My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | Filli Vanilli | S4 EP14 | MLP Full Episode

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[Music] oh good morning little friends your singing is oh so pretty yes it is a very beautiful day today certainly something we're singing about there's music in the Treetops and there's music in the veil and all around meic FS the sky there's music by the river and there's music in the grass and the music makes your heart so in [Music] reply oh thank you so much oh you're too kind wow oh you um you didn't hear me um singing in the most beautiful voice ever uh yeah we [Music] did My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what friendship could be until you all shared it magic with me Big adventure t of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you are my very best [Music] friends wow wow I've never heard you sing a solo like that before it was like a little Slice of Heaven W ice cream on top Fluttershy I cannot believe your spectacular voice isn't part of the pony tones quartet um well I especially since you're having us perform for your Ponyville Pet Center fundraiser tomorrow night well you see I this simply must be rectified you must share that stunning voice at the event yeah it'll be so amazing you'd be there on stage basking in the hum lights the center of attention a shining star with every pony staring at you judging you jealously noting how they could be way better than you why wasn't it them why wasn't it them and then when you choke they'll turn on you becoming a sething angry mob and you'll be horribly humiliated never able to show your face at Pony Bell again Pinkie Pie don't be ridiculous a but I'm good at it come Fluttershy you will join the group making the pony tones quartet the pony tones quintet no pardon me I love the pony tones I'm one of their biggest fans but I do not want to perform with them why not Fluttershy well you see I I have um I I have spit it out I have stage fright is it contagious stage fright isn't a disease pinky it just means that Fluttershy is scared to perform in front of every pony I'm very thankful the pony tones are singing at the Pet Center fundraiser and I'm really looking forward to the performance but I'll be watching safely from the audience well I think it's a terrible waste of an Exquisite Talent but I understand that you're not comfortable thank you oh angels right we better get going there's a lot of work to do before tomorrow's [Music] event all right Pony tones let's run through that [Music] again every Pon saying you should learn to express your voice but if talk doesn't seem like it's the answer Lily you have a choice when you find you got the music you got the music got theic in you yeah Rarity you are awesome uh thank you spike but this is an awesome s n the rest of you are pretty good too Oh I thought you were all amazing Pony tones thanks Fluttershy now Pony tones I want you all to rest your voices for the remainder of the day we'll do a final run through tomorrow before the big event all right yep sounds great oh Rarity the pony tones are really going to make the Ponyville Pet Center fundraiser so special thank you so much for helping me help the animals oh yes it is wonderful when a plan comes together without any sort of drama isn't it [Music] [Music] m morning Fluttershy good morning Pony tones actually where the pony tones minus one tone Big Mac is inconveniently late well there you are have I not told you about punctuality that I don't want to hear [Music] it Big Mac can you please start the song nope Big Mac did you lose your voice [Music] y whatever did you do to cause this well py every pony and welcome to the 12th annual Pony Bell turkey [Applause] call who will take the title this year will it be some Pony new or will the turkey call Champion of six years defend his title to make it lucky number seven we'll find out if you stop your gabin and get on with the goblin all right every pony let's talk turkey Big Mac you're [Music] up a a a turkey call you lost your voice doing a a turkey call lost his voice and the title now we can't perform tonight wait what no you have to perform otherwise the fundraiser will be a disaster well we cannot perform tonight with only three voices why not it would take rearranging all the music and we just don't have time I'm sorry Fluttershy but I have no remedy for this situation of of course a remedy follow [Music] me I can cure this Pony that is horse but it will take a longer course uh come again I can mix a brew that will work just right but it cannot heal him by tonight oh no where are we ever going to find a deep voice to replace Pig Max pardon me zakora but this is no laughing matter we need a base voice for the harmonies to work without it the performance will be ruined please forgive my strange Elation but I was not laughing at your situation then what remember when you Pony folk stumbled into poison joke Miss Fluttershy had an unusual change deepening her vocal range I don't want to talk about it yes yes your voice became really low making it sound like flutter guy with these leaves I can mix a brew creating the same effect on you sakur that's fantastic yes I'll do it I do anything for the animals why you'd even appear on stage oh accept that I just can't bring myself to sing on stage in front of every pony what if you sang not in front of every pony huh what if Big Mac was on stage moving his lips while you're behind the curtain singing his part it would be just like singing in your house no pony would know it was you even still I just don't think I could sing in front of you you must for the animals oh okay then mix it up now do it just like we [Music] practiced good evening citizens of Ponyville I want to thank you all for coming out tonight and generously supporting the Ponyville pet center thanks to your kindness pets are finding loving homes and we are sure to meet our fundraising goal where's Fluttershy probably