My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | Applejack BEST Episodes | 2 Hour Compilation | MLP Episodes

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boy howdy I got my work cut out for me that there is the biggest bumper crop of apples I ever laid eyes on yep too big for you to handle on your own come on Big Brother you need to rest up and get yourself better I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle oops sorry I'll take a bite out of this job by day's end biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of are you saying my mouth is making promises my legs can't keep yep why of all the this is your sister Applejack remember the loyalest to friends and the most Dependable of ponies but still only one pony and one pony plus hundreds of apple trees just doesn't add up to don't you use your fancy mathematics to mutter the issue I said I could handle this Harvest and I'm going to prove it to you I'm going to get every last Apple out of those trees this apple b season all by [Music] myself My Little Pony My Little Pony My Little Pony I used to wonder what friendship could Bey until you all shared it magic with me Big adventure tons of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy feet and Magic makes it all complete you have M do you know you are my very best [Music] friends well I better get kicking these apples aren't going to shake themselves out of the trees hey oh [Music] no [Music] stamp hey this makes my voice s silly Pinkie Pie are you crazy run every pony calm down there is no need to panic but mayor whatever shall we do look [Music] there another side Monona put them up girl this is the best Rodeo show I've ever seen come on little doggies turn Bona put him up got [Music] you [Music] [Applause] girl w now what was that all [Music] about oh my begging your pardon Applejack but Mel here saw one of those nasty snakes and it just gave us all the Willies don't you know I completely understand just next time try and steer clear Ponyville we certainly will Applejack so long we [Music] ye ride of cow Apple Jack was just just Apple tastic exactly we must do something to thank Apple Jack for single hooply saving the town I know a party we all ready just one last thing now we're ready is Apple Jack all set actually I haven't seen her all week not since the Stampede but she'll be here for sure Applejack is never [Music] late welcome every pony today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters Great and Small a pony whose contributions to did you see Apple Jack slick moves out there what an athlete this week she's going to help me with my new flying trick and I know it's going to be so awesome exactly and this week I get to run sugar cute corner for the first time what does that have to do with Applejack oh Apple Jack one of the best Bakers ever is going to help me Applejack makes everything great so three samples for every pony okay that's great now if I could just make a point without being ENT tlight corupt it Twilight I'm so sorry but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season she's going to help gather them using her wonderful hurting skills anyone else anyone no well then as I was trying to [Music] say never mind and so with no further Ado it is my privilege to give the prize Pony of Ponyville award to our beloved guest of honor a pony of the utmost trustworthiness reliability and integrity ponyville's most capable and dependable friend [Music] Applejack way to go that was awesome I me awward I'm here I'm here sorry I'm late well I was just did I get your tail Miss mayor well thank you kindly for this here award thingy it's so bright and shiny [Music] and I sure do look funny w w woo okay well thank you Apple Jack for saving us from that scary Stampede and always being there for every pony yeah I like helping the pony folks and and stuff oh uh yeah uh [Applause] thanks was it just me or did Applejack seem a little tired dizzy messy well did you see her man she seemed fine to me wooo h [Music] oh what on Earth is that pony doing whoops hey Apple Jack Applejack Applejack Apple Jack had it Twilight what is all this it's Apple buck season whoa Apple what season yeah it's what the Apple family calls harvesting time we gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell them but why are you doing it all alone cuz Big Macintosh heard himself what about all those relatives I met when I first came to Ponyville can't they help yeah they were just here for the Apple family reunion they actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvesting their own Orchards so uh how about my own which means I should really get back to work hint hint get back to work fine could you step aside Twilight I just did Apple Jack you don't look so yeah don't none of you three worry none I'm just fine and dandy whoa do you want some help help no way no how but there's no way you can do it all on your own is that a challenge um no well I'm going to prove to you that I can do it now if you'll excuse me I've got apples to book there you are I'm a might sorry rainbow I was busy Apple bucking and I guess I I closed my eyes for a second and when I woke up I was late now what's this new trick of yours see this contraption uh yeah well I'm going to stand on one end then you're going to jump down from that platform launching me into the air faster than I can take off on my own once I'm in the air I'm going to do some amazing flips and spin that our shirt will impress the Wonder bols Isn't that a might dangerous not for a pony who can fly well all right [Music] then oh my ready one 2 3 uh maybe I wasn't clear you're supposed to land on the other end got [Music] it Apple Jack what the hey is going on I mean I thought I was working with ponyville's best athlete you are I'm okay really I have an idea watch this T oh maybe not okay one more try I'm sure to get it this time [Music] here I go [Music] wait here [Music] welcome can I help you I think some pony else needs your help Apple Jack [Music] yep Applejack can we talk [Music] Applejack can be squa I don't think so no can we talk twin stocks vein or celery no I need to talk to you you need to walk to the zoo well who's stopping you I need to talk to you oh well why didn't you say so what you want to talk about Rainbow Dash dropped in to see me today that's quite neighborly of her yes except that she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air oh yeah I wasn't feeling quite myself this morning because you're working too hard and you need help what help I don't need K I don't even like fxy we help you need help nothing doing Twilight I'm going to prove to you to every pony that I can do this on my [Music] own now if you'll excuse me I got to go help Pinkie [Music] Pie now Pinkie Pie are you sure you're up for baking the muffins and running the store this afternoon yes s ba Mrs cake plus I have Pony Bill's prize Pony to help me out why she's the best Baker ever right Apple Jack no you're not the best baker ever what oh no I mean don't you fret I can bake anything from fritters to piie in the blink of an eye all right well I'll see you later girls stop with the shaking it's time to get bacon all righty I'll get the sugar and the eggs can you get me some chocolate chips what was that choc chips chips got it haer chips a little salty and dry okie dokie what next baking soda soda perfect that'll get the poater chips nice and wet now what a cup of flour a cup of sour well lemons are sure sour one cup of sour coming up anything else pinky one last thing wheat germ wheat worms Oh there must be fancy talk for earthworms now that's going to be delicious if you say so free muffin sample spectacular [Music] lookin yes muffin SP I get them out they hot We Came as soon as we heard thank you Twilight we need all the help we can [Music] get oh no what happened it was a mishap with some of the baked goods no not baked goods baked bags Apple Jack want one [Music] Apple Jack we need to talk huh oh it's you Twilight I know what you're going to say but the answer is still no not to upset your apple cart but you need help all right already her and no I don't here let me help help no thanks a little more a little there I'll prove that this apple can handle these apples come on apples fall off AJ I think you're beating a dead tree I knew that actually Applejack I had something else to talk to you about I just came back from Ponyville urgent Karen you know I'm a little busy to get lectured right now Twilight but if you just let me help no no no how many times do I got to say it I don't need no help from no pony that pony is stubborn as a mule no offense none taken oh Applejack thank you so much for offering your hurting skills for the annual rabbit Roundup why are we doing this well lots of new baby bunnies have been born so it's my job to get a count of all the new families