trapped in tardas Spike what's wrong thanks I've never had a letter get stuck before it's from Princess Celestia we've all been called to an emergency meeting in caner lot look pretty sure I know what it's about throughout our city ponies have been reporting Tales of their magic failing spells going wrong potions not working even raising the moon has become difficult are there similar troubles in Ponyville we experienced it at first hoof it's the same in My Kingdom the Crystal Heart seems safe for now but I worry if this [Music] continues leather for the princesses from Star Swirl the bearded it is even more terrible than we feared magic is disappearing all across Equestria Star Swirl believes the power will drain from our land in 3 days first unicorn magic and spells will fail that's what's happening now on the second day creatures will lose their magic abilities oh no and finally magical artifacts will stop working when the sun sets on the third day the Magic in our world will be gone forever but why is this happening now that's the worst part we have no idea has any Pony checked on T-Rex mean the big red scary Centaur who eats magic why would we want oh right if he has found some way to escape his prison or work from within it he could be responsible for this that is the best explanation so far some pony should investigate we'll go oh no no no no no no not without us you were wait did you say we I finally learned that it's okay to count on your friends for help um you do want to come right uh duh thank you all we will search for ways to protect Equestria in your absence be careful tardus has changed since you were there and now holds many dangerous creatures and you won't be able to rely on your magic with her friends by her side she won't have to okay I left you my lesson plan all my student files and my annotated syllabus notes if anything goes wrong get Celestia got it maybe I should just close the school and send my students home would you go save Equestria already okay cozy packed us all up for a trip to bad guy Central don't forget the sandwiches I marked Jes who is just engase Starlight can't stand mustard that's so sweet of you cozy but Twilight has asked me to stay here to run the school Oh I thought that after what happened last time once you survived Discord anything else is a Piece of Cake Plus she'll have you to help her oh golly yes I promise I'll be the best assistant ever come on we can start working on your substitute headmare plans right now if you like wow uh okay see nothing to worry about tell me there's nothing to worry about you good morning friendship students I know we're all sad Professor Sparkle is away but don't worry because she left me in charge to do things just the way she would uh I thought Starlight glimmer was going to be temporary head mayor she was but she left me this note I have to go Twilight needs my help I know the school is in good Hooves with you cozy isn't that sweet we won't let Starlight down will we it's just kind of weird isn't it I don't know what you mean like why'd you change her mind why did Starlight write a note instead of say goodbye to us herself doesn't make any sense understand oh smolder you forget we're not scheming dragons we're ponies sounds like some creature needs to do a little extra friendship homework yeah not Pony either if smolder get homework Yona get homework me too I'm in yeah homework party fine what loyalty Professor Rainbow Dash would be so proud you are such good friends you all are and I'm grateful because it will be awfully hard running a whole school alone can I count on each of you to help me yeah thank you so much it's just like our professors taught us together we can get through [Music] anything I have H it with these horrible flies I miss my magic have you tried using your tail to shoe them away bite your tongue it's for decorative purposes only hey I didn't know he packed green cupcakes um we didn't they must have gone bad without magic to keep them cold magic this magic that we don't need magic to go on a little hike you was saying you just need to think more like Earth ponies y'all Granny's Apple corn no bite no more that'll keep the flies off oo it smells just like it l even if our food's spoiled these blueberries are still good to eat too bad we can't do anything about the rainstorm I can't stop that storm by myself but I can still [Music] help I think we have all the magic we need right here not that I don't want to get it back let's [Music] go co glow our class cupcakes today and she made all of us friendship bracelets she's the nicest Pony I've ever met I'm so glad she's headmare uh temporary headmare right guys oh oh of course but if Twilight takes her time coming back I won't mind finally we thought you forgot about steud Club sorry I'm late cozy glow gave her class tickets to a sapphire Shores concert in Ponyville tonight you get the feeling Cozy's trying too hard to make us like her or maybe she just wants to help us keep our minds off of how scary it is that Magic's disappearing I don't trust her what she up to behind those big eyes and bouncy curls and why cozy Pony coming out catacombs so late at [Music] night let's go ask [Music] this is the only door to Tartarus the good news is the seal isn't broken so we know T didn't Escape let me guess you got bad news too last time I was here I had to use magic to get in and according to Star Swirl all unicorn magic was gone by yesterday's Sunset maybe he was [Music] wrong don't worry Twilight I got this free pizza delivery always worked before oh well did any of y'all pack something they could actually help these all do magic but not the kind we're looking for I'm afraid how about this the key of unfettered entrance where did you find this spike in your bag Coy must have packed it for you she really did think of everything um what does it do it can magically open any door and since artifacts like this haven't lost their power [Music] [Music] yet I guess it only