hadn't you know how much that pony hates the spotlight so with no further Ado please welcome the pony [Music] [Applause] Tunes [Music] outside and you see the sunshine something's in the air today sky is clear and you're feeling so fine everything's going to be a okay youen playing then it happens suddenly the music takes you over and you find you got the music got the [Music] music got the [Music] theic everyone is saying you learn topress your voice but doesn't seem like it's the answer you have a choice when you find you got the music got the music in you got the theic you got the the music [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Pony tones that that was truly amazing and you sounded better than ever Big Brother Buttershy you were on the wrong side of the curtain you totally missed the show uh just like a true professional Fluttershy was backstage making sure everything ran smoothly and it was perfect that was fantastic Pony own my new puppy and I thought it was super duper crazy good why thank you and we were wondering if you would consider performing at my daughter zipper wheel's cute sener will you will you we'd love to when is it next week next month tomorrow oh gracious I'm terribly sorry that's just much to last minute oh no well I [Music] understand oh we can't disappoint that sweet little Philly are you sure you're up for [Music] it got the the you got the Got the Music in You Got The mus got the music in you we got the pony do we got the pony do amazing Pony tones and it would be even more amazing if you could perform at my ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow oh mayor we would love to [Music] but um will you excuse us for a second mayor certainly don't worry Fluttershy you don't have to perform again but we wouldn't want to disappoint the mayor well then mayor the pony tones will happily perform at your [Music] ceremony outside and you see the sunshine something's in the air todayy is clear and you're feeling so fine everything's going to be a who wouldn't want to disappoint the spa [Music] patrons you on every there's then it Happ suddenly the mus would want to disappoint the [Music] school oh [Music] yeah got the [Applause] in Fluttershy we must talk to you Big Mac's voice is all better [Music] yep now you can bathe in the poison joke antidote and sound like your lovely self again it's just I didn't know that last performance was my last performance Fluttershy stop oh would it be okay if Fluttershy sang for you one last [Music] time yep hey find it oh you can find it in your heart yeah the music yeah yeah it's in you right now oh [Applause] yeah you can find the music yeah yeah I love the music [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] Big Mac you got some splaining to do turkey call yep treasure voice yep zakor remedy yep no quick enough nope needed a deep voice yep poison joke yep flutter guy yep better now yep and that cha Philly was living her dream in the shadows because she couldn't bring herself to come into the spotlight yep well for Corn's sake let's go Buttershy you in here yes I'm here that was totally unbelievable I mean the curtain came up and there you were singing in front of every pony and you know I don't think any Pony was jealous cuz there certainly wasn't an angry mob but it must have been horrible standing there on stage All Eyes go L directly on you it's like you were living your own personal wor nightmare it [Music] was what too much what pinky meant to say was that you were really great wait didn't I say that hardly whoops yeah are great you totally blew my mind incredible though no offense you kind of sounded like a dude you're great sounding [Music] dude well thank you all I'm glad you enjoyed it because I'm never going to sing in front of any pony ever again no are you kidding me can we please stop running [Music] I just don't understand why Fluttershy after all you're the one that wanted the pony tones to sing for every silly thing that was requested of us you mean you knew I really wanted to perform of course I knew oh and for all her babbling Pinkie Pie was right about one thing only one when that curtain fell and every pony saw you singing you lived your worst nightmare was it really that bad yes well what was so bad about it the thunderous supplies the praise for your fantastic singing the screaming [Music] fans there's in a Tre and there's music in the and all around the musics the SK there's by the river and there's the and the heart when you find you got the music to look inside and find you got deep inside you theic ins got the music you're going to find it going to it got the music the [Applause] the you did it Fluttershy see that wasn't so bad and you didn't look completely petrified by the fact that we're all staring at you at all how do you feel surprisingly okay fantastic because the pony tones have been booked for the Apple family zap apple jam extraordinaire oh no I couldn't do that seriously I'll get there someday but for now baby steps every pony baby steps sometimes being afraid can stop you from doing something that you love but hiding behind these fears means you're only hiding from your true self it's much better to face those fears so you can shine and be the best pony you can possibly be
Channel: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Views: 294,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Canterlot Wedding, Equestria Girls, MLP, My Little Pony, Twilight Sparkle, equestria girls full movie, equestria girls song, kids, little pony, mlp a canterlot wedding, mlp equestria girls, mlp pony life, mlp season 9, mlp songs, mlpstopmotion, my little pony equestria girl, my little pony equestria girls, my little pony full episode, my little pony season 9, my little pony song, my little pony songs, my little pony theme song, my little pony toys, pony, pony life, toys
Id: ZoCrBhAu3zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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