My Little Pony | Celestia And Luna‘s Vacation (Between Dark and Dawn) | MLP: FiM

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well i hope you're enjoying yourself on your super relaxing picnic sister i would be if you hadn't made us hike through a million brick bushes well they hurt less than that horrible howling you dragged us to that was poneriachi and it's an opera and you made us leave early even though it was still my turn oh just face it luna you are never happy because you don't want me to be happy i always have to do things your way i bet you wish i'd never come back so you could still rule day and night oh you think i like that kind of pressure being responsible for every little thing in equestria and you what i'd like is a sister i can depend on you mean boss around calm down luna no and don't you dare use your canterlot voice on me i think this adventure would be better if i get it by myself fine i just remembered something i forgot i always wanted to do be alone guess we have the same thing on both of our lists then [Music] [Music] binky you got those appetizers yet [Music] so we're just going to have to do a sequins um sorry for the bad news but the courtyard is full of swans waiting to get in and we're nowhere near ready how does celestia luna rule a kingdom and get all this done by themselves every year [Laughter] oh how droll uh what's the funny part exactly the princesses never do all the ceremony planning by themselves they don't oh goodness no that's what the gala planning committees are for no pony could handle all this [Music] oh those sequins still rude oh new plan everypony we're going to delegate you [Music] tell the ponies at the gates that there's a slight delay on the gala oh um if it's not too much trouble i mean now who can we get to clean up all this garbage [Music] so this is how you rule equestria [Music] things are so much more relaxing without my bossy sister [Music] who needs a gloomy sister moping around all the time anyway [Music] honestly princess didn't you wear any sunblock that's a thing celestia would have warned me if she were here [Music] now was it two left turns and a right or two right turns and a left always handle directions [Music] oh i thought climbing mount phillymanjaro was on my list i'm not copying you i just wanted to watch the sunrise ah i'm uh here for the moonset what let's hope silverstream found a good place to hide there could be hundreds more cockatrices on the way if this really is a migration it'll take a full lunar cycle to complete oh i have to get word back to our parents that silver stream could be surrounded by those terrifying birds and as handsome as mudfire is now we should probably catch one of them to turn him back to normal ugh this is all my fault i'm never taking time off for my counseling duties again that seems a little extreme really if i hadn't galloped off to a holiday celebration silver stream would be safe with her family and you'd all be enjoying matt's party instead my student is missing we're surrounded by a flock of petrifying chicken snakes and mon's boyfriend was turned into a hunk of rock you got the hunk part right and to top it off we have no idea if silver stream even came to ever free at all but i have no idea where else to look has that always been there what oh that's the student's tree house apparently it grew from the tree of harmony and of course that should have been the first place we looked [Music] silver stream lookout [Music] this is edith she's helping me with my project i don't understand after you encouraged me to solve my own problem i decided to get my project done before i left that way i could really focus on my family during my visit the school was closed so i came here why didn't you tell anyone mom and dad are worried sick oh no i'm so sorry once edith volunteered to help i guess i lost track of time cockatrices are really friendly if you know how to interact with them i can't believe you figured out how to trigger her nesting response they are really fascinating creatures did you know that they migrate to the eberfee forest once a year can you imagine what would happen if you stumbled on a whole flock of these i have a few ideas oh i'm sorry you got turned to stone looking for me but i'm glad edith was able to turn you back how do you tell the difference i have mixed feelings about it technically i will always be a stick pony but the experience has given me an even deeper appreciation for the density and permanence of rock swoon silver stream and i should get going but i wanted to thank you for everything you did to help find her i just wish i hadn't abandoned her in the first place starlight you didn't abandon her i might as well have and even though it turned out all right things could have been a lot worse you can't be expected to supervise your students every second of every day i'm not so sure i like that you're always available but it kind of makes it okay to come to you with stuff that maybe isn't super important of course being a school counselor is a big responsibility but always being at work isn't fair to any pony especially me do you think if i had set times to see me it might help you decide what you really need to talk about to be honest you really weren't very helpful with the other stuff anyway yeah wait what happy spring soulstastic everypony who wants a piece of mrs cake's famous petrified dessert you had me at petrified on this potion please depend any separation mend friends together till the end we just gotta dab a little on our hooves sounds perfect right better than perfect [Music] is something supposed to happen [Music] is this