works once catri do something Fluttershy don't look at it it'll turn you to Stone I don't feel like Stone unless it's really bouncy Stone I think he lost his magic too all the creatures here must have Star Swirl said that would happen on the second day I know it should made me feel safer but it just makes me sad we got to fix [Music] this where is Princess Twilight oh golly she's away at a quest I'm watching the school for her magic is failing across our land and she left a hole in in charge of this facility yes sir is there anything I can do for you that won't be necessary Twilight's Folly stops here as of now I am head Stallion and I have quite a few changes to [Music] make if all these monsters lost their magic then getting past cus should be easy peasy look out I'll talk to him um excuse me puppy you're a very good guard do yes you are but um we were wondering if we could get by to check on [Music] tick that looks like a yes I'll get you a tow darling the princess of friendship here for a visit what have I done to earn the honor of your company we want answers T-Rex magic is disappearing from Equestria I know what a waste of such delicious power so you are behind this silly Philly if I had all that magic do you think I'd still be locked up in here but I might know something about [Music] it what are you doing those are Twilight student files these aren't not anymore with Equestria under attack ponies must stand together Twilight has endangered us all by SK keeping off on friendship trips while these dangerous creatures run loose you don't think they're the reason magic is disappearing do you yes and I came to warn Twilight but since she is gone it falls to me to protect you foes from these monsters not to I hate F equivalentes did you hear something it sounded like it came from over there you again as I I suspected from now on this school is Pony only as nature intended since you refuse to explain your plot against Equestria and return the magic you sto you will stay here while I summon your Guardians to take you home wait you were right about them from the beginning Chancellor I see that now what are you saying I don't want anything to do with creatures that could threaten Equestria wisely put Colt every pony will come to their senses eventually what in tnation sorry I ran out of apples I need the Cutie Mark Crusaders my friends are in trouble Chancellor nayay locked them up huh I thought cozy glow was in charge not anymore but you guys are good buddies if you can convince her to distract nayay I can break out my friends will you help me do mulberries have seeds that's a yes where's Equestria's magic going T-Rex what's making it disappear if you let me out I'm sure it will jug my memory what do you say I scratch your back you scratch mine how about you tell us what you know or you'll be stuck here forever because we're out of magic keys and no pony can open the door oh dear I had thought of that we're just as trapped as t what a Pity well for you sweet revenge for me it seems my little protege's plan worked after all which little Protegé oh we've never met were pen pals each letter had so many questions about draining magic and you answered them well I was born so I simply pointed my pen pal in the right direction can't you just tell us your pen Pal's name I mean since we're stuck here anyway oh why not the irony is too perfect her name is cozy glow I I could have sworn I saw her come down this way when she left her [Music] office in enjoying yourself in there Starlight I'm sorry I had to push you in but what else could I do you were going to ruin all my plans you might get some company soon if I can't make that annoying naysay back off all this magic needs time to drain from Equestria before my Vortex sucks it to another Realm three days can sure seem like forever huh you know you ponies got it all wrong friendship isn't Magic Friendship is power with Twilight and her lackes out of my way all of Equestria will bow to me the future Empress of [Music] [Laughter] friendship ha magic is disappearing all across Equestria didn't we learn about a creature that eats magic some pony should investigate we'll go I thought Starlight glimmer was going to be temporary head mayor with Equestria under attack ponies must stand together I need the cutie mar Crusaders my friends are in trouble it seems my little prot's plan worked after all the future Empress of [Music] friendship My Little Pony My Little Pony my littley I used to wonder what friendship could be My littley until you all shared it magic with me Big adventure tons of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kind it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're all my very best friend cozy glow is behind all of this I'm not usually a fan Pony but draining your precious World of Magic so she could trap the sick of you was inspiring um there's seven of us I knew we shouldn't have left but starlight's in charge at the school if any Pony can stop cozy glow it's her cozy glow out smarter the six of you I doubt this star stance at chance we have to get out of here our students can't handle cozy on their own then I guess we'll just have to bust our way out [Music] a that didn't work not everything can be solved with Brute Force we need magic to escape maybe there's a way to get out without magic like a secret lover or a secret button or a secret admirer who knows a secret about you but it's all your secret safe with me because I put it in Taris and I have a key I'm afraid not the most powerful villains and monsters of all time are trapped here and without our magic so are we unless these creatures might be losing their magical powers but there's still a magic that makes up what they are maybe we can borrow some of that uh excuse me um Chancellor nayay you might as well get used to calling me head stallion nayay I plan to be here for quite some time gee it sure is a relief to have some pony in charge what with the magical crisis going on and