My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | Most REWATCHABLE Episodes | MLP Full Episodes

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are you sure about this scooo I've never even heard of a pony zip lining before neither have I but Spike told me it was [Music] awesome see any tree sap and pine needles but no cutie mark Plan B yeah you know where we can find a cannon at this hour it's no use no matter what we try we always end up without our cutie marks and surprisingly often covered in tree sap maybe we should do something less dangerous like pillow testing or flower sniffing this town is full of ponies who have their cutie marks why don't we ask them how they did it that's a great safe idea yeah and we can start with the coolest pony in Ponyville Apple jck Rarity come on guys I said cool you know who I'm talking about she's fast she's tough she's not afraid of anything Pinkie Pie no the greatest flyer ever to come out of Cloudsdale shine no Rainbow Dash oh yeah that makes much more sense of course let's do it let's find out how Rainbow Dash earned her cutie mark [Music] yeah My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what friendship could be My Little Pony until you all shared it magic with me Big adventure tons of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kind it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you are my very best friends [Music] get back here you thieving verage thi what now Apple Bloom hey sis how'd you get your Cutie Mark I never told you that story hey I thought we were going to ask Rainbow Dash we need all the help we can get uh fine why shoot I was just a little Philly even little than y'all I didn't want to spend my life on a muddy old Apple Farm I wanted to live the sophisticated life like my aunt and uncle [Music] orange so I set out to try my luck in the big city mainhattan the most Cosmopolitan City in all of Equestria hey out of the way you R I knew I'd find out who I was meant to be in main hat [Music] an orange Uncle orange thank y'all so much for letting me stay y'all isn't she just The Living End how quaint don't worry we'll have you acting like a true main hat night in no time and how are you finding good old main haton oh it's simply the Vine very well said my dear although I must admit the city noise HS I'm getting used to where I'm from nights are so quiet you seldom hear a peep until the roosters wake you the what I say my dear what in the world is a rooster what's he talking about what do I say I don't want to look like a fool dinner is served thank goodness being a city Pon is hard work I'm so hungry [Music] IAD cocka dooodle do I wonder what granny spit them Big Macintosh are up to I bet they're Apple bucking their way through the red delicious trees oh would I wouldn't get for just one bite I never felt so homesick in all my days as I did right then it was amazing a rainbow pointing right back to home in that moment it all became clear I knew right then just who I was supposed to [Music] be that's when this here appeared I've been happily working the farm ever [Music] since there they are get back here you thie and burage a that was such a sweet sweet story sweet try sappy come on we've got to find Rainbow Dash in here the cool way to get a cutie [Music] [Applause] mark all right little ones this way this way you really should be more careful some pony could get hurt why are you in such a hurry anyway we're trying to find find Rainbow Dash so we can hear how she earned her cutie mark oh that would be interesting you know I wouldn't have gotten my cutie mark if it weren't for her Rainbow Dash really oh yes it all started at summer flight Camp You' never guess but when I was little I was very shy and a very weak flyer [Music] [Laughter] nice going clutcher shy they ought to ground you permanently my baby brother can fly better than you it was the most humiliating moment of my life and then out of [Music] nowhere leave her alone what are you going to do rainbow crash keep making fun of her and find out you think you're such a big shot why don't you prove it what do you have in mind you're going down in history maybe see you boys at the finish line [Applause] [Music] [Music] a huh I never seen such beautiful creatures butterflies don't fly as high as my cloud home and I had never been near the ground before what is this place filled with so many wonders casting it spell that I am now wonder squir in the trees and the cute little bunnies Birds fiding free and bees with their honey [Music] honey oh what a magical place and I owe it all to the Pegasus race if I knew the ground had so much of b s I'd have come here sooner and never leave yes I love [Music] [Applause] everything sh it's okay you can come out everything's okay there's nothing to be afraid of somehow I had the ability to communicate with the animals on a different [Music] level wait wait wait what happened to Rainbow Dash what about the race oh well I wasn't there so I don't really know what happened happen come on Crusaders we've got to find her besides I can't take any more singing maybe my sister knows where she is hie Fluttershy bye girls how do we get roped into this we'll never hear Rainbow Dash's story are you girls still obsessing over your cutie marks of course most of the Phillies at school already have theirs I know how you feel for the longest time I couldn't figure out why I didn't have mine well done Rarity your costumes are very nice nice they need to be spectacular and the performance is tomorrow I tried every trick I could think of but nothing seemed to work the costumes just weren't right and the play