My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | S6 Top 3 BEST Episodes | COMPILATION | Full Episodes

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[Music] the last time I was here I woke them and ended up with a man full of baths thanks for being my basket holder Spike basket holder I thought it was your bodyguard yes yes that of course too oh for once I wish unicorn magic was so luminescent Spike you'll wake the bats turn that off I [Music] can't My Little Pony Pony py I used to wonder what could be until you shared magic with me Big adventure hands of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you are my very best [Music] friends I'm so glad you two could come of course we so rarely get a chance to relax and just visit there's usually some crisis we have to deal with some Pony always needs our help but today Twilight there's something wrong with Spike what's wrong I don't know all of a sudden my scales just started glowing in earning little is known about Dragon culture but this is a phenomenon we've seen before it is the call of the Dragon Lord dragons glow whenever the dragon lord has need of them in the dragon L great how do I make it stop the only way to end the summons is to answer it you must Journey to the dragon lands and see what is expected of you but but but the dragon lands are full of dragons and they're ghastly creatures oh oh not you of course spiky Wy but remember that rotten garble how could I forget he would have burnt us to a crisp if you weren't there if I have to go to the dragonlands would you two come with me oh oh my goodness I'd love to we are sadly lacking any information on Dragon culture and customs I could research them maybe even write an article this could be my chance to make a great contribution to the knowledge of Equestria and be their for Spike of course be very careful the dragon lands are particularly dangerous for ponies it would be wise to be discreet W I'm sure I still have the dragon costume we used the last time we stuck into the Dragon Land I think we might want some something a little more practical this time well it may be practical but this disguise isn't flattering in the slightest it's not supposed to be flattering it's supposed to blend in [Music] shh he Hey look it's our old friend Sparkle wkle it's Spike are you sure your pony friends didn't give you a pony name it's nice to see you too garble I didn't say it was nice to see you it's not I don't like you was I not clear about that hey that's my rock oh really then why aren't you sitting on [Music] it dragons of Equestria hear me I have been dragon lord for longer than many of you can remember and my reign has been extraordinary agree with me who is that it's dragon lord torch dummy no next to him that's his daughter Princess Ember I wouldn't even look at her if I were you unless you want torches to eat you this is fascinating dragons are notoriously Reckless but they do whatever the Dragon Lord says unfortunately according to Dragon law it is time for me to step down sad I know be [Music] sad this is why I have summoned you to compete for the throne in the godlet of Fire whomever Has the strength and fortitude to retrieve this Bloodstone scepter from the heart of the flame Cano will be crowned lord of the [Music] Dragons when the scepter disappeared the dragon stopped glowing we are learning so much uh excuse me you even sneeze like a pony The Gauntlet is dangerous for I designed it myself only dragons with my ferocity strength and determination will be able to finish we will gather at the cliff when the sun is at its peak I don't want to be dragon lord or Dragon toast and I sto glowing so let's sneak out of here where do you think you're going little dragon oh uh hi your lordship uh I was just going home you don't get to leave unless I say you can Dad look at him it's just a runt besides he doesn't even want to compete let him go he is rather tiny I could squish him with my pinky claw that wasn't a joke it was a fact when I want you to laugh I will say be amused of course your lordship I uh guess I don't understand Dragon Customs another reason why I shouldn't compete very well little dragon I release you thank you and thank [Music] you where do you think you're going to prepare for the gauntlet no you're not you're not much bigger than that run by just sent home but I'm smarter than most of these Boulder heads and you know it being smart won't help you win this call it it was designed for a big strong Dragon to win because it takes a big strong Dragon to lead besides I said no I hate when he does that yeah when I become dragon lord I will make burps an official greeting H you please when I win I will pillage Equestria for all their pillows why should these ponies be comfortable while we sleep on rocks that's nothing when I'm in charge the first thing I'll do is get revenge on those puny ponies they'll regret the ever cross garble we'll take whatever we want from Equestria and burn the rest oh my gosh I can't believe I'm saying this but I hope that burping Dragon wins none of them can win Equestria is in big trouble if any of them are in charge but what can we do there's only one thing to do and only I can do it I have to win The Gauntlet of [Music] fire what do you mean you have to win The Gauntlet it's the only way to protect equestri from the dragons you heard them they have horrible plans for ponies if they win so somehow I have to do it there has to be another way it's too dangerous besides if you win you'd have to stay