we're all so grateful to you for taking care of those non ponies but doesn't the EA need you what the EA needs is some pony to protect this school from the threats at Equestria's borders instead of gallivanting off on adventures Beyond them Twilight didn't just run off willy-nilly she left me in charge I'm her right hoof mayor another in a long list of mistakes the princess of friendship has made rest assured from now on this school shall be run according to strict EA guidelines the way it always should have been well that sounds just peachy head stallion nayay cozy glow did all of this how why I'm I don't know but come on y'all we got to get Starlight out of there before she comes back wait sweee Bell help that's got to be what's sucking up all the Magic in Equestria but if that's true then Twilight and the others went to Tardis for nothing and if all of Equestria's Magic's getting sucked up in there there's no way for them to get back we need to get help but starlight's trapped here and there's no way to get worse to Celestia or any py else I guess we're on our [Music] own still locked huh we got to at least try to get out why if sar's turned his back on us every other Pony probably has too SAR not turn his back SAR is our friend uh did you miss the part where he said he didn't want anything to do with us maybe he just said that so one of us could be free to Snoop around didn't figure out what's going on I don't know that sounds too clever for a pony to come up with you knew SAR was still our friend we all are except for cozy glow that pony is not who we thought she was she's the one draining magic out of Equestria what what we'll explain on the way but right now we got to get to Chancellor nayay huh I know he doesn't like non ponies but if we tell him what's going on he'll help I am sure you are all concerned about the magic situation but I want to assure you that this institution is safe despite the absence of your headmare as your new head stallion let me be the first to say that the reign of Princess Twilight is over from now on this school will adhere to EA Doctrine as it should have from the start thank you Chancellor nayay for that rousing speech I know you're a stallion who truly believes what you say and when you say this school will be run according to EA Doctrine I know you mean it and when you say there won't be any more lessons from the princess of friendship at the school of friendship I guess you mean that too that's not exactly but do like decided to run her school outside of the EA guidelines and even though you tried to stop her princesses Celestia and Luna trusted her enough to support her well I I wouldn't say so since I know you mean what you say my question is really for the students are we going to give the pony who already tried to wreck Twilight school once a another chance to do it I guess things will have to stay the way Twilight want them which includes leaving me in [Music] charge I okay so maybe we need a new [Music] [Applause] plan oh oh not tight we don't want to hurt the chancellor I'm sure Twilight will know what to do with him when she gets back now back to class everyone we let the EA disrupt our friendship studies long enough why are you doing this I thought you wanted to have some pony in charge of the school oh I do you just aren't the pony I had in [Music] mind I can't very well have the EA running the school if I want to run it myself of course that's just the beginning you see if there's one thing I've learned here it's that friendship is the most powerful thing there is and as headmare of the school of friendship no pony will have more friends than me making me the most powerful Pony in [Music] aesta hey cozy glow what's so funny are you just happy to be running the school oh I'm just keeping Twilight seat warm still it's pretty impressive is there anything we can do to help we can hang out with you all day if you want you know there is something I need help with [Music] aw oh wonderful I suppose you've all come to gloat actually we've come to undo all these chains and free you but but why now that nasty Pony met even nastier Pony maybe nasty Pony not be so nasty also we kind of like to stop cozy before she drains all the magic from equestrian she's behind that as well I must get word to Celestia and Luna how without magic it'll take forever to get to them while it's true that unicorns have lost their ability to cast spells the most potent Magic in Equestria is housed in our artifacts the EA Medallion allows me to travel throughout Equestria its magic worked when I chained you up perhaps it still has enough to send me to the princess [Music] I hope he makes it I hope he doesn't come back and lock us up again if he comes back everything's going to be fine Twilight and the others are probably already on their [Music] way um are you sure there's magic in curus Clarissa the pig has two taals and while her singing voice is lovely I don't think it's magical we need to try everything if we want to get out of here I don't know Tardis isn't so bad I can hang out here for a [Music] while maybe not forever though but that is just what it will be if my Protegé has followed my instructions by sunset tonight every last vestage of equestrian magic will disappear into the ether forever have you even thought about what losing magic would mean it means the six of you will be trapped here like me seven exactly it means you're trapped here forever with us I hadn't thought of it like that so what do we do Twilight Dash and Applejack nearly have curus tired out if Rarity pitches in I think they can get him to sit still long enough to try what I have in mind I'm sure I can get the other monsters to help besides I would never call them monsters what about TK he's probably got some magic too right leave him to me down okay everyone time to show Equestria that you aren't monsters you're wonderful mystical creatures I know it's not your birthday so you got a party even though we'll sing and