opened that night maybe I'm not meant to be a fashionista after all what's going on I had no idea where my horn was taking me but unicorn magic doesn't happen without a reason I knew this had to do with my love of fashion and maybe even my cutie mark I knew that this was my destiny a rock that's my Destin what is your problem horn I followed you all the way out here for a rock dumb Rock [Music] oo these NY pamy stories aren't getting us any closer to our cutie marks they're all about finding who you really are and boring stuff like that yes scalo that's exactly come on girls we need action we need Rainbow Dash as a young Philly in caner lot I always wanted to go to the Summer sun celebration where Princess Celestia raises the Sun and I saw the most amazing most wonderful thing I've ever seen [Music] [Applause] I poured myself into learning everything I could about [Music] magic my parents decided to enroll me in Princess Celestia's school for gifted unicorns it was a dream come true except for one thing I had to pass an entrance exam well miss [Music] Sparkle well miss Sparkle [Music] we don't have all day I knew it was the most important day of my life that my entire future would be affected by the outcome of this day and I was about to blow it I'm sorry I wasted your time on [Music] [Music] Twilight Sparkle oh I'm so sorry hi you have a very special gift I don't think I've ever come across a unicorn with your raw abilities huh but you need to learn to tame these abilities through Focus study huh Twilight Sparkle I'd like to make you my own personal Protege here at the school huh well yes one other thing Twilight more my cutie mark [Music] yes okay okay we're happy for you Twilight yeah thrilled let's get out of here while we still can yes [Applause] are you okay um yes why don't we ever smash into Rainbow Dash you're looking for Rainbow Dash if I was here I'd be at Sugar CBE corner of course if I was anyone I'd be at Sugar CBE Corner hey I have an idea want to go to Sugar CBE Corner well we're of looking for Rainbow Dash so we can hear how she got her cutie mark cutie mark come with me and I'll tell you how I got mine why not all right my sisters and I were raised on a rock Farm outside of Ponyville we spent our days work in the fields there was no talking there was no smiling there were only rocks we were in the south field preparing to rotate the rocks to the east field when all of a sudden [Music] I never felt Joy like that before it felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever and I wanted everyone I knew to smile too but rainbows don't come along that often I wondered how else could I create some [Music] Smiles we better Harvest The Rock from the Southfield pamine and Diane Pie is that you mom I need you and Dad and the sisters to come in here [Music] quick surprise you like it it's called a party oh you don't like it you like it I'm so [Music] happy and that's how Equestria was named huh look we're here maybe on the way home I can tell you the story of how I got my cutie mark it's a gem oh come on she's just being Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash You're Here I hear you're looking for my cutie mark story you have no idea what I've been through today to hear that story it all happened during the race at flight camp where I stood alone Against All Odds to defend Fluttershy's honor [Music] [Music] I'd never flown like that before the freedom was unlike anything I'd ever felt the speed the adrenaline the wind in my man I liked it a lot W later rainbow crash hey turns out the only thing I like more than flying fast was [Music] winning most people thought that the Sonic Rainboom was just an old Mar's Tale But that day the day I discovered racing I prove that the Legends were true I made the impossible [Music] happen and that little ones is how you earn a cutie mark w Wait a second I heard that explosion and I saw the rainbow too Rainbow Dash if you hadn't scared the animal I never would have learned I could communicate with them and gotten my cutie mark I heard that boom and right afterwards there's this amazing rainow that taught me to smile when I got my cutie mark I saw a rainbow that pointed me home I bet it was your sonic rain boom there was an explosion I could never explain when I got my cutie mark this is uncanny if that explosion didn't happen when it did I would have blown my entrance exam Rainbow Dash I think you helped me earn my cutie mark too we all our cutie marks to you do you realize what this means all of us had a special connection before we even met we've been BFFs forever and we didn't even know it come here y'all I love you guys a e give me a break come on Crusaders maybe we just need to try ziplining again hey how about a song [Music] no dear Princess Celestia today I learned something amazing every pony everywhere has a special magical connection with her friends maybe even before she's met them if you're feeling lonely and you're still searching for your true friends just look up in the sky who knows maybe you and your future best friends are all looking at the same rainbow gross when did you get so cheesy just ride it [Music] Spike can't believe the grand yting Y is tonight pinky please stop shouting I'm trying to concentrate Pinky Pie stop that right now it's time to prepare for the gala and I refuse to let you put on your new dress you're all sweaty [Music] what's Twilight doing she's got an awesome magic spell she's been working on for the gala where are the others it's getting late hold your Hearted Girl we're here perfect I'm ready for what all right Spike an apple are we having pie sh [Music] watch