fine can we just get on with it certainly but remember these are bunnies we're dealing with not cows they're a timid bunch and need to be treated gently I do not need any direction on Coral and critters right Winona okay little bunnies I need you to all gather here in the middle that's right let's go bunnies in the center hop to it swell just swell put him up [Music] whena Applejack Winona stop you're scaring them we know what we're doing get along little bunnies oh [Music] no [Music] stampe h [Music] the horror the horror it was awful a disaster a horrible horrible disaster I don't get it our Gardens destroyed every last flower Devour by by them oh my oh please stop little bunnies no no please let's go home no oh my goodness all right enough is enough must keep bucking just a few more must finish harvesting all right Apple Jack your Apple bucking hasn't just caused you problems it's over propop Pegasus practically poisoned plenty of ponies and terrorize bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies I don't care what you say you need help no I don't look I did it I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help how'd you like them apples oh how do you like them [Music] apples what all the app in the bonus and Applejack huh oh good you're okay now Applejack I completely respect the Apple family ways you're always there to help any Pony in need so maybe you can put a little of your stubborn pride aside and allow your friends to help you okay Twilight I am not taking no for an answer what yes Twilight yes please I could really use your [Music] help dear princess celeski my friend Apple Jack is the best friend a pony could ever have and she's always there to help any Pony the only trouble is when she needs help she finds it hard to accept it so while friendship is about giving of ourselves to friends it's also about accepting what our friends have to offer your faithful student Twilight Sparkle how about y'all take a little break I got some fine apple juice waiting for you girls I can't thank you enough for this help I was acting a bit stubborn a bit okay I'm might stubborn and I'm awful sorry now I know the town gave me the prize Pony award but the real award is having you five as my friends that Apple bucking sure made me hungry and I've got the perfect treat ew Spike I threw those away where' you get them from the trash just a little nibble come on on woohoo Oo we not a bad pitch for a pony who works with her head in the clouds oh yeah think you can do better cowgirl I know I can oh for page sake looks like this Pegasus can pitch better than the Workhorse the object of the game is to get the closest to the steak all right all right you got another throw there Pony girl yeah wow rainbow you couldn't hit a barn door with that kind of a throw yeah yeah I still have the closest throat Apple smack just try and beat [Music] it yeah it's a ringer that's how we do it down here on the farm I lost I don't feel bad rainbow it's all in good fun I hate losing besides you're a mighty good athlete I'm just bitter all right Applejack you think you're the top athlete in all of Ponyville well I was going to say in all of Equestria but that might be Guild in the Lily and I think I'm the top athlete so let's prove it prove what I challenge you to an Iron Pony competition a series of athletic contests to decide who's the best best once and for all you know what rainbow you're own My Little Pony My Little Pony littley I used to wonder what friendship could be littley until you all shared it magic with me Big adventure tons of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness defe and magic makes it all complete you have M do you know you're are my very best [Music] friends so you two are doing what now an IR Iron Pony competition see we've set up a bunch of advance to decide which one of us is the most athletic Pony ever and I'm here to I don't know why is she here to be our judge and keep score right some ponies got to record my awesomeness for the history books hello every pony and welcome to the first annual Iron Pony competition uh Spike who are you talking to um them let the games [Music] [Applause] [Music] begin Ready set [Music] go D time Spike 17 seconds you're kidding that breaks my record from last year's Rodeo but you got a 5-second penalty for nudging the barrel nuts and shoes still that's 22 seconds not too shabby hey don't be nervous remember it's all in good fun now get on up there Ready set [Music] go that was some fancy hoof workk there rainbow thanks but I couldn't have been as fast as you what was the time on that Spike 18 seconds 18 seconds rainbow are you sure you're not secretly a rodeo Pony Rainbow Dash wins the barrel weave I can't believe I won yeah well don't you go getting used to it might respectable but let me show you how it's really done years of Apple [Music] fing yep why me [Music] go ouch ready for another pony ride no [Music] go Rainbow Dash wins the Bronco buck and I [Music] lose how do I get roped into these things does this [Music] count [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] W Phillies and gentle Colts at the halfway point our competitors are tied at 5 and five who are you talking to them 95 96 97 98 99 100 yes be a good sport Apple Jack [Music] [Music] h all right you this is the final event give it all you've [Music] got looks like the Workhorse might come out ahead in this [Applause] one that's not fair you can't use your rings to H you win huh you're treating I can't understand you with that rope in your mouth I say it uh-oh I win by a landslide or mud slide in your case I am the iron bony only cuz you cheated what you used your wing power to help you in over half those contests sounds like sour apples to me are you saying you didn't use your wings well no but you never said I couldn't use my wings I didn't think I needed to tell you to play fair I still would have won even without my wings prove it gladly how tomorrow's the annual running of the leaves I challenge you to race me in it easyy hold on there is one condition the point is to run so no wings allow no wings no problem [Music] H Twilight hurry up we're going to be late for the race why are you so excited about the race it's only for ponies yeah but I'm hoping I can be the announcer again just listen Phillies and gentle CTS welcome to the annual running of the of the lead this is Pinkie Pie your official I the guide announcer sorry Spike I guess that job's already taken as every pony knows the red is a very important tradition for without it the Autumn Leaves of Equestria would never fall so get ready ponies the runy nug will begin in 5 minutes pardon me excuse me make way for the Iron Pony the iron phony you mean so Applejack you ready to win second place I'm ready to run a good clean race yeah yeah you are not allowed to use your wings I could win this race with both Wings tied behind my [Music] back trust up like a turkey well a turkey you can't fly that is very funny least now we know we're racing fair and square Racers please take your position um Pinkie Pie hey Spike what's up oh wait it's me I'm up uh yeah uh I know you're doing the announcing today and stuff and I'm sure you're going to do a great job and all but I was just wondering what forget it Spike would you like to be my co- reporter we could comment on the action together we could climb on up Twilight what internation are you doing up here I'm racing good one Twilight I'm not joking what you're not an athlete you're a well you're an eggh head I am not an egghead I am well read egg head but have you ever run a race well no but I do know a lot about running and do you know this from books I've read several on the subject what do you read the Eggheads guide to running did you stretch out your eye muscles to warm up get it ey muscles scoff if you must rainbow but the running of the leaves is a Ponyville tradition and since I'm here to learn I've decided I should experience it myself well I think that's just dandy Twilight good luck yeah see you at the Finish Line tomorrow all right Ponies are you ready get [Music] set and they're off welcome to the official coverage of the running of the leaves you know despite its name the leaves don't do any of the actual running no that's left to My Little Ponies why yes pinky it's the running of the ponies it causes the leaves to fall those lazy lazy leaves but this year the run is about more than the weather it's about the race to the finish and the two Runners who want to win it Applejack and Rainbow Jack you know pinky these two ponies have a bit of a grudge match they're trying to settle trying to prove who's the most athletic yes and Grudge rhymes with fudge yes it does what and I like fudge but if you eat too much fudge I get a Pudge in I can't fudge so no fudge oh no thanks I a big breakfast let's check in with our two competitive