My Little Pony | Cozy Glow Becomes Alicorn (The Ending of the End) | MLP. FiM

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we're not going anywhere until you two stop arguing chrysalis say something nice about t-rex no he's red t-rex she's not as annoying as i expected good now we were talking about grogar's bell we should take the magic inside it you know how powerful discord was that much chaos magic in our veins but taking it all would be madness it's impossible for any other creature to control i guess if you need a guinea pig to find out if any pony can use chaos magic i'll volunteer [Music] fools now i have more power than all of you neil before my fight [Music] i still think chaos magic is a good idea leave it in the bell we've got a kingdom to conquer so where should we strike first everywhere [Music] we faced enemies of equestria before and we've always succeeded that wouldn't be possible without all of you you're welcome dude read the room so i asked for your help again today in what is our biggest battle yet all of equestria is at stake and i can't do this alone but i'm not afraid because with friendship as our armor and teamwork as our power no pony can ever bring us down [Music] oh come on where'd you get that a daily affirmations calendar yes cozy glow you're about to wipe the floor with you wow it's true alicorns really do have more fun spread out and stay ready friends canterlot depends on us [Music] ah [Music] hmm magic season with age delicious no [Music] oh run along the big stallions are playing [Music] the princesses the perfect dessert to a legendary meal it's bad isn't it [Music] oh you think friendship will save you we will always return nothing will ever stop chocolate ring don't look at me you took discord's magic from the bell how do you feel tingle perhaps maybe i should later there's some chaos in my soup [Music] there isn't a punishment worthy of all you've done oh that does seem fitting may i help please [Music] together forever i can't think of anything that they would want less [Music] [Applause] when i sent you to ponyville i had high hopes when you became princess of friendship i knew i made the right choice but nothing could prepare me for how proud i am right now equestria is definitely in the right hose you are ready you know what i think i am thank goodness a first question your highness what do we do with all these creatures we're gonna need a lot more chairs for the carnation actually as ruler of equestria i'd like to postpone the coronation for a while at least until the castle's rebuilt besides there's something we need to do first host apocalyptic donuts interesting choice i know but there's gonna be plenty of time for all the challenges and struggles and adventures to come for now i just want to spend a quiet moment with the six best friends i've ever had well mostly quiet it's like the end of an era or the beginning of an even more awesome era all i know is whatever comes next is going to be perfect how do you know that with you guys by my side how could it not [Music] it's cute that you think that will do anything it might not but they will how can i be surprised when i'm waiting to show all of you your greatest fear [Music] [Music] twilight how disappointing equestria was in your care can you let it be destroyed you should all surrender nothing can defeat your own fears [Music] we didn't need to defeat them we just needed to face them long enough to distract you [Music] it's cute that you think that'll do anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may have won the battle but i shall win the war [Music] [Music] we totally just wiped the castle with that guy [Music] thanks twily and easy as magical battles go that was a cakewalk take walk [Laughter] we did handle this pretty well on our own does this mean i still don't feel like i'm 100 ready but will i ever knowing you nope i have you guys and we have the elements and together we've never failed we'll be okay once again equestria is safe what should we do to celebrate [Music] what's going on i don't know hmm [Laughter] ah everypony's all evily sombra's gonna force us to fight our way through our friends not if i can help it [Music] okay guess we need a different plan twilight i don't know i'm not prepared to fight against the citizens of equestria i guess that's one more thing i'm not ready to do well we better figure out something quick because none of them seem to have a problem with it [Music] sorry about this [Music] we promise we'll let y'all out as soon as we can will i go here [Music] [Music] [Music] and holding them up isn't what we need anyhow we need to get inside i don't know but we can't stay here i'm sorry we couldn't help our friends but i didn't know what else to do at least we're inside yeah all we have to do now is defeat king sombra i we oh my no elements no princesses seems like you're in a bit of a pickle or are you in more of a jam discord what are you doing here well i was going to hang these up all over the castle to celebrate your coronation but apparently it's a bit premature i'm so glad to see you we could really use some all-powerful lord of chaos help right now moira oh i couldn't possibly [Music] [Music] discord please oh fine just to be clear i was really rooting for you to do this on your own and parlay that confidence boost into being the best protectors of equestria you can be [Music] thank you discord i don't know what we do without you okay king sombra time to give up the crown here to