aely thanks but that's just a start Fluttershy did you bring your friends yes will they be safe Twilight you have my [Music] word [Music] t that's a choice interesting neat huh and don't worry they'll be mice again at midnight oh lons no wait come back those horses were supposed to pull our carriage how do we get to the gala whatever shall we do uh excuse me uh would you boys mind pulling our Carriage to the Gara oh yeah right My Little Pony My Little [Music] Pony my little I used to wonder what friendship could until you Shar magic with big adventure a beautiful heart faithful and Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're are my very best friend [Music] a come on you guys let me in sure thing Spike Heavens no we're getting dressed dressed uh beg pardon Rarity but uh we don't normally wear clothes I'm sorry Spike some of us do have standards I still can't believe we're going to be in cater lot tonight our hometown Twilight and the best part is that we all get to hang out together all night long I I don't know Spike we'll just have to see we're going to be M busy busy having fun oh okay don't worry Spike we'll all get to spend some time together great cuz I planned out my Insider tour of cot I got to show Rarity the crown jewels and Applejack the princess's golden apple tree and Pinky we got to go to my favorite donut shop all right then let's get moving excuse me um I if you weren't friends with our neighbor Rarity [Music] [Music] wa you all look amazing I can't believe we're finally here with all that we've imagined the reality of this night is sure to make this the best night ever at the gala in the garden I'm going to see the mall all the creatures I'll be them at the gall all the birdies and the critters they will love me big and small we become good friends [Music] here the G I will sell them on my Apple tastic treats hungry ponies they will buy them carel app Apple sweet and I'll earn a lot of money for the Apple all our dreams and our hopes from now until here all we [Music] beening at the G of the Royals they will meet Fair Rarity they will see I'm just as reg at the G I will find him my charming and how he will be he will treat me like Lady T at the G we waited for to best each of us live our dreams at the G the [Music] G ponies the wondering tricks Spin and kicks [Music] per shower us with diamonds the Wonder BS will see me right here at the G for all arey Ever After Willer you right I here at G it is part but the thing it missing a pony named pinky for I am the best ofies all the ponies will ponies playing ponies dancing with me at Grand g g G the G with the princess is where I'm going to be we will talk all about magic and what I've learned anden it is going to be so as Tak time for [Music] me ready now we're all into the G let's go in and have the best night ever the [Music] G the G new the G thece [Music] Wonder into the g into the G and have the best [Music] yeah this is going to be the best night ever you know why cuz we're all going to spend time at the gala to together or [Music] not Princess Celestia Twilight it is so lovely to see my star student oh I'm so excited to be here we have so much to catch up on well I want you right by my side the entire evening so we'll have plenty of time together that's just what I was hoping you'd say hurry Rarity but not too fast I don't want to lose him have to play it cool oh but don't be cold I can't lose him I can't she everything I imagined even better than I [Music] imagined oh my a metal Ark I think she's calling to me it's exactly what I wished for [Music] he partner you hungry as a horse well what you hankering for caramel apple apple pie apple fritter apple fries I'll take that big apple pie well thank you kindly sir yeah in the first minute I made my first sale just like I [Music] expected always hungry after show hey saurin yeah by you saved it thanks hey no bra hey I know you you're the pony that saved us in Cloudsdale and won the best flyer competition hey yeah name's Rainbow Dash well Rainbow Dash looks like your skills saved us again well at least they saved sain's apple pie well [Music] yeah want to come hang out with us sure why not I'm hanging with the Wonderbolts the shiny Dance Floor the pretty party ponies the fancy band shiny pretty fancy got it I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala it's all I ever dreamed it's all I ever it's all I ever it's all I've ever dreamed well hello I am Prince Blue blood I am Rarity oh my what a lovely rose you mean this [Music] Rose thank you it goes with my [Music] eyes my little metal Arc is right around this [Music] Bend was that you yep I love wisdom w while at work oh yes well excuse me oh I see a too tan and a spider monkey I know is that a waloo oh Fluttershy you're such a loud Mouse [Applause] hey vire you ever done a [Music] roud you [Music] ever welcome to the Grand Galloping Gala princess I've been so excited to spend time with you and yes me too t oh good evening welcome to the gala which is why I ladies lovely to see you again looks like getting a chance to talk to the princess is going to be a magic trick in itself first minute first s second fourth 6th 60th minute no sales this ain't what I expected at all I'm at the Grand ging G and it's not what I [Music] dreamed this isn't at all what I imagined good evening so nice to see you welcome are you this isn't what I hoped this isn't hanging out this isn't what I wished for no I've waited all my life for this moment and I'm not going to let it slip by if it's the last thing I do I'm going to make this the best night ever I just have to be more bold like Twilight says I'm so