here I know but there's no other way to keep my friends safe well if you're staying to compete then we're staying to cheer you [Music] on I thought I released you tiny one I decided to compete I am a dragon after all are you sure you can't even [Applause] fly all dragons are welcome to compete for they do so with their own Peril flying to Flame Kano island is the first of many challenges you will face in your quest to find the Bloodstone scepter good luck just kidding I hope you [Music] lose thanks garble I was planning on swimming anyway you can do it [Music] Spike he's going to drown [Music] F hey are you okay princess sber what do you think you're doing only saving your ungrateful scales did that sewe just talk ponies what are they doing here they're my friends friends dragons don't do friends well this Dragon does whatever I don't care as long as none of you get in my way I have a gauntlet to win but I thought your dad said I don't care what my dad said I'll show him and every Dragon who thinks I'm just some little princess there are better things isn't being big and [Music] strong don't leave me here Spike knew youd do it your pony friends made you soft uhhuh you're welcome for what I didn't say thank you wow you even smell like ponies where is it coming from over [Music] there uh that's just me I uh robbed some ponies on my way over here huh I like your style have I met you before you kind of look like my uh old neighbor uh Sandy Rock Beach stupid sling Tails knocked me down but I've wasted enough time making small talk get it because you're too small to win this I'm funny why did you cover for me you could have had one less competitor I could ask you the same thing you could have told garble about my friends yikes that looks rough but that's what makes it a challenge are you kidding those Boulders are huge hey what if we work together you fly me up there and I'll help you look out for Boulders like a second set of eyes Spike are you sure it's a good idea to team up with Ember you don't know her too well I do know she could have told garble about you but she didn't I think we can trust her her behavior does seem contradictory to everything I've noted about Dragon so far hey you little fella I've thought about it and your plan makes sense let's do it really great it's a deal just so you know this doesn't mean we're going to pick flowers or exchange necklaces or whatever Pony friends do good luck we'll meet you at the [Music] top pull up there's one on your tail go [Music] left so what do we do now I think we go through [Music] there oh that looks scary I mean you can do it listen Spike I wouldn't have made it this far without you so I guess if you want to we could keep working together I mean just until we get through that tunnel okay we'll be right behind [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you made it oh we were so worried about us that tunnel was cake wait how did you two get through Rarity oh thanks spike it was nothing nothing you just risked everything to save her and they're putting themselves in danger just to support you well that's just what friends do don't you have anyone who looks out for you not really unless I count you which I don't because we were only helping each other get through the tunnel and now we're through the tunnel so that's it wait what do you mean well there's only one winner one scepter and one dragon lord so I guess it's every Dragon for themselves oh so we aren't really friends maybe if we were in pony land but like I said dragon don't do [Music] friendship I can't believe Ember ditched me oh you're better off she was only looking out for herself she's just like all the other dragons she's not though I know it she saved me even when she didn't have to I don't care what she says that makes us friends is it just me or have we seen this crevice three times already it's kind of hard to tell they all look the same except for this one look we made it I can't believe I'm the only dragon to make it this far you're not and I'm not losing to a puny Pony loving Dragon like you we have to do something look no [Music] Ember I thought it was every Dragon for themselves why did you save me that's what friends do and I am I mean we are I never should have left you back there please don't make me talk about my feelings what [Music] the spike get the scepter ah [Music] I am sick and tired of you two helping each other dragons don't do helping these dragons [Music] [Music] do leave her alone what you you have the scepter but that means that you're the dragon lord dragon lord [Music] Spike dragon lord Spike that's right uh now go start your long journey home and give every Dragon you see on the way a hug don't tell them why a but that'll be super embarrassing I command you to do it oh I can't believe this dragon lord Spike H has a nice ring to it dragon lord Ember sounds a lot better what no you're the dragon lord now the dragon lord is whoever brings the scepter back to your father besides you'll make a great leader I was just doing this to protect the ponies but I know you'll protect them just as well as I would have you sure about this absolutely my home is in Equestria with my friends well you'll have at least one friend here too what do you doing it's called a hug oh I don't know if I like it but okay [Music] a em you I know you didn't think I could do it but I did I expressly told you not to do it because you're not I'm not big and strong I know but you know what I won anyway so maybe it takes more than just