something that's supposed to happen the book didn't really say thanks for trying apple bloom but i might as well face it i'm gonna have to leave ponyville don't give up scootaloo this just gave me an even better idea how to keep you here come on maybe we'd better see zecora about fixing this first [Music] we're running out of time [Music] this has to work scootaloo i know you're having fun with your friends but we need to get all our things to the station we can't miss tomorrow's train it's the only one for a month then you'll just have to go without me i'm staying with the we cmc's chained to this post and nothing and no pony is gonna move us no matter what we just sold the house scoot i know this is hard to accept but just it's more than hard it's not fair you're making me pick between my family and my friends oh scootaloo moving away won't stop you three from caring about each other why don't you sleep over with sweetie belle and applebloom tonight it'll give you a chance to say a real goodbye but i don't want to say goodbye you're changing my whole life without even asking how i feel [Music] [Music] where are you going to stay with my aunts you heard my parents there is another train to shirelanka for a month if i'm not on it they'll have to go without me then we're coming with you are you sure i don't want to get you in trouble rarity won't be mad applejack neither i bet you do the same thing for her friends you're the best you know that we're the best together [Music] scootaloo what a nice surprise and i've got a surprise for you you three inspired me to finish my quilt see it's cutie mark crusader themed we love hearing stories about all the ponies you've helped so lofty decided to celebrate the special job you three do it's still a work in progress it's not your quilt we're sad about auntie lofty mom and dad are back and they're making me move to shirelanka with them snapping mine a bag they didn't tell me that oh i think the male pony delivered your letter to my house i love my family but i love being with my friends too i don't want to have to choose well then why don't your parents just stay in ponyville their job is too important that's it is this another potion idea no scootaloo's parents are the only ponies in equestria that can do what they do right right good friend reminded me that i can make anything i care about totally awesome so from now on i'm gonna give this thing 120 and i expect the same from you we are gonna dance we are gonna cheer we're gonna make the biggest pony pyramid equestria's ever seen and when we're done we're gonna make sure everypony on that field is so pumped up they'll forget they even came to see a game yeah but not so pumped up that they forget to buy a penny or a button or a quality souvenir t-shirt [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i realize the game of black ball traditionally requires an earth pony a pegasus and a unicorn but i appreciate you allowing my students to compete of course and the wings and magical dampening ring you made seem to be working really well indeed though not as well as your team the suspense is horrible i'm the most nervous i've ever been i'm not saying something i know how you feel don't worry celestia's team might be tough but we can still win this thing what oh yeah totally but i wasn't talking about the game [Music] and that's the end of the first half yeah sorry can't talk right now i sure hope dash being nervous is a good sign [Music] over and over again we'll cheer for our team till the very end [Applause] if you're feeling hips we're here to cheer and get you all excited if you'd like to join in then you're all invited it's a simple cheer so don't chime in later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not bad right [Applause] [Music] i quite enjoyed our day together spike yeah hi spike uh-huh hmm i've never seen spike this sad before do you know what happened hmm yes well perhaps he's still just tired from power pony palooza i don't think that's it i suppose it's possible it could have something to do with you not wanting to spend time with him anymore what i thought the two of them were hanging out all the time they were honestly it took everything i had to convince him to spend any time with me at all but between crystal gem crevasses power pony conventions and a marathon game of oh and oh i managed to get some time in it sounds like you made sure he didn't have any time to spend with gabby at all what i certainly did not well i suppose i may have monopolized him a teeny bit ah i've just grown so used to having spiky wiki around i wasn't prepared for how much i'd miss him when he wasn't friendships change but just because spike made a new friend doesn't mean he stops being yours i know but now i have to share him which i suppose i'll have to get used to right after i fix this mess i've made good talk rarity is all this stuff for spike again wouldn't it be easier to just give it to him and why are you even here i am here to apologize actually more to confess and all of this stuff isn't for spike it's the evidence against me evidence for what for my acts of utter selfishness i don't understand these are the items i use to lure spike into spending as much time with me as possible they are you did rarity what are you doing well obviously i'm apologizing to gabby so the two of you can renew your friendship spike now please even if you can't forgive me you simply must forgive spike oh i actually owe you an apology too you apologize a lot i wish i didn't need to but the more time you two spent together the more i missed my time with spike and the more i used every means at my