sorry to have scared you my friends but I'm leaving now so you can all come [Music] out gotcha it's okay I promise not to hurt you I just want to be your friend sounds good to me come on Rainbow if they don't notice you you got to make them notice you [Music] just give him a chance Rarity his princely side is sure to come out if you're just patient Miss Rarity stop oh Prince Blue Blood how chivalrous one would hate to slip yes one certainly would one's cloak should take care of the problem oh of course it will [Music] and then we and then we do this come on every pony I know it'll make you shake those Groove things you reach your right hoing you reach your right hoof out you reach your right hoof in and you shake it all about you do the pony Pokey meeting lots of folks with clout that's what I'm talking about you step your left ho in you pull it right back out you step your left to fin but you better help him out you do the pony Pokey but you'd find a different route that's what it's all about you kick your back left in you pull your back left out out you reach your back left in just be brave and have no doubt you do the pony py feeling like you're going to P that's what I'm singing about you tilt your head in you tilt your head out you tilt your head in then you shake it all about you do the pony Pokey even though your dat allow you're better off with you stomp your whole self in you stomp your whole self out you STP your whole in and you stomp yourself about you do the pony Pokey and you give a little shout come out that's what I'm talking about you do the pony poke you do the pony poke you do the pony Pokey and that's what it's all about yeah young lady this is not that kind of party oh they don't want to party these ponies want a party two apple fritters please two apple fritters coming right up they'll be four bits I'm going to have to pay aren't I it's okay Rarity I got you covered thank you Applejack at least some pony here has good manners fritters dumplings caramel apples my Royal lips have touched common Carnival fair I'm going to the buffet for some Moree heres well no wonder no pony wants my food they're filling up on all those fancy schmancy beetles well my down home apples are plenty good enough for this crowd I'll just dress them up a bit and prove it to them I'll catch you yet my pretties oh yes as soon as one of you little birds or monkeys or bears touches this net you'll be mine [Music] mine come on every pony you wanted a party now let's part yeah now that's a beat yeah come on woohoo okay are you high class ponies here's a high flon apple cake for all your poy toy taste [Music] books you sir are the most uncharming Prince I have ever met in fact the only thing Royal about you is that you are a royal pain ew stay back I just had myself groomed afraid to to get [Music] dirty this is my [Music] chance Yes W [Music] [Music] Well it can't get any worse we're going to love [Music] [Music] [Applause] o Rarity your glass slipper now your prince is sure to find you let's [Music] go hey Pony Joe another donut don't you think you've had enough another donut extra sprinkles Twilight Sparkle long time no see hey how was the gala how was your best night ever that sounds like the worst night ever it was I just hope Princess Celestia isn't upset with us for ruining the gala that was the best Grand Galloping Gala ever Princess Celestia pardon me princess but tonight was just awful oh Twilight the grand Galloping Gala is always awful it is that is why I was thrilled you were all attending I was hoping you could liven things up a bit and while the evening may not have gone as you planned I'm sure you'll agree that in the end it didn't turn out so bad for this group of friends you're right princess friends have a way of making even the worst of times into something pretty great yeah hanging out with friends talking laughing you mean doing exactly what I wanted to do the whole time yes Spike you're right as horrible as our not was being together here has made it all better in fact it's made it the best night [Music] ever you know the worst thing about you being the princess of friendship the dishes thanks for taking care of that Spike after three events in one week I really needed to relax with a good book well it's kind of funny isn't it all these ponies coming to you for advice about friendship what's funny about that well you know cuz you used to be famous for being such a bad friend what are you talking about I had good friends in caner lot come on Twilight look at the wall do you see any photos from before we moved to Ponyville and look at you now the princess of friendship this is a disaster all my old friends I can't remember any of their names right now but do you really think that they think I'm a bad friend I only meant that you've come so far you're a great friend now and oh I feel terrible i've got to make it up to them Packa bag Spike we're going to cot and make a list of my friends names me and my big [Music] mouth My Little Pony My Little Pony my littley I used to wonder what friendship could be until you shared magic with big adventure a beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you are my very best [Music] friends come on come on Twilight you're getting worked up about [Music] nothing the only logical place to start is at the [Music] beginning W it's exactly how we left it look its predictions and prophecies and it's still open to the elements of harmony and here's that present I was going to give Moon Dancer guess you won't be needing that hey look the rest of it's still here how could I have let this happen come on Twilight Princess Celestia