being big and strong to be a good dragon lord I was wrong Ember you might not be big but you are strong and smart and perhaps that counts for more than I thought and you you will make an excellent leader thanks Dad agree with him just kidding that's not going to be my thing dragons hear me I present to you our new dragon lord [Music] Amber what is the meaning of this I can't tell you you did well Spike with ember's dragon lord the ponies will be safe and you've gained us a powerful Ally and a new friend plus Ember said I could write to her anytime I had questions about Dragon culture with this much information I'll be able to write a whole book on dragons and I gained tons of ideas for a new line of camouflage clothing I think I'll call it cam mod [Music] first lesson of the day we very carefully set the table without using magic so [Music] that did you how when what what I said no magic you were supposed to do it by hoook so I could work in a friendship lesson oh I heard set the table and just kind of went for it well if you hadn't used magic you'd have heard me say uh this plate represents your head this spoon is your heart and the knives are sharp always be careful with knives the metaphors make more sense when you're actually setting the table should I change it back I just want to make sure you're ready for this this dinner Princess Celestia will be joining us tomorrow night to see how the Friendship lessons are going if it's just you me and Princess Celestia why are there four seats well the whole point is for you to bring a new friend that way the princess will see for herself just how far you've come and how good a teacher you have well I can't choose I like all your friends that's the best part you have to make a new friend new friends hey maybe I'll just force friendships by magically enslaving the entire population of Ponyville Starlight [Music] kidding My Little Pony My Little [Music] Pony I used to wonder what could Bey until you are shared it magic with me Big adventure of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're all my very best [Music] friend let's see make new friends in Ponyville the friendliest place in Equestria shouldn't be hard need to make a new friend huh I know just the pony for you M Starlight glimmer meet Mrs [Music] cake how are you Deary are you baking can I [Music] help wow Mrs cake look what your new friend made you new friend I like the sound of how W how are you trying to put me out of business with your fancy Maga thingy what cake sorry in her defense it is delicious I think I have just the pony for you Starlight meet Big Mac yep he's not much of a talker nope oh that's too bad I have a good [Music] conversation y y y yeah yeah you did something whoa what's happening I feel really weird I'm talking so much and I'm so articulate enunciating with such precise pronunciation Annie Apple awoke and accidentally ate an Auburn aelia make it stop I can't be friends with some pony who doesn't talk and I guess my first instinct shouldn't be too magically command ponies to act the way I want them to all right I'll change him back the trick to finding a new friend is to render yourself radiant First Impressions count a great deal you know I'm glad you all got past my first impression well every pony deserves a second chance now I have a topn idea I'm thinking pastel silk here and here with kralin under you really think a new outfit will help me meet ponies oh with the right outfit you can do anything darling when will it be ready 3 weeks dinner's tomorrow well then how about a hat from the clearance bin maybe not no Pony's going to make friends with you because of your outfit the only thing you want a new friend draped in is coolness like you yeah but you already know me so bit fire sorry who's that only the Wonder bolest Pony in the Wonderbolts come on I'll introduce you you coming or what I guess my first question would be what's a Wonderbolt you've never heard of the Wonderbolts Where Have You Been ens slaving Villages I guess [Music] right you're adorable but probably not what Twilight had in [Music] mind H [Music] what is going on this is Ponyville if I can't make a friend here there's got to be something wrong with me okay calm down nobody makes friends with a total stress case stop stressing stop [Music] stressing [Music] this is just what I needed tell me about it you ever have one of those days for me they're all one of those days I'm going to start coming here every time I visit Ponyville I'm not from here either I've been trying to make friends but it's not easy they're not saying it but I think every pony knows about my past I may have been a tiny bit completely and utterly evil ponies judge me on my path too finally a pony I can relate to soup spoon salad pork pasta spoon strawberry pick I'm beginning to think that after friendship the greatest magic of all is proper silver rare placement Twilight guess what I made a new friend that's fantastic news she's great great she's powerful powerful she's hello princess Trixie you know each other you could say that we've had our differences what matters is Twilight gave me a second chance and I appreciate it so um what brings you to Ponyville the great and powerful Trixie has come to perform a new stage show of Grand Illusion I am calling it The Humble and penitent Trixie equestrian apology tour that's kind of a mouthful it's a working title Starlight a moment over here I know I said make friends with any Pony but well with Trixie's past and your past I'm not so