ponies Applejack and Rainbow Dash having come fast out of the gate Applejack and Rainbow Dash are evenly match running neck and neck but what's this Apple Jack is making a move she's now ahead by a nose but Rainbow Dash W let uple Jack C and takes the lead she's ahead by half a nose or maybe 3/4 of a nose no about 63.7% of a nose roughly speaking Apple Jack SE his move and plunges forth with a strong Workhorse leg leaking ahead by 350 noses not so easy without wings is it come on Rainbow show him a little Dash hold your horses pinky Rainbow Dash is catching up the front runner Applejack what an upset I thought Applejack had this in the B you didn't think I was going to let you off that easy did you wa I don't believe it I know it's beautiful isn't it not the scenery Twilight Rainbow Dash just tripped me she did not she did too she did not and if you slow down and looked where you're going like me you'd see that you tripped over a rock what oh hey seed now I got a lot of ground to make up to catch rainbow just be [Music] careful see you at the Finish Line I don't believe it after a huge setback Apple Jack is back at the front of the pack she's the head of the pack all right The Pick of the litter the cat's pajamas oh wait why would Applejack take some poor Kitty PJs that's not very sporting of okay let's get back to the race not so fast Applejack this race isn't over yet it is for you I don't believe it Applejack tripped me don't you ponies ever look where you're going you tripped on a stump see oh I see a big cheater is what I see Rainbow Applejack would never cheat it was just an accident sure was I mean yeah I'm sure it was remember rainbow this is just a game yes but the rules have changed and two can play at that game welcome back Pony villians it's me Pinkie Pie and Spike looks like Rainbow's doing her best to catch up I'm not sure how ketchup is going to help her in this contest now in a hot dog eating contest it can make them doggies nice and slippery but personally I prefer mustard how about you uh I like pickles and it looks like Apple Jack has found herself in quite a pickle as rainbow overtakes her look ma no wings as the rers enter Equestria white tail wood Rainbow Dash is back in the [Music] Lea hey rainbow W that little cheater did that on purpose it's on nice one rainbow [Music] [Music] lighter [Music] oh my white tail wood is just lovely hey r shouldn't you be up ahead I'm sure to win now except that all the other Racers just passed you oh horse apples see [Music] you Apple Jack what are you doing up here there aren't even any trees I know but the signs pointed this way rainbow mind giving me a [Music] lift what the heck you said no no flying no I said no queens I must say spike that this has been the most interesting running of the leaves in Equestria history with a most interesting announcing but it isn't the running that's been fascinating it's the lack of [Music] running [Music] a [Music] what forgive me girls I know I'm not an athlete but shouldn't the running of the leaves actually involve running you know I think Twilight's right you do yeah if you want to beat me you better [Music] run once again Rainbow Dash and Apple Jacker neck and neck juming for position Apple Jack and CH ahead now it's rainbow it's Apple Jack it's Rainbow Dash It's Apple Jack [Applause] [Music] oh no she didn't oh yes you [Music] did cut it out no you cut it out you started it and now I'm going to finish it oh no you won't oh yes I will that's it I'll Vector off oh no you [Music] don't it's it's Rainbow Dash It's app it's Rainbow Dash I won no I won I won you tied t for first for last last then who won you oh no but I did get fifth place which is rather good considering I've never run a race before what how's that even possible you ran so slow and looked at the scenery exactly I paced myself just like my book said then at the end when all the other Ponies were worn out I sprinted to the Finish I don't believe it Twilight beat up us well with all your horsing around it was quite easy you're right Twilight our Behavior was just terrible we weren't very good sports sounds to me like an important lesson was learned princess celesia what are you doing here fall is one of my favorite Seasons so I came to celebrate the running of the leaves I'm sorry had to see us being such poor sports princess that's all right Applejack any Pony can get swept up in the excitement of competition it's important to remember that the Friendship is always more important than the competition exactly Twilight now unfortunately because the two of you were busy tricking each other instead of shaking down leaves many of the lovely trees in Equestria are still covered why princess I bet we can knock those leaves down for your licky split what do you say friend want to go for another run I'd love to stretch my legs [Music] those sweet carrot pancakes I smell how Divine Aroma spiced warm apple cider and the smell SM [Music] smoke Rarity you ruined the surprise I was going to serve you breakfast in [Music] bed My Little Pony My Little Pony my littleony I used to wonder what friendship could be My Little Pony until you all shared it's magic with me Big adventure t of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're are my very best [Music] friend [Music] wow good morning Rarity father mother I'll have you know that Sweetie Bell here cooked this yummy looking breakfast doll on her own I figured I didn't know you could burn juice I've been giving her lessons I wouldn't be surprised if she's got a cutie mark and fancy cooking by the time we get back from our vacation vacation is that this week as in starting this very instant this week let me guess applesauce nope toast we're going to have the bestest time two sisters could ever have I'm going to go grab my stuff from Dad's wagon so now when you say a week is that um seven whole days and six nights I know such a short time to spend with your little s you're going to eat that but I've got such a long to-do list oh well I suppose spend time with your sister will just have to be added to the list just a few [Music] Necessities now let's get that kitchen all cleaned up cleaned up but we haven't even eaten yet well now sweetie bill I appreciate the gesture but we simply can't eat this breakfast it's burnt it's not that burnt never fear my dear I'll get a proper breakfast [Music] going can I help oh uh of course uh in one moment Sweetie Belle let me just get things [Music] done Rarity I thought you said I was going to help you are you can put the garnish on the plates you mean this parsly okay now easy it has to be just right no need to rush no that's too slow careful back up looking for Perfection [Music] here not bad [Music] there are some things I must attend to can you take the dirty towels to the laundry room no problem I'll make myself [Music] useful sweetie B I told you I'd make myself useful surprise am I you washed my incredibly expensive one-of aind design of crocheted wool sweater do you know how hard these things are to come by what's the big deal the big deal is that in the heat of the sun wool shrinks oh sorry well back to work I must create sorry huh stay out out of trouble okay please I just wanted to do something nice for my sister I'm so bored when is rity going to finish her work stay out of trouble okay I never got in trouble for drawing h this needs [Music] something hi birdie I made a special drawing for you oh no did you use these gems well yes but I know you have more in your work room but these are extremely rare baby blue sapphires I need the pr outfit for an extremely important client oh sorry Sweetie Bell what am I going to do with you oh we could paint together we could ride bikes play chess sing a song catch frogs pillow fight that's not what I meant oh now I have to go and find some more of these gems I'll go with you and help [Music] no no thank you you can help by picking up these papers and stacking them neatly put the pens and pencils back exactly where you found them and place please find something to do that doesn't create a large mess for me to clean up jeez Louise can't I do anything [Music] right sweetie Bell I'm back sweetie Bell [Music] surprise my inspiration room what did you do what did you do when I saw the big mess in your room I thought I'd clean it up for you this wasn't a mess it was organized chaos I was just about finish planning my new fashion line and you you went and and you put everything away but every time I make a mess you get upset but this was my mess in my house and now I have to just died from scratch but I I thought it would make you happy happy [Music] happy I just need some time alone how's the sleepover Rarities going why it's smashing huh I just wish we could do something special together that didn't include me goofing anything up the sister Hood social Apple Jack and I do it