fight the good fight with nothing but your wits admirable but foolish well i guess it's on me to be the mvp today i was betting on you and i do hate being wrong although if you think about it i am your friend so maybe you win because friendship wins although fluttershy should get most of the credit for that she's my favorite it's not funny t-rex didn't make it to the top surprise surprise you didn't make it to the top either i didn't try to what it took about five minutes to deduce that grogar was right none of us could make it up alone so rather than subject myself to the elements i decided to let you to face the danger take what you learned and use it to my advantage i put up with your i'm smarter than you attitude and tartarus but i'm over it i've got enough of you trying to manipulate me with that insincere syrupy sweetness at least now we can see the real you this is not the real me i'm cute and lovable [Music] no you're not you're annoying and you at least i don't talk to my gram gram in my sleep don't you dare bring gram gram into this this is yours [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick it's distracted let's go wait [Applause] um so much love i haven't eaten this well in ages you're gross just so we're clear i didn't save you because i like you i did it because because i need us yes clearly i was right to wait now tell me everything you learned today leave nothing out [Music] why are you doing that didn't you already drain it of love i always save a little for the next day you cocoon all of your meals of course so when you pony nap twilight and the others you cocooned them yes until that foul starlight glimmer freed them corrupted my subjects and stole my hive those ponies have weaknesses i use that turncoat discord tricked him into helping me capture his so-called friends huh discord was really something until friendship ruined him you should have seen twilight's face when her friends appeared in bubbles around me she was all oh no [Laughter] she's so stressed out all the time when i posed as her former foal sitter i thought she was going to implode i wish i could have seen her face when i nearly erased all the magic from equestria oh magic was a little excessive don't you think yeah i think big besides it would have been worth it just to see twilight and her friends bow down to me indeed it would who wouldn't love to see those prissy ponies realize they lost everything i'm a pathetic pony princess i made a detailed list of all the ways i'm a failure you know working with you two may not be the worst thing perhaps as long as it results in the complete destruction of our enemies i wouldn't have it any other way do the pathetic princess thing again [Music] and he's totally obsessed with me and we have to come up with a way to distract oh no oh no no no way ah [Music] rainbow i knew you'd come running when you heard i got this job the mayor's love a pony in uniform am i right not really [Music] i mean totally why don't you step into the light so i can see how handsome you look in it [Music] told the sarge that gold kind of clashes with my aura but apparently they aren't big on input still i totally managed to rock the look don't you think yep you're real guard material i'm part of the castle team now so i'm basically whoa we got a spooner it's good you're finally being honest with your feelings for me rainbows yeah the truth is such a gift like i had to follow my bliss to see guarding is my calling like look at me go i'm gonna walk over here and i go whoa over there and i go yeah and sometimes i just stand like this and look real cool and i go down the hall we go oh oh oh oh we'll have to glide to the throne no flapping [Music] [Applause] sister another false alarm from shining armor's guard geese [Applause] we should have heard by now something must have gone wrong probably several somethings the lookout no distraction and no word from the ponies inside i'm starting to think this whole operation might be a giant flop [Music] [Applause] [Music] gee fluttershy i thought your whole small spaces thing was just part of the plan to be unexpected once i got trapped in the castle of the two sisters an angel buddy and i were separated now whenever i'm in a tiny room it's all i can think about i was so worried he felt alone and forgotten i know what that's like what do you mean i was always excited to be a part of twilight's and shining armor's rivalry like i was their little brother but they never really thought of me that way i know they both have a special place in their heart for you but sibling dynamics are hard trust me right zephyr breeze honestly he can learn a lot from you about being a little brother i am sick of being lost in these slimy corridors too but you shouldn't pull every lever you come across half of them are traps and the other half might open a secret passage to the castle it's not worth the risk oh hello spike even if we did find our way back to the castle we'd still have all of those gone pike fluttershy oh what are you guys doing down here we uh kind of fell through the floor i don't think our plan is working we both hit dead ends perhaps we should return to the outside and reevaluate [Music] what are you all doing out here in retrospect a plan might have been too unexpected [Music] ah a strategy meeting what is the danger this time a rampaging beast evil spell friendship problem we're ready to do whatever we can great but is something wrong it's just you've been helping us an awful lot and we know