sure she's the best first friend but whatever she did you've forgiven her right of course it's just she wasn't the nicest Pony well you did say any Pony and I just assumed that you'd trust me to make my own friends the way princess celest IA trusted you you're right I trust you just be back in time for the dinner thanks Twilight you won't regret it I hope not this magic show is going to be the greatest thing ponyville's ever [Music] seen good every pony always says they'll give you a second chance but deep down they never forget that's what I'm worried about what is it I heard what Twilight said about me and she's right I wasn't very nice so I'd understand if you didn't want to be friends are you kidding you're the first Pony I've met who has any idea how I feel can you keep a secret what are friends for the things I've done I did them because I was jealous of Twilight she's just the best at everything and I wanted to beat her at something you're secret safe with me thanks want to help me unpack my wagon I spend a lot of time on the road with my wagon so it might be a tad messy maybe I can help I'm pretty good at organizing stuff magic props brainwashed [Laughter] [Music] crowds uh I'll catch up I think there's something in my hoof sure the wagon's right around the corner so how's it going with your new friend great thanks for asking in a completely not creepy way as you know if it isn't working out for any reason I could introduce you to my friend here nice to meet you no no you can come out now you like music right DJ pone 3' be the perfect friend for tonight's incredibly important dinner with Celestia you know if you decide to make a last minute change so back at your Castle when you said I trust you you meant I don't trust you who can really say who said what I know I can't can you Starlight I'm just trying to look out for you I appreciate it but you're wrong about Trixie she's just like me we have a real connection that's kind of what I'm afraid of oh what about her please Twilight I know you're trying to help but I need to make friends on my own if I'm going to become a better Pony but do you really think Trixie is the one to help you with that wow Trixie was right you're not really giving her a second chance I wonder what that says about how you feel about [Music] me oh now he'd be perfect I was thinking you said Twilight is better than you at everything but that's not true you're better at Magic only when I'm wearing a soul sucking evil amulet so I don't think that counts funny story don't need to get into it I meant stage magic well of course great yes powerful obviously but I'm not the best as great and powerful as I am there's one trick I've never been able to do the moonshot Manticore mouth dive only one magician has ever pulled it off my hero hini you are supposed to blast yourself into the open mouth of a hungry manticor after the manor chews you up and swallows you you magically step out of a box on the other side of the stage completely unharmed that sounds very dangerous I was going to say cool I knew I liked you for a reason I don't know how he did it if I tried it I'd get chewed up and swallowed by that Manor not if you could use real magic obviously way to rub it in no I mean I could help you could start the trick and right before you got chewed up I could use magic to save you and make you appear in the Black Box I guess that would work but if you made one mistake I'd be a goner when it comes to Magic I don't make mistakes maybe I could be your magic show helper Pony we call it assistant in the magician Biz and no ponies ever offered to help before well I'd be honored you may have just made my great and powerful magic show even better which I didn't think was possible we're going to blow them away tonight oh I can't tonight's this incredibly important dinner with Twilight oh can I vent for a minute what are friends for even after Twilight says she trusts me she clearly doesn't trust me enough to choose my own friends I guess you were right no second chances I wish I could say I was surprised well lucky for princess Twilight I have my magic show tonight if you have to go to the dinner I completely understand I just hope I find a way to survive the moonshot manticor mouth dive without my new [Music] assistant Starlight glimmer should be here any minute any minute now how about I introduce everyone our friendship lessons are going so well she made three new friends she has such great taste in friends I don't know where she would have learned that Starlight glimmer I thought you said nose hair trimmers what's going on I'm hungry and my nose is too hair cranky doodle you're so funny if you'll excuse me I'm going to check the kitchen maybe she got lost amongst the uh artichokes Starlight has anyone seen Starlight glimmer I'm looking for her Trixie so this is the humble and penitent Trixie's equestrian apology tour ain't that a mouth full of molasses it's a working title this is going to be the greatest night of my life excuse me our lives I'm so glad we're not at that boring dinner at H you just decided to skip our dinner without telling me are you aware that at this very moment Princess Celestia is waiting for you at a table with exquisite silverware placement yes but this is exactly why I didn't want you to make friends with Trixie aha you still don't trust me but guess what princess it doesn't matter if you want to give me a second chance or not Starlight had to choose between you and me and she chose me your pupil chose me so I win you