gave you an assignment no pony could blame you for that but look at the way I left this place it's a total mess just like how I left my friendships I've got to make it up [Music] to oh uh minuette twinkle shine lemon Hearts Lyra Heartstrings and moondancer yeah [Music] them Spike come on we've got work to do have you been awake all night I did a little research and I think I know where we can find menuette that is one of my friends [Music] right uh it's not too late to forget I open my big mouth oh Spike I'm glad you opened your big mouth these ponies have probably been suffering ever since I left wondering why their supposed friend would treat them so badly inette twilight spark you old so and so what are you doing here hey Spike look at these Wings huh hey grab a picture of me and the princess will you I tried to tell my co-workers we used to be friends back when but they've never believed [Music] me wait wait wait really fluff him up [Music] huh so what are you doing here I mean I know you're here all the time but you never come to see me hey I just had the greatest idea you want to go see lemon hearts and twinkle shine of course my old friends it'll be great come on let's fly get it this is perfect I can apologize to all three of them at once let's hope they're not as traumatized as minuette [Music] [Laughter] she did twinkle shine literally spit out her oats when she heard you were the princess of friendship we saw you at the coronation that was some shindig you did sure oh we see you all the time you remember our old friend Lyra right she lives in Ponyville too we're always over there visiting her or she's coming over here we've thought about asking you to join us from time to time but we just sort of figured you'd moved on oh so what brings you by anyway all those times you've come back to Canterlot you've never had donuts with us before well uh you see I came to apologize for what before I left caner lot I didn't really appreciate my friends and that's because I didn't know how important friendship was but I've learned so much since I moved to Ponyville I learned what it means to be a good friend and that I certainly wasn't one to the three of you so for all the pain I caused you I am truly sorry come on T life sure it might have stung a little bit when you ran off to Ponyville without saying goodbye but it's not like we weren't used to that from you yeah we didn't take it personally but it's really good to see you now hey any Pony up for a blast from the [Music] past it's our old science lab I have so many great memories of this place remember when lemon har got her head stuck in that beaker but according to this book you're supposed to add the sodium chloride first I read ahead and to make a proper Salt Lick you need to add the Molasses first well I read it had two Moon Dancer and I'm sure it said sodium chloride first oh I've got the wrong book that's so hilarious [Applause] what ever happened to Moon Dancer moondancer yeah you know our other friend all right Moon Dancer I remember her I wonder what she's up to yeah I always liked her we just sort of lost touch after you left I think she went to live out by the stadium didn't she well let's go see I think this is the place didn't used to look like this [Music] though Moon Dancer what do you want I'm trying to study it's us your old friends [Music] that's old Moon Dancer all right she always did like her books hey kind of like you used to be huh exactly how I used to be [Music] come on Twilight we've been watching her for 3 Days Library house Library house that's it no pony looks at her or says hello or even gives her a smile it's like she doesn't even exist was she always like this well she always was a little shy but for a while there she was really starting to come out of her shell remember when she threw that party all right I think you might have been busy that day [Music] there you are Twilight moondancer is having a little get together in the west Castle Courtyard you want to come oh sorry girls I got a lot of studying to catch up [Music] on thought she might finally be letting her guard down a little with that party we invited her out a few times after that but she was always too busy studying So eventually we just stopped asking I had no idea that party was so important to her I've got to find a way to make it up to [Music] [Music] her oh oh my gosh Moon Dancer is that Moon Dancer can I talk to you for a minute what is this eh a bubble of Silence I haven't seen you in a while and I thought it might be nice to catch up for what purpose you know cuz we're friends [Music] sh I'm really sorry to bother you I was just hoping we could go outside and talk for a [Music] bit I'm sorry I skipped your party why won't you leave me alone I'm trying to study you've got the wrong pony I don't have parties you did once and I was so caught up in my own studying that I didn't take your feelings into account look Twilight twinkle Sparkle whatever I just need to be alone so I can study without some crazy pony trying to make friends all right fine wait how did you get into my book like that I've been studying a new studying technique I can only do it for a few minutes but you'd be amazed how much you can pick up when you're actually in a book that's one of ha cart's methods you know haart of course he's a genius I have a copy of his treaties on ponies you [Music] know what is this place this is where I used to live you mean I never had you over a first edition of principles of magic hey didn't I give this to you maybe I did look I even wrote something to my friend Twilight Sparkle thanks for introducing me to the