every year you and Rarity can compete against other sister teams and all these native ANS that sounds like the perfect way for us to hang out Rarity will think it's an excellent idea what a ridiculous idea a contest at Sweet Apple Acres it doesn't sound very clean so what now you're back to hating mes Sweetie Belle watch your tone I am still your big sister right and any sister who cares about her sister goes Sweetie Belle honestly playing silly little games in the dirt is just UNC with or without a sister well then maybe maybe I'll try the sister have social without a sister in fact I think he'll try the rest of my life without a sister oh I'm the one who's ruining your life really have you looked around this place I'm the one who would be better off with no sister well it looks like we finally agree on something neither of us needs a sister de still goodbye un [Music] sister [Music] unco she said the sister Hood social was unco yeah unco wait what's UNC it's not just the social she thinks I'm UNC honey Rarity thinks everything's uncool what's uncool it means un uncivil you know bad mannered exactly Sweetie Bell just give Rarity some time she'll come around sisters always do not sisters like Rarity come on now Apple Bloom and I got some chores to finish up on maybe you can help you sure you want me to help I just mess everything up oh come on that's just stinking thinking [Music] watch [Music] good catch there Apple Blom this is a chore since we can't sell the bruised apples we got to collect them all for the pigs to [Music] eat it's a lot of work so we make a game of it want to try um okay ow you're right it is hard work that's why we do it [Music] H wey never wants to do chores [Music] together oh that work ruined thanks to Sweetie Bell oh my it's usually a big mess in here idea this is genius I shall call it full spectrum Fashions I have sweeetie Bell had well no matter she still shouldn't have touched my things without permission APPA Bloom you're [Music] up you're making grape juice Rarity would call the fashion police on me if I got grape juice anywhere near her precious outfits well that's silly Apple Bloom please Apple Jack she didn't mean you like them little whipper [Music] snapper now to get these Fabrics washed for my fabulous new line oh my favorite sweater I just can't believe that Sweetie [Music] Bell oh opoo it's as if Sweetie Bell knew the sweater was perfect for you and Sweetie Bell should consider herself perfectly lucky that this thoughtless mishap turned out all right at this wow it's as if they're just one pony way to Coral some Critters sis you could have just asked Rarity never High hops me perfect just one more and this onum is fin Sweetie Belle where's her silly little arts and crafts [Music] project oh Sweetie Bell my one and only sister what have I done all the time I could have spent with you was wasted complaining and wishing you were gone no I must get her back I must and Celestia is my witness I shall never be sisters [Music] again sweetie Bell I have been Galloping all over looking for you I oh hello un sister what are you doing here better be careful you might get some dust on you oh Sweetie Belle I want to apologize I am not better off without a sister I'm not better off without a sister either spending the day with Apple Jack and Apple blo made me realize that oh sweetie you don't know how happy I am to hear you and that's why I'm adopting Applejack as my b sister what what what a sister is someone who loves and takes care of another sister Apple Jack's a real sister hold on sweetie Bell don't get ahead of yourself here besides she's my big sister yeah um or maybe she should be your sister so she could teach you what a good sister supposed to be um actually I I don't need lessons on being a good sister I I promise listen I'll show you how to cook my favorite Kish or or I'll show you the proper way to beautify your Mane won't that be fun H H you want me to go home with you so we can do what you want to do uh yes just forget it we're still sisters right well well that apology went swimmingly Applejack why do you have to be so good and make me look so bad oh Rarity once again you're thinking about yourself being sisters is a give and take you've been doing a whole lot of taking but you haven't been doing a whole lot of giving but of course I give I give lessons reasonable demands but you never give in being sisters is like apple pie you can have amazing apples and you can have a wonderfully crispy crust but only together can you have a perfect apple pie but apart all we are is just a pile of mush and some crumbly dry mess I know what I need to do I just hope it isn't too late [Music] well I guess it's a good thing Ry isn't here do I see unou written all over this contest look at that size that P he sure is a cutie that's the last word Rarity would use oh my what a repulsive monstrosity this thing needs a head to toe makeover it's almost 10 well you two have fun sure wish I had a sister to run the race with you do now he B and I figured since we do this every year I'd let you bow my sister so you can give it a try sister for a day no way one day one day is this thing on I don't think this thing is on hello where is that you have to say so fing Marty do hickey now think y been W for the sister the social H you know the big race we have five teams this year for the event so all y'all hit on out to the finish line here a start line us that's us one day good luck it may the be sisters win oh your Mar you see [Music] it you okay [Music] Applejack Apple [Music] Help y you can do it [Music] [Music] sister [Music] [Applause] oh it's so close you almost won thank you Apple track you are amazing I don't even care that we didn't win this was so much fun [Music] Rarity wait where's Apple Jack I don't get it we switch places over at the very first mud hole so we did the whole competition together that we did little sister well except for this start line but you finished together you mean you you were all in on it mhm you did this for me us I did it for us you see we are apple pie I'll explain later for now I think we deserve a celebration yeah where the spa of course no I I I'm serious very well then what should we write to the princess I'll start having a sister is just about the bestest thing in the world but it sure isn't the easiest I agree that being sisters is a wonderful thing but it takes teamwork sometimes it's about compromising sometimes it's about accepting each other's differences but mostly it's about having fun together even if it means getting your hopes a little bit dirty a lot dirty a little bit dirty a lot dirty a little bit dirty a lot hold it hold it how about a medium amount of dirty not too little not too much just right Ste [Music] Ste [Music] [Music] wow [Music] woohoo Apple Jack you're sure to knock every Pony's hat off at the Equestria Rodeo competition oh shs a bloom I sure hope so hope so I know so after all you're the 10 time Roo champion of pony bille W You' got more blue ribbons than any Pony and pony bill ever and I can't wait for my big to win every blue ribbon in Equestria and bring home the tunel of Equestria Rodeo Champion My Little Pony My Little [Music] Pony I used to wonder what could be until you all shared magic with me Big adventure t of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy feet and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're are my very best [Music] [Music] friends huh now careful you don't want to do any more damage than you've already done I just don't know what went wrong yeah it's a mystery nice work Rainbow [Music] Dash you okay Rainbow Dash anything I can do to help no nothing in the name of Celestia just sit there and do nothing my Bad Apple Jack Apple Jack Apple Jack Apple Jack every pony can I get your attention attention please yes we are all here to send Applejack to compete in this year's Equestria Rodeo competition in caner [Applause] and I want to thank Applejack in advance for generously offering up her prize money to fix Town Hall yeah Applejack [Applause] [Music] woohoo speach speach oh shucks I'm not much for speeches all right then no speech bye this hair is the nicest send off any Pony could ask for y'all have been cheering me on in every Rodeo since I was a little Little Pony so it seems only fitting to use my winnings to fix up town hall I promise to make Ponyville [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] proud I want you to show all them high futin Rodeo ponies what a real Rodeo ponies like you bet you Granny Smith and bring back all that money you bet you mayor and have fun and don't be nervous or if you are use that nervous energy to do even better than you already would and eat peanuts and popcorn and Taffy T gives you lots of nervous energy just do your best Apple Jack I'll do better than my best the train to cter lot is about