win that sounds like you just made friends with me to beat Twilight exactly wait I mean no I got caught up in the moment I like you beating Twilight is just a bonus oh thing that didn't help did it I should have known no pony else in Ponyville wanted to be my friend why would you wait it's not like that I am your friend oh well you won I hope you're happy looks like the Great and powerful Trixie is back to a solo show Trixie which is exactly the way she likes it thank you Princess Twilight for getting rid of that annoying Pony who wanted to be my first friend I am not sad at all I definitely don't feel like my heart is breaking into a million pieces come on one come all come and see the pathetic and friendless Trixie way to go dum dum you really messed it up this time repentance tour it's a working title behold your fears come true a pony eating magor for tonight the great and powerful Trixie will be performing the moonshot micore mountain die W now now save your gasps for when I defy the beast's jaws of Doom and appear inside that black box I was supposed to perform this trick with my great and powerful assistant who was also my great and powerful [Music] friend Starlight when I first came to Ponyville Princess Celestia gave me room to make my own decisions and my own friends I need to give you the same freedom I shouldn't have tried to pick and choose your friends for [Music] you just like me you have to make your own decisions and your own friends but what if Trixie really was using me just to one up you from what I've seen she's the real thing but it's not my place to judge it's all up to you Starlight if you're out there and you still want to be friends let's be great and powerful together [Music] please Behold The payon Grow full [Music] [Applause] toi and now I'm proud to introduce my great and powerful assistant and best friend Starlight glimmer [Applause] [Music] Trixie what do you want I was wrong and I'm sorry and I have to hand it to you I could never have pulled off a trick like that thank you [Music] princess as you've all probably noticed it's been quite some time since the map has sent us on a mission of friendship yeah ever since starlake messed with it to go back in time and try to change history yes since then but as part of her studies starlight's been assisting me and together we think we've come up with a spell that will get it working again well done now without further [Music] ado [Music] W Fluttershy and Twilight and Appaloosa no and Rainbow Dash in Las Pegasus no Rainbow Dash and Twilight in yakistan no Twilight and Twilight and Twilight's Castle me me me and Rarity I hope it's some Far Away place that no Pony has gone before well maybe not too far away and adventure somewhere that has modern conveniences would be preferable calot this is wonderful I can check the boutique perhaps there'll be some social events that we can attend I'll have to pack extra outfits what will I wear you know some ponies get excited about the silliest [Music] things my pony my little pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what friend could be until you all shared magic with me Big adventure of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you are my very best [Music] friends now then as far as finding a friendship problem I suggest we start at the castle and begin to question the proper oh Rarity you don't find a friendship problem it finds you we just need to go with the flow and eventually come we get friendship problem right between the eyes well this is a team effort so if you feel we should go with the flow then with the flow we shall go where is the flow saying we should go you know C lot what do you think we should do take your pick culture cure [Music] Cuisine oh my well it sounds like your stomach is saying we should flow towards some lunch I know just where to go Restaurant Row the absolute best place for fine dining in all of Equestria ooh so many choices where should we go this one that one those ones any establishments that have this the three Huff rating um who hes why zesty gourand the queen of Cuisine when it comes to food she is the ultimate Authority in calot and thus all Equestria she judges a restaurant on Cuisine decor and presentation without her approval a restaurant simply cannot survive what's so important about her approval zesty grew up around fine dining and every pony hangs on her every word when it comes to Cuisine wow and the food here must be amazing lead the way partner oh my such a presentation a yes very nice maybe I'm not in the mood for whatever this is we try someplace else maybe one more stop nope maybe instead of trusting somebody else's Hooves I should pick the next place very [Music] well the tasting treat it's very rustic it looks like it hasn't even been rated thank [Music] goodness are we sure they're open it smells open are you he here for lunch yes indeed I'm safron Masala the chef here at the tasty treat the most exotic cuisine in canalot would you like to hear about the specials we're actually in a bit of a h yes please we have a c o cake we'll take one and a grass sandwich that has been marinated overnight in a mustard Dijon dressing how can we say not of that and for you oh me oh I'm fine thank you no so raing I don't don't go anyway anyway they won't ha what's your name g under are you a chef here too my daughter Cooks I host then why are you stacking chairs without customers I have no pony to host for so I stack father stop it don't close up the restaurant around our guests