classics I can see by the fact that you left it here that it meant a lot to you look I didn't bring you over here for even more poignant reminders of what a bad friend I was I brought you here to give you this you can come here whenever you want and study to your heart's content really but first you've got to do something for me what have dinner with our old friends tonight I can't I'm reorganizing my biology Scrolls I've been spending a lot of time with minu at twinkle shine and lemon heart since I've been back they really miss you look I already told you the last thing I need is a bunch of ridiculous friend making keeping me from studying Moon Dancer wait a wise Pony once taught me that there's more to life than Dusty old books I tried friendship and it's just not for me now if you'll excuse me what if I taught you haarts methods so uh what are you studying these days science magic history economics Pottery things like that yela you planning on being a professor or something no so you're just studying can I go now Moon Dancer please it's all right Twilight we're having a good time right every pony so uh Spike tell moondancer that story about how Twilight had to read a book about doing the sleepover Slumber 101 I've read that oh really well uh did you know lemon heart's here works at the cerac palace uh yeah it's true I do the big events mostly stay dinners that sort of thing Moon Dancer you've got to give friendship a chance I gave friendship a chance a long time ago it didn't work out then it isn't going to work out now Twilight are you all right no no I'm not where are you going I don't know Spike I really messed this one up that party was everything to her I can only imagine what it must have felt like when I didn't show up hey Moon Dancer look at this spread huh thank you so much for coming of course we wouldn't miss one of our best friends parties is Twilight coming [Music] oh okay hey we'll still have fun right [Music] sure if there was only a way to undo the damage I know what I need to do and I know just who can help me [Music] huh guess they must have gone back to Ponyville [Music] huh that was awesome we got to go fly more often Twilight there you are I thought you threw in the old towel and headed home I did head home but not to throw in the towel I went to get my secret weapon minuette meet hey Pinkie Pie hi Minette Twilight you didn't say minuette would be here you two know each other oh sure she was one of Cadence's bridesmaides we hang out all the time when she's in Ponyville didn't you know that H and you call yourself the princess of friendship Twilight brief me on the way here we'll need 15 bags of confetti and as many hes as we can get let's go we can pass by the donut place on the way and what are we going to do just come with [Music] me ooh a brief history of the wagon harness The Life and Times of marari the mless [Music] what is this it's a party for [Music] you come on in a thanks but no thanks I don't two parties I know and I think it's my fault back when we were in school together you invited me to a party I was so focused on my studies that I didn't show up big deal it was a big deal and now that I realize how important friendship is I'd like to make up for my mistake with a new party a party in honor of my friend moondancer please you've got to let me make this up to you and you think this is going to do it huh uh yes well sure why wouldn't it that was only the first time I ever put myself out there and then you didn't even bother to show up then you left town without saying goodbye even though we were supposed to be friends I was humiliated I felt like I wasn't important I never wanted to let myself be hurt like that again those three finally convinced me that I had value the other ponies might like me and want to be my friend and you didn't show [Music] up you're right this party can't make up for the way I hurt you but please don't let my mistake be the reason you can't be friends with any Pony else we were your friends then and we'd be honored to be your friends [Music] [Music] now what that's the librarian the book seller my sister you've got a lot of friends Moon Dancer I'm sorry moondancer I've faced magical creatures the end of Equestria all sorts of things but seeing how my actions affected you that was one of the worst feelings I've ever [Music] had thank you Twilight I never realized how much I needed to hear [Music] that now come on every Pony let's party right [Music] [Applause] right I think it's time for us to go Moon Dancer thank you for helping me make some new friends even if they are my old friends oh we'll come back and visit soon that would be great you've still got to teach me that hay cart technique deal um moondancer it got kind of banged up but here's a little something I wanted to give you back at your first party [Music] don't [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: My Little Pony Official
Views: 127,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my little pony, pony, little pony, my little pony song, equestria girls, my little pony equestria girls, unicorn, my little pony equestria girl, mlp, pony song, my little pony songs, my little pony full episode, my little pony tell your tale, unicorn cartoon, kuda poni, mlp tell your tale, twilight sparkle, my little pony theme song, equestria girls song, pinkie pie, pony life, mlp equestria girls, little pony song, rainbow dash, under our spell, mlp songs, rainbow rocks
Id: k_rqXADeQ_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 36sec (3876 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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