to leave all aboard is coming aboard guess that means to me see you in a week with lots of new blue ribbons and lots of money darn to see y'all in a week with a big bag full of blue ribbons and drink Silla what it gives you extra sass oh I hope Apple Jack is surprised by this surprise party well that is the point I know but I hope she isn't so surprised she's startled because well being surprised can be nice being startled can be very startling surpr oh pinky you startled me sorry I was just practicing my surprise for when we surprised Applejack with this super cool party for become Rodeo champion of Equestria quiet pinky I think Apple Jack coming don't worry Twilight get my lips all limbered [Music] [Music] up surprise surprise shoot wow this is the best surprise ever how did you know it was my birthday who's it from flot what's it say it's from Applejack family and friends not coming back to Ponyville don't worry we'll send money soon that's all there is Apple Jacks not coming back what do you mean Apple Jack's not coming back she loves Pony bille and she loves Sweet Apple Acres and she loves her family something just Dreadful must have happened to Apple Jack to make her not return maybe she's hurt or sad or scared so what are we waiting for let's go find her don't worry we'll search all of Equestria if we have to we'll bring her back y'all are the best thank you [Music] girls all our little busher just lost one [Music] [Music] apple [Music] I hope this lead doesn't turn out to be a dead end I don't want to go home empty Hub after promisingly find her I don't know how we'll break it to the Apple family I don't know how we'll break it to Ponyville I don't know how I'll make it to the next stop this is Dodge Junction girls Apple Jack is supposed to have come here after the rodeo ended let's fan out and try to find her pickles hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry it up in there some ponies sheesh Apple Jack AER AER AER [Music] AER oh Apple Jack thank heavens we're so glad you're safe I found her I found her I found her I found her be right back hey a pony what's up why didn't you come back to Ponyville yes why are you here are you okay give any snacks tell us what happened Applejack Applejack are these some of your Ponyville friends yes ma'am and you are why I'm cherry jubilee boss a chero ranch has an Applejack told you I saw her compete at the Equestria Rodeo never saw any Pony wins so many ribbons in all my life oh Shooks Miss Jubilee you don't have to go into all that oh she's so modest anyway I can always use a pony with quick hubs and a strong back so when I heard Applejack was looking for a change of scenery I snapped her up quick as I could and brought her to dodge Junction well I'll let you catch up with your friends see you back back at the ran change of scenery what's that supposed to mean it's no big deal guys I thought cherries would be a nice chain from apples so I took the job and came here that's it and a story that's it well that's a terrible story sorry but that's all there is to tell thanks for checking on me but y'all can go home now tell my family hi and that I'm doing a okay excuse me AJ but we didn't travel all over Equestria searching for you to come home without you well I didn't ask you to come looking for me there is nothing to tell and I am not going back to Ponyville I don't care what she says Apple Jack's not telling us something Twilight's right we got to get her to Spill the Beans what she had beans I told her I would snack a you ready to put your back into it Applejack sure am Miss Jubilee terrific come on in girls what are you all doing here we're your cherry sorters shall we get started fine red cherries go in one bin and yellow cherries go in the other simple as cherry pie just one Teensy thing to remember have fun what are you fa up to well uh you made working on a Cherry Orchard sound so delightful uhhuh well just remember no talking about Ponyville fine why don't you quit talking and get [Music] walking so AJ how was canot not talking about Ponyville talking about Canterlot totally different town Canterlot was fine was the rodeo fun yes did you meet some nice ponies there some really did you see Wild Bull Hickok what about clamity me yes Sone and how did you meet Miss Jubilee um well miss Jubilee had a cherry stand at the rodeo real good treats um excuse me cherry Winks cherry cheesecake cherry tarts we struck up a conversation being Orchard Bano so you told her about sweet appleacres yes did you tell her why you weren't going back no cuz it was none of her business can you please slow down is it because I made it rain on you that one time no help [Music] is it because you were insulted when I gave you that book on organized Orchards [Music] no is it because you were insulted when I insulted your hair no no no I'm not King you ass so just [Music] St [Music] well girls we seem to be striking out that's cuz we're playing too nice yes desperate times do call for desperate measures it's time to call in the big [Music] guns [Music] hey Applejack need some help you promise not to ask me any questions I [Music] promise have you ever had a cherry changa oh sorry that was a question that kind of question is fine pinky no I I never had a cherry chonga well no wonder because I made it up myself a cherry chunga is mashed up cherries in tortilla the deep fried Cherry chonga great name huh oh but maybe I should call it a chimmy Cherry oo that's good too which do you think sounds better Cherry chonga or chimmy cherry or what if I combine them chimmy Cherry cha what sounds the funniest I like funny words one of my favorite funny words is kumquat I didn't make that one up I would work in a kumquat Orchard just so I could say kumquat all day kumquat kumquat kumquat and Pickle Barrel isn't that just the funnest thing to say Pickle Barrel Pickle Barrel Pickle Barrel say it with me Pickle Barrel come qu Pickle Barrel come qu Pickle Barrel come CH make it stop make it stop the only way to make it stop is for you to Spill the Beans never speaking of beans did you ever realize how many words rhyme with beans leanan all right all right I'll tell every pony what's going on just please stop talking but can it wait till tomorrow at breakfast I'm plum tuckered out tomorrow huh I don't know do you pinky promise I will tell you the whole truth at breakfast pinky [Music] promise I'm glad we're finally going to get some answers from Applejack yeah maybe don't worry rainbow she's got to fess up after making a pinky promise good morning Applejack you ready for [Music] breakfast your Pony breaks a ping [Music] prise Apple ja promise come back here get up fellas I got to get the heck out of Dodge she's going to get away oh no she won't look girls follow that safe [Music] coach oh we have you [Music] [Applause] [Music] now what the heck H over hey cut that out I'll pay you Double J run them we'll pay you triple to slow down to leave them in the [Music] dust that's rude yes them get them come on [Music] Fluttershy yeah come on y'all go [Music] go Apple Jack you broke your pinky promise apologize I did not break my promise what if y'all re him back I told you that I would tell you everything at breakfast but I didn't come to breakfast I couldn't come to that breakfast not of it meant telling y'all what happened well I I I'm sorry pinky but I can't tell y'all the truth I just can't well I heard a sorry in there so that I'll have to do for now we'll get a real apology later cat rainbow go back no time they knew what they were getting [Music] into yes [Music] yeah [Music] yeaw lady you're in trouble try catch me now oh nuts not so fast fine now you know know what well just look I am you won an amazing number of ribbons just like Miss jubile said don't you get it there's every color a ribbon down there every color but blue I came in fourth third even second but I didn't win one first prize and I certainly didn't win any prize money but the telegram said you were going to send money that's why I came here I wanted to earn some money after that big old send off Ponyville gave me I just didn't have the nerve to come home empty hoofed I couldn't come home a failure Applejack you're not a failure and we're your friends we don't care if you came in 50th place you're still number one in our books so you're not upset or disappointed but what about the mayor I don't think I can face her and tell her I didn't get that money to fix the broken roof Apple Jack we can always find a way to fix that hole in the roof but if you don't come back we'll never be able to fix the hole in our [Music] hearts darn it now you got me acting all sappy dear Princess Celestia it's a tad easier to be proud when you come in first than it is when you finish further back but there's no reason to hide when you don't do as well as you'd hoped you can't run away from your problems