what does it matter when they leave no pony else will be coming in well your attitude isn't going to bring anyone in can't you at least pretend to be positive so good oh you're you are doing enough pretending for the both of us no pony here wants to try anything new I know when to throw in the towel um pinky perhaps we should excuse ourselves oh Rarity try this o maybe if you would listen to my ideas for once oh yes I did not move halfway across Equestria for my daughter that I never listen to Rarity I think that friendship problem just cammed us right between the eyes these two oh I don't know darling the food is excellent but I'm not sure there's much you and I can do to help them what would you have me do we can't even get zesty gormont to come to our restaurant she took one look at how empty it was and said it wasn't even worth rating that's it yes uh what's it the flow has led us here this is our mission we are going to get you a three hoof rating and save your restaurant I can get zesty gormand here and I can pack this place with ponies and how do you intend to do such a thing just leave it to [Music] us [Music] father will you please stop packing things V the lovely Pony comes back and says she couldn't convince zesty gormand to come visit us we will need to pack all this up I'm just getting a head talk you really don't know RAR I've done it see it took all of my charm and cajoling but I was able to convince zesty GMA to come and try the food what is the catch ah yes well um there is a bit of a challenge the only time she can make herself available is tonight oh yeah right what is it zesty rates a restaurant on Cuisine decor and presentation and she has very specific tastes if she's coming tonight there is quite a bit of work that needs to get done like what oh tweak here a tuck there some slight modifications to the menu we just need the place to feel more Cosmopolitan father after Rarity went to all of this trouble for us can't we at least try why don't I stay behind with coriander to get the restaurant ready for zest's arrival you and saffron can try and drum up some business one packed restaurant coming right up coriander I understand your trepidation but I promise you we will get those hops by making this place feel just like all of the other restaurants on restaurant R I hope my my father doesn't drive Rarity crazy it'll be fine Rarity's going to make sure that the tasty treat is the most unique and beautiful restaurant in canot not like all those stuffy places on Restaurant [Music] Row here's what I know if you want to succeed you must follow the trends that's the key if you want to show that you've got what it takes you must be what they want you to [Music] [Applause] be here's what I know your food is so good the flavor so fancy and free you just need to show that unique sense of taste go on me yourself let them see it's going to work I know it's going to work it's going to work out just fine trust me it's going to work I swear it's going to work it's going to work out just fine you'll [Music] see you need to change if you want to compete but fear not for I know what to do I know it feels strange but trust me when we're done we'll make sure that you're a h to don't ever change being is good don't let what others do be your C never rearrange cuz some pony said you should just trust your heart it will know what to do it's going to work I know it's going to work it's going to work out just fine trust me it's going to work I swear it's going to work it's going to work out just fine you'll see be unique just be the same trust your heart you make your name we'll help you every step of the way because we know what you need to do and you should know it too it's going to work I know it's going to work it's going to work out just fine trust me it's going to work I swear it's going to work it's going to work out your fine you'll see [Music] [Applause] [Music] the day is almost over and we haven't found any ponies what will we do try harder Phillies and gentle coat check out the super stupendous and amazing Cuisine of the tasty treat grand reopening tonight how many hoves does it have no hoves yet but hopefully soon well when it gets raided let us know those stupid H oh look at this hun oh the tasty treat do you think that's a restaurant Sugar yes yes it is we came to cot from minnneapolis to be adventurous but so far the food in all these hoyy toyy places tastes like some pony cooked up nothing with a side of nothing well please come try the tasty treat I think it's going to be exactly what you're looking [Music] for this is going to be exactly what zesty is looking for father we're back parity what did you do welcome to the tasty treat you can eat here if you want or not who cares I know isn't it perfect zesty is sure to love it I thought we we're trying to make this the most unique and beautiful restaurant in carolot not make it exactly like every other restaurant we want to help our friends by getting them three hoves that will only happen if this is like every other restaurant father what is this not that anything but that this is what we must cook if we want to succeed here this isn't what I wanted I wanted gelot to like us for us Rarity how could you ruin the restaurant we've helped save the restaurant now where are the other guests how many other Ponies are coming two just two I thought you said you could pack a place with ponies no matter what you said you would make the restaurant better so I guess we both didn't know what we were talking