you have way more important rulery things to do so we've spent more than enough time in the throne room real life is happening out here wait that's what this is about you're sick of being princesses not exactly battling the everfree forest alongside star swirl made us realize what we've missed out on so instead of spending the day ruling and the night for trolling dreams we wanted a chance to do the things you do save the day adventure with friends shampoo anteaters i'm pretty sure fluttershy is the only pony that does that well there are way more fun things to do than follow us around you should make a list of all the stuff you never tried but always wanted to there's a lot of little things out there to do what an intriguing idea only it's much harder to justify a vacation from the castle when it's not an emergency we're responding to don't worry we'll cover your palace duties it'll be a good chance for us to practice for when you retire well if you're sure you don't mind the extra effort thank you twilight what a relief to know the royal swanifying ceremony is in good hooves i can't wait to start planning our time off a chance to do whatever we want and you know what that means relaxation [Music] well it's just that i i spend each night in everypony's intense dreams so i could use some real world downtime i understand but for me every day is real world meetings and decrees and meetings about decrees and decrees about the meetings i crave excitement uh i'm not sure how we can both be happy unless we take turns doing what we like sister trip and i have the perfect accessories for us to wear wait right here [Music] oh we'll be twinsies just like regular pony tourists i knew you'd love it i have a few things for us too sunglasses bug spray ice boots buff sanitizer and travel snacks you have to add water what do you think it's perfect sister and here are instructions of how to prepare for the royal swanifying if it's written down i'm sure we can handle it have fun one more thing we're leaving you in charge of raising the sun and moon while we're gone we have put a small part of our power in this amulet you can activate it with your magic at any time preferably dawn and dusk that's not a terrifying level of responsibility or anything we won't let you down princesses [Music] please tell me that squirrel says what the royal swanifying is apparently it's a celebration of all the swans in the royal lake we round them up parade them through the streets and finish with a party in the castle so you're saying it's a mix-up of the sounds that i just made that coaxed the snicker from your throat in a delicate cascade if i did it one more time if i reproduced that feat mixed up some letters here and there you'd lily bath too sweet then that's all i need to do that's who i need to be i thought i needed laughter but it has to come from me squirting flowers and knobby knees rubber chickens my expertise if you want laughter then stick with cheese i suppose now i should add things up to get the thing i'm after you pull the levels around and change them passes to get laughter now i'm on a roll i've almost got it back bright folks like you aren't subject to my play on words attack with something else i'll have to play to get me [Music] and it's what i need to do it's who i need to be i thought i needed laughter but it has to come from me follow right behind if you please walk this way and i guarantee if you want lobster then stick with cheese accordion solo [Music] and it's what i need to do it's who i need to be i thought i needed laughter but it [Music] i know jokes like my abc's if you want laughter then stick with [Music] now my cheese test the hardest fish to fry oh mine's so analytical a sense of humor dry to make [Music] hey sans how did the laughing birds eggs hatch they cracked up sir that is so ridiculous then that's all i need to do that's all i need to see i thought i needed laughter but it had to come from me squirting flowers and knobby knees rubber chickens and dungarees if you want fluffer then stick with cheese [Laughter] it's so good to have you back sir finally we can get the factory back to how things used to be sans my good pony i don't think i could run this factory anymore but you can without you i i don't understand think he was right this is what i need i just can't have funny ideas i need to wander the land and see ponies laughing at them you can run the factory but i need to live and don't think i've forgotten about you little buddy i knew you'd be on board don't worry out on equestria i'll have more great ideas for gags and i'll send them all to you sir are you sure this is what you want to do of course it's my life's purpose hey that's what i came here looking for you did well come on let's figure it out [Laughter] [Music] actually i think i'm good
Channel: My Little Pony Official
Views: 9,865,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Little Pony, MLP, Equestria Girls, my little pony song, my little pony full episode, my little pony equestria girl, pony, mlp equestria girls, equestria girls song, my little pony equestria girls, little pony, my little pony songs, mlp songs, my little pony season 9, mlp season 9, equestria girls full movie, my little pony theme song, mlpstopmotion, my little pony toys, kids, toys, cartoon, pony life, mlp pony life, The Ending of the End, mlp the ending of the end, cozy glow
Id: 6YYPMq9FlnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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