better to run to your friends and [Music] family I mean which do you think R chimy cherry or cherry chunga chimy cherry cherry chunga chimy cherry cherry chunga chimy cherry Cherry chunga Chim Cherry Cherry chunga when get back you're going to get it Rainbow Dash CH Cherry Cherry chunga CH cherry cherry cherry cherry [Music] cherry wow I can't believe how many ponies showed up I can I mean finding out who the Ponyville days Pony of Ceremonies is is a pretty big [Music] deal I didn't know Granny Smith was on the selection Committee of course she is Ponyville day celebrates the founding of Ponyville and she was right there I'm glad the committee didn't automatically pick me so every pony gets a chance to see how great the me actually is even though the festival is basically a party and the pony ceremonies get to organize the whole thing so it would totally make sense if they did pick me citizens of Ponyville this year's applicants were all exceptional but there can only be one Ponyville days Pony of Ceremonies and that Pony is Rarity all right Rarity yeah congratulations Rarity do you know what you're going to do oh I might have a few ideas My Little Pony My Little [Music] Pony I used to wonder what could Bey until you all shared magic with me Big adventure t of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have M do you know you are my very best friend [Music] I'm so excited for the festival I can hardly stand up straight me too I'm glad Rarity was picked I know she'll Add A Touch of Elegance to the whole thing probably more than a touch [Music] this year's Ponyville Days festival designed by Rarity will feature various high class events such as a silent cider auction and tasting O A Ponyville Gala in Town Square and of course a Ponyville fashion show this year's Ponyville Days festival Pony of Sarah monies creates shimmering Couture of her own design and the theme is small town sh wow Rarity you really have put a lot of effort into this I'll say oh I think it's going to be magical do you really think so are you kidding I can't wait oh that's such a relief but of course I couldn't possibly do do it all on my own the festival is in 3 days Pinkie Pie and I can hang lights and decorations in the town square and I can get Sweet Apple lers all ready for the Sater taston oh that's just perfect and now Twilight if you and Fluttershy wouldn't mind helping with the fashion show of course I'd be honored I can focus on the thing I'm worried about most of all what creating a Ponyville Days festival fantastic enough to impress trender uh who's trender hoof what how can you not know who trender Hof is trender Hof is only the most amazing handsomest travel writer to have ever traveled or written before last Pegasus became an Equestria travel destination he wrote about it before the culinary revolution in trottingham he discovered it he knows what's going to be hot even before it's [Music] tempid sounds like some Pony has a little bit of a crush oh Twilight crush doesn't even begin to describe it he's practically Define I can't believe he's [Laughter] [Music] [Music] coming thank you ever so much for joining me Twilight I don't think I could have met trender hoof on my own it's no problem but you shouldn't be nervous about meeting him is that him you see him Twilight is he there uh I'm not sure you don't suppos he's decided not to come Twilight I don't see him what if he doesn't arrive the whole festival will be a disaster Twilight where is [Music] he sorry Rarity you have to get a hold of yourself I mean you haven't even met him yet [Music] what's wrong sh it's him it's him it's him it's him it's him it's him he's here it's him well go up and talk to him I um hi hello Mr trender Hof I am Rarity and I have been chosen as Pony of Ceremonies for the Ponyville Days Festival please call me [Music] Trend and over here will be the climax of the festival the Ponyville days Gala music dancing and of course a locally sourced menu of delicious treats reminds me of the Spring Fling Meats Manhattan wedding I wrote about in Gallop and France exactly I I can't even describe how much your work has influenced me and finally Sweet Apple Acres ponyville's core so to speak where our quaint little Hamlet began oh breathtaking I've heard about it of course but to see it in ver to stand on the soil of a working farm you can really feel the authenticity oh yes uh they they really do grow apples here thank you Rarity thank you for bringing me here this Farm is truly something special oh I had planned to transform it into an elegant Country Inn for the festival but now I see just how special it is oh natural oh natural indeed who is [Music] that who Apple Jack why are you staring at her like that I've seen a lot in my travels but I've never beheld such beauty Applejack the pony of my [Music] dreams Rarity Rarity [Music] hello I brought my cider tasting cup are you ready to go try the the samples what's the point Ry what's wrong nothing is it something I said he doesn't like me what he doesn't like me R I can't hear what you he doesn't like me because he has a crush on Applejack even though I've had a crush on him ever since the beginning of time and it's not fair trender hoof doesn't like you that's ridiculous oh Spike how could you ever know what it's like to be totally obsessed with a pony only to find out they're obsessed with some pony else I mean what could Applejack possibly have that I [Music] don't you know I have such respect for the work ethic of Earth ponies uh gee thanks Granny Smith always said pick an apple a day and keep trouble away how many varieties of apples do you think there are uh on the farm or in all of Equestria cuz I once had an Apple so rare they thought it was extinct I ate four of them is that a fact that's my thing I take the mundane the simple the unappreciated and I make it relatable well I hope you can relate to Ponyville me too but enough about me I want to know about you what do apples mean to Applejack look I'm glad you're interested in Ponyville and all but I'm kind of busy with my chores and if I can't get them done there won't be a Ponyville Day Festival for you to ride about well that will never do Rarity what are you wearing what this old thing aren't you too busy planning the festival to keep making new outfits for it I am but the thought of hauling apples inspired me and I just couldn't stop myself really if there's one thing I love it's hauling apples I'm growing fond of it myself maybe you too should try it sometime I'm feeling a tad inspired without Farm Life there'd be such disparity these thoughts I think with great clarity apples High to the sky she's the one of my eye that fruit hauling pony named Applejack Rarity why do you want to plow a field is it me or could this use a splash of color and maybe a wash don't we need to check on the gala decorations yes yes of course but Trend obviously has a thing for Farm life if I can't convince him that I'm just as much of a farm Huff as Applejack I'll never get him interested in the festival the festival right and I do appreciate your help ever so much I couldn't do a thing without you spiky poo well that's what friends are for right so come on Farm [Music] thing how does Applejack do it well it would help if the harness was on right what are you doing I am simply lending a huff with the chores which I love doing ever so much well if you're still interested after the festival I can teach you all about it but right now I need to get the plowing done if you don't mind not at all she makes it look so easy I I know isn't she fantastic I really don't see what the bu is all about now Rarity you be careful if you don't get the Bucking just right you could sprain a hoof I am perfectly familiar with the Apple bucking process thank you very much but while you seem to rely on on raw power I believe a certain amount of style is required it's really more of a dance if you ask [Music] me EV well your way is definitely long on Style thank you now if you'll all excuse me I have some more chores to do inside [Music] Rarity can I ask you something oh white friend you can ask me anything I've been mean to ask for a while and frankly I'm sort of embarrassed Rarity do you think Applejack would be my date for the festival why don't you go ask her [Music] yourself [Music] well that was close if you've come to apologize there's really no need what are you talking about let's dispense with the charage shall we listen I know you really want Tren to La you and he does despite some Pony's best efforts I swear I don't know what why he's paying so much attention to me and I don't know any Pony who's that interested in farming not even me well maybe it's time Trend met a real country Pony shouldn't you be working on the festival instead of coming up with new ways to impress Trend oh I'm sure you'd love that well I have a new vision