about on everyon [Music] welcome to the tasty treat what can I get you this evening I hardly think it matters but by all means try your best to impress well we'll both try the special this evening maybe with a little kick to it eh yeah we've been craving some food with actual taste suff Mella what are you doing I'm trying to save our reputations I've given it at least a little bit of flavor no no no no no that's not what zesty wants what kind of food expert doesn't want flavor that's insane I'm taking this out there no zeste will hate it you are going to ruin this for them no I'm trying to fix it after you ruined it no I think we are done here zesty please wait allow me to explain Rarity when it comes to Fashion you are adequate but take some advice from a friend keep your opinions out of restaurants substandard food laughable service and I would think even you could recognize that the decor here is trying desperately well desperately failing recommending a disreputable Place such as this could do serious damage to your social standing disreputable you mean a place with food that actually tastes good any Pony can throw ingredients together and create an obvious taste that uncultured ponies like those two can register hey but it takes a true culinary artist to create a subtle taste the beest hint of a sensation that's what I bring to calot that's [Music] H I'm so embarrassed I don't know that there are words to adequately Express how truly sorry we are the worst has happened no use crying over spilled food now here this always cheered me up when I was younger my spicy flat noodle soup oh my this is truly delightful this is the best thing you've made so far and I thought the food before was the best that's all I've ever wanted to do father make food for the ponies of cantad like the food we made together when I was younger it has been so long long since we cooked together remember how you used to hide the ingredients you did not like you know what who cares what some stuffy unicorn thinks of the food here it's Exquisite that's true and you don't need three silly hubs in your window to prove it that's double true you just need ponies in here to give it a chance ponies that will tell every pony else in calot that the tasty treat is the best food in the City that's true time three but without zest's approval no pony will even try our food yes they will pinky we are the perfect team for this we were just doing the wrong jobs I will go out and bring the crowd you stay here and make sure this place is every bit as unique and rustic as it was the moment we walked in and what about us you two you are going to cook make whatever you want and make a lot of it I intend to bring a crowd what the owner of one of the Premier boutiques in candalot put a step of approval on something that wasn't [Music] [Applause] fabulous it's almost time is every pony ready for the grand re re opening before we open my father and I just wanted to say thank you for all of your help we've both been so stressed about the restaurant succeeding that we forgot what it was we loved about it in the first place cooking is something we used to love to do together no matter what happens next thank you for reminding us of that oh you God group [Music] hog now come on we've got a party to [Music] throws really good welcome to the tasty treat make yourselves comfortable please feel free to sample the food what's this what is every pony doing here this place has no heres it is not in keeping with a level of Cuisine that I have set for celot no pony told you this place was acceptable uh Rarity and her friends said it was good they told us they told you and who are they to tell you anything Rarity can tell you what hats to wear with which skirts her friend can tell you how to maintain a tragic look for a frizzy man they can't tell you what food you can eat no we can't and neither can you no Pony has the right to tell these ponies what to think zesty you have very specific and very strange you and very strange opinions about food and that's your right but just because you like your food a certain way there is no reason to tell these ponies that they need to do the same Rarity is right I for one think the food here is delicious I own the smoked oat on Restaurant Row I hate the food we make from now on it's all smoked basted and grilled this food is an inspiration I own the Bak stop I'm going to make my mother's bun cake the way she made it full of flavor zesty are you sure you wouldn't like to try the food ignoring a unique and fresh establishment such as this could do serious damage to your social standing [Music] thank you so much you are both truly [Music] amazing nothing can stop the dynamic duo of Pinky and [Music] Rarity
Channel: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Views: 333,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Canterlot Wedding, Equestria Girls, MLP, My Little Pony, Twilight Sparkle, equestria girls full movie, equestria girls song, kids, little pony, mlp a canterlot wedding, mlp equestria girls, mlp pony life, mlp season 9, mlp songs, mlpstopmotion, my little pony equestria girl, my little pony equestria girls, my little pony full episode, my little pony song, my little pony songs, my little pony theme song, my little pony toys, pony, pony life, toys, hazbin hotel, unicorn academy
Id: SizCHZve0OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 29sec (3869 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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