disposal to get it back i am truly sorry you really miss spending time with me of course i have to say after not hanging out with you i understand why you're kind of awesome and i know what it's like to miss that now too so do you think maybe we could start hanging out again absolutely i don't suppose you'd like some company on your rounds right now i sure would wonderful i can't tell you how pleased i am that the two of you have reconciled i suppose twilight is right friendships do change [Music] of course mike and i will always be friends and i can get used to sharing him sorry i just didn't want to drop another one and wake the bats darling catching the gems is what the basket is for wow you two need to be a lot quieter spike how wonderful to see you yeah gabby and i had a great day but i'll always still want my rarity time [Music] so that's how it works [Music] now all together you again [Music] if i wanted to play games i would get out my pinata deck [Music] rainbow dash i'm gonna need the deluxe spa package after this adventure that doesn't leave this temple [Music] that's it i'm quitting the hench pony business to finally follow my dreams of becoming an opera star uh maybe you should hold this you cannot hide in there forever it's a dead end [Laughter] now we soda won't give up until he catches us i think our problem is the solution uh did you forget there's a monster out there that wants to crush us but why no pony ever asked owie zola what his side of the story is he must have a reason for being so upset or maybe he's just a bad guy do i need to remind you he tried to squash deering do like a hundred times miss well i was so scared i had to change my ascot yes curse this truth teller understanding begins with listening ah prepare to meet your doom um not really just here to ask why are you chasing us mr owie zola well the thing is i'm in charge of protecting this jungle if another artifact goes missing on my watch i'm going to be in so much trouble with the other guardian creatures oh that sounds like a lot of responsibility it is and those two have taken so many relics from my land my job is on the line so maybe i am a little violent and ferocious can you blame me the only reason i've been taking the artifacts is because i thought i was protecting them i was stealing them together but i never realized you had a noble cause i thought you were just being a monster huh i get that a lot maybe there is something to this whole listening to every pony thing it doesn't always mean they're telling the truth but every creature deserves kindness true and because you returned the talisman and took the time to understand me i will let you all go all one condition you swear to never steal artifacts from the tenochtitlan basin again i promise i'll even write that in my next book your next book you mean you're actually a.k.a yelling don't tell anypony gives me an idea hey what's going on i thought your first co-written novel would bring out a ton of fans we've been upstaged by a new author and so the noble arizona will bravely toil day and night to protect the jungle's precious artifacts here it comes i know how i used to react but i really have changed panicking won't solve anything but we can handle whatever problems come our way as long as we handle them together spoken like a true leader how can we help i love a good to-do list so tell me exactly what happened so we can figure out exactly what to do to fix it [Music] huh [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] this celebration has always been a reminder not to fear the night for there is always a new day to look forward to but as we look towards equestria's future i am sad to say that today will be the last summer sun celebration because there is something even more important to celebrate there are two ponies who have watched over us night and day for as long as we can remember we will no longer commemorate their battle or their reunion instead we will take this day to celebrate how much they mean to all of us from this day forward today will be known as the festival of the two sisters [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm just glad we pulled it off about that we just wanted to say we're real sorry you did tell us you changed as your friends we should have trusted you next time you say you're not gonna freak out we'll believe you good because i'm sure there's gonna be plenty of things i'll need my best friend's help with [Music] you know it really does seem like you just might be ready for whatever comes next your majesty so did you find what you're looking for once again i found success where you all find failure i have located what i sought and tomorrow i will set out to retrieve it when i return equestria will finally be hours for the taking oh stop pouting you knew you couldn't stay that buff you had to return all the life force to those earth ponies so kroger doesn't suspect anything i don't have to like it [Music]
Channel: My Little Pony Official
Views: 4,960,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Little Pony, MLP, Equestria Girls, my little pony song, my little pony full episode, my little pony equestria girl, pony, mlp equestria girls, equestria girls song, my little pony equestria girls, little pony, my little pony songs, mlp songs, my little pony season 9, mlp season 9, Twilight Sparkle, equestria girls full movie, my little pony theme song, my little pony toys, kids, toys, cartoon, pony life, mlp pony life, Between Dark and Dawn, vacation, mlp vacation
Id: C0niBJSlO58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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