down from 1 to 10 and then we'll do it all again more tea princess ping Rock Don't Mind If I Do I can do this all eternity fine I'll help you leave just restart T-Rex in it's just so exciting to have a full our age running things we should have an ice cream social every day that's a splendid idea Apple Bloom but to tell you the truth the thing I need help with most is cleaning say no more just take us around the school and show us everything you want cleaned well actually you could start right in here it looks pretty clean already do you three think you can fool me I know a diversion when I see it um what Pony lead us back down here we obviously can't handle cozy on her own but we can't just sit around and wait for help so there's one more prisoner I think we should free ooh I guess Starlight is it Starlight counselor pony come out we need help with nasty Pony she can't talk to us from in there we'll have to figure a way to get her out hey this is just like chapter 12 in kacis facts and artifacts from Twilight's class what I've been studying finals are coming up you know actually I remember that too C must have linked these artifacts to act like a mystical magnet attracting all the magic in equia into that orb so we can shut it down by yanking one of these things out right sure though that would probably cause a magical feedback loop and destroy the whole school destroy the school of friendship oh dear Chancellor nayay was wrong about a lot of things but I guess he was right about all of you all right is every pony ready it good I can't say for how much longer allity yes by all means please just get on with it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] without magic there's no way we'll get back to the school in time what does that mean it means we [Music] failed after everything Twilight's done for you why would you want to destroy her school we don't you're the one using these artifacts to drain Magic from Equestria me we all just saw you with your claws all over them it'll make sense these creatures want magic gone for Equestria because it's the only thing ponies have that they don't technically there's a magical component when silver stream and I transform and Y friend friendship is Magic Twilight said and you repaid her by sending her to Tartarus on a wild goose chase so you could destroy everything she built they've even trapped Starlight in that that thing we have to defend this school no no don't look to no [Music] jealous they just sacrificed themselves trying to save their friends Professor Dash always says there's nothing more loyal than that shouldn't we try to save them they brought this on themselves there's nothing we can do that doesn't seem very generous or kind yeah yeah the Elements of Harmony are very important they're just not applicable in every circumstance and with magic gone from Equestria I'm not even sure the tri of Harmony will be as helpful as it once was what's happening they're glowing like the elements I think the tree of Harmony saved them guess our friendship is pretty magical after all hurry grab the artifacts um didn't you say that could destroy the school but if we don't try we could lose magic forever you all better get clear wait where are you going [Music] [Music] [Applause] a counselor Pony uh it's nice to see you too I guess magic is that you've ruined everything now Twilight and her ridiculous friends can escape from [Music] turus I mean yay all my friends are safe you can drop the ACT cozy glow your pen pal T-Rex told us all about how he helped you suck up all that magic but I still don't understand why why why because friendship is power you might be the princess of friendship but as headmare of this school I can collect even more French than you you're the one who doesn't get it cozy friendship is powerful but Power isn't why you make friends I'm sorry I couldn't teach you that well you taught us you can't let One Bad Apple make you think you failed and we never could could have stopped her if we hadn't learned what you taught us about friendship honesty loyalty generosity blah blah blah I can make more friends without using any of them and if I can't do it here I'll do it somewhere else yeah I don't think [Music] so I'm glad you are back in charge of the school of friendship princess it's clear to me now that there is no pony better suited for the [Music] job what's going on hi headmare Twilight we're just practicing for graduation graduation now that we've saved Equestria we figured we're done with school saving Equestria is nice but I'm afraid it'll take more than one semester to learn all there is to know about friendship told you your headmare is right I thought friendship was something that only ponies should share with each other but you all taught me how wrong I was I suppose true friendship can take a lifetime to understand if it were easy to learn we wouldn't need a school we held her off as long as we could but she locked us in this closet what happened is everything all right where's cozy glow everything worked out just fine as for cozy glow I can assure you where she's going she won't be causing any more [Music] trouble of course it's boring here now but at least you're not in a [Music] cage [Music] hey neighbor want to be friends
Channel: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Views: 188,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Canterlot Wedding, Equestria Girls, MLP, My Little Pony, Twilight Sparkle, equestria girls full movie, equestria girls song, kids, little pony, mlp a canterlot wedding, mlp equestria girls, mlp pony life, mlp season 9, mlp songs, mlpstopmotion, my little pony equestria girl, my little pony equestria girls, my little pony full episode, my little pony season 9, my little pony song, my little pony songs, my little pony theme song, my little pony toys, pony, pony life, toys
Id: Bg3cxJ73X6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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