for the festival and it's going to be more country than the whole Apple family put [Music] together um isn't it a little late to be changing the theme Applejack what's going on I'm too scared to guess firstly I just want to thank you all for coming and second I know y'all will all adore my new Festival theme simple pH [Music] well quite so funny Rarity that is the silliest get up I have ever seen it is a little funny funny Rarity you aren't serious are you well of course I'm serious why wouldn't I be because you would never dress like that you like fashion and society and fancy things and I can like plowing fields and holling apples just as much but you don't how do you know what I like because I know you well maybe you don't know me as well as you think and I suppose it's just a coincidence that trender H seems so interested in country life too I don't know what you were getting at well then I guess I'll just have to show you be my guest now if you all will excuse me I I have a hoot a nanny of a festival to put [Music] on now to be a model in the simple ways fashion show you might think simple means leas is more well that just ain't so if you want to be real simple mower is mower now y'all go off and make yourselves look just like B who's our next model for the fashion show um Apple Jewel who the hell is [Music] that [Music] is this some kind of joke wow Rarity whatever would make you think I was joking because you would never wear an ensemble like that you like plowing fields and Hauling apples and I can like fashion just as much but you don't well maybe you do not know me as well as you think fine but I got a whole festival to plan so if you're going to start modeling just get on with it life is a festival and you should celebrate it by looking just like me because I'm a trend setting fashion Easter you a trend setting fashionista why that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever I mean good for you I on the other hoof couldn't care less how I look long as I get the chers done oh is that so yes indeed he doodle not me my man needs to be perfectly quaffed at all times Well my man is full of dust and split ends my hes are so polished you can see your refle in them my Hubs are cracked and dry from working in the fields I'm so fashion forward I wear droopy drawers I smell like rose birs I love being covered in mud goodness your c ooh bad will some pony bring me a towel to wipe this repulsive filth from my hoods there's the Rarity I know oh Applejack I'm sorry I said all those things you're a true friend who probably knows me better than I know myself I don't know what I was thinking wearing this ridiculous outfit I kind of know how you feel oh but you were just trying to help me see how silly I was being and you were right besides that gown looks just gorgeous on you I wish I had hadn't ruined it thanks it's nice ain't it it's magnificent wherever did you get it oh it's a one of yours only three gallons of boiling water and 1 oz of detergent St I'm moving to Ponyville being the most interesting Pony in equestra is exhausting I want to leave my exotic exciting life behind and live on a Farm what well that's real nice but I sure hope you weren't thinking of Sweet Apple Acres oh look you're a fine pony but uh well I'm a I think what Apple Jack is trying to say is that there's something unappealing about a pony who changed themselves so much just to impress some pony else if some pony doesn't like you for who you are it's their loss well this is awkward not at all in fact I think I know just how you feel what do you think Rarity is it too late to go back to small town Chic not if I can help it organizing the Ponyville Day celebration was one of the hardest things I have ever done but I learned an important lesson real friends will like you for who you are and changing yourself to impress them is no way to make new ones and when you're as Fabulous As I [Music] Am it's practically a [Music] crime [Music] wow Apple Jack are you sure you've never managed a concert before well it turns out doing up a concert's the same as setting up a rodeo and thanks to Pinky's connections organizing the pony paloa rock concert we've got quiet a lineup for the helping hes Music Festival twil appity Pinkie oh wait that's me everyy what is it Pinky I have the most most amazing news ever it is totally going to break your friend well spill it Pinky it wasn't easy in fact it was terribly difficult but I have managed to book the biggest Pony pop star in all of Equestria as the main attraction of the helping hubs Music Festival Sapphire Shores Sapphire Shores please Sapphire Shores is merely the second biggest Pony pop star in Equestria I have booked the one the only count [Music] col who in the hay is ctis karura my FR has been [Music] freaked My Little Pony My Little Pony my little I used to wonder what friendship could be until you all shared it magic with me Big adventure t of fun A beautiful heart faithful and strong Sharing kindness it's an easy Fe and magic makes it all complete you have do you know you're are my very best [Music] friends Pinkie pack who is this CEST curon I just told you that she's the biggest Pony Pops in Equestria how how how how how have you not heard of her don't know though I did know a g named caller true when I was just a Philly wouldn't it just be the funniest thing of that colatura and this karura were the same colura do you mean to tell me that you actually know ctis Katura well I don't think it's the same Pony since my friend wasn't any sort of high futin countis do you remember her cutie mark sure do it had this super colorful bunch of musical notes that just shimmered in the light you mean let's this well fancy that that there's the very same cutie mark do you have any idea the number of Hoops I had to jump through to get her to perform at the festival a whole lot of Hoops that pony is very demanding no yeah I completely understand we artists require certain Necessities in order to do our best work this was clearly some sort of misunderstanding cuz Rah was just as down home as me R even that big name was too fancy for her so I shortened call her ra chur ra to we had the best time at Camp Friendship R was just so easy going we were like two apples from the same Branch raah ra and I prepared this song for the camp talent show when we performed she belted it out singing in the most colorful clear voice I'd ever heard Equestria the land I love a land of Harmony our flag does wave from high above for Pony kind to see Equestria all land of friends where Pony kind of roam they say true friendship never ends equest on my home after camp we wrote to each other for a bit but then we lost touch but rra always did want to go to Manhattan to try and make it big but a demanding Diva just you wait pinky once rra gets here you'll see she's just a plain old Pony like you and me I don't have to wait she's here [Music] really [Music] ra just callor clear the way step back keep your hubs and Tails to yourselves no that can't be her um hi remember me we met at Camp Friendship I gave you the nickname Rah AJ yeah howdy raah hoovsies o you got hubsy from count as coloratura look she clearly thinks you're very special hoovsies hoovsies hoovsies yeah real special now that's how you make an entrance big bold absolutely stunning though it was muddied a bit with your interaction with that Dusty Farm Pony do you actually know her oh yeah that's my childhood Philly friend AJ she was the one that started calling me R oh yes how cute and common of course I was the one that started calling you CST and just look at how you've moved up in Equestria since then why you've gotten everything you've ever wanted speaking of which where is the pony Pinkie Pie I'm the pony Pinkie Pie Mr manager sir do you have the water imported from Rainbow Falls that I requested for cus coloratura I have 20 glass containers full right here did I not tell you to provide straws in all of ctis color tourist beverages I don't think so but lucky for you I have the biggest straw collection in Equestria I call this straw fernandz [Music] let us confirm that you acquired the rest of the items that count as coloror requested before she performs her run through shall we we shall floral arrangements from the Royal cot Gardens chocolate AC Claires made by Gustav L Grand a selection of crystals from the Crystal Empire freshly picked cherries from Cherry jubilees Farm separated red from yellow absolutely well by by some miracle your requests have been reasonably met so let us move on to rehearsal see Applejack demanding pink is Right Rarity the ra Anu didn't hide behind a veil giving out fake stamped kisses sipping up imported water and needing her cherry separated oh I do understand sometimes it's hard to see our friends change she's become a whole other Pony trust me once you count as coloratura perform you simply won't believe it for the spectacle for the the the Bri and the col I'm not just Pony I think you know the time now [Music] it's and Glam turn it all up it's it [Music] [Applause] [Music] a cing I am turn it on up it's a spectacle here the Applause hit you Pony I am the count Rarity was right I don't believe it oh my shining star thanks to the sparkling costumes dazzling choreography and Brilliant vocal effects that I design your performance was spectacular count as cadura oh thank you Spen Gallop correct me if I'm wrong here but that Beller isn't actually complimenting R he's complimenting all the bells and whistles he's piled on to make her count as Katura oh no no no no no you don't understand Applejack creating all those elements is a lot of work and count as chatur's performance wouldn't exist without them if you ask me that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing oh if we're all done here I'd love to go back to my trailer and rest Sven Gallop actually right now you're scheduled for your Mee and greet with the school ponies I can totally get you out of meeting with the school ponies countz absolutely not my favorite part of any event is meeting with the school ponies the school ponies will be so happy to hear that r Ponyville School Ponies as part of the helping hoofs Music Festival I'm holding a contest where some of you will get a chance to sing with me on stage at the concert tomorrow sound [Applause] fun all right now who wants more hes now that's more like the raw I remember but I got everything you requested that was for ctis coloratura this is for me and what I want is premium oats oh well we have lots of tasty oats right here in Ponyville I would not feed those to a chicken I want top-of-the line appen oats next it appears that we are surrounded by apple trees bring me 500 pre peeed pre-or apples and I want those things in 24 hours but that's impossible do you want me to pull CEST coloratura from your little po dunk ch it show because I will Applejack SP Gallop just made all of these new demands and he said I heard pinky but don't you fret I'll talk to RAR and fix things right up did you see sis did you see is this the little sister you wrote to me about AJ hold on Applejack you wrote to count is color aura about me AJ said you were the best little sister ever at [Music] bloom all right now you best get along Little Ponies uh Hey ra you mind if I talk to you about your manager sure what about him well while you were meeting with the school ponies he was demanding all sorts of stuff from Pinkie Pie Sven gallab works very hard as my manager AJ so if he needs some things when we're on the road I don't see anything wrong wrong with that well do you see something wrong with him telling pinky that if she doesn't get those things by tomorrow he'd pull you from our charity Festival what but he knows how important charity is to me and leaving the festival would completely ruin my image I'm afraid Sven Gallop doesn't give a pickle pipping about your charity work that's not true Sven Gallop has always supported me in all my interests you're just saying those things because you're jealous jealous of what a pony who hides behind a veil so thick she can't see when some is using her no I'm not jealous of that Rah I am not Rah I am CEST Katura and while we may have been friends When We Were Young we have clearly gone in different [Music] directions it just ain't right he's manipulating her and she's just not seeing it enough stewing more ping sorry pinky but there is no way I'm letting that lousy spin Gallop use my friend like [Music] that count this callura WOW AJ you said my real name I said your new name but I saw the real you hanging out with those School ponies yesterday and I know some pony that would prefer if you sto doing those little events not this again come on now you just got to give me a chance to prove what what I'm saying is true and just how are you going to do that do exactly what I say we'll see if that Sven Gallop truly has your best interest at heart Sven Gallop Sven Gallop where are you Sven Gallop here I am did you need something yes I was considering maybe canceling the contest with the school ponies contest this is wonderful I've been waiting forever for you to cancel that pointless School Pony contest you have you do it at every charity event and it does absolutely nothing to promote the CEST coloratura image that I built consider it cancelled pink a pie yes SP Gallop sir we are making some adjustments to the show follow me cancel the contest for the Phillies and schedule me a spa treatment now that I don't have to oversee a rehearsal with those brats I have time for the works you know the drill deliver or the diva ditches your dippy charity okay count as Cura all taken care of you know the drill deliver or the div ditches your dippy car so that's how you've been managing things yeah so what's the problem the problem is is you've been using my name to intimidate ponies to get what you want but I work incredibly hard for you I deserve everything I get but not because you scare ponies into thinking I won't perform for their Charities otherwise I would never do that to my fans which is why you should have known that I would never cancel the school ponies contest H all this charity and school Pony contest nonsense is just remnants of that boring little raah I met back in Manhattan you clearly don't understand the real me that's a joke I made you some pony what can you even do without me Good Luck count as coloratura good luck oh rah I'm so sorry are you going to be okay for the spert tonight of course after all the show must go on oh my gosh Rarity Sven Galla's right this is going to be a disaster I'm going to be terrible can you give us a minute Rarity certainly now why is it going to be so terrible because Sven Gallop was in charge of everything the lights the visuals the sound without Sven Gallop I have nothing now now don't go getting yourself into a tizzy there r Sven Gallop turned you into CEST karura and acted like your friend so we can enjoy the perks that came with being a star but the real perk of friendship is getting to see your friend being true to their self and Rah when you're simply yourself you're the brightest star I've ever seen [Music] shine good evening every pony welcome to opening night of the helping hubs music f Festival now it is my great honor to introduce you to our headlining act Countess coloratura this song may be familiar but yet it's totally different kind of like me [Music] rah [Music] I'm here to show you who I am throw off the veil it's finally time there's more to me then Glitz and Glam oh and now I feel my stars alive for I had believed what I was so I did all the things that I was told but all that has changed and now I'm bold cuz I know that I am just a bonny I make mistakes from time to time but now I know the real me and put my heart out on the line and let the Magic in my heart stay true wo and let the Magic in my heart stay true o wo just like the magic inside of you and now I see those colors right before my eyes I hear my voice so clearly and I know that it is right I thought I was weak but I am strong they sold me the world but they were wrong and now that I'm back I still belong cuz I know I am just a me I make mistakes from time to time now I know the real me and put my heart out on the line and let the Magic in my heart stay [Music] [Applause] true and the magic in my heart St [Music] true just like the magic inside of you just like the magic [Applause] inside thank you every pony when I arrived at the helping Hooves Music Festival I had forgotten who I really was but then an old friend reminded me what real friendship is about and she told me that if I was true to my myself I couldn't go wrong so I have a very special surprise for her Apple Bloom Sweetie Bell Scootaloo come on up [Music] Equestria love a land of Harmony our flag does wave from high above for Pony kind to see Equestria a land of friends Pon kind Ro they say true Friendship Never Ends equestri of my [Applause] [Music] home
Channel: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Views: 1,154,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Canterlot Wedding, Equestria Girls, MLP, My Little Pony, Twilight Sparkle, equestria girls full movie, equestria girls song, kids, little pony, mlp a canterlot wedding, mlp equestria girls, mlp pony life, mlp season 9, mlp songs, mlpstopmotion, my little pony equestria girl, my little pony equestria girls, my little pony full episode, my little pony season 9, my little pony song, my little pony songs, my little pony theme song, my little pony toys, pony, pony life, toys